My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 369 Beating Dragon Cancer (three in one chapter)

Follow the lead of the array.

Kashiwagi came to a wide open space and met the younger generation of Meteor Village who had not yet traveled.

Big Mouth Baby couldn't stand this kind of environment with dragon-type Pokémon everywhere, so he took the initiative to ask for the Poke Ball back, but he couldn't persuade him so he had to do it.

Looking around, there were three young people, including Zhenya, and a group of boys and girls who looked to be no more than eleven years old at the highest and a little girl who was only about four years old at the lowest.

"I have long admired your name! My name is Lian Zuo!"

"Me! Puff!"


"We are Chizu! Please take care of me when we meet for the first time!"


A group of people gathered around Kashiwagi and enthusiastically introduced themselves to him without any introduction. Even the youngest girl said her name in a coquettish voice.

The latter responded one by one.

There were only about ten people in total, fewer than expected.

However, based on what he observed about the size and number of houses in Meteor Village, the total resident population was probably only a few thousand people. Putting aside the younger generation of dragon trainers who are traveling, this number of children left behind is already pretty good.

After all, the people of Meteor have been inherited in the Fengyuan area two thousand years ago, so how come the population is so small in the end.

Although Kashiwagi had doubts, he was not too entangled. He was not a sociologist. And he took a second look at the girl named Yuzi, because she was holding a lavender oval-shaped slug in her arms - Sticky Baby.

Although most dragon-type Pokémon in Meteor Village are Pokémon native to Hoenn, there are occasionally dragon Pokémon from other regions... as well as Pokémon that were once considered dragon-type, such as Charizard, Gyarados and fossil pterosaurs.

In the animation background, the attributes of each Pokémon are planned by someone through various factors, rather than having a symbol on the forehead that says "I am a dragon."

Of course, just like this sixth-generation Slime Pokémon and the Strange Jaw Dragon shown by Shijana earlier, there are also dragon-type Pokémon from other eras in Meteor Village.

It’s just that the quantity is relatively small.

Maybe the racial value-limited clue could be used here? After winning the lottery, there is a high probability that you will be a quasi-god from these different generations.

Kashiwagi's thoughts suddenly arose, but then quickly sank again, because he thought of the three evil dragons that had just evolved, as well as the heterochromatic ugly fish and polygon that had not yet evolved.

Human energy is limited.

Not long ago, I was thinking about how the number of Pokémon in the team was gradually increasing, and I felt a little ashamed that I had less time to spend with Boss Cordora, but in the next moment, I couldn't wait to conquer the next one.

Even if the arrival of new Pokémon is inevitable, it will have to wait until all the existing Pokémon have grown to a certain stage.

"Kashiwagi! Kashiwagi! You should have a dragon Pokémon too, right?"

The call brought back his divergent thoughts.

At that moment, Kashiwagi saw these young dragon trainers looking at him with curious eyes, and couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, yes..."

But it's not a dragon Pokémon, it's a husky Pokémon.

"Can you let us take a look?"

"Let's fight! Let's see whose dragon is stronger!"

"That's right! Brother Jinya, come quickly! As the strongest young dragon trainer in the village, you should welcome Kashiwagi with a fiery battle, right?"

"Brother Kashiwagi~ Yuzu wants to see Dragon Pokémon~"

These extreme dragon chefs shouted one after another. Even the youngest one specially used a free hand to grab the corner of Kashiwagi's clothes and raised his head to look at him expectantly.

Jinya also smiled and said, "If you don't mind, would you like to have a battle with Dragon Pokémon with me?"

"No! It's better to follow me first!"

Lianza, who is tall and thin, with doll-style bangs that are almost covering his eyes, stretched out his hand to try to cut off his beard. His face seemed to be red with excitement, "C-is it okay, Kashiwagi?"


Kashiwagi nodded slightly and turned around to find that the others stepped back very naturally, leaving them a wide enough space without any reminder.

Talk about it.

Although he had noticed it a long time ago, when he looked at the ground under his feet, it was obviously the kind of battlefield that had been renovated and renovated over time.

I specifically chose to meet here...

