My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 375 Explosive Genius

Another day passed.

Nothing happened.

The delay in the arrival of Team Rocket made Kashiwagi dare not leave Meteor Village. When he blew the whistle, others became serious and serious, patrolling and vigilant.

As a result, when no one came for a long time, he slapped his ass and left, which was a bit unreasonable to be honest.

So I had no choice but to continue to stay in Meteor Village.

The Elder Dragon seemed to be happy to see this scene, and asked him to live in peace without any burden. The people of Meteor always help each other, and staying overnight for a few days is nothing more than a trivial matter.

"The money spent on renting a house is wasted."

Kashiwagi thought of the house in Akiye Town. He had paid the rent for almost a week... He could only say that luckily he didn't leave anything behind. "Forget it, let's start the simulation."

He huddled in the sofa and looked at the simulator.

Now, he has almost been able to shorten the simulation time that originally took seven days to cool down once every seven days to five days. After the last double-blue simulation of the Green Town musician, the time for blue talent has arrived again.

During this period, three ordinary simulations contributed to him a level 7 improvement limited to lv.50 or below. The reason is that one of them was very lucky to reach the top 16. Unfortunately, the other two were not very good, and one of them failed to break through in the preliminaries. , a strong sixty-four.

In terms of moves, the three simulations contributed [Flame Jet], [Seduction] and [Provocation] respectively.

[Spray Flame] was decisively given to Boscodora, because compared to the three evil dragons with better talents, it learns new moves much slower. On the contrary, the latter can rely on Boss Cordora to realize the jet flame... and even the big character explosion flame.

[Provocation] I’m staying for now, I’m not sure whether I want to give it to Boscodora or the three evil dragons, but it’s most likely to be the latter.

[Temptation] After discussing with Big Mouth Baby, they unanimously decided to leave it to the heterochromatic ugly fish.

Best as a small gift to break through Longmen Waterfall.

The Big Mouth Baby itself doesn't really need this. It relies on dancing to win. It doesn't need to rely on this kind of external force. It's even more powerful when fighting. Maybe it still has the flavor of an amplified tool.

But after Kashiwagi gets the keystone, he will become a downright violent output.

Using temptation is a bit of a waste of time and energy, so it's better to use the baton to end the game earlier.

"Come on, new simulation."

After sorting out the harvest, he tapped in the void.

【Choose your birthplace▽】

The regions of the first six generations have been rotated, and next is a very special region-Alola.

Why is it special?

Because in the anime, its first Pokémon League will be held under the leadership of Dr. Kukui after Ash arrives in Alola, which means that unless the simulator predicts the future, there will be no league conference.

How to calculate rewards without alliance conference?

Kashiwagi was curious.

Click on Gender.

Since the musician is a male, it is naturally a woman’s turn this time. But what female NPCs are there in the Alola region... Big Sister in Bikini?

Wouldn't she be the queen of the island?

Without the shackles of the Alliance Conference, it always feels like anything is possible... I hope it's not a female member of the Skeleton Team or a female employee of the Aether Foundation.

Click on the Pokémon column.

"Eh? Mumu Xiao?"

Kashiwagi looked at this Pokémon with some surprise. The three families are not common in the simulator. Although it does not represent the final result, it can at least prove that the simulated subject is a "serious person."

good sign!

He silently clicked on the talent.

Fixed talents:

[☆Three-word mantra: (Stand up, hold on, and run away)]

Optional talents:

[Hot-blooded boy (always positive attitude)]

[Looking comes from the heart (more attractive to Pokémon)]

[Frail and sickly (health level is not optimistic)]

[Kind-hearted (willing to help others)]

Does Mumuxiao still know the three-character mantra at the beginning?

It's a pity that a woman was chosen. Kashiwagi really guessed that the person simulated this time was Ash who came to the Alola region, and he also had great expectations that it was Ash.

After all, Ash Alola won the championship!

It’s impossible to suddenly give him a whole parallel world of sophons, right?

it's a pity.

Kashiwagi sighed softly and chose the kind-hearted and... passionate boy.

Of course it's good to be born from the heart, but the hot-blooded boy, Yu Sanjia and the three-character mantra are a perfect match, aren't they? So even if he was cheated, he was still willing to give the hot-blooded boy a chance.

He may not become a brainless boy again. Looking at the introduction, it clearly states that "the mentality is always positive."

This element is very important.

He clicked the simulation to start.

The familiar light screen unfolded quickly.


【Simulation starts】

It still has a simple pixel style picture, and there is no change even in the seventh generation.

The background is a dark night.

A large building composed of many cake-like houses relies on a big tree and is located on the seaside.

Although the appearance is a bit abstract, it is not difficult to tell from the oval playground and other buildings next to it that this should be the trainer school on Melemele Island.

It is also the school that Xiaozhi goes to in the animation.

Eyes drawn in.

Arriving in the corridor of the school, a little person dressed as a female student was walking forward with a flashlight, looking a little trepidatious.

[When you were eleven years old, you made a bet with your classmates to reveal the true nature of the monster infestation on campus, but in fact you felt very uncomfortable because your good partner Mumu Xiao disappeared again]

Good guy.

It seems that this is the protagonist of the simulation.

But what about the hot-blooded girl we promised? A timid girl is more or less the same.

Kashiwagi's eyes followed the female student, and he felt that regardless of whether there were monsters or not, even if a ghost-type Pokémon appeared randomly, it would scare her half to death.

But the simulator's lens suddenly zoomed out.

The screen showed two white shadows squatting at the stairwell where the female students were about to pass, flickering like ghosts.


Is there really a ghost?

Kashiwagi's eyes widened, and he immediately saw the narrator jumping out.

