My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 350 Legendary Reward (a huge chapter of 10,000 words!!)

[You conquered the blue sheep bird, and new members of the band have been added]

Gained the fourth member.

However, the musician was not in a hurry to continue towards Sailba City. Instead, he retreated to Route 5, found a suitable place to set up camp, and began training on the voice of the green cottonbird.

Singing is not an easy thing, and the same goes for playing in an ensemble.

No matter how good your talent is, the tunes you sing will still not be able to enter the professional field without training.

[You start to cultivate the voice of the green sheep bird, and work hard to improve its level and fight in order to evolve]

It can be seen that the musician knows that the pinnacle of the bluebird's voice is the Tanabata Bluebird that is classified as a humming Pokémon after evolution, so at first it was just to train the bluebird how to correctly make the breath last, and How to adjust your voice accurately.

He also did not forget to carefully cultivate the wind chimes and sandbell cactus. Although they did not participate in the singing session, their accompaniment was equally important, not to mention that they also shouldered the important responsibility of appearing on the alliance conference stage with him.

Through the newly launched sound card function of the simulator, Kashiwagi also gained a superficial understanding of the music theory knowledge displayed in the screen.

Gradually, time passes.

Even if it was just a pixel image, Kashiwagi could feel the three new members quickly becoming harmonious with the musicians under the simulator's newly launched sound card.

The latter used music to establish a spiritual connection with the Pokémon, accurately conveying all his emotions to the three Pokémon through the music, and conveyed all his dreams and pursuits to them.

this moment.

[Telepathy] Talent has been clarified in the most direct way.

The green cotton bird lived up to expectations and evolved into the Chinese Valentine's Day blue bird. While their combat effectiveness improved, the wind chimes and the sand bell cactus also learned more about music theory and became more comfortable with accompaniment.

With four Pokémon per person, playing together feels like a small band.

[You are very satisfied with the performance of the Pokémon and very grateful for their unremitting efforts, so you decide to move on]

Seeing this, Kashiwagi was curious about the Pokémon after the musician.

In a blink of an eye.

He came to Fanba City.

As a port city, this place is extremely prosperous, with a large flow of people. There is also an extremely prosperous Sail Market. The musicians swept away the haze in Feiyun City and Raven City and ran to the square in front of the Sail Market, in full view of everyone. Then he started playing.

The instrument he uses this time is the saxophone, a very interesting and romantic instrument.

The tune sounded, and Jigglypuff and the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird began to sing in unison.

The beautiful sound soon attracted a large number of passers-by to watch, and some people even danced with Pokémon to the cheerful tunes. The musician seemed to have raised the atmosphere of the entire square with just one song.

Kashiwagi wanted to twist a bit after hearing this, but in order to prevent the Pokémon from looking at him like "the trainer is sick again", he held it back.

Musicians' music is becoming more and more empathetic.

I'm afraid it's not enough to clear up the Ren and Du channels.

He remembers that when he first listened to the musician's music, he was only shocked by the sudden sound, and did not feel anything at all. It was not until he started traveling that the latter's skills became more and more refined.

Do people in the Pokémon world have travel engraved in their genes?

Kashiwagi couldn't help but have some doubts.

After searching, he was a little surprised.

Pop music!

He originally thought that the musician could only perform classical music from ancient times in disguise, but he didn't expect that the latter actually had such a skill. It seemed that this guy had a deep skill pool.

It's a pity that this song is probably not original by the musician, because the creator is a woman.

in the screen.

The musician, who finally could no longer continue amid the encores of passers-by, took a night's rest and brought the energetic Pokémon to the Sailbar Gym.

The owner of the Saiba Gym, Ju Laoda, dresses like a cowboy, which brings some inspiration to the musicians.


In this gym battle, the musician used the saxophone to present a lively jazz song, and combined with the rhythmic needle arm of the Sand Bell Cactus, he beat all the ground-type Pokémon of Boss Ju to great pain. .


The gym battle ended successfully.

Even Boss Ju's dragon-headed gopher couldn't help but fall in front of the petals of the Sand Bell Cactus. It was obviously the fourth gym, but the fight was smoother than the previous Lei Wen Gym. This made Kashiwagi realize the many treasures of musicians. Kemen's growth in strength.

[You defeated Boss Ju, the leader of the Saiba Gym, and obtained the shock badge. The latter expressed his appreciation for your novel fighting method and hoped that you could play a song for his workers]

【You agreed】

Boss Ju is the boss of the mining development company. In the game, Rose Mountain, where Regichkas lives, is under his name. He has an estimated few thousand workers under his command.