He couldn't help but laugh and said: "You haven't already arranged to fight with me, right? Are you deliberately showing enthusiasm so that I can't refuse?"

I planned to make a little joke to liven up the atmosphere, but I never thought that all the people would turn their heads with guilty conscience.

Kashiwagi: "..."

"After all, after all, you are from outside!"

One of the kids, who was probably only eight or nine years old, couldn't hold himself back and said: "Brothers and uncles who came back before all praised you non-stop, saying that you may be the best dragon trainer of our generation! Everyone is really curious. It’s incredible——”

"Ahem, sorry, this happened because of me. If you want to blame, just blame me." The pierced Zhenya said with some embarrassment.

Lian Zuo's face became even redder, "I, I, I, I -"

After doing this for a long time, your face turned red from nervousness.


Kashiwagi held his forehead speechlessly. He didn't mean to be angry at all.

After all, this is just a harmless little trick, and its purpose is just to get him to agree to fight... Hasn't Zhenya ever been out? Don't you know that there is a little rule in the outside world that "when the trainer's eyes meet, it is a signal that the battle has begun"?

Elder Dragon's choice to move out of Meteor Falls and increase contact with the outside world was an extremely correct decision.

"I actually don't mean to blame you...forget it, let's talk about the battle."

He looked at Lian Zuo opposite, "Are there any rules? For example, guessing coins to decide which attack to attack first or something like that."

"No, no!"

Brother, are you a little stuttering?

Seeing this, Kashiwagi threw up a poke ball and released three evil dragons.


Three evil dragons appeared in the air and let out an extremely hoarse roar.

Everyone who was originally feeling extremely guilty took a look, and their eyes suddenly shone.

"Three evil dragons!"

"You look so strong! You're so big!"

"Why doesn't it feel like it's not too fierce? I remember Brother Wulin's three evil dragons were very ferocious. Anyone who dared to look at them would be yelled at. I passed by their house some time ago and I didn't dare to make too many noises."

"That's because you are too cowardly! And who stipulates that the three evil dragons must be fierce? I think Brother Kashiwagi's three evil dragons are quite good!"

"I remember that the three-headed dragon is a dragon Pokémon that is difficult to cultivate, right? The growth cycle is much longer than others..."

"So handsome! So handsome! Yuzu thinks he's so handsome!"

The surroundings quickly became noisy.

This then turned into voices cheering for both sides.

This made Kashiwagi realize that these dragon chefs pay more attention to strength than words - as long as they see a powerful dragon-type Pokémon, they will naturally get excited.

He looked towards the low seat in the distance.

"I-I'm coming!" The latter threw the elf ball with a red face.


The light flickers.

A flying dragon with a green body, two thick and long tentacles growing backwards, a pair of wide and large green wings with red lines on the edges, and two red hemispherical covers outside its eyes appeared.

The mysterious Pokémon Desert Dragonfly was once an Earth Dragon.

Is this the last choice?

Kashiwagi was a little surprised, but he did not underestimate its idea and said quickly: "Trick!"


The three evil dragons roared, and when observing the desert dragonfly, they suddenly showed an extremely sinister expression, and the light of increased ability values ​​lit up on their bodies.

At the same time, the desert dragonfly flapped its wings violently, and the strong wind swept up countless dust and rushed towards the three evil dragons.

"Dragon Claw!"

Lian Zuo, who was slow to initiate the command, had no intention of strengthening the desert dragonfly and chose to attack very straightforwardly.


The bright green light shrouded the slightly short claws of the desert dragonfly, forming laser-like energy claws. As it played the roaring sound of the wind, it rushed to the three evil dragons who had just finished their trick and swung down hard!

Bah! !

"Dragon Wave!"

Kashiwagi's extremely calm voice sounded.

"You can't catch up if you order an attack now, right?" someone nearby exclaimed.

Just as the man said, if the Desert Dragonfly attacks without dodging but instead attacks, it will never catch up. But there is one thing that he may not be clear about.

Combat can achieve greater results by paying a small price!

