My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 358 Battle of Cauldron

Lei Gong really didn't want to say it.

Kashiwagi couldn't force any human words to come out of that big mouth, so he could only look at it with regret and disappointment.


He sighed and left sadly.

Lei Gong: "..."

This kid is pretending to do something again, which makes him feel so psychologically burdened.

However, there are some things that he doesn't need to involve him in, and he won't talk about them anyway... not to mention that he can't make sense with this kid for a while, and he doesn't speak human language.

After all, they still have goals to accomplish, and it's not a good thing to be associated with those bad guys.

Lei Gong yawned again, this hot spring is really...

The more I soak, the more I feel sleepy.

outside the door.

Kashiwagi, who had been eavesdropping for a while, sighed.

It was true at this moment, he realized that the Phoenix Guards were indeed more accustomed to acting independently in most situations and never asked any humans for help.

When encountering a big problem, you can only meet with two other companions to face it together.

Most of the scenes of cooperation with humans are initiated by the human side - in the context of the single-finger animation, there are scenes in the special chapter of them beating gym leaders everywhere in search of collaborators.

Speaking of which, the injury was so serious this time, why didn't Suicune and Entei show up?

Or maybe it has already appeared, but it was just active in other places in the Fengyuan area and I just didn't see it?


The possibility of this is not low.

Kashiwagi infinitely suspected that Thunder Guild came to the Hoenn area just for Team Rocket's arrangement here. It had been so badly done by Team Rocket's crystal system before, so what if they didn't get the place back?

As a result, I was accidentally tricked by Team Rocket's black technology again.

Thinking like this suddenly makes a lot of sense.

"Let's go shopping. I haven't been shopping in Fuyan Town for so long." He stretched out and took the happy egg with him, planning to go shopping to spend the waiting morning.

Every town has its own characteristics.

Fuyan Town is not only famous for its hot springs, but also for a series of by-products brought by the hot springs.

Things like sand baths and hot spring steamed buns, hot spring milk.

Anyway, the hot springs are famous here.


There is also the famous Kamayan senbei, which Kashiwagi buys the most because the ones provided by the hotel are simply not enough for him and Boscordora.

Even the duplicitous Lei Gong showed that he wanted to continue after eating two pieces in a row, but when he saw the latter's expression of "I will give it to you if you ask me," he decisively turned around and went back to the pool.

As a result, he could only cut it in two and feed it to the two-headed tyrannosaurus.


The Chinese medicine here is also particularly famous.

Perhaps due to the fact that hot springs are helpful for injuries and illnesses, there is even a Chinese medicine street selling all kinds of medicinal materials, not just vitality root and resurrection grass.

When Bai Mu and Happy Egg passed by, the latter's little face was wrinkled because of the strange smell in the air. It wasn't until he said that the source of the smell was in various medicinal materials that he suddenly realized it, and contrary to his previous performance, he showed a very extreme expression. Great curiosity.

This is not the first time it has come into contact with medicinal materials. It is often used when making essence. However, since it rarely uses dried medicinal materials and mixing and stewing, it does not know much about medicinal materials -

But very interested.

Because it is related to treatment methods, Happy Egg always wants to master all kinds of important information related to treatment. Although Chinese medicine is bitter and full of strange smell, maybe it can come in handy?

Happy Egg has no culture but still feels that it makes sense for certain things to be popular.

It's just that this guy is not very straightforward when expressing his appeal. On the one hand, he doesn't want the trainer to make a trip for him alone, but on the other hand, he is reluctant to leave.

As a result, I look back three times with every step I take.

Kashiwagi had no choice but to pretend not to notice and asked, "Shall we go in and take a look?"


Happy Egg nodded cheerfully and took advantage of the situation to buy a bunch of strange medicinal materials. The reason was that the trainer said that these things could be used to make porridge and drink, which was fragrant and tonic.

It inevitably creates curiosity.

Medicinal materials can be used to make flavors and medicines...can they also be eaten as food?


Kashiwagi solved its doubts with practical actions, allowing Happy Egg to taste the wonderful medicinal porridge.

Nowadays, his cooking skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, and he is no longer limited to stir-fry. Other dishes are gradually starting to show signs of "shine".

This is thanks to the various gourmet cooking videos posted online by chefs.

While Lei Gong was out bathing and eating, Kashiwagi also asked questions again, and once again received a silent answer.

" seems that this mouth is destined to be impossible to pry open."

