My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 334: Hatchets in succession (all in one super large chapter!!)

Johto area.

The gender is male, and the default Pokémon is Murkrow.

Is there such a person in Team Rocket? I remember that Cadre Athena seemed to have a dark crow, but she was a woman...

Kashiwagi looked at the five talents in front of him.

Fixed talents:

[Fledgling (the progress of training Pokémon is slow)]

Optional talents:

[Rough hands and feet (Pokémon health management is rough)]

[Peach Blossoms (possibly dating with the opposite sex)]

[Villain (join evil organization)]

[Frail and sickly (health level is not optimistic)]

To be honest, apart from the villain role, these five talents are a bit interesting, but the other four talents are too lazy to take a second look. It seems that no one will have good results no matter which one they choose.

But it’s an ordinary simulation anyway, and I haven’t made it past the preliminary round to the final tournament so many times, so I might as well pick one that suits my eyes——

It’s you!

Lots of peach blossoms!

A fledgling villain with a lot of successes!

He pressed the simulation start button.

The familiar virtual light screen unfolds in front of you.

【Simulation starts】

Against the pixel background, a bright office caught Bai Mu's eyes.

And the red-haired female villain sitting on the boss's chair seemed to be the Rockets leader Athena whom he had just suspected. Her appearance was slightly different. Why did she appear first?

Could it be that he was simulating her son?

Remember that in the game, Athena was set up to work hard with Sakaki very early on. Although she did not appear in the animation, she may not exist like the fire goose.

At this age...

Kashiwagi watched helplessly as a male villain wearing a Team Rocket uniform suddenly appeared, quickly approached the red-haired female villain, and watched as the two kissed each other.

Kashiwagi: "???"

Wait a minute! Why did they start kissing? Athena's husband? Is she married?

Before he could take a second look, the light screen suddenly went dark, and then lit up again after a few seconds.

In the picture, two little people are standing aside and sorting out their clothes.


Kashiwagi didn't know what to say for a while. This was the first time in a long time that he saw such a "violent" hint in the simulator. After all, it was a 6+ game.

Aren't you trying to teach children something bad by doing this kind of thing?

Well, right now there is an older friend who is physically sixteen years old watching.

The simulator deliberately gave him this hint, which also gave him some kind of ominous premonition.

[At the age of eighteen, you still had no hope of promotion in the Rockets. When you were frustrated, you got a secret plan from your girlfriend - the Lurker Plan]


The three large characters in the narration were like flashing gold labels, almost blinding his eyes.

[You learned that the Rockets have had trouble recruiting new members in recent years. For the future of the organization, Boss Sakaki decided to let some outstanding players participate in the league conference to gain popularity and personal charm, so as to quietly develop offline]

Um? It seems like I know some incredible information!

Kashiwagi's eyes flickered when he saw this narration. He immediately dispersed the joking mood in his heart and started watching seriously.

Although he has never met the characters in the simulator and has basically just searched them on the Internet. He has not confirmed whether the simulation content is their real past experience, but there is a high probability that they are not false.

If it’s not false this time…

Failure to protect everything can give Sakaki, who has been planning so hard, a hard blow.

in the screen.

The Rocketeer left his girlfriend's office like a pretty boy who came to pay for his food.

[䱱realizes that if he can complete this arduous task, he will not only gain fame within the Rockets, but also the outside world. But the troublesome thing is that the target chosen by the plan is very demanding, and even your girlfriend is not willing to use the back door to plead with your mother for you, so you have to think of other ways]

Girlfriend... mother...


Is she the daughter of Athena? No wonder there are subtle differences!

Kashiwagi finally understood the identity of the little red-haired man, but he didn't know what to say.

I remember that many people guessed that Athena was Xiaoyin's mother based on her hair color and hairstyle. He had doubts for a while, but this simulation told him that at least in this parallel world Athena had her own daughter.

But in a blink of an eye.

He saw a Rocket and another female Rocket kissing in a small room. The screen went black and then brightened after a few seconds.

Oh my god, Team Rocket scumbag!

[After all the hard work, you finally got the selection information from girlfriend No. 2, which makes you very happy]

Girlfriend number two...

Kashiwagi watched as a few hearts popped up on the heads of the Rockets and the female Rockets, as if they were reluctant to say goodbye, and then quickly came to the next female Rocket with a different hair color.

Familiar routines, familiar content.