The musician obviously didn't understand this, so he agreed very simply.

It wasn't until Boss Ju actually arranged a huge stage to make it look like a concert that he realized that he was about to play music in front of thousands of people.

[You look at the dense crowd below, as if you have returned to the once magnificent music hall, and you are sitting in front of the piano, preparing to show off your superb musical art. But your thoughts were soon interrupted, and the workers in the audience made noisy voices urging you to start]

[You realize that what you are facing now is no longer those upper-class people in suits and ties]

The musician quickly adjusted and released his four Pokémon.

Classic jazz wafts out.

The atmosphere at the scene was quickly ignited by his highly empathic music. It may not be as exciting as rock and roll, but it gave the workers a feeling that maybe having a drink and listening to this would be very comfortable.

After finishing the song, the musicians, Jigglypuff and other members of the Pokémon band quickly captured the hearts of the workers in the audience.

Kashiwagi was also very happy to hear it.

In the past, he would not even think about things like concerts. He only thought that participating in this was a waste of time, and the wild boar could not eat the fine chaff.

But at this time, listening to the cheerful jazz music, and recalling the previous classical music that also brought a good impression, he had the idea that it would be okay to listen to it if he had a chance.

The time of imagination.

The music style of the musicians in the simulator suddenly changed.

From jazz to some kind of grand classical music, the tones of Jigglypuff and the Tanabata Bluebird began to rise, the timbre of the wind chimes became magnificent, not at all like the sound that a small body can release, and the sand of the sandbell cactus The ringtone gives people a sense of rhythm like beating drums.


All of this is put together by a violin that appears in the hands of a musician from unknown time.

Kashiwagi was about to write down the tune, but found that the performance had ended. This magnificent "symphony" seemed short, but it left a lot of waves in his heart.

The workers in the audience also had a lot of ellipses popping up on their heads, and they were obviously also shocked.

The narrator suddenly appears.

[You look at the expressions of everyone below, feeling both proud and sad. Although you have told yourself your goals countless times, you still warn yourself again that you must realize your music dream. This is the only way...]

The picture gradually dimmed.

Just what?

You just finished talking!

Kashiwagi almost turned over the coffee table. It was the first time for the narrator to engage in such a Riddler-like scene, which made him extremely physically uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the simulator probably knew that he was in an angry state, and quickly asked the musician to play him a relaxing piece of music.

Affected by the music, his mood gradually calmed down.

Although he was a little disgusted, judging from the fact that he didn't want to listen to him anymore and pretended to be the Riddler.

This piece should be an original piece by the musician.

But as a fan of a pop star, but he composes classical music... wouldn't it be bad? And it doesn’t sound like it’s finished yet.


Did something unexpected happen before it was completed?

Kashiwagi looked into the light screen,

At this time, the musician has arrived in Fukiyose City and launched a challenge for his fifth badge.

And the type of music used this time——

It's rock and roll.

Rock music is what musician icon Homega does best.

Powerful and manic, the intense rhythm as if stimulated by an electric current plate made Jigglypuff's body filled with thunder, causing extremely horrific damage to the bird Pokémon that blew away the gym leader's wind.

Especially Feng Lu's last Pokémon, Dancing Swan, which is four times weak in electricity. Even though he used the magical technique of using a water ring to shield the electric current, he still couldn't withstand Jigglypuff's attack frequency under the enthusiastic rock music, which was comparable to that of a Chicago typewriter.

Killed by it with one hundred thousand volts.

[You defeated Fukiyoshi Gym Leader Furu and obtained the Jet Badge]

With the fifth badge in hand, the musician is one step closer to appearing on the stage of the Hinoki Conference.

It is a pity that Hachiku, the leader of the Snowflake Gym in Snowflake City, is now focused on being an actor, which resulted in him not being able to obtain the sixth badge here.


When he came to Route 8 and passed the cylinder bridge, he met the fifth Pokémon he had dreamed of——


As a Pokémon with high intelligence and the ability to transmit its voice thousands of miles away, and is generally considered to have a beautiful voice, it is very suitable to become a member of the Pokémon Band.

Therefore, the musician did not hesitate to catch up with Laplace on the Qixi Bluebird.

In the end, he successfully conquered it.

In recent years, due to the over-protection of humans, Lapras is no longer as rare and rare as it once was. If the current trend continues, it will soon become a common aquatic Pokémon.

[You have conquered Laplace, and new members of the orchestra have been added]

New members join.