He sighed and looked at the three Pokémon who were going to play in the afternoon. "Because there is a battle in the afternoon, I can't eat too much at noon. I will eat it when I get back."



Neither Happy Egg nor Porygon have any objections. The former is the most obedient and the latter has no problem even if he doesn't eat.

Only the two-headed tyrannosaurus had to be a little coquettish before agreeing, because the trainer had paid more attention to the big guy who couldn't smell any scent in the past two days. Even if he didn't neglect him, he would still be a little jealous.


The afternoon is its big moment.

Feeling the explosive power within his body, the two-headed tyrannosaurus was very confident and eager to use a victory to welcome his new self.

One step closer to becoming the ace!

After the two-headed tyrannosaurus finished acting coquettishly, he couldn't help turning around and giving a provocative look to Boscodora next to him.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

Did you see it?

My eyes full of evil spirit and fighting spirit?

Boscodora turned his head slightly when he heard the voice and saw the two-headed tyrannosaurus trying to straighten his neck: "...?"


It used its claws to push away the hair covering both eyes of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, and suddenly realized after seeing the two pairs of eyes, "Gooho~"

Boscodora patted the latter's head one by one.


Work hard, don’t trainers always say one thing, push the waves ahead? effort!

The calm and composed Boss Cordora has the air of a big brother.

In the water tank.

The ugly fish swung its tail happily. It admired Boscodora the most and especially liked to see this kind of scene. As expected, it was also patted on the head.

——My wish is fulfilled today.

Chou Chou Fish only feels that the food specially prepared for it by the trainer no longer tastes good, and it is already full after being patted.

Kashiwagi was laughing and joking with all the Pokémon, quite happily.

Raikou looked at the people and Pokémon in front of him, becoming more and more sure that he should not affect them. After all, it and the other members of the Phoenix Guards did so many things just to protect all of this.

Protect the peace and beauty of the world.

Will evil...

Kill them all!

Kilometers away.

The top of a building.

The black-haired girl, who had changed into a gray tattered cloak, wore a summer outfit, and wore a spiral anklet on her calf, was holding a telescope and focusing on the hot spring hotel in the distance.

Behind her were Gu Niu Niu spinning in place, and the Tyrannosaurus flying around staring at Gu Niu Niu.

"Kashiwagi... I didn't expect that I would get together with Thunder Lord. It's interesting and interesting. The younger generation of dragon trainers are becoming more and more successful."

The black-haired girl turned to Gu Niuniu with a smile and said: "Did you know, Xijiana, there is another dragon trainer in the distant Hezhong region who is going to become the champion! In this way, there will be two dragon trainer champions in the world. La!"

"Yo yo~"

Gu Niuniu stopped circling and waved her little hand to the black-haired girl with a very small voice.

"You're happy too, right?"

Xijana held Gu Niuniu in her arms, threw the top with a red "R" printed on the side to the ground, and stepped on it hard, "It would be better if there weren't so many bad guys trying to destroy this beautiful thing. ”

She looked up at the clear sky.

Sure enough, she loved this vast blue sky deeply no matter when.



Kashiwagi came to Fuyan Gym again.

Yasha didn't let him go, and stayed in the gym as promised, waiting for him to challenge her. Judging from her expression and state, she shouldn't have found anything in that secret base.

If Lei Gong knew about it, the Rockets inside would also retreat.


When he asked Yasha if there were any Rockets stranded in the secret base, the latter gave an affirmative answer.

"Yes, there were...but they were all taken away."


"When we entered, everyone had already fainted on the ground. However, judging from the injury identification and traces on the scene, it was not caused by Thunder God... Ah, I'm sorry to say more."

Yasha scratched her hair and smiled awkwardly: "Don't worry! Let's come to the gym to fight! Grandpa——"

"I'm here."

Mulla walked out of the passage next to her wearing a uniform.

This person has always been the referee of the Cauldron Gym, but a few years ago he was still standing in the position of the gym leader, conquering the world with a particularly powerful Fire Beast.

He did not rush to announce the rules of the game, but gave a wink to his granddaughter Yasha first.

Asha suddenly realized and said to Kashiwagi: "You have already obtained three badges, right? I have read your information. The first three gym leaders have a high opinion of you. They all say that you are very good." It’s awesome, you can increase the difficulty appropriately.”

"Excuse me. It's up to you to decide how difficult it is."

Kashiwagi nodded slightly in greeting.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to take a good look at whether you and your Pokémon are hot enough!"