[What you don’t know is that your classmates have already pretended to be ghosts and are waiting for you in the corner of the stairs]

After doing it for a long time, he was still a human being.

The female student at the other end continued to stumble forward, flashlight flashing back and forth throughout the corridor, making the surrounding area dim and bright, making it very doubtful whether she could see clearly.

And finally.

After a relatively long move, the female student came to the corner of the stairs.

The two fake ghosts who had been waiting for a long time immediately pounced on him, squirming in strange ways, and two exploding white bubbles appeared on their foreheads.

The female student stood there as if she was stupid.

But just when Kashiwagi thought that the female student might faint from fright and even pee her pants, a bubble suddenly appeared on her head. Inside the bubble was an excited soybean expression with loving eyes.

Kashiwagi: "?"

Two ghosts: "!"

Immediately, I saw two white ghosts in the picture suddenly turned around and ran away, with the female students chasing after them wildly.

[You successfully discovered the real ghost, and you chased it with great excitement, thinking that your disguise had really taken the bait, and you tried to capture the ghost alive to show your classmates that ghosts really existed in this world]

It turns out it was all just an act!

The grandma's steps and the Gatling-style strafing machine are all illusions made to paralyze the "ghost"!

Kashiwagi watched the fake ghost and the female student running in the light screen, running up and down the strange cake-shaped teaching building. In desperation, the two fake ghosts began to run away separately.

[You see the ghosts running away separately. After a moment of hesitation, you choose the bigger one because it runs slower and you yourself are not fast either]

The female student is still chasing, but you can see that the expression in the bubble on her head has changed from excitement to discomfort. It is obvious that her physical strength can no longer hold on.


She stopped and started gasping for air.

The fake ghost not far away also chose to stop. He was obviously also very tired. The cloth on his body was probably soaked with sweat by now, but it was too dark to see it.

[Looking at the ghost so close, you deeply regret your lack of physical strength, and also regret why Mu Mu Xiao is not around]

The female student took another step, and the fake ghost was so frightened that a burst of strength appeared from nowhere and ran away like a whirlwind. And she took two symbolic steps and stopped in place.

[You look at the disappearing ghost and feel extremely regretful. You wish you had brought a camera to take a picture of it, but unfortunately this time you were not prepared enough. But the actual discovery of ghosts still makes you extremely excited]

In the lower right corner of the screen, two fake ghosts can be seen escaping the school in a hurry.

The female student rested for a while and was still looking for the ghost who didn't know where to go. Unfortunately, no matter how she pretended or wandered around, she couldn't find the whereabouts of the ghost.

Seeing the female student wandering around the school without using a flashlight, Kashiwagi felt an unknown premonition in his heart.

And it soon came true.

He saw the female student suddenly stop at the door of a classroom, and then the camera moved, and the scene inside the classroom was revealed to his eyes——

In front of a certain desk, a white shadow sat, holding a tattered Pikachu doll in his hand.


Real ghost!

Kashiwagi was horrified, those two fake ghosts had escaped!

In the picture, the female student was still not surprised but overjoyed when she saw the ghost, and she ran into the classroom quickly, she was so brave that she risked her life.

[When you saw the ghost appear, you approached it with great excitement, but the other party seemed to dislike you. Instead of running away, he screamed and rushed over to you]

I saw Bai Ying suddenly turn into a huge white ghost, and even the pixel style core can see its distorted face.

The female student stopped, took out a ball from her pocket and threw it over without any panic.


A ball of fire exploded between the two, which stunned both Li Gui and Kashiwagi, especially the former who was frightened by the sound, light and heat and immediately saw another ball being thrown over.


Another ball of fire!

Now the ghost was frightened. Just like the two fake ghosts before, he turned around and ran to the window, not forgetting to take away the old Pikachu doll on the table.

Nest grass? Explosive genius! ? Where's the security guard? Where is the security guard? Someone bombed the school!

Kashiwagi complained crazily. He didn't expect that in addition to his stepdaughter student's overwhelming courage, he could also see that this guy had the courage to rely on him. Unfortunately, real ghosts are different from fake ghosts.

One can't go through walls but the other can not only go through walls, but can also fly!

The female student chased to the window and looked at the ghost that seemed to be flying away. The bubble on her head suddenly burst and three words popped out——

"Mumu Xiao!" ! ! 』

[You saw that the scallion duck in your hand was about to fly, and you quickly called your good partner]

The moment the sound came out, Kashiwagi saw a "meteor" suddenly fly from the corner and crash into the ghost who was trying to escape.


The ghost was actually hit by a "meteor" and crashed, and when it revealed its true identity, who else could it be if it wasn't Mu Mu Xiao?

The female student by the window saw the ghost being hit and hurriedly jumped from the second floor.

Fortunately, Mumu Xiao quickly flew over after seeing it, grabbed the female student's hand, and used her doll-sized body to desperately flap her wings to barely slow down the force of her fall.

This caused the female student to roll around and land smoothly.

"Another... reckless man..."

Kashiwagi secretly smacked his tongue. After the miniskirt, another female character who is very good at playing has appeared. Is there any buff added by turning into a group of students?

[You quickly ran towards the fallen ghost, but when you saw the other person’s true form clearly, you were quite surprised]

In the picture, the female student came to the "ghost" and found that after the white gas outside dispersed, what was revealed was the figure of a Mimikyu.

It dragged the ruined Pikachu doll and seemed to be quite afraid of the female students.

The bubbles on his forehead kept showing a cowering expression.

"It's me, I'm afraid too."

Kashiwagi strongly agrees with Mimikyu.

But I didn't expect that this was actually a fake ghost again...even if it was a real ghost on some level.

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