My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 344 Racing? elegant? (Three chapters in one!)

Go to the Pokémon Center to treat the injuries of the three heroes.

Among them, both Gilly Egg and Big Mouth Baby were basically uninjured. The former was not touched by King Yan and Yandianju Crab throughout the whole process. The latter's duel with Kentero was even more unexpected. He transformed into a matador and released himself to the greatest extent. the power of.

When asked how it came up with the idea of ​​climbing onto Kentero's back, Big Mouth Boy said that it was a flash of inspiration, and that all he wanted to do when he jumped up was to blast the bull's head.

Normally when fighting against Boscodora, I just climb on its back all day long, and the same goes for fighting the big steel snake.

It's just a habit.

Who would have expected that Kentero's back would be its blind spot? If Boscodora and the Big Steel Snake had come over, they would have made it fly away.

It was a hit and miss, but it also gave Guzzle the inspiration to attack large Pokémon.

It takes the experience of playing against Kentero to heart.

As for Boss Cordora, as the only injured person, compared to the loss of physical strength, what is visible to the naked eye are the numerous scars on the metal armor on its chest and abdomen that were cut by the mongoose's claws.

Half a finger wide and quite deep. The criss-crossing looks a bit ferocious.

It can also be seen from here that Mongoose Slash is very powerful in combat.

It's a pity that it probably didn't expect Boss Cordora to be so resistant, and even ignored the amplified attack. The metal explosion was used as a countermeasure, and was finally ended by brute force.

To be honest, Boss Cordora was still merciful. If the double-clawed hammer hit Mongoose Slash, the guy would have to rest for at least three or four days. Precisely because it only allowed the attribute energy to impact the latter, Let Mongoose Zhan lie down for a while at most and it will recover.

A compassionate heart from a big monster.

There is no doubt that the scars on Boscodora's chest and abdomen have become its new medal.

This guy was quite satisfied with the scratches half as thick as a finger, thinking that this was strong evidence that it could withstand attacks with four times the effect.

End treatment.

Kashiwagi did not rush back to the B\u0026B, but took the lucky eggs with him and wandered around in a nearby park.

Because he could see that Geely Egg was in a bad mood and was obviously still thinking about the battle just now, so he planned to let it relax.

Although in general it was just a minor mistake that was innocuous and did not change the result, the fact that it caused trouble for his teammates still caused a certain psychological burden on him.

Finally got a chance to play, and he actually behaved like this...

"You have done a great job, don't care too much, the result is as important as the process. And as long as you learn from the failure, then this failure is not meaningless."

He stroked Geely Dan's head. Fundamentally speaking, whether he was dealing with King Yan or Rock Palace Crab, there was no problem with the latter's style of play.

The problem is that this guy's current skill pool is not deep enough to interfere with an opponent who decides to fight to the death.

Furthermore, is it strange for the other party to launch countermeasures?

Not surprising.

It's just that Big Mouth Baby and Boss Cordora can always use practical actions to smash their opponents' delusions when they try to counterattack, but they can't do it themselves, resulting in a sense of gap.


As Kashiwagi's second Pokémon, Gilly Egg is a bit hard to accept.

The more I want to catch up with my companions, the more I find myself far away from them.

But it also knows that it is greedy. It not only wants to serve as the team's logistics work, but also wants to occupy the position of assistant, and it also hopes to have extremely strong combat effectiveness.

How can it take advantage of all the good things in the world?


If not, if he doesn't show his brilliance, Gilly Egg is worried that he will not be able to stay by his trainer's side.

It rarely longs for anything. Only when it wakes up every morning can it see the peaceful sleeping face of Kashiwagi. The whole body relaxes and cannot help but fall asleep. This is something that it cannot give up no matter what.

Otherwise, Geely Dan will really doubt that all the touches, joy and praise he has received these days, and all the smiling faces are fake. I am still in that dark cage, dreaming of some unrealistic dreams.

its day.

It really starts from that moment in the morning.