Yasha made an OK gesture to Mura, and upon receiving the signal, the latter immediately raised the two-color flag in his hand.

"Then the Kamayan Gym Challenge is about to begin. The two sides of the competition are the gym leader Asha and the challenger Kashiwagi. The Pokémon used are three. Only the challenger can freely exchange Pokémon. Both parties are ready!"

Both sides took out their elf balls.


The Poke Ball was thrown forward violently.

Bang bang!

The light flickers.

In front of Asha, a humanoid Pokémon with jumping flames all over its body, its chest and abdomen as round as a fire-patterned dome, and its arms like cannon barrels landed on the ground.


Platypus growled.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus not far away responded with two loud roars.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

The two trainers were a little surprised to see each other's Pokémon. On the one hand, they didn't expect Asha to have Salamander, and thought that the gym leader's Pokémon pool was really deep.

The other side was surprised that Kashiwagi owned precious Pokémon from the Unova region... Wasn't he from Hoenn?

Asha thought he was from Hoenn.

The time of being stunned was extremely short and could be called a moment.

After a short breath, the instructions on both sides blurted out.

"Charged Flame Attack!"

"The power of the earth!"

The Platypus took the lead in taking action, and it could be seen that its reaction speed was extremely fast. Its huge body suddenly turned into a ball of flame and rushed towards the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

at the same time.

As he sprinted, his speed became faster and faster, and the friction between the flames and the air made a muffled sound.

Fortunately, the two-headed tyrannosaurus has already adapted to this kind of movement speed, and even the faster Eluredo can easily catch it when it attacks. All four eyes are staring at the duck-billed Salamander, and its front paws are waving violently. Hit the ground.


The earth cracked open tree-like slits straight forward, and the bright attribute energy gathered inside, and rose up the moment the platypus collided with itself.


The surging attribute energy shattered the cracked ground and surged out, instantly engulfing the duck-billed Salamander!

Flames and yellow light collided with each other, and a huge explosion swept through the entire venue.


Smoke rises.

But the next moment, the two-headed tyrannosaurus retreated from the flying dust, with some white smoke floating everywhere on its body.

"This Pokémon..."

Mulla looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus in surprise. As a former Four Heavenly Kings and a gym leader for decades, he looked at people or Pokémon with a particularly vicious eye.

Just the move just now, no more than one second and no less than a second, hit the Salamander with precision. The prediction of the arrival position and speed of the Salamander has already reflected the powerful strength of the two-headed tyrannosaurus. .

Did this achievement come from the training of this trainer named Kashiwagi?

Just when Mulla was about to observe it carefully, the latter quickly gave the second instruction.


Huh! ?

Can he even know how to shoot meteors? nice! Just use moves without observing where the enemy is?

Mulla watched as the two-headed tyrannosaurus condensed an orange-red high-energy wave on its chest and abdomen, and then the orange-red energy was divided into two and transferred to its two heads. As it raised its head and opened its mouth, it rushed into the sky. !

call out--

The two energy bombs screamed into the sky, exploded into countless shining meteors, and plummeted downwards, dragging their long flame tails through the dust and smoke that had not completely dispersed.

In the smoke.

The Platypus, which had finally recovered from the power of the earth, looked up and saw several meteors breaking through the smoke above its head and falling towards it.

"Blow smoke!!"

Asha's instructions reached its ears.

Unfortunately, it was a little too late when the platypus raised its cannon-like hand and sprayed out. The first meteor fell and exploded into a ball of indigo flame, followed closely by the second and third meteors - —

Although the dense meteors reduced the power of a single shot, it also caused the Platypus to be hit more frequently.

Dragon flames rolled up.

After they disperse.

The fallen duck-billed Salamander suddenly came into view of the three people inside and outside the venue.


Asha looked at the fainted Platypus, her eyes unable to conceal her surprise at the two-headed tyrannosaurus and Kashiwagi.

Mu La, who saw it more clearly than the former, couldn't help but lament her granddaughter's error in judgment.

This is just a relatively good challenger.

It was clearly a powerful trainer that required her to muster 100% of her energy to cope with it!

"Hey woo——!!" "Hey woo——!!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus looked up to the sky and roared.

And suddenly I had a premonition in my heart.

Not even close.

Just a little!

It looked at Asha in the distance, its strong fighting spirit rising, and its mind was filled with the desire for the next victory!

Conjunctivitis is somewhat's not gone yet

Another friendly py book

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