I saw three evil dragons quickly raising their two small heads on the left and right, withstanding the dragon claws of the desert dragonfly head-on, and spraying a stream of three-color hot dragon flames at it when the dragon attribute energy exploded into smoke!


The terrifying energy broke through the smoke and impacted the desert dragonfly's body. From the outside, it looked like a huge energy dragon's head biting it tightly and pushing it back. It pushed out a full dozen meters before it exploded violently.

boom! !

Smoke billowed into the sky.

"Haqiu!" Kashiwagi gave the order again.

The three evil dragons stared at the smoke in front of them as it slowly fell to the ground. Its body surface was wrapped in a layer of pale white light. Countless feathers appeared out of thin air and fell on it, causing the scars on the two small dragon heads on the left and right to heal quickly.

When the smoke dissipated, the condition of the three evil dragons had fully recovered.

the other side.

The desert dragonfly that fell on the ground struggled to flap its wings and tried to get up, but it closed its eyes and passed out without struggling twice. There were many burn marks on its body surface, and it looked like it was badly injured.

Everyone onlookers were stunned. Their eyes wandered back and forth between the desert dragonfly, the three evil dragons and the cypress trees, all showing blank expressions.

Instant, instant kill?

Just one round?

"So strong..."

"Even Brother Jinya's dragon can't do it, right?"

"So awesome! The three evil dragons are so awesome!"

The expressions of admiration quickly appeared on the faces of these young dragon chefs, and they cheered loudly, and the sense of estrangement between them and Kashiwagi completely disappeared.

Zhenya and the last young man Pengpeng looked at each other, both filled with disbelief and shock.

in the venue.

Lian Zuo comforted the desert dragonfly with a grimace. Before the war started, he never imagined that the battle would end so quickly. Why were the three evil dragons so strong?

"I-I lost."

He took back the Desert Dragonfly and said.

Kashiwagi nodded at him.


The three-headed evil dragon sneezed rather boringly. It still liked the kind of back-and-forth battles, such as the previous battle with the strange jaw dragon. The kind of opponent that could not be defeated no matter what was interesting.

How can a Pokémon like Desert Dragonfly, which falls down if attacked casually, show off its power?

Fortunately, it soon attracted a second opponent.

"Can you fight me, Kashiwagi?"

Pengpeng walked over with a serious look on his face. Just looking at his face, you might think this person is a bit chubby, but when your eyes move to his bulging muscles, you will understand that this person is just baby fat.


Kashiwagi glanced at the three evil dragons and said, "It still has plenty of physical strength, but does it need to wait for the amplifying move to end?"

"Thank you! No need!"

Pengpeng bowed slightly with a tight face, and immediately threw the elf ball forward.


There was a flash of white light.

The Tanabata bluebird with cloud-like white and fluffy wings appears and makes a clear and sweet chirp.


Although Kashiwagi is a little disappointed that he is not a dragon-attribute quasi-god, there is a need to be wary of dragon traitors like Tanabata Blue Bird. God knows if it can magically shine these fairy-attribute moves.


Kashiwagi immediately issued the order.

At present, the special attack with enhanced tricks has not disappeared, and the power of the meteor swarm used at this time will be increased to an extremely terrifying level!


The three evil dragons raised their heads slightly to concentrate, and a ball of orange-red energy gathered in their chest and abdomen, emitting dangerous fluctuations that made the surrounding air throb.

Pengpeng seemed to understand the horror of the meteor swarm, and quickly shouted: "The power of the moon!"


The Tanabata bluebird flaps its white cloud-like wings, and the shadow of the moon appears above its head. It continuously transfers energy to its mouth to form a pink energy light ball, and then releases it violently towards the three evil dragons!


The moment the power of the moon flew by, the three evil dragons also sprayed the brewing meteors into the sky!

The orange-red energy bombs flew into the air extremely quickly and exploded like fireworks, forming countless shining meteors that made sharp wind-piercing sounds!

"Get away from it!"

"Let's stay away too!"

The trainers on both sides issued similar instructions at the same time, but the objects that needed to be avoided were completely different.

The three evil dragons flapped their wings quickly in the face of the flying pink light group. The sudden increase in flight height caused the power of the moon to miss it and fall to the ground, exploding a cloud of smoke.

The Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird had to keep dodging left and right in the air in order to avoid the meteors that seemed to have eyes and constantly encroached on its flight direction.

Bang bang bang——

The meteor crashed to the ground, exploding into circles of bright fire and smoke. The onlookers had to move back again, keeping a distance to avoid being accidentally injured.

"You can even do meteor swarms!"

"It's over! How long will it take to clean up now?"

"The three evil dragons are awesome!"

They screamed or shouted in the smoke, while Zhenya kept staring at the three evil dragons and Cypress, his eyes trembling as if he was thinking about something.

have to say.

The Qixi Blue Bird's movements are still very dexterous, so many meteors can't even hit it.

They were all avoided by it.

Pengpeng's original nervous expression quickly relaxed.

It's a pity that he doesn't seem to know that sometimes moves can not only be used to attack, but can also be used as techniques to limit the opponent's movement space.

Just when Qixi Bluebird thought its flexible positioning was good enough, little did it know that it also created an opportunity for the three evil dragons.


"Dragon Wave!"

Kashiwagi responded to the latter's prompt and activated the command.

All of a sudden.

The three evil dragons' three mouths were shining with light, and the three-color energy of azure blue, azure and purple-red spurted out, merging into an extremely huge energy flying dragon in front of them. The withered energy wings were fully stretched out, causing friction with the air. With a violent roar, it rushed towards the Tanabata Blue Bird!

Pengpeng's expression changed.

"Dragon Wave!"

He knew that the Qixi Blue Bird at the moment did not have much strength to dodge, so he could only use his moves to confront it head-on.


The Qixi Blue Bird took a deep breath and the dragon flames flashed in its beak. Unfortunately, its speed was not fast enough, or the attack speed of the three evil dragons was too fast, so that it did not even have time to spray out the dragon wave, and it was already destroyed. The energy dragon drowns!

The energy flying dragon opened its teeth and claws and bit the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird, then suddenly changed its direction and drove it violently into the ground!


The ground trembled crazily, and the surging dragon energy exploded instantly to form a dazzling white light. Shock waves visible to the naked eye swayed around, causing the sand to splash and the turf to roll up!

The onlookers had no choice but to turn sideways to avoid the oncoming sand, dust and grass clippings. Their clothes kept fluttering in the strong wind, as if they had a convulsion.

Lean less.

The light dimmed.

They saw countless small pits and a big pit appearing in front of them in the simple venue, and the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird lying in the center of the big pit revealed a pair of ringed eyes.

It was as if he had been affected by the dragon's fluctuation and lost his ability to fight.

"Another move?"

"Will the meteor swarm lower the special attack?"

"It feels like this three-headed evil dragon is even more powerful than Brother Wulin's..."

"How is it possible that you can't even sustain a dragon wave?"

"It's amazing! The three evil dragons are amazing!"

There was a lot of discussion among the unformed dragon trainers. No one could have imagined that the fluffy Qixi Blue Bird would be defeated so quickly.


The three evil dragons looked up to the sky and roared, declaring their second victory.

The power it gained after evolving far exceeded its expectations. It couldn't believe that it had become so powerful. Even Boscodora might not be its opponent with such power, right?

Kashiwagi was thankful that the Tanabata Blue Bird couldn't shine with magic. Before the three evil dragons learned to guard it, he really had nothing to do with such a fairy-type move with a wide range.

It can only be a head-on confrontation.

If the output on your side is not high enough, it is not unusual to be suppressed or even destroyed in advance.


From this, we can see that it is really not easy for everyone to learn moves. He is not the only one whose Pokémon learns slower and slower after having too many moves.

Fortunately, there are simulator move rewards.

"I lost!"

Pengpeng took back the Tanabata Blue Bird and bowed his head to admit defeat. His straightforward and decisive attitude gave Kashiwagi the feeling of facing those warriors in movies and TV series.


Three evil dragons flew over and made a coquettish sound. Kashiwagi praised it softly and stroked its big head before looking at Jinya, "When is the big boss going to come on stage?"