Feeling the warm hands that continued to caress its head, Gilly Egg did not remain depressed. It understood that what the trainer said was right. What is more important than failure is learning new things from failure.

It must break through its own weaknesses, and even if it doesn't have attack moves, there are still many things it can learn.

Gilly Egg has never been so determined.


Return to the B\u0026B.

Mitsuru seemed to have received the news about Kashiwagi's victory and the theft of the battle tent. After seeing him, he looked happy and wanted to congratulate him.

But then he remembered that the rewarded Pokémon Egg was gone, and quickly shut his mouth, his face suddenly turning red from holding back.

Kashiwagi even gave the kid a smile, "Okay, just say what you want, I won't be angry."


Only then did Manchong spit out his words, and he felt relieved instantly, and then became a little angry, "Those thieves are so abominable! Why would they do such a thing?"

Do you have a sense of justice?

"They just like to get something for nothing. I have met many people like this before. Don't worry, you will be caught sooner or later. How can you walk by the river without getting wet shoes?"

Kashiwagi responded with a smile.

Manchang nodded, then asked curiously: "Have you encountered many? Kashiwagi-san, have you ever been a policeman before?"

"How is it possible? The police don't accept minors. I was just responsible for maintaining law and order."

"Hey - how do you deal with this kind of thief?"

"Why are you so excited... If it's more common, break your legs or cut off your fingers." Kashiwagi looked at Feng Feng with shining eyes in surprise, and said very scary words with a calm face.

Hearing this, the curiosity on Manman's face quickly subsided. Seeing the seriousness of the person in front of him, he smiled awkwardly and said: "Hit, break the legs, cut off the fingers? Kashiwagi Sang really loves to joke?"


He gave him a meaningful look and glanced at Michiru's hands and legs.


Kashiwagi smiled brightly.

"It must be a joke! Please, please! Please tell me it's a joke! Don't scare me like this!" Manchong grabbed his arm with a sad face and refused to let go until he got the answer he wanted.

Today’s children are not very mentally capable.

Kashiwagi looked at the relieved man and shook his head, "By the way, let me remind you a little bit about your cousin and yourself to be vigilant. Maybe they will sneak over to us."

"...Yes, you should be on guard."

The green-haired boy thought briefly and felt that what Kashiwagi said made sense.

Plan ahead.

It is definitely the best if it has not been stolen. If something is stolen due to carelessness, there will really be no place to cry.

"I'll be back as soon as I go! Wait for me!"

Manchong ran to find his cousin Aman in a flash.

Kashiwagi looked at the time. There was still some time before dinner. After watching on the sofa for so long, it was time to move around with the Pokémon for a while.

Especially Porygon.

The laptop is not free. This guy just made a mosaic racing mini-game yesterday. In it, the more you speed up when passing through a specific area, the faster the car competing with you will be, and the slower you will be.

Inspiration hit its move learning unit at once, telling the trainer that it had inspiration.

"Is Magic Space finally showing signs of success?"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but be a little excited.

Magic Space is a very critical move for his all-around low-speed team, which can make up for the lack of mobility to the greatest extent.

It no longer relies solely on instantaneous explosive power to make up for the shortcomings of slow speed.

Come to the battle arena.

He couldn't wait to release Porygon.


The polygon first fell to the ground, and then slowly floated up using electromagnetic force to shield gravity. This guy's size had grown a lot compared to when he first arrived.

Two days ago, Kashiwagi noticed a change in its size, and specially measured it, and found that it had really grown in size.

It's very strange.

Can artificial Pokémon still "grow up"? Are there age differences?

Kashiwagi asked his assistant, and got the answer that Porygon did have a size growth program, but asked him how much it could grow, and the latter replied "It's hard to say."

It’s hard to say what the hell?

He inevitably began to imagine a polygonal beast the size of a house. By then, most of the moves it would unleash would be indistinguishable from cannons.

"Today's topic, magic space!"


Porygon nodded seriously, using the superpower energy in his body to construct a false space in his mind, and recalling the codes he had entered, a blue space quickly took shape in the haze.

in reality.