As usual, the musician began intensive special training for him, and thanks to Laplace's ability to sing extremely low-frequency, ethereal timbre, the latter can not only exist as a harmony, but can also be paired with wind chimes to form A powerful and wonderful melody like a pipe organ.

As an observer, Kashiwagi couldn't imagine that such a melodious sound could be made by a Pokémon.

And soon, the increasingly impressive Pokémon band came to Shuangyong City after the special training.

[You have arrived in Shuangyong City. The atmosphere that emphasizes the new and the old, technology and history reminds you of the magnificent epic music. With your heart agitated, you find a square and start a performance with the Pokémon]

The music starts.

Kashiwagi once again calmed down in the pictures and emotions shown to him by the musicians, as if he had really seen the majestic history of the Hezhu region in those music.

There is no doubt that this is a symphony. When playing this piece, the musicians seemed to have torn their coats, showing the attitude of "no more pretending, show off, I am a classical musician".

All right.

Just joking.

The musician was just expressing his feelings at the moment. The instrument he touches the most on weekdays is Homiga's old guitar, and he is determined to adapt all classical music into guitar versions and play them again.

When the performance ended and passers-by applauded, Double Dragon Gym Leader Shaka was actually among the crowd. He recognized the musician at a glance as the rumored "genius" who was good at commanding Pokémon through music. ".

It is obvious that the small group among the gym leaders is showing off its power again, and judging from the narrator's introduction, it should be Boss Ju who promoted it.

It is not unusual for this man to just build a stage and publicize the existence of musicians in order to let his workers listen to the music he thinks is good.

Big boss, great atmosphere.

The scene changes.

The musician followed Shaka to the Double Dragon Gym and started the Gym Challenge.

The latter is indeed very strong, you can see it even by looking at the aura.

Therefore, in order to deal with gym leaders like Shaka, the musicians chose cold, quiet, and ethereal music, and used clarinets to create a cold ice field, which greatly enhanced the ice-type moves of Lapras and Jigglypuff, and also It brought a lot of trouble to Shaka.

The sixth badge was successfully obtained.

[You defeated the Double Dragon Gym Leader Shaka and obtained the Legend Badge. He admires your fighting style very much and pointed out your shortcomings in this area]

【You should be taught with an open mind】

In the anime, Shaka is a teacher at the Trainer Academy and also serves as the mayor of Ssangyong City. Seeing such a talented trainer like Musician makes Xin Xin happy.

And he directed the musician to the nearby forest, where there might be Pokémon that the musician was interested in——

Speaker cricket.

And after hearing what Shaka said, the musician went to the forest near Ssangyong City without stopping.

From a gaming perspective, Speaker Cricket is a Pokémon that is basically useless, but for people in the Pokémon anime world, Speaker Cricket is the best companion of many musicians.

Impatience is impatience.

Musicians have not forgotten the best way to find loudspeaker crickets - playing the violin.

Taking Jigglypuff with him, he searched and played all the way. As expected, the Speaker Cricket was attracted by the music and was successfully conquered by the musician.

[You conquered the speaker cricket, and new members of the band were added. You look at the formed band members and feel extremely happy]

[What you didn’t notice was that a vague figure quietly followed your footsteps]


Kashiwagi paid attention to this narration and managed to see a blurry figure at the bottom of the light screen.

I really met Meloetta!

He never expected that his guess would actually become a reality, and if this trend continued, maybe the musician would be able to make Meloetta his partner.

In that case, will the probability of winning the championship be greatly increased?

Not necessarily.

Kashiwagi is aware of the power shown by most of the fantasy Pokémon in the anime. Most of them are not very powerful in combat and are easily chased by poachers with their Pokémon.

It's just that they often possess extraordinary magical powers.

The musician in the light screen obviously didn't know that he had been targeted by a fantasy Pokémon. While heading towards Qinghai Bo City, where the penultimate gym was located, he tried to integrate the Speaker Cricket into the team.

Speaker Cricket is a Pokémon with different melodies affected by individual differences. The timbre they produce is similar to a violin - whether it is a cello, viola or violin.

Studies have shown that most of the bowed instruments in the Pokémon world are based on different speaker crickets, just like cement comes from old builders.

Kashiwagi felt that it was very possible.

Time on the screen speeds up.

Most of the scenes presented are of musicians using musical instruments to direct a group of Pokémon to play music, and battles are used to improve combat effectiveness, and training is used to increase the number of moves.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the musician is very hard-working, and he is not the kind of person who relies solely on talent to perform without training at all.


