My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 338 Target? significance? (Three chapters in one!)

The big steel snake has some physical strength left, but not much.

The [Strong] characteristic only leaves it with the power to deliver the final blow.

It's almost over here. After all, with its current skill pool, there is no move that can be used to make a comeback, nor is there any ability to quickly recover physical strength that is on the verge of reaching its limit.


Kashiwagi did not declare the end.

He knew that the Big Steel Snake didn't want it to end either.


The huge body made a crunching sound, like metal fatigue. The big steel snake turned its head like a hill with difficulty, staring not far away at the Super Eluredo and the huge abyss-like giant here. mouth.

"Dragon Breath."

Kashiwagi gave the final order.

The big steel snake, which could no longer move its body, took a deep breath and used up its last bit of strength to spurt out the accumulated indigo fireworks!


The blazing flames almost turned into a fire dragon.

But the next moment, a dark purple light blade flew over and cut it in half from the middle!


The blue flame shattered.

Super Elledor, who was swinging his arm blade, stood upright, and the blood-red blade looked extremely dazzling under the illumination of attribute energy.

And when the rising full moon illuminates the venue, the cloak fluttering in the wind makes this pure white knight look extremely holy.

"Come again..."

Manchong swallowed it half-way through his words.

Because he had already seen the fainting circles of the big steel snake.

To be honest, after being hit in close combat, he suspected that the latter had lost his ability to fight. Who would have thought that the big steel snake could still move and even spray out a burst of dragon breath.

Sturdy properties? This should be it.

But fortunately, he won...


Manchong clenched his fist fiercely, his brows were full of excitement and excitement, and the long-lost excitement filled his heart, making his whole person seem much more alive.

Eluredo, who had returned to his original form, was infected by the trainer and was equally excited.

They looked at each other with extremely bright smiles on their faces.

It was obviously just an ordinary battle, and even the strength of the opponent was far inferior to some of the powerful opponents in the conference, but the feelings surging in the hearts of the two at this time were not much different than when they broke through to the semi-finals.

Is it because there has been no battle for so long?

Man Chong didn't know clearly, but there was no doubt that at this moment he just wanted to enjoy this rare pleasure.

He was about to go over and say something to Kashiwagi when his cousin Aman suddenly ran up and hugged him excitedly.

"Fully charged! So awesome! Fully charged!"

Cousin Aman said excitedly, and when he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but applaud him. His hands turned red and he didn't stop.

After all, the child who once loved Pokémon battles suddenly said that she no longer wanted to be a trainer, and she hadn't battled with other trainers for a long time. How could she settle down?

Seeing the familiar expression on the other person's face now, my cousin couldn't be more happy.

"It's too loud. It will disturb the guests."

I begged shyly and begged my cousin to stop clapping, but the latter pulled me to the corridor of the B\u0026B.

When the surrounding tenants saw him coming, they gathered around curiously and asked questions here and there.

"The one you just used was a super evolution? It's amazing!"

"I think I know you. Have you attended the Caiyu Conference?"

"At your age, I've been traveling all the time. Did you just finish your trip? Why did you come to be a waiter?"

Manchong didn't know how to reply to the machine-gun-like questioning. He waved his hands and showed a somewhat forced smile, "Um, what, I..."

"I'm very sorry, guests. He is too tired from the battle and needs to rest. I'm really sorry..."

Cousin Aman came out in time and stood between them, pushing Manchong out of here.

All the tenants looked at each other, then at Kashiwagi who was still in the venue, and returned to their rooms without interest.

In the venue.

Kashiwagi soothed the big steel snake softly.

This guy was called here all the way to show off his skills. Who would have thought that he would be knocked down by an inexplicable Pokémon just after he had taken down a teammate and output it to almost the same level of remaining health.


Even though he still fought back, there is not much difference in essence.

"Relax, this is just a small defeat. The important thing is that you fought until the end."

Cypress patted its forehead gently, making a muffled popping sound.