Kashiwagi saw the polygon's eyes glowing red, and the markings on the edge of the field suddenly glowed with sky-blue light. Immediately, the straight light rose up, quickly forming a huge rectangular parallelepiped.

The distorted blue light turned into glass and enveloped the entire venue, surging and swaying like ripples.

no doubt.

This is the magic space.

Porygon successfully used it on his first try!


Kashiwagi looked around in surprise, recalling the scene when this guy learned 100,000 volts. He seemed to have succeeded in the same way, as if he had used a skill learning machine.

Being too smooth will inevitably make him a little uncomfortable. After all, none of the other Pokémon have come through trial and error.

I can only say that this may be a certain characteristic of Porygon.

Learning moves is all initiated by internal processes.

At this time.

Manchong ran over from a distance and stepped into the magic space, "I'm back - ah!"

The sudden stagnation of speed made him almost do somersaults.

"What's going on? Magic space?"

"Oh! The reaction is quite fast!"

Kashiwagi was surprised for a moment, "Young man, you can."

"Hehe... I have met him before, so I have a deep impression..."

Manchi was a little embarrassed by the praise, and looked at Porygon and said excitedly: "How about you let me help test this magic space?"

"If you are willing, of course I would love it."

"It's a matter of a finger~ It's a matter of a finger~"


The fastest Fierce Arrow Eagle in the full team appeared, and was about to flap its wings twice, but felt that the propulsion was slower than expected.


Why, do the wings feel so heavy!

The Fierce Arrow Eagle kept exerting force with a sullen face, almost compensating with its face but still unable to increase its speed. Instead, the polygon below was already galloping around the field like an F1 racing car.



Seeing the polygons buzzing around like mosquitoes, and the flaming arrow eagles flying like snails in the sky, he really didn't expect the effect to be so immediate.

Too bad it didn't last long.

There are a fixed five rounds in the game, and it only takes about three minutes to use Porygon. Maybe the time can be extended as you become more proficient in the moves.

Of course, being too long is not good either. The magic space must be opened at the right time and closed at the right time, so that it can be regarded as a qualified magic space.

at the same time.

As Porygon was flying, Kashiwagi had some thoughts about its constantly swinging feet.

Since angularization can deform its body tissue, does that mean that the corners of its feet can be greatly increased to make its legs "round"?

It relies on electromagnetic levitation to drive the "wheels" that the legs transform into, thereby increasing speed.

He thought about it and stepped forward, stretched the polygon's left leg back and looked at the expression on its face.

The wheel turns around.

It was very silky and smooth without any stagnation. Porygon didn't notice the pain, but his face was full of questions and he didn't know why.

Also confused is Full Charge.

Kashiwagi told them his idea, "...Do you think this is feasible?"

"You can give it a try!"

Full of no brainless approval, he nodded seriously after making his own judgment.

While the polygon rotated its feet, imagining how they turned into something like gears, excitement arose spontaneously, "Crack!"

It likes this "creativity" in its moves!

Just do it.

Polygon looked at Kashiwagi, and after receiving his approval, its body was covered in white light, and its feet rapidly changed, from pentagon to hexagon, then to heptagon...octagon...nineagon...

There are more and more corners, and the appearance is becoming more and more rounded. By the time it transforms into a positive shape, it already feels very round.


Porygon was a little tired, but the excitement of seeing the wheels on both sides of him soon dispelled this fatigue.

It can’t wait to be put on the ground to try it——


Kashiwagi stretched out his hand to stop it but was a step too late. The polygon rolled forward uncontrollably, leaning forward with its entire body's center of gravity and falling to the ground, with a snap like some kind of pile-driving machine.

Very crisp, snap~


He covered his forehead and quickly helped Porygon up. The latter was a little stunned. A mark was clearly printed on the ground, which was clearly made by Porygon's mouth.


I wanted to laugh so much but didn't dare to, and it was quite uncomfortable to hold it in.