Meloetta never appeared during this period. I don’t know if that’s the reason why it stopped chasing after a while.

Lean less.

The musician passed through Longmu Town and Lianyi Town and reached the target location through the undersea tunnel.

[You came to Bo City, Qinghai, and the calm sea made you pick up the violin and play beautiful music with Laplace]

After earning applause by playing on the streets, musicians began to challenge Aomi Hadokan.

The owner of the museum, Xi Ziyi, is good at using water-type Pokémon and is obsessed with swimming in the ocean.

The musician performed a main melody on the violin to fight against the storm and the sea, allowing Sandbell Cactus and Lapras to successfully break through the defense lines built by Xiziyi's many water-type Pokémon.

Even if the opponent uses an extremely large Pokémon like King Roarer.

Even Xiziyi was affected by the musicians' music.

[You defeated Qinghai Wave Gym Leader Xi Ziyi and obtained the Wave Badge. He praised your fighting methods and said that it reminded him of the beautiful scene of him breaking through the waves, surviving the storm, and finally the sky cleared after the rain]

Good guy.

Has it reached the point of hallucinations?

Kashiwagi secretly smacked his tongue, but in fact he was the same. He felt as if he was hypnotized when he heard the musician's music, and he thought of many things.

To be honest, although he had never heard of Homiga's underground concert, he felt that the current musicians' musical attainments should be no worse than Homiga's.

If I have to say where the difference is, maybe it’s the originality...

Kashiwagi has been watching the simulation content for so long that he has searched for more than a dozen pieces of music. Except for the piece that was displayed on the stage in Fanba City at that time, he can basically tell that all of them are other people's pieces.

Is it possible that the musician was not a creative pianist, so he was rejected by the original classical music world?


Although it is easy for a pianist to become famous if he has composition talent, it is not an absolute requirement. After all, it is not easy to create classics.

He felt hard to express. As he watched the musician board the ship returning to Liyong City, he silently offered his blessings to the latter.

[You returned to Liyong City. You first went home to clean up your instruments, and then started special training to prepare for the challenge at Liyong Gym]

The musician once again showed his diligence.

It can also be regarded as an extremely rare diligent person in Kashiwagi's long-term simulation. He has a terrifying number of special trainings. In order to make his performance accurate enough without making mistakes, he also has his Pokémon band practice over and over again.

Day after day, month after month.


The musician who was satisfied with the growth results came to the door of Liyong Gym.

But was stopped.

The other party suddenly turned out to be the person who had caught him.

[You heard that the other party did not allow you to enter because the underground music venue prohibits minors from entering. You quickly indicate that you are the challenger and show your badge box to the other party. The other party confirmed that all your badges are authentic, so you are inevitably a little surprised]

[You tell him that you will definitely realize your music dream and stride into it]

The musician came to the gym.

Homiga happened to be located among them, and even accepted his challenge enthusiastically, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.

And face your idol.

The musician thought about it again and again, and decided to take out his favorite one among all the other party's music and dedicated it to Homiga with the old guitar in his hand.

When Kashiwagi saw the old guitar appear, an exclamation mark appeared on Homiga's head.

[You were going to explain the origin of the old guitar, but you heard Homiga shouting that the person turned out to be you. After a conversation, you learned that Homiga's father had already informed him of your existence. It’s just that Homiga didn’t expect that the trainer who was rumored to be able to control Pokémon through music would actually be his fan]

[You told Homiga that you would definitely be able to go to the Higaki Tournament and realize your dream, and the latter gave you support]

After the narration falls.

A fierce battle began.

Homega and the musicians used punk rock against punk rock, which made many passersby who came to watch and listen to the music scream. Although the former is not as capable as the latter, and can command Pokémon with music alone, it cannot She possesses her greatness.

She has a habit of defeating all challengers with only three Pokémon, no matter how many badges the opponent has.

And any one of these three is very powerful.

The musician challenges the opponent with the rhythm that the opponent is most familiar with. To be honest, it is not a good choice, but the former obviously enjoys it and feels that he is one step closer to his idol and realizing his dream.


His Pokémon are powerful enough, and the previous special training was not in vain. The accumulated strength has given him the strength to explode.

[Boundary Breaking] played its role for the first time.

Let Jigglypuff release a loud sound far more powerful than usual, blowing away the clearing smoke of the dust mountain, and also blowing it out to determine the outcome of the game.