This force is within the comfort zone of the big steel snake, and even hitting it with a small wooden hammer is no problem.


The big steel snake put its chin on the ground and gave a low response.

Actual combat is different from practice communication battles that last until the last moment. You have to fight until the last second and until the last bit of energy is exhausted.

Do your best to win and never give up until the last second.

This is the result of the ace Boss Cordora's example and words. Its will has affected Kashiwagi, and also affected the Pokémon in the entire team. Even the Galarian Sun Coral, which is usually in ruins, will fight to the limit.

"Rest peacefully."

Kashiwagi took it back into the Poké Ball and opened the phone's illustrated book.

Although it is not clear about Manchi's specific strength, the average level of this guy's Pokémon is definitely not less than level 65, and the ace Elledo may be over level 70.

Of course, this is just speculation at the moment.

"Woohoo~ I've grown up. I've grown up." He was happy to see the Galar Sun Coral rising to a level.

Why do you want to fight with Manchukuo? It’s not just about allowing Pokémon to grow.

If you really want to win, you can go to Boscado to pull them, and fight with Full Charge until the last second, instead of playing some "cute" ones.

Let these guys grow up through a lot of practice.

Kashiwagi glanced at the bright crescent moon in the sky, and while thinking about whether Mitsuru would agree to battle next time, he took the three exhausted Pokémon to the Pokémon Center.

As soon as I walked out of the B\u0026B, I happened to see Manchong coming out of the back door.

His Rosered was cursed and burned, so he had to go to the Pokémon Center.

The two looked at each other.

"Yo!" Kashiwagi raised his hand to greet him.

And Manchong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the former had a calm expression, showed no dissatisfaction and even took the initiative to greet him.

Although most trainers behave with dignity no matter whether they win or lose, there are some who get angry and curse after losing. Fullman, who has a relatively soft personality, has encountered many such people.

Fortunately, this one is not.

"Um, can I ask you some questions?" Manchong quickly followed to the side and asked in a low voice with some anxiety.

"Ask a question? If I know, I don't mind."

Kashiwagi walked forward slowly, "And I also have something to ask you."


Hearing these words, Manchang felt as if he had been illuminated by light. He showed a bright smile of surprise and nodded happily, "I must know everything and say everything!"

"...It's not that exaggerated."

Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth.

The child undoubtedly wanted to ask about things related to Pokémon such as Porygon. According to his own words, in order to solve the problem of physical weakness, he became a trainer and embarked on a journey with Larulas.

Unfortunately, we have only visited two areas so far, so the Pokémon sent by Kashiwagi are basically unknown to each other, so it feels very strange.

Although it can be understood through the illustrated book, the content introduced in the illustrated book is too little, and it is also suspected of being overly exaggerated. I really hope to know the characteristics of these Pokémon from the trainers who breed them.

"Please teach me!"

He clenched his fists with excitement, and his bright eyes were full of curiosity.

It's just that unlike Huoyan, who is limited to being curious about people, he is full of curiosity for unknown Pokémon. He may also be curious about people, but given his personality, he is probably not too embarrassed to ask those personal questions.

So what dilemma did he encounter?

So much so that even this fanatical thirst for knowledge cannot become a breakthrough.

The two handed the elf ball to Miss Joy and sat down by the window to wait.

Kashiwagi answered with full doubts and asked: "So why don't you continue traveling now? Do you want to help your cousin open a B\u0026B?"


Manchu's expression froze, and his head that was still raised quickly lowered, and he said softly: "Part of it, but mainly I don't know how to continue."

"Don't know how to continue?"

"Hmm... I feel like I can't find the meaning of being a trainer..."

"I see."

Kashiwagi nodded, understanding that Manmitsu had fulfilled his original vision - after strengthening his body, he failed to find a follow-up goal, and he did not have any responsibilities to bear. In addition, he was confused due to the failure of the conference and could not see the future. " How were your results at the Quartz Conference?"

"……runner up."