The onlookers were stunned for a moment, then looked at the three evil dragons hesitantly, "It's better to let your three evil dragons rest first. They just fought two battles, so they should be very tired, right?"

"Well... let me tell you first that I don't mean to look down on Peng Peng and Lian Zuo, but in fact the three evil dragons are in excellent condition at the moment and do not need to rest."

Kashiwagi patted the chin of the three evil dragons. The sound sounded a bit heavy, but it made the latter narrow his eyes in contentment.

The ruse lasted much longer than expected.

It has not disappeared until now.

When everyone onlookers heard Kashiwagi's words, they all looked at the hesitant Jinya.

"Brother Zhenya! Promise!"

"I want to see you and Kashiwagi fight!"

"Brother Jinya! What a fierce battle between dragons! Aren't you excited to see such a powerful dragon-type Pokémon in front of you?"

Hearing this, Zhenya said: "No, I just don't want to fight with wheels..."

The words are not finished yet.

Because he saw Kashiwagi turning sideways and making a please gesture.

Having already reached this point, it would be rude to refuse any further.

Zhenya took out the elf ball and came to where Pengpeng originally stood.

He had to admit that Kashiwagi's three-headed dragons were much more powerful than he thought, but according to those elders, Kashiwagi's time to cultivate Pokémon may have been less than half a year, and the time to cultivate the three-headed dragons was even shorter.

How did you do it?

Zhenya couldn't imagine it, and thought that maybe this was a genius, just like the person who was the same age as them but far beyond them.

However, he will definitely not give in easily.

What's more, the battle has not yet begun, and no one can clearly determine who will win and who will lose!

"Go! My partner!"


White light flashes.

A tall Pokémon that looked like a dinosaur and a shark with a five-pointed star on the tip of its nose appeared in the field.


Liebite Land Shark let out low roars, its golden eyes staring at the three evil dragons not far away.

"Bite a land shark?"

Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth, finally seeing the Quasi-God, but why not the Tyrannosaurus? Obviously there are so many precious dragons and crustaceans in Meteor Village... Just forget about the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird and Desert Dragonfly.

Is it realistic for the people of Meteor to bite the land shark?


Anyone can fight seriously and that’s it!

"Dragon Wave!"

"Charge over! Dragon Claw!"

Both sides issued orders at almost the same time.

But the movements of the three evil dragons were faster than biting the land shark. The light flashed in the three big mouths, and azure, azure and purple energy surged out, quickly turning into an energy flying dragon with fangs and claws in front of him!

The energy flying dragon "flaps" its dry wings, roaring and rushing towards the rushing biting land shark.

Upon seeing this, the latter immediately spread out a pair of wide shark fins like a roc spreading its wings, causing the bright green light to spread into them, forming a sharp energy blade, which cut through the charging energy dragon without hesitation!


The air flow exploded, and the colorful dragon-attribute energy exploded into thick smoke, causing strong winds to blow the hair of the cypress trees and array teeth.

Turn around.

I saw Liebite Land Shark break through the smoke and continue to charge towards the three evil dragons. Judging from the smoke that slightly wrapped around its body but did not stay for too long, this guy obviously did not suffer much damage.

At the same time, it ran extremely fast and arrived in front of the three evil dragons in the blink of an eye!


The eyes of the three evil dragons widened slightly, not surprised but happy. It likes an opponent who can fight with it for a few more rounds, so that it can fully understand how strong it is!

"Dragon Breath!"

"Dragon's Wrath!"

Another instruction at almost the same moment.

But this time the timing of the two Pokémon's attacks was exactly the same. The three evil dragons blew out thick waves of sky-blue dragon flames forward, while the Biting Land Shark sprayed purple energy shock waves from its mouth!

Two dragon-type energies of different colors collided!

boom--! !

The violent explosion sounded like it was about to pierce people's eardrums, the scorching airflow distorted the air, as if everything around it was evaporated, and the thick smoke pushed across like a high wall, covering the entire venue in an instant.

The aftermath of the move was much more powerful than Kashiwagi expected.

It's obviously just the collision of dragon's anger and dragon's breath.

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