[You defeated Liyong Gym Leader Homiga and obtained the Toxic Badge]

[You have been praised by Homiga. She wants to invite you to join her band - "Gasball Paradise". You really want to agree, but you have to refuse. Because you have your own musical dreams and goals. Homiga is a little regretful, but still sends his blessings to you]

The musician said goodbye to Homega.

It was obvious that he was really tempted, but unfortunately due to certain factors, he had to refuse.

Return home.

Musician continues to train Pokémon to develop their fighting abilities. On the other hand, I finally started to perfect the previous symphony.

[You make music out of what you see and hear along the way, and what you see along the way. Try to combine it with the relics left by your parents, so that this symphony called "Heart of United" has a complete tune and realize the musical dream you and your family share]

A relic from my parents! It turns out that the musician’s parents have passed away!

Kashiwagi suddenly realized, no wonder it didn't appear from beginning to end, and this piece of music was indeed incomplete... it needed to be completed by musicians.

Thinking about why he didn't play in Feiyun City and Leiyun City, he came to the conclusion. Thinking that these two places had left the footprints of the musician and his family, the musician was afraid of touching the scene.

And soon, the narrator conveyed another piece of information.

That is, the last wish of the musician's parents is that he can carry forward this piece of music and bring it to the biggest stage so that everyone can hear it.

However, the musician really has no talent for composing. He originally wanted to give the music to others to complete it, but firstly, he was silent for a long time after his parents passed away. He was unable to maintain his former contacts. Secondly, the musician felt that handing over the music to him If you give it to others, your parents, Izumi Izumi, will definitely not be willing to give it to others.

But this also caused his progress to be unsatisfactory.

When he saw Homiga come to Feiyun City to perform, he was attracted by him immediately. Although people around him didn't think highly of pop music singers, he admired Homija very much, who was only a few years older than him. Possessing such a terrifying talent.

What followed was a twitch in the head, and he brought his own musical instrument to Homiga's base camp, Liyong City.

As a result, this operation directly led to the severance of all previous relationships. By the time he realized it, there was no place for him in the classical music world in Hezhong, and it was impossible to help him carry forward his parents' music.


After realizing that he had no other way out, the musician, who had originally planned to become a trainer, began to consider other methods.

Through the diaries left by his parents, he discovered that playing music while traveling could sharpen his memory, increase his knowledge, and provide inspiration for composing music.

If you can challenge all eight gymnasiums, you can also ascend to the biggest stage expressed in your parents' last wish - the Higaki Tournament.

Take all things into consideration.

The musician embarks on his own journey with determination.

After that is the story till now.

After reading the narration, Kashiwagi felt that the musicians might have misunderstood something. Because the Hinoki Conference is connected to the Champions League, it is indeed the biggest stage... But your parents obviously meant the biggest stage of music, right?


If musicians can perform at the Hinoki Conference, everyone in the audience will be able to hear it. Even people who are not watching the conference will be affected by the Internet and passively hear it.

From this point of view, the musician's choice was very correct, and his efforts were not in vain.

Kashiwagi silently watched his stumbling creation, and tried his best to improve the combat power of the Pokémon. He even asked Homiga to help him with special training, and often competed with trainers from Liyue City.

I'm curious to see how far he can go.

And suddenly one day.

The musician stood up from the piano and threw countless pieces of music into the sky.

The narrator answered Kashiwagi’s doubts.

【you made it】

[You realize that this song will probably be the highest masterpiece in your life, and no matter what, you will never be able to create such a "perfect" work again]

[You are thinking to yourself that you must fulfill your parents’ last wish and set out with your Pokémon band to achieve the highest score in the Higaki Tournament. And your will has been accurately transmitted to the hearts of Pokémon. 】

Kashiwagi blinked and suddenly saw a blurry shadow in the lower right corner of the light screen approaching the musician.

The picture suddenly dimmed.

"Huh? What's going on? What happened?"

He was stunned for a moment, but found that the light screen appeared again.

It was already the opening day of the Hinoki Conference.

There was no explanation of whether Jigglypuff had evolved or not, nor was there any explanation of what happened after the vague shadow rushed past.

"It's all settled."

Kashiwagi couldn't help but scratch his head.

Preliminary round.

The musician's outfit is a bit weird, because among all the trainers who dress very lightly, he is the only one carrying a guitar bag and a small bag, which is quite conspicuous.

There is no doubt that the guitar bag contains a guitar, but what is in the other bag?

Kashiwagi soon got the answer.

When the musician stepped onto the trainer's seat, took out his guitar and opened another bag, the dark speakers and microphones were immediately exposed to the eyes of him and the many spectators.