Manchuria grabbed the edge of the chair with both hands, raised his shoulders slightly and lowered his eyes to the table.

This posture made his already thin figure look particularly thin.

Two consecutive runner-up finishes.

After hearing this answer, Kashiwagi nodded, thinking that it was indeed the case, and said: "Then why don't you set a new goal for yourself? Having a goal naturally makes sense."

“Is it meaningful to have a goal?”

Manchong raised his head, his eyes full of confusion.

"Of course, just think about why you became a trainer in the first place, and just follow the original goal." Kashiwagi said calmly: "No matter what the goal is, as long as it is what you desire."

"What I long for..."

He muttered to himself, obviously still not understanding.

There is no way, Kashiwagi is not very eloquent and cannot be a life mentor for others.

Manchi thought for a while and looked over cautiously, "Then... what is Kashiwagi, Kashiwagi-san's goal?"

"Just call me Kashiwagi."

Kashiwagi replied: "My goal is to become stronger, so strong that one day when I return to my hometown, I can defeat everyone and become the strongest champion. Then I will become the strongest in the world until I stand at the pinnacle of trainers."

In addition, the small goals include winning the Caiyu Tournament, finding the lost Lugia, and making the Orei region rich and prosperous.

Of course there is no need to say this.

After listening to this, a trace of envy flashed across Manchong's face at first. After thinking for a while, he then said: "Then standing at the pinnacle of a trainer, does it mean anything?"

"No, of course not."

Kashiwagi shook his head decisively, "The goal of being a trainer in itself is meaningless. The real meaning is that I can feel happy when I move forward or even reach that peak. This happiness drives the meaning and motivation of me to do this. Human life is To make myself happy.

"Not to mention you, too. You are so happy when you win, and you are so happy when you absorb the knowledge of Pokémon. It should be easy for you to find a simple goal."


Mitsuru blushed slightly when he heard Kashiwagi's evaluation, but when he mentioned a simple goal, he was confused again.

I really don’t know what I should do or what I can do.

"Think about it slowly, you are still young, it doesn't matter if you think about it for two more years."

The latter patted him on the shoulder and took back his Pokémon from the hands of Nurse Happy Egg.

That night.

Full of insomnia.

He spent the whole night trying to find a goal for himself, but no matter which goal he had, he couldn't get excited, and he didn't have the sense of expectation he once had.

When Kashiwagi got up and went downstairs, he saw him sitting at the front desk and dozing with dark circles under his eyes, and shook his head.

This child is hopeless.

Doesn't having a rival have such a big impact on him?

Speaking of which, in order to defeat players and become a strong man like him, Manchang in the later stage of the gem re-enactment also became a bit "devil-minded". He often ran around the hatchery in the middle of the night talking about individual values ​​and other things. People gave him a nickname after witnessing it——

"The green-haired running prince holding an egg."

His character is really easily shaken.

Knock knock.

"Wake up." He knocked on the counter.

Dozing off, Mito was suddenly surprised. After seeing Kashiwagi, he bowed sharply, only to hit his head on the countertop, "Good morning - ah!"

"You probably won't be able to do anything well in this state. I suggest you don't force yourself and take a good rest before coming back," he said, looking at Man Chong who was covering his forehead.

"I-I'll consider it."

Manchun responded with red eyes, he must have been hit a bit hard.

It's so different from the state during the battle. Can people still change their faces in Pokémon battle?

Kashiwagi withdrew his gaze and walked outside.

The battle tent auditions started today, and I don’t know how many people will participate. Is the competition fierce or not?

I really hope I can win the final.


Outside the battle tent.

Kashiwagi looked at the crowd of people in front of him, somewhat surprised.

It's been nearly a day since he came to Green Town, and it's the first time he's seen so many people gathering together. This thing seems to be more popular than expected? So many people are contestants?

Fortunately, after asking passers-by, I found out that it was just because of the large number of spectators.

Due to the environment, the pace of life in Luyin Town is extremely slow, and everyone is usually very leisurely, so they all like to come and join in the fun with rare things like battle tents.

