My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 373 Longmen Waterfall

The ancient and mysterious village sleeps quietly in front of you.

There were not a few bird Pokémon flying in the sky, only the whine of the wind blowing through the valley, like the whistle of history.

"Didn't anyone protest against moving out?"

Kashiwagi turned around and asked Jinya.

"There should be some. I was just born back then and don't remember these things." Zhenya thought for a moment, "But my mother told me that if the elders weren't senior enough, everyone would have wanted to remove the elders."

"But you still chose to leave in the end?"

"Judging from the current situation, it is like this. In order to strengthen communication with the outside world and not disturb the dragons living in the dragon's nest, we moved outside and established Meteor Village."

Jinya whispered: "But this has also become our ancestral land. We come here every time during the New Year or the Meteor Festival."

"Meteor Festival?"

"Well, the Meteor Festival is an annual gathering for the Meteor People to gather their tribesmen. At that time, all the dragon trainers and Meteor People from all over the world will come back. This year's Meteor Festival is not far away. Remember to come. It's very important. of."


Kashiwagi got the exact time from Jinya and agreed.


The guardians of this ancestral land are not humans, but several dragon-type Pokémon. Zhenya said that they are the patron saints of the people of Meteor, protecting this place where their ancestors sleep from intrusion.

Later, Zhenya took him to visit the former's original home, which he heard from his parents, and found the residence of his dragon tamer ancestor.

Kashiwagi pointed at himself, "My home?"

"your home."

Jinya nodded with great certainty.

After a slight hesitation, he saw that the door was unlocked and gently pushed it open.


The door, which had been in disrepair for a long time, made a strange and piercing sound, which seemed extremely loud in the silent valley, but luckily it did not fall down.

Kashiwagi glanced at the dust inside, turned to look at the somewhat disgusted Big Mouth Child, and said thoughtfully: "How about you wait for me here?"


Big Mouth Boy shook his head and used electromagnetic levitation to make himself fly, so that he didn't have to be afraid of dust.

He twitched his lips and started walking around the dilapidated house.

When the people of Meteor hadn't moved, there might have been someone here to help clean it up, but now that the whole family has moved, this place is no different from a dilapidated and dilapidated building.

Houses that are not popular tend to get old quickly.

He turned around a little and found that it was completely empty. There was nothing there, not furniture or anything else... but there were a few rotten screens.

"Hmm... If you have a chance in the future, why don't you come and renovate it?"

Kashiwagi stood in front of the door and whispered softly.

Although he would definitely not come to live there, his current identity and even the keystone of his future were at least under the shadow of his predecessors. No matter what, the ancestral home had to be restored, and it was not like he was short of money.

But no workers would come to a place like this, right?

never mind.

There is ample time.

There must be a way.

Kashiwagi silently withdrew his gaze, and not far away, Zhengya came over with Pengpeng and Lianzuo, "Hey! They didn't find anything either!"

Meteor Falls is actually very, very big. The road they just walked and the area they passed can only be considered a small part, so just three people basically don't want to take care of every place.

The purpose of the village protection team itself was just to guard the ancestral land.

"We have to squat here until dinner at night. We have seen the Ancestral Land and Dragon's Nest. If you feel bored, go back first. The guardian gods all know you, and no wild dragon-type Pokémon will attack you. "

Zhenya said rather bitterly, and handed over the elf ball containing the desert dragonfly.

"Well, I'm very interested in that Longmen Waterfall. I want to go there and have a look."

Kashiwagi took the elf ball and waved goodbye to the three heroes of the village protection team.

Get into the tunnel.

He walked back along the path in his memory, wondering in which corner the Thunder Guild was squatting, waiting for Team Rocket to take the bait, and whether Daigo was sleeping or had already reached Meteor Falls.

Although so many people were already guarding the Rockets, he still felt a little unsafe.

Sixth sense?

Maybe it’s the phobia of not being prepared enough.

Kashiwagi knew that he was a guy who would not dare to take action before he had collected enough information.

Half an hour later.

He returned to Longmen Waterfall. There were still a large number of Magikarp wandering in the shimmering blue river. At the same time, there were also many Magikarp falling or jumping in the waterfall, trying to break through this shackles.