Shaka had previously told him that the environment of the Alliance Conference was noisy, and it might be difficult for his music to reach the Pokémon's ears, so the volume needed to be amplified in a timely manner.

So the musician chose to get a microphone and speakers.

Kashiwagi was curious. Doesn't this violate the rules? For example, it affects the opponent, but in fact it is not a violation. The narrator told him that the alliance and the eight gym leaders confirmed that the musician was really using music to direct Pokémon and was not deliberately disturbing the opponent, so he was allowed to do this. made.

There is just a limit on decibels.

Thanks to the musicians, the audience saw the first contestant in history to turn a Pokémon battle into a concert for the first time.

The musician has done something unprecedented, which can be called a breakthrough.

Maybe it will go down in history.

What surprised the audience even more was his fighting ability.

[You killed your opponent with overwhelming momentum, and the audience was extremely shocked by your strength]

[You successfully broke through the preliminaries and came to the preliminary round]

The preliminary round started with the top sixty-four. Kashiwagi took a deep breath and watched expectantly.

But in the game.

What musicians do most is to constantly change music, from classical music to jazz, rock and roll, blues... except that there is no rap, they are basically all there.

The musical instruments range from clarinet, trumpet, euphonium to guitar, electronic keyboard and even bass, etc.

It’s dazzling to see.

When he played later, the whole venue would be much quieter, and everyone wanted to listen to the music he played, but they couldn't stop listening to it.

[You find that when you go on stage, all the audience will remain silent to the greatest extent, which makes you feel very happy]

The musicians came on stage and everyone was silent.

This is something that rarely happens in games.

His performance also climbed steadily, and he soon broke through the preliminary rounds and reached the final championship.

It's just that for some reason the musicians never allowed Jigglypuff to evolve, perhaps because they were worried that after evolution he wouldn't have the exaggerated voice he originally had.

As a passionate war song sung by Qixi Bluebird ended, the musicians came to the crucial semi-finals.

to be honest.

The musician's fight was so smooth that Kashiwagi didn't know if his Pokémon were too strong or if the other trainers participating in the Higaki Tournament were too weak.

But as if Kashiwagi set a flag for the musicians, the battle between the musicians in the semi-finals started smoothly.

But then it suddenly became difficult.

Opponents can not only disrupt his rhythm, but also use ultrasonic, metallic sounds and other moves to affect the Pokémon's hearing, making it impossible for his music to be transmitted smoothly to the Pokémon.

The musician barely resisted the opponent's attack, but in the end he had to let the two injured Pokémon face the opponent's powerful ace.

It seems like two against one.

In fact, the decline in victory and defeat has already appeared.

Seeing the Qixi Blue Bird retreating steadily, Kashiwagi began to beat gongs and drums in his heart.

You're not going to overturn your car, are you?

Double blue talent!

Top four? It’s a bit unjustifiable!

Fortunately, the musician did not disappoint Kashiwagi, nor did he disappoint his Pokémon. He directly threw away the trumpet in his arms, picked up the microphone and sang instead of the original music.

[You know that you will be able to convey your voice to Tanabata Bluebird's heart, because -'The trainer's voice is always more penetrating than the sound of musical instruments, and can give Pokémon more courage. ’]

[You always remember the teachings Shaka gave you]

At the moment when the Tanabata Blue Bird was about to fall, it suddenly sang the song of death, announcing that the opponent's last Pokémon was about to enter the countdown to fainting.

[Breakthrough of boundaries].

It had not learned this move, but after hearing the trainer's voice, it successfully sang this "divine song".

The last Pokémon of the Musician came on stage, and it persisted until Song of Destruction took away the opponent's trump card, successfully making a comeback and advancing to the finals!

"...Can pixels be so passionate?"

Kashiwagi swallowed secretly, looking forward to the final.

And this time.

Something unexpected happened. Tanabata Blue Bird was too injured to continue the next day's finals, and the musician, who only had six Pokémon, fell into a dead end.

The premise is if there are really only six.

The day of the final.

The musician started a fierce battle with his opponent. He started with Homiga's old guitar and was also going to "end" with the old guitar. When Ace Jigglypuff also lost to his opponent, he sent out his sixth ——


As soon as the Phantom Pokémon appeared, it caused an uproar in the entire arena. Everyone was surprised that the musician had such a trump card.

[As you look at Meloetta, your memory unconsciously returns to the afternoon when the music was completed. Meloetta appears because it recognizes your talent and hopes to help you realize your music dream. Together with your Pokémon band, sing this song "Heart of All" at the Higaki Convention]

[After you received the help of Meloetta, you trained your Pokémon harder and harder, and successfully integrated Meloetta into your Pokémon band]

Narration cuts off.