But that's all.

"External trainers like you participate more often. We locals or people who live in Green Town actually rarely participate." The middle-aged man who looked kind-hearted said with a smile.


Kashiwagi nodded, thinking that it was a little different from what was said online.

Enter the tent.

He showed his participation certificate to the staff and was immediately led to a room by them.

The room is fully equipped with basic facilities such as sofas, large LCD screens, and operating desks. There are even free drinks and fruits, as well as a separate bathroom.

"When the front prompts that the game is about to start, put the selected Pokémon ball inside to complete the preparation. What you can do is select the starting Pokémon and exchange Pokémon."

The staff briefly introduced a machine in the room that was integrated with the table.

Kashiwagi glanced over it and wrote down the process.

"Then please wait a moment. The audition competition will begin in ten minutes. Your Pokémon only needs to defeat three rounds of opponents to gain the right to advance. You will need to wait after winning each round. During this period, you Feel free to move around, but be sure to come back before you start.”

The staff bowed and said goodbye.

Three rounds...that's nine Pokémon?

It looks like there are still a lot of contestants, so I hope there won't be any particularly outrageous trainers lined up.

Kashiwagi knew in his heart that there were crouching tigers and hidden dragons in Luyin Town, and he would easily be slapped in the face if he looked down upon him casually.

Not long after.

The text on the screen directly opposite lit up that the game was about to begin.

He sat down on the sofa, placed the three elf balls on the teleportation device, and said to them: "It's up to you today, come on, everyone."

The three elf balls shook gently.


The indicator light is on.

The three elf balls disappeared in front of Kashiwagi's eyes, and the appearance of three elf balls appeared in the lower right corner of the screen.

Turn around.

A huge rectangular battle arena surrounded by water appeared on the screen, which was obviously the venue for Pokémon competitions. The surprising thing is that the lens can be moved, and it can't only be viewed from the rear.

It can be viewed from the side or from the top of the head.

Kashiwagi thought about it, selected Big Mouth Baby as the starter, and pressed the confirm button.

After waiting for a while, there was a bang, and a Poké Ball seemed to be shot out by some machine. Then it opened in the air and turned into a big-mouthed baby and fell into the field.


A wrist also appears in the field.

The game actually started as soon as it started.

The two Pokémon looked at each other, then began to observe the surrounding environment. After confirming something, they continued to look at each other, with some hostility in their eyes.


The arm on the opposite side looked very fierce. It roared and rushed towards the big-mouthed kid. When it raised its hand, its arm lit up with a blazing light and turned into a hand knife in an attempt to hit the latter's head.

The big-mouthed baby stood there, waiting for the sword to be chopped down, then suddenly sidestepped and hit its chest with a powerful strengthening punch!


I heard a muffled sound coming from the stereo.

The wrist flew high in the form of a parabola, and then fell heavily into the water on the field.

By the time the white sea lion lifeguard in the water picked it up, the guy's eyes had turned into circles.

"It seems that this person is not very strong."

Kashiwagi lay back while looking at the screen, and his slightly nervous demeanor instantly relaxed.

And in the arena, after finishing the first opponent, Big Mouth Baby also ushered in the second one——

Sparkling silver cocoa dola.


It raised its eyebrows. It didn't expect to see Boscodora's kin here. In this case...should it be merciful?

It’s still not possible.

Lightning danced on the soles of Big Mouth Baby's feet, and then when it stepped fiercely, it flew forward like a shooting star!


Kokodola, who had just finished observing the scene, was shocked when he noticed the intruder. Just as he was about to fight back, he found that the big-mouthed baby had already arrived in front of it and blocked its mouth with a punch.


A cloud of smoke exploded.

Cocodora fell backwards like a gourd rolling on the ground, and finally fell into the water with its companions, and was rescued by a white sea lion.


the second.

The big-mouthed kid blew his fist and showed a bored expression.