[After all your hard work, you finally got the examiner to participate in the selection from girlfriend No. 3, which makes you very happy]

Girlfriend number three.

Kashiwagi's finally serious mood was shattered by this "prodigal son". In just a few minutes of simulation time, this guy had trysts with three women!

But soon.

He knew that he still underestimated the person he was simulating this time. Although he didn't know the timeline of the simulator, this guy quickly found the fifth and sixth place...

Could this guy be a tired Kentero?

Maybe this is youth.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel his heart tremble for him. He really didn't expect that there would be such a Aquaman in Team Rocket, who had stepped into countless ships.

They deserve to be called a Rockets team full of talents.

After the trio of great inventors, there is such a strange existence inside.

Speaking of which, Team Rocket usually operates in groups of two people and one Pokémon, right? Could it be that this person is special? Or maybe it’s the characteristics of the Johto branch...


By constantly sleeping, the Rockets quickly passed through the levels and obtained the qualifications to participate in the Lurker Program.

And behind this is the result of the efforts of his girlfriends, who he can count on both hands.

The day of departure.

The Rockets showed Kashiwagi what it means to be a top-notch Aquaman and time management master, and surprisingly succeeded in coaxing many girlfriends, and none of them were dissatisfied with him.

This skill of walking on the tightrope is breathtaking.

At the same time, as a starter, Team Rocket also got his "newbie Pokémon" - Murkrow, which was given to him by the daughter of girlfriend Athena. It is probably related to Athena's Murkrow.

[You got your first Pokémon, Murkrow, but you’re not particularly satisfied]


This was the first time Kashiwagi saw this kind of narration. As his thoughts flowed, he understood what Team Rocket was thinking. This guy thought the Dark Crow was too weak.

Most of the Rocketeers use Pokémon as tools, and Kojiro and Musashi are an outlier.

The Dark Crow may be a "tool" that is not very easy to use in this Rocketeer's opinion.

In fact.

Team Rocket is not particularly lacking in various types of powerful Pokémon. This can be seen from the fact that they were able to give the trio a Pokémon gashapon machine in the later stage, and even Bankelas was included in the gashapon machine.

Even earlier, when Xiaogang was guarding his gym, Team Rocket was already willing to support the trio of Boss Cordora and Charizard.

To give him a Murkrow would indeed be considered shabby.

in the screen.

The Rockets left the Rockets' sub-base in Chengdu and came to the nearest Enju City.

Abandoned the sub-base in Kaji Town?

That's right, that place was probably explored by A'Du, how could it still be there?

However, the Rockets who came to the entrance of Yuanzhu Gym did not enter. After waiting and watching, they took the train and left Yuanzhu City, and arrived at Huipi Town.

[You understand that you and other people in the plan are in a competitive relationship. Only by getting the first badge as quickly as possible can you get subsequent support. Those without results will get nothing]

So is there an internal competition mechanism?

Kashiwagi is not surprised. Harmony within a "listed company" like the Rockets is impossible from a practical point of view. In addition, Sakaki is a boss who only cares about making big money. How can he tolerate someone occupying the manhole and not shitting.

Even though the trio was expelled from the Rockets before, the reason why they successfully returned later was that Sakaki felt that they owed the team too much money.

After arriving at Huipi Town.

Team Rocket resolutely started his first gym challenge.

Obviously he is well versed in the principle of picking weak persimmons, and among all the gym leaders in Johto, Abi, who is good at insect-type, definitely has the best chance of winning with Murkrow as his first choice Pokémon.

Facts have proved that the Rockets' idea was very correct.

Facing the Rockets who didn't even have any badges, Abi used Iron Armor Chrysalis and Orb Silk Spider.

Although the threads of these two Pokémon brought a lot of trouble to Dark Crow, with their excellent foundation, they successfully defeated their opponents one against two.

Completed the Hinoki Gym in just one attempt.

Its performance also quickly changed Team Rocket's view of this Pokémon.

[You defeated Junpi Gym Leader Abi and obtained the Insect Badge]

[You see the winning Murkrow, and for the first time you feel that using it as a partner might not be so bad]

So realistic.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but complain about the opponent's psychology, but strictly speaking, there were many trainers with Rocket's brain circuit. Ash's ability to always pick up Pokémon that others didn't want was ironclad proof.

While countless people love their own Pokémon, there are also many trainers who are constantly consuming their Pokémon in pursuit of power.