"It's your time to show off!"

Kashiwagi opened the elf ball, and the heterochromatic ugly fish fell into the river with a pop, and then he was startled by the large number of carp kings around him.


It quickly spit out a series of water bubbles.

Fortunately, the trainer put his big hand on its head in time and said, "Don't be afraid."

The heterochromatic ugly fish turned around, and Baimu and Dazuiwa immediately came into view, and the uneasiness in its heart suddenly weakened.

"They will most likely not attack you, because they are all waiting to climb that waterfall." Kashiwagi pointed at Longmen Falls. Even from a human perspective, this waterfall is big enough.

To the heterochromatic ugly fish, this waterfall is like a natural chasm, and it seems as if there is no end to it at a glance.


It looked around and saw that the carp kings did not attack it, or even didn't care about it at all, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, the heterochromatic ugly fish looked at the trainer with some confusion. Its slowness was reflected in the fact that even though it was so obvious in front of it, it could not understand the meaning of what the trainer said.

Kashiwagi patiently said: "This waterfall is called Longmen Falls. It is said that all the carp kings who can climb to the top and swim into the next river are regarded as the best ones who will definitely evolve into Gyarados, so I also want you to try it. Give it a try.”


The heterochromatic Ugly Fish looks confused. It shouldn't be able to evolve into Gyarados, right?

Kashiwagi smiled and said: "Of course you can't evolve into Gyarados, but the principle is the same. As long as you can climb this waterfall, evolving into Menas is nothing to you.

"Remember what I once said? You have to be confident. You are no different from other Pokémon. You are even more unique. The different colors are doomed to have an extraordinary future. This waterfall is just your journey. It’s just a small step, I hope you can bravely cross it!”

He spoke very slowly, because the heterochromatic ugly fish's understanding ability is not very good. But as the meaning was conveyed, the expression of the heterochromatic ugly fish also became firm.


It spit out a huge bubble to express its determination to the trainer.

That's right!

He must cross this small step and take the next step towards a wider water area. Since he has decided that he no longer wants to stay in the water tank and just watch, he must take practical actions!

Go against the current! Go against the current!

"Go!" Kashiwagi saw the steadfast eyes of the ugly fish, and smiled and waved with great relief, "Big Mouth Baby and I will always be here to watch you!"


Big Mouth Boy nodded seriously.


The heterochromatic ugly fish spit out a small bubble, turned around and swam towards the waterfall.

I don’t know why, but the Magikarp who were originally crowded as if they were trying to climb a waterfall saw it approaching and actually gave up their positions.

And this time.

The heterochromatic Ugly Fish discovered that these guys were not actually lining up, they were just watching the few Magikarp climbing back and forth up the waterfall.

Like an audience in a pantomime, silent.

Even though the scales of those few Magikarp were broken and dripping with blood while climbing the waterfall.

The fish felt a little nervous as it was being watched by many eyes. When it was brought to the waterfall, it was discovered that the waterfall that was already high enough seemed to have become taller again.

It was so high that the top could not be seen at a glance, and it carried a terrifying aura that made it afraid to get close.

Look at the miserable appearance of those Carp Kings.

The heterochromatic ugly fish retreated in its heart——

"One step! Take the first step! It doesn't matter if you fail, the important thing is to take the first step!"

The trainer's shout suddenly came from a distance.

The heterochromatic Ugly Fish looked sideways and saw Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa both looking at him with thumbs up, "Go ahead! Ugly Fish! Don't lose to a small waterfall!"


The heterochromatic ugly fish turned its head silently.

If you say something like "I can't do it, I don't want to" at this time, even if the trainer and companions forgive me, it will not forgive itself.

Climb it.

There is no second way to go!

The heterochromatic ugly fish suddenly swung its tail fin and rushed towards the towering waterfall!

not far away.

Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa, who noticed that it was moving, both clenched their fists and followed the strange-colored ugly fish rushing up the waterfall with their eyes, constantly cheering for it in their hearts.

If they weren't afraid of burdening the heterochromatic ugly fish, they might have shouted out.