There is really no challenge to such an opponent, and I guess the third one is about the same——


The third Pokémon to appear is Makoshita Rikishi.

This guy also wanted to fight the big-mouthed kid. He relied on the fat he had to absorb the impact and pushed forward. Who would have thought that the big-mouthed kid would just do a spin and reversal during the fist fight.

Just let the giant jaws bite this guy in one bite, and mix it with the frozen teeth to throw him out!

Then I saw this fat guy flying high with a whoosh, and then fell into the water with a pop.

Be the third one to hit the street.


The horn sounded.

The big-mouthed kid raised his head slightly and saw a strange thing with a trainer's head flying towards him, "嘁哚?"

"It's a recycling machine, don't panic. Thank you for your hard work, Big Mouth Boy."

Kashiwagi's voice came from the machine, and then there was a red recycling light.


The big-mouthed kid curled his lips and allowed himself to be taken back by the elf ball.

This isn't even a warm-up, so there's nothing hard about it.

in the room.

Kashiwagi got back three Poké Balls, and the countdown to the start of the next game was displayed in the lower right corner of the screen, which lasted for thirty minutes.

"If we had the same intensity as just now, maybe we could win smoothly?"

He couldn't help but think about it, and took out his mobile phone to play with it.

Since I didn't let the Pokémon train much last night, I had been discussing the Porygon thing with Dr. Akihabara's assistant, and got a lot of interesting information.

"Dr. Akihabara doesn't want you to let Porygon evolve into Porygon II at will. On the one hand, it's because the evolved Porygon II has a changeable personality, which is difficult for ordinary trainers to handle." On the other hand, it is possible to receive an email that may affect Porygon II. 』

"The sender of the email is unknown, but everyone knows that it must have been sent by the disappeared Unit Zero Porygon Z. It wants to add new companions to itself, but it doesn't look down on ordinary Porygons, so it will attack them. Porygon II starts. 』

"If you use upgrade data to evolve Porygon, be careful with that guy!" 』

Unit-0 Porygon Z, who wishes to have a new companion...

Although he had never heard of this thing in the anime, Kashiwagi instinctively felt that this thing was definitely not easy to mess with. Maybe he could find it through Hoopa?

Can Hoopa control the computer space?

Maybe give it a try.

Kashiwagi nodded secretly, and a beep suddenly came from the stereo.

The second round is here.

The battlefield on the screen changed from flat land surrounded by water to sandy land surrounded by sharp rocks.


Isn’t this the proper home stadium of Bosco Dora?

He didn't hesitate too much and decisively made Boscodora his starter and launched it when the game started.

Inside the arena.

With two white lights flashing.

Boscodora fell into the sand, and with his heavyweight body, his two feet got stuck in as soon as he landed.

It first quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, and then looked at the enemy not far away——


A purple-skinned, green-winged flying insect?

The illiterate Boscodora didn't know that the opponent was called Poisonous Pink Moth, but he just felt that he was quite lucky to be able to come to such a home battle.


It punched the ground, and the sand turned into a vertical tornado of sand and dust and hit the poisonous pink moth!

The latter stirred, and its tentacles and compound eyes lit up with blue light, turning into invisible spiritual power and spreading forward, trying to resist the sand tornado.

However, its mental force was washed away by the quicksand hell as soon as it came into contact with it, and then it was even sucked into it and smashed heavily against a rock!


"Dugu!" It let out a scream, and flapped its wings rapidly in an attempt to break away from the sand tornado. Who would have thought that several sharp rocks would break through the air and hit it one after another.

Bang bang bang!

After a series of explosions and smoke, the poisonous pink moth could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.


Boscodora approached the poisonous pink moth and looked at it curiously.

Who would have thought that before it got too close, a red beam of light would suck the poisonous pink moth in, and then release a wing a little further away that vibrated extremely fast, constantly emitting a low humming sound, so that it could not move A golden bug that is also extremely fast.

A high-speed opponent...

Hope it brings some fun.

There was a slight smile on Boscodora's ferocious face.

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