It's a pity that the narration of the simulator only contains the psychological changes of the simulated object, otherwise Kashiwagi would really like to see the expression of Dark Crow at this time.

at the same time.

The Rockets came to a shop.

[You submitted the results of the gym challenge to the secret staff, learned that you were the first to obtain the badge, and happily received the monetary reward and Pokémon reward]

[You sent a letter to girlfriend No. 3, and she helped you replace the original Pokémon. You got a new Pokémon - Electabuzz, and there are more Pokémon that can give you a bright future】

Good guy.

The other simulated objects were added as traveling companions, but this guy was added as a tool Pokémon.

And after this guy left the base, he was able to use the power of his resentful girlfriends to change them into Pokémon that would be beneficial to the upcoming gym battle.

Kashiwagi pinched the head that the two-headed tyrannosaurus was approaching in displeasure.

Team Rocket chose Electric Beast, obviously in order to win the platycodon gym with flying attributes. Gym leaders A Su and A Bi are both among the youngest batch.

In terms of strength, he is better than other gym leaders.

Arriving at Platycodon City by train as before, Team Rocket began to challenge the gym without hesitation.

Kashiwagi was curious at first, didn't he need to get along with Pokémon? Later I realized that most of Team Rocket's Pokémon had been trained to have no tempers of their own.

Electabuzz does whatever Rocketeer says.

If the trainer does not give an order, even if it is beaten, it will not start a counterattack. To be honest, this kind of Pokémon feels like a tool.

Quite in line with the Rockets' philosophy.

Sakaki also hoped that Mewtwo would become his tool to conquer the world. Unfortunately, this "tool" was far more capable of independent thinking than ordinary Pokémon, and he directly blew up his base camp in spite of his outrageous resistance.

Gym battle begins.

The performance of the electric beast is really good. Whether it is one hundred thousand volts, thunder fist or thunder, these powerful electric moves can be used at your fingertips.

From these aspects, it is not difficult to see that the breeders of the Rockets are very powerful.

Platycodon Gym was also defeated in one go.

[You defeated Platycodon Gym Leader Asu and obtained the Flying Wings Badge]

After getting the second badge, Team Rocket realized that they had good momentum and quickly obtained Kuai Fist Lang, who was stronger than Electric Beast through his girlfriends in the base.

And evolved the Dark Crow into the Crow Head through the Dark Stone.

[Your Dark Crow evolves into the Crow Leader]

What puzzled Kashiwagi was why he didn't let the Electric Shock Beast evolve into the Electric Shock Monster. Was it because the power amplifier hadn't arrived?

Anyway, the Rockets moved forward quickly and arrived at the Golden Gym.

With Kuai Quan Lang's sonic punch, the third gym was successfully won.

But after adding the fourth Crossed Bat, he encountered Waterloo for the first time in front of the Azure Gym.

Even though there were two flying Pokémon in the team, Ah Si still defeated them with his strong fighting skills. It brought the first psychic impact to the Rockets.

He almost wanted to ask his girlfriends for help.


After challenging the gym for the second time, Team Rocket successfully passed Ah Si's meat mountain gate.

This also made him realize that not all the gym trainers in Johto are as easy to deal with as the first three, there are always a few who are particularly powerful——

no doubt.

This was confirmed at the Kaji Gym.

I have been to Qian Chong Gym three times and Yuan Zhu Gym three times. The former relied on the newly arrived Heiluga, and the latter relied on Crow Toudou and Heiluga. I can't beat Kaji Gym.

Even if there is the fire attribute Heiluga, the electric attribute Electric Beast, and the fighting attribute Kuaiquanlang.

The added sixth armored bird not only failed to show off its talents, but was suppressed by Liu Bo's white sea lion.

Five defeats in five battles.

At this time, Kashiwagi also made other discoveries.

Generally speaking, Pokémon will grow as trainers challenge gyms, but these Pokémon in Team Rocket's hands can be said to have made no progress at all!

Except for the crow boss, the other Pokémon's moves are very powerful at the beginning, but they are still very powerful later on.

It seems to be in line with the Rockets' talents [fledgling].

[You found that you couldn’t get through Kaji Gym at all, so you impatiently called girlfriends No. 8 and No. 11 for help]


Kashiwagi was slightly startled.

Immediately, he saw two female Rockets appearing next to the Rockets. Sparks jumped between their gazes, as if they regarded each other as enemies.