"It seems that in addition to deformation, balance also needs to be exercised." Kashiwagi patted Porygon's forehead.

The latter is somewhat embarrassed, but fortunately its face is already red, and even if it is blushing, it will not be visible on the outside.

The direction of increasing the corners is definitely correct, but the polygon still needs to be exercised frequently, and the change time is a bit too long. After completing the gear legs, you can try more changes.

Human imagination is limitless. Perhaps Dr. Akihabara originally designed the polygon to be able to transform through angularization just to allow trainers to DIY.

It's a pity that who would have thought that so many unexpected things would happen later.

"Let's fight."

He turned to Mitsuru and said, "Are you free now?"


Manchong's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

Although he had fought against Kashiwagi many times, he was still not tired of it, and even prepared the Pokémon he would send out with great anticipation.

Put your heart and soul into every fight and show all your emotions.

This is full of creed and tactics.


Another fulfilling day has passed.


Kashiwagi yawned and glanced at the bright moonlight shining through the screen window.

Compared with the two-headed tyrannosaurus last night in the meteor swarm, they have made further progress. They have been able to complete the process of concentrating their energy and saving energy and spraying it into the sky very smoothly.

It's just that it's stuck at the last key point of exploding fireworks, just like Ash's Round Land Shark.

This is undoubtedly the difficulty of meteor swarms.

Kashiwagi was not in a hurry. He was not in need of the meteor swarm to the point where he needed it. The two-headed tyrannosaurus was a little anxious at first, but then he gradually became less anxious.

After all, I haven't finally evolved yet, so it's clear which one I should be more anxious about.


He pressed down his phone and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing that all the trainers were asleep, the noisy Pokémon quickly calmed down.

Not long after the lights dimmed.


A red sawtooth on the wooden floor trembled slightly, and then quickly wormed its way into the nearby bushes, crossed the lush grass, and came to the side of two guys dressed in black.

It revealed a green lizard-like appearance.

"Are you all asleep?"


The hidden dragon nodded. Although there was a curtain between them, it was sure that Kashiwagi was completely asleep.

"very good!"

The two men in black looked at each other, nodded in unison, and quickly approached the B\u0026B not far away. They were both very good at walking on the ground without making any sound.

And next to them, there was a black, sharp-horned Pokémon that looked like a rag doll floating in the air.

Not long after.

Destination arrived.

A man in black lowered his voice and said, "See through!"

A blue light glowed in the eyes of the Resentful Shadow Doll, and a ripple spread quickly around, causing the figure lying on the bed to appear in the special glasses of the man in black.

There were no other Pokémon in the room, only a few Poké Balls placed neatly on the bedside table.

What a great opportunity!

The two looked at each other, then very skillfully stepped forward and gently opened the French window to reveal a small crack, took out a tube and sprayed smoke into the room.

After waiting for a few seconds without hearing any sound, they confidently opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked in.

"Hey~ You've tormented me to death~"

A man in black said sadly.

"These are just for safety reasons. Do you know what technical content is? Are thieves that easy to do? Stupid!" Another man in black patted the former's head.

The two came to the bedroom and went straight to the bedside table.

One of them also looked at Kashiwagi's peaceful sleeping face and sneered, "What's the use of having such a pretty face? It's fools like you who steal it! Don't you know not to expose your Pokémon casually?"

"Okay, no nonsense!"

The accomplice frowned and scolded, picked up the Poke Balls on the bedside table and checked them one by one.


"Huh? Why isn't there a two-headed tyrannosaurus?"

"No? Did it fall somewhere else? Like under the bedside table?"

"Look for it, don't just tell me!"

"oh oh!"

"Now, here you go."

An elf ball was handed to the man in black looking for it under the bed by a white hand. The latter nodded subconsciously, "Oh, thank you -"

Before he spoke, he was shocked. He looked up and saw a face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Good evening, you two."

Amid the shocked expressions of the two men in black, Kashiwagi quickly opened the elf ball.


White light flashes.