The picture continues to show the battle of Meloetta, and it is seen that it sang an ancient song, changing from a singing form to a dancing form, integrating with the musician's guitar playing and singing, and successfully defeated the musician's power with its telepathy. opponent.

The musician successfully won the title!

Kashiwagi raised his hands in excitement. He was another winner of the conference after the calligrapher. How could he calm down?

The day he won the championship.

With the tacit consent of the organizers of the conference, the musician moved a piano near the award podium, took his seven Pokémon, and played in front of all the audience, in front of the audience who were watching the Higaki Conference all over the world. "Hearts of All Us" played.

The magnificent music once turned the Alliance Conference into a musician's personal concert, but no one was dissatisfied. Everyone could hear the strong emotions he and the Pokémon Orchestra contained in this music.

The chorus of Jigglypuff and Meloetta, the accompaniment of the Tanabata bluebird, the sound of the pipe organ produced by the combination of wind chimes and Laplace, the sound of sand bells dancing with the cactus, the sound box of crickets bowing left and right, and the sound of cello and violin alternately The sonorous sound.

The magnificent Hezhong area slowly appeared in front of everyone like a picture scroll.

The characteristics and customs of each city seem to be right in front of you.

The audience was shocked.

After the song ended, countless people shouted for an encore, hoping that the musician would play another song without ending.

The conference organizers chose the default.


Perhaps the most absurd in history, but probably the most popular among the audience, the alliance conference quietly came to an end.

As for the Champions League.

Since the musician's Pokémon had already tried their best to win, even with Meloetta, they could not defeat the first king - Cattleya, who had a super attribute.

[You lost to Cattleya, your alliance challenge is over]

[You have fulfilled your parents’ wish and have successfully taken a big step towards realizing your music dream, but you know that this is just the beginning and there are more challenges waiting for you and your Pokémon in the future. orchestra. It's a pity that Meloetta can't go on with you. In addition to helping you win, it just wants to sing United Hearts]

[You are a little regretful, but you still say goodbye to this friend who has been with you for several months]

The scene freezes on the musician holding a guitar, facing the sunset and saying goodbye to Meloetta.

[End of simulation]

When Kashiwagi saw this line of text, he quickly picked up his phone and searched for "Heart of the United Nations" and successfully obtained the musician's information.

"Tolbert Wise, a well-known pianist and pop singer. Known as a musical genius and the winner of the xx Higaki Tournament, he is world-famous for his song "United Hearts" and has an extremely legendary experience. He is currently participating in a soundtrack event in Pokémon Hollywood and has attracted much attention..."

Ah...have you gone to Pokémon Hollywood?

I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it.

He looked at Tolbert's photo. He was much older than expected. He clearly said he was eighteen years old. He looked like a young man in his early twenties in a suit and tie.

Like the calligrapher Nagumo, he has the same mature temperament that is far beyond his years.

Maybe this is why they are different from ordinary people?

Kashiwagi thought and looked at the simulator reward that popped up.

[Fixed reward: Move learning machine × 5 (attributes can be specified)]

[Fixed reward: Musician’s guitar playing memory—empathy chapter (can be read repeatedly)]

[Fixed reward: Jigglypuff’s singing memory—Treble Chapter (can be read repeatedly)]

[Choice Reward 1: Any Pokémon will be upgraded to five levels (below lv70)]

[Selection reward two: Pokémon clues with specified race values ​​(except legendary Pokémon, fantasy Pokémon, and ultra beasts)]

[Choice Reward 3: Skill-Swapping Fields (You can choose Pokémon to learn)]

[Choice Reward Four: Save the [Physical Health] talent for the next round of simulation]

The champion can choose three from four.

But he is more focused on fixed rewards.

Forget about the guitar playing memory, Jigglypuff's singing memory... what's the use of this thing?

It’s impossible to really sing.

Kashiwagi thought that he might be able to teach this thing to a certain Pokémon, such as Happy Egg, Happy Egg, etc... After all, it is the only female Pokémon that can learn the loud voice.


He shifted his attention to the exchange of fields. This is a disgusting skill in the game. As long as the opponent knows that you will exchange the fields, he will have to be stuck in the dilemma of "will he exchange or not?"

It can be used in doubles, but not so much in singles.

Fortunately, there are still many doubles events in the Hoenn region. Although he has not encountered them so far, he will encounter them sooner or later if there is doubles content in the alliance conference.