Is this...the ship about to collapse?

I thought that the scumbag nature of the Rockets would be exposed, but who would have thought that he actually succeeded in deceiving the two female Rockets.

The three sneaked into the Kaji Gym, and the Rockets went to steal the badges. A female Rocket directly modified the trainer registration program in the backend of the gym, and formulated the process for the Rockets' challenge.

The remaining person uploaded the edited battle video to the alliance network——

"This is fucking okay!?"

Kashiwagi was shocked when he saw the narrator's detailed explanation. Uncle Liu's personal account was cracked like this. Doesn't it seem that the alliance system program is too stupid?

Although it was common in anime for a decent guy to stretch his legs and need support from minors such as Xiaozhi, he didn't expect that the alliance system could be cracked so easily by a Rocket.

In this way, the Rockets won’t reward him internally—

It turned out that Kashiwagi was wrong. The two female Rockets concealed the matter directly, causing the Rockets to reward him without knowing anything about it.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi only hoped that this guy's situation would be exposed in the subsequent preliminaries.

As it should be.

After tasting this convenience, Team Rocket no longer wanted to challenge the gym honestly, and specifically chose the most famous Yanmo Gym to "challenge".

Surprisingly, the Yanmo Gym was much more heavily guarded than the Kaji Gym.

As a result, the Rockets failed two consecutive invasions.

Kashiwagi suspected that it was the influence of the camping boy back then. He collaborated with two thieves and got on the stage of the Silver Conference with a stolen badge.

As a last resort, Team Rocket had to abandon the Yanmo Gym because someone else had also obtained the seventh badge. If he wanted to get Sakaki's attention, he had to complete the qualification to challenge the Silver Conference as quickly as possible.

The Rockets defeated the last gym on their own strength, but the opponent's strength was really not that good.

After successfully qualifying for the Silver Tournament as the first, he was received by Sakaki as he wished, and the latter gave him a large bonus and a seventh Pokémon.

[You have got a new Pokémon - Bankelas, and there are more Pokémon that can give you a bright future]

Good guy Bankiras!

Kashiwagi couldn't help but be shocked. Sakaki really spent a lot of money on this lurker plan, and actually used this Pokémon as a reward.

You know, even in the anime, Bankelas is considered an extremely rare Pokémon.

It is also a Pokémon that top poachers like to use very much.

Like all previous Pokémon, this Bankelas is a type that has been domesticated and will obey all the instructions of Team Rocket.

With his team complete, he is about to embark on a journey to participate in the Silver Conference.


See here.

Kashiwagi rubbed his eyes.

I didn't expect that an ordinary simulation would progress to this level. Maybe the Rockets who got Bankiras can break through the curse of being unable to pass through the preliminary rounds in ordinary simulations?

Maybe if you train your Pokémon more, it might be possible.

After all, they are very strong!


No matter how much Kashiwagi off-screen hopes, the essence of Aquaman in Team Rocket has not changed.

Team Rocket did more than train Pokémon to maintain his relationships with his girlfriends, especially Athena's daughter, who had been very passionate lately.

Kashiwagi next to her learned that Athena's daughter finally told her mother about the existence of Team Rocket, and received praise from Athena for Team Rocket's outstanding performance in the plan.

This made him very happy.

The Rockets were equally happy.


He made a vague agreement to get engaged to Athena's daughter after the Silver Conference.

Kashiwagi outside the screen was stunned, and the Rockets on the screen who agreed by mistake were also stunned. Both sides felt that the situation seemed not good.

"Hmm... It seems that Neptune's fish pond is about to explode?"

Kashiwagi laughed very unkindly.

After the Rockets found out that they couldn't go back on their engagement, they started to think crazy in order to avoid a chopper ending.

[You told your girlfriends that the bosses above saw that you had a bright future and forced you to get engaged to Athena's daughter. You made an agreement with them that when you become successful, you will kick Athena's daughter away]

[Your girlfriends believe it]

This, this is okay! !

Team Rocket's operation once again shocked Kashiwagi. Little did he know that this was just the basic skills of Neptune, and there were more moves that were not shown in the simulator.

Because it's not important.

Not long after.

The Silver Conference has begun.

Based on the principle of curiosity, Kashiwagi continued to read on. He wanted to know how far players like the Rockets, who were picking peaches all the time, could go with the Rockets' funds and strength.