A man in black reacted extremely quickly, but instead of turning around and running away, he planned to pounce on Kashiwagi and hold him down.

Unfortunately, the latter was faster. He opened the Poké Ball with one hand, turned around and quickly climbed up from his waist to exert force. He kicked the man on the chest. The heavy force caused him to smash the wardrobe behind him with a bang. .

at the same time.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus appeared in the room, and did not pay attention to the remaining man in black. Instead, he raised his two heads and aimed at the resentful shadow doll and the hidden dragon, each of which sprayed a blue firework!


The room was instantly messed up by the exploding dragon flames, and smoke filled the air everywhere. The man in black who was smashed into the cabinet groaned. He suddenly felt something bad and tried to take advantage of the chaos to escape. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, another man in black was knocked out. Kashiwagi grabbed his neck and pressed it over!


The two men in black bumped into each other in the cabinet. They were dizzy and couldn't help but roar in their hearts.

Who is this guy?

How decisive were you in taking action?

"Fortunately, I was on guard against you, otherwise you might have stolen it." Kashiwagi didn't stop there. Hearing panicked shouts from outside, he grabbed their heads again and smashed them against the wall twice.

Although he has been in Fangyuan for so long, he is no longer as violent as he used to be, beating people whenever he disagrees, but occasionally he still wants to vent a little when he encounters such a ghost.

The two men in black fainted without any backbone under such a heavy blow.

As for their Pokémon, one of them, Shaman, tried to escape invisibly, but was chased and bitten by the two-headed Tyrannosaurus with a keen sense of smell. The Resentful Shadow Doll was tightly locked with the mist-like tentacles of the Galar Sun Coral that had just appeared, with a look of pain on its face.

There were knocks and shouts from Aman and Manchong at the door of the room.

Kashiwagi took back his Pokémon, sent out auspicious eggs to keep an eye on these guys, and ran to open the door.

The door opens.

Not only Aman and Manchong, but also the tenants in other rooms came and looked into the room curiously.

"Kashiwagi-san! Are you okay? Did something happen?" The green-haired boy in pajamas said nervously.

"Let's call the police to see Miss Junsha first."

Kashiwagi stretched out his hand to stop Aman from speaking, "I may have caught those thieves, and I don't rule out that they have other accomplices. Of course, it is also possible that they are just imitators of those thieves... Anyway, call Miss Junsha over first. .”

Once you say this.

Everyone showed surprised expressions.

Aman quickly turned around and ran to the front desk to make a phone call.

"Are you hurt?" he asked with concern, looking at his hands and feet.

"No... do you want to come in and take a look?"

Kashiwagi turned sideways and looked at the other people who were equally curious, "Everyone, instead of watching the excitement, you might as well go back to your room to see if anything has been stolen."


If a thief comes, this may not be the first place to steal!

The faces of the melon-eaters changed, and they immediately became aware of the participants, and quickly ran back to the room to check their things.

Manchi followed Kashiwagi into the room. After turning on the light, he saw a completely tattered wardrobe and two black-clothed thieves who had fainted in the closet. Seeing their unconscious appearance, he immediately looked at the thief's legs and hands.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he hadn't been interrupted or cut.

"so far so good……"

"What's okay?"

"Fortunately, you discovered it!" Mitsuru answered Kashiwagi's question with a stiff expression, and quickly changed the subject, "How did you discover the thief? They must be very smart, right?"

"It was smelled by the two-headed tyrannosaurus. These two idiots didn't know that its nose was very sensitive. They placed a Pokémon that could turn invisible on the balcony, and it was smelled by the two-headed tyrannosaurus."

Kashiwagi smiled and touched the head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

"Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus responded triumphantly, but because one mouth was holding the hidden dragon, only one mouth could make a sound.


A piercing siren sounded.

Miss Junsha and the others arrived a little faster than expected. Apparently they were tortured by these two suspected real owners and worked overtime.

I just hope they are not imitators who idolize those two thieves.

Kashiwagi thought to himself.

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