When trying to climb the waterfall for the first time, the fish broke through the water like water bullets and rushed upward with all its strength. It used the greatest strength in its life to try to move forward bit by bit.

But climbing a waterfall requires a lot of effort. If the first breath is released, even if the second breath catches up immediately, it may not be able to move forward at all.

The first time the heterochromatic ugly fish jumped over the dragon gate ended when it let out its first breath. It looked at the top that was still out of reach, and its body was extremely weak and fell -


Water splashes.

It floated up from the bottom of the water in despair. Is this the only extent of its own efforts...

"That's great! Don't panic! You've already swam halfway!" Kashiwagi's voice came again, "Trust me! This is not your limit! And this is only the first time! Let's do it again!"


Big Mouth Baby's voice then reached the ears of the ugly fish.

It looked at its trainer and companions who were still cheering for it, with no trace of disappointment on their faces, and plucked up the courage to launch a second charge!

Come again!

Unfortunately, it's not that easy to explode.

The second time the heterochromatic Ugly Fish was still unsuccessful, I even felt that this time was not as good as last time.

But the trainer shouted: "Very good! It's higher than last time! Don't be afraid! We are making progress little by little! Let's do it again!"


Higher than last time?

The heterochromatic ugly fish instinctively chose to trust its trainer and companions. After realizing that it had made progress, it launched its third charge!

After a few seconds.


It fell again.

"This time it's not as high as last time! But it doesn't matter! Your waterfall climbing posture is getting more and more standard! Once you become proficient, nothing will be a problem! Let's do it again!"

The trainer's voice sounded for the third time.

The heterochromatic ugly fish still chose to trust and launched the fourth time.

"Come on! It feels great this time!"

Again for the fifth time.

"Next time, go a little toward the center! That's the best location! Master the technique and this waterfall will be easy for you!"

The sixth time...the seventh time...

Rushing up again and again, falling again and again.

The heterochromatic ugly fish went from being relaxed at the beginning to being tired later, and its body went from being sore and numb at the beginning to being in pain, and its scales seemed to be about to split.

But more than the fatigue and pain, what made it more sad was the fact that it was extremely powerless.

At this point, even the slow-witted heterochromatic ugly fish understands that the trainer and Big Mouth Baby have been comforting it. In fact, it has not made any progress at all, but is getting worse and worse.

Maybe I swam half of it at first, but now I think a quarter is gone.

Is it really capable of jumping over it? Can it really defeat this waterfall and move towards a new starting point?

The difference between the assumption and the reality is too big.

The heterochromatic ugly fish thought that it was not afraid of anything, but in the end it discovered that it was actually still the same person and had never changed.

Do you think that by being around a group of strong people, you will also be a strong person? Can you talk big?


My weak and ugly nature has never changed.

Listening to the encouragement from the trainer and Big Mouth Baby.

It fell again.

At this moment.

The heterochromatic ugly fish was so tired that it was almost unwilling to swim. With its eyes closed, it could feel that the eyes of the carp kings around it turned into mockery and ridicule.

It seems to be saying that even we don't dare to challenge you. Who do you think you dare to boast about taking this step?

The more you jump, the worse it gets, which is proof!

Why? Why?

So tired.

too tired.

I don’t want to continue anymore…


The extremely tired heterochromatic ugly fish slowly closed its eyes and dimly saw a figure jumping into the river, quickly swam to it and picked it up.

It vaguely saw the other person's face - it was the trainer.

The next moment, the heterochromatic ugly fish completely fainted.



The heterochromatic ugly fish suddenly woke up and looked around confusedly. He found that he was in a familiar fish tank, surrounded by rooms in Meteor Village. His familiar companions were doing their own things.

Was everything just now...all a dream?


woke up?

Boscodora's big face appeared in front of it and explained the current situation to it.

Only then did the heterochromatic ugly fish realize that everything just now was not a dream. It really went to Longmen Waterfall to challenge, and failed again and again, disappointing its trainer again and again.

Thinking of this, it spat out a bubble sadly.

Nothing makes it sadder than failing to live up to the expectations of its trainer and companions.

The trainer probably doesn’t want to see it either, right?