Preliminary round.

The opponents are generally not particularly strong. Bankiras and the crow chiefs are enough to deal with them, and maybe a few more will be added.

The Rockets passed very smoothly.

When the conference committee checked the gym challenge records, there were no problems, which made Kashiwagi feel a little unworthy of the defeated players.

They obviously relied on their own strength to get to this point. Even if they didn't challenge the strongest gyms, they were trainers who had obtained eight badges. Who would have thought that such a thing would appear.

Preliminary round.

It became a bit difficult for the Rockets to advance, and the opponent's improvement increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sixty-four strong...Thirty-two strong...Sixteen strong...

The decisive tournament is just around the corner!

Kashiwagi couldn't help but become nervous. He still looked forward to seeing some simulation objects break through the "laws" in ordinary simulations.

Unfortunately, the simulator is really cunning.

In the important game of advancing from the top 16 to the quarter-finals.

Team Rocket meets the protagonist.


The opponent of the top eight is the pixel villain controlled by the player in the gold and silver version-Axiang!

Or rather the name of the animated version, Kenta!

If Kashiwagi remembers correctly, this guy participated in the Silver Conference one year earlier than Ash, and appeared in the special edition of "Thunder God/Legend of Thunder".

By the way, there is also the animated version of Chris - Marina, who is not the same person as Kotone, and the two are clearly distinguished in the animation.

Seeing that Kenta was the Rockets' opponent, Kashiwagi suddenly felt bad.


Bankiras, who had been invincible all the way, lost to Kenta's Fireblast as soon as he came on the scene. The combined bonus of the bond and the first Pokémon turned the quasi-god into a scumbag.

Seeing that their strongest supporter was gone, the Rockets quickly became impatient.

Unfortunately, Kenta also belongs to the protagonist's fate, and he is still the kind of protagonist who will not be quietly stabbed by the screenwriter.

Therefore, several Pokémon after Rocket were unable to defeat Kenta, who has a strong "protagonist aura". The latter's Pokémon can be said to be a master of applying the three-letter mantra to the extreme, and quickly defeated almost all of his Pokémon. Dream.

Only the crow leader persisted a little.

It's unusual for a Rocketeer who only knows how to hang out with women and doesn't cultivate his own Pokémon to reveal his secrets at this stage.

In the end, he was defeated by Kenta.

What matters is.

The rubbish result of not reaching the final tournament will definitely not satisfy Sakaki.

Team Rocket had no idea how to explain it to him.

[You lost to trainer Kenta and ended up in the top sixteen. This result made you feel very panicked, and soon you were punished by Sakaki, who took back all your Pokémon]

[You returned to the sub-base disheartened and found out that you were on N boats. In order to comfort you who failed, your girlfriend wanted to give you a surprise, but somehow they all bumped into each other. After communicating with each other, Got the job you are a scumbag]

[After your girlfriend No. 1 found out that you betrayed her, she took out a hatchet...]

【Your story seems to be coming to an end】

[End of simulation]

The screen disappears.

This made the excited Kashiwagi very unhappy.

There is obviously a hatchet ending, why not let him see it till the end? Is it too bloody for children to watch?


He took out his cell phone and searched for the top 16 players of Kenta's class.

The face of a handsome guy suddenly came into view.

Hmm... No wonder I can ride on so many boats. It turns out I have capital. I don’t know if he died or not...ah, there are no follow-up reports.

It should be gone.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s terrible.

Kashiwagi looked at the reward that jumped out.

[Choice Reward 1: Any Pokémon will be upgraded to four levels (below lv.50)]

[Choice Reward 2: Obtainable Pokémon Clues (Better)]

[Choose reward three: Move learning machine (attributes can be specified)]

[Choice Reward Four: Keep the [Peach Blossoms] talent until the next round of simulation]

What peach blossoms are in succession, they are obviously hatchets in succession.

He complained secretly, but to be honest, the villain did not stay, which was a regret for him.

Even though I hate these guys, it's still fun to watch them for fun.

"Pokémon is better. No matter how many partners you have, you are not afraid of a hatchet." Kashiwagi hugged the passing Pokémon, placed it in his arms and stroked its head.


"There's no one else here, what's wrong if I touch you twice?"

"whispering sound--"

"Okay, okay, okay, don't touch it, okay?"

Facing Big Mouth Baby's glowing fist, Kashiwagi raised his hands in surrender.

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