I chose one, two, and three without hesitation.

Kashiwagi let out a sigh of relief.

"It's great!"

He yelled at the ceiling, attracting the looks of shock or lunacy from the Pokémon nearby.

Organize the harvest.

Kashiwagi's current accumulated moves include [Spinning Silk], [Hasu], [Kick Down], [Hard Hold], [Weather Ball], [Magic Shine] and thirteen skill blind boxes.

Magic Shine gave one to Happy Egg not long ago.

The focus is on the thirteen skill blind boxes!

When he saw this number, his hands couldn't help but tremble slightly. If this was a designated move, it would definitely help a Pokémon from weak to strong.

In addition, there are three clues, two of which are Pokémon with specified racial values, and one is a Pokémon with specified attributes.

The one in the back doesn't matter, the one in the front alone has already made steady gains for the two quasi-gods.

So cool!

Finally, there is the level reward... This thing can hardly be saved and will be used when it needs to be used, but now he wants to save it in order to allow the two-headed tyrannosaurus to evolve at a faster speed.

Remember that the three evil dragons require level 64, right?

If there is no advance evolution, even with these five levels, it still has a long way to go, so don't worry for the time being and wait until the three-headed evil dragon reaches level 59.

This guy is still far away from level 59.

Kashiwagi grabbed the head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and looked at the date on the wall.

We planned to stay in Green Town for a while. Now more than ten days have passed, and the Pokémon have also grown. Let's set off in ten days.

Considering that he had to participate in both the Gorgeous Competition and the Alliance Conference, the time was not very generous.


The calm days passed by like flowing water.

The following ten days did not bring anything exciting to Kashiwagi.

There are only very ordinary training, battles, and daily play with them. Through the combination of work and rest, the level of Pokémon gradually increases.


The time comes to leave.

Manchi, who had already learned the specific date from Kashiwagi, also packed his bags. After countless struggles, he finally chose to head to the next area and continue to challenge the gym and the alliance conference.

Instead of staying in Green Town, stay in Fengyuan area.

Only continuing to travel can promote the growth of a trainer.

Kashiwagi quite agreed with his idea. Even the male protagonist Xiaozhi of the animation had to grow up step by step under the torture of the screenwriter. No one was spared.

The two said goodbye in front of the train station in Green Town.

Manchichi wants to take the train to Kaina City and take a boat to the Johto area to challenge the Silver Tournament there.

"Bon Voyage!"

He waved.

Manchu, who was beyond the window, waved, "Have a good trip! You must work hard! I will watch you compete!"

"Me too!"

Kashiwagi said loudly, watching the train go away and turn into small shrimps.

During the days he spent with the latter, he actually learned a lot, and the Pokémon's combat effectiveness also improved significantly. He admired this friend who looked weak but was actually very strong.

Look away.

Kashiwagi picked up his backpack and turned around to look at Porygon, "Let's go! Approach the direction of Cauldron Town!"


The polygon responded by swinging its leg structure.

Just before leaving completely...

He came to the large farmland at the entrance of the town, found a familiar watermelon field, and said to a watermelon-headed kid wearing a grass mask:

"Hey! Remember me!"

"Huh? Ah! It's you!"

The watermelon-headed kid didn't recognize it at first, but when he saw the polygon, he suddenly realized, "You didn't leave. I thought you forgot the promise and had already left."

"How is it possible? I have been staying in Green Town these days."

Kashiwagi said with a smile: "Come on, let me see your second general!"

When they first came here, the two agreed to have another Pokémon battle before leaving, and the watermelon-headed kid would let him meet the second general.

"Okay! Just wait! The second general is not around now. I will bring him back when I go back!"

The watermelon-headed kid turned around and ran away without hesitation, leaving the melon field alone.

Kashiwagi simply sat on the roadside and read through his illustrated book.

Twenty days of hard work.

In exchange for Boscodora - level 71, Big Steel Snake - level 67, Big Mouth Baby - level 64, Happy Egg - level 58, Two-headed Tyrannosaurus - Level fifty-six, Galar Sun Coral - level forty-five, Porygon - level forty-three.

There is also the last heterochromatic ugly fish - level 36.

The overall level seems to have improved a lot.

Not bad.

He nodded approvingly, and the watermelon-headed imp came back panting, holding a Poké Ball in his hand.

"Come on! Let's fight!"


Kashiwagi looked at the Porygon next to him, "It starts with you and ends with you, go ahead! Let your opponent know how much you have grown!"


Porygon rushed forward with fighting spirit.

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