Seeing the appearance of the heterochromatic ugly fish, Boscodora growled to comfort him, "Goo ho~"

It's just the first day, it's no big deal. From now on, you will gradually improve and one day you will be able to successfully climb that waterfall.


The heterochromatic ugly fish shook its head. It knew where its limit was, that waterfall...

It can't be climbed.


Boss Cordora suddenly became serious and advised the fish to never underestimate its own limits. The so-called limit is something that needs to be broken through again and again!

The big monster used his own past examples to inspire the fish.

However, the heterochromatic Ugly Fish believes that it is normal for a powerful and talented Pokémon like Boss Cordora to be able to break through the limits. They are not Pokémon in the same field. One is so strong and the other is so weak.


Boss Cordora was silent for a while, and expressed to the Chou Chou Fish that he was not powerful before or even now. In the past, it was even extremely weak.


The heterochromatic Ugly Fish couldn't believe it at all. As the most trusted Pokémon by its trainer, its strength in daily training was seen. How could it be said that it wasn't powerful?

And he was weak before? It doesn't believe it at all.


Boscodora looked at the heterochromatic ugly fish and slowly revealed his past scars - the days when he was ruthlessly abandoned and lived a dark life in a cave.

Whether you believe it or not, that experience is real. The weak self became an outcast and was thrown into a completely unfamiliar and terrifying place.

I thought that life would gradually come to an end, but I met Kashiwagi.

The one who saved it.

In the extremely surprised eyes of the heterochromatic ugly fish, it told the heterochromatic ugly fish everything it had experienced and what happened after encountering Kashiwagi.

Boscodora was actually relieved, otherwise he would never have said it.

And after listening to the whole story, the heterochromatic ugly fish couldn't believe that the Boss Cordora he had always admired had such a past. Even in the loneliest days, he was eating and drinking. How could he imagine that Boss Cordora was in a hole in the ground? in a situation of hunger and cold.


The heterochromatic ugly fish suddenly realized that this seemed to be the first time he had taken a closer look at Boss Cordora's appearance. Before, he did not dare to stare at it for too long due to his excessive admiration and low self-esteem.

The steel armor that seemed to be extremely hard was covered with various large and small scars, each of which represented Boscodora's efforts and perseverance.

It finally made sense.

Boscodora was not born strong, he worked hard step by step.

No matter how weak you have been, no matter what you have experienced.

As long as you don't give up and hear the trainer's encouragement, you must stand up and respond to his expectations. Even in the dying moment, you must do a feat that is enough to make a comeback!

This way you won’t have any regrets!

"Goo ho!"

Boscodora looked directly into the eyes of the ugly fish and told it seriously that the trainer never lied and always kept his word.

He thinks if you can climb that waterfall, you can.

It doesn't matter how many times you fall from it.

There's only one thing you have to do.

the climb!

Go climb!

The heterochromatic ugly fish was very excited and swung its tail, wishing to go to Longmen Waterfall again, move towards higher places, and give up all unnecessary distractions!


Kashiwagi wiped his hair and walked in from the door. When he saw the awakened heterochromatic ugly fish, he immediately came over with a smile, "Are you awake? Your performance today is really good. Although you didn't succeed in climbing over, I believe you have adapted. "


The heterochromatic ugly fish nodded firmly.

"It's great that you are so energetic, but I still have to say, don't be afraid of failure. Failure will accumulate and turn into experience. Every jump you make will not be in vain, it will turn into strength and accumulate in your body."

Kashiwagi took out his mobile phone and showed it the information above, "Did you see it? You have upgraded! In the process of climbing, you will feel that you have gained something! There are miracles in this world, as long as you persist!"


The heterochromatic ugly fish looked at the screen, even if it couldn't understand anything, it was enough to taste the joy from the trainer's mouth.

ps: There was a big problem. I made up for the super wish today and found out that during the time when Xiaozhi went to Kalos, Alice was supposed to be traveling in Hoenn and came here after Rayquaza.

She hasn't become a champion yet.

It's my fault. I will try to change the previous one later. I'll just assume that she hasn't won the championship yet.

By the way, py a new book

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