My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 325 Slow and fast

In a wild fight, even if the rules prohibit attacking the trainer.

Occasionally, the aftermath of a move may be too large and affect the opponent.

Kashiwagi is currently in such an environment. The road ahead is covered by the flow of uncooled hot magma, and his eyes are red. At the same time, he can't even move forward to observe more of the enemy's situation.

Staying away from the forest was indeed the right thing to do.

With this kind of power, if you don’t cause wildfires, who will?


Fortunately, Big Mouth Baby has good electromagnetic levitation control, coupled with the dynamic vision developed to better control the moves by adding tricks, which has resulted in it not being hit by any lava balls so far.

At the same time, it has arrived in front of the super fire-breathing camel.

There were no more lava balls falling from the smoke clouds in the sky, and the continuous attack caused by the second fire eruption was over.

"So sensitive..."

Huo Yan was very surprised by Big Mouth Baby's performance. How could the spitfire be so easy to dodge, let alone when it was more dense after two superimpositions.

I never thought that these consecutive ultimate moves would either be avoided or cracked.

Affected by the super fire-breathing camel, she couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

This is true even for trainers, not to mention Pokémon. The fire-type one itself is not particularly good-tempered, and its huge super energy also makes it like a volcano on its back, always in a state of explosion. Now it is encountering a big... A nimble and difficult opponent like Zui Wa...

It can't hold it any longer.


The super fire-breathing camel raised his head and roared, and was about to do something, but was taken back by Fire Goose, who still had a calm heart, using the elf ball.

When it was discovered that the Pokémon's moves were difficult to hit, the latter did not stupidly leave the Super Fire Breathing Camel on the field, and chose to exchange the Pokémon before it launched an attack.

At this time, the ground is covered with magma, and there is basically no place to stay.

What Pokémon can Fire Goose use?

no doubt--

It's a cross-shaped bat!


Dazzling white light flashed, and the cross-shaped bat with two pairs of large and small bat wings, which was quite round and looked more like a rabbit doll than a bat, appeared in mid-air.

"You're the one waiting for me! Provocation!"


Following Kashiwagi's order, the big-mouthed boy looked contemptuously at the cross-shaped bat that appeared on the scene. Blood-red light lit up from its body, which inexplicably produced an effect that made people angry just by seeing it.


The cross-shaped bat was caught off guard and was struck with anger. His face was filled with anger, and a blood-red light flashed on his colleague who was flapping his wings violently.

It seems that he has entered a state of provocation.

Huo Yan was stunned for a moment, but did not dare to hesitate, "Refeng...!"


The cross-shaped bat's two pairs of wings flapped violently, and the fiery red wind turned into a huge wave and rushed toward the big-mouthed baby!

In an instant.

The entire sky was illuminated in a dazzling red, and the sparks mixed with the strong wind caused the hot wind to form a substantial airflow. Even if it was not a flying attribute move, with the blessing of the two pairs of wings of the cross bat, the wind force could still change. Extremely exaggerated!

Kashiwagi took one look and knew that Big Mouth Boy's fairy wind would definitely be unstoppable.

There is no room to dodge in such a large range.

"Take over!"


Facing the scalding airflow, the big-mouthed kid raised his right hand high, and a hazy white light lit up, forming a terrifying pulling force.

One of the elf balls that Kashiwagi had prepared opened automatically, and the other elf ball shot out a red beam, taking back the big-mouthed kid who looked in pain in the heat wave.


Boss Cordora, who appeared in place of Big Mouth Baby, swallowed the remaining hot wind, but there was no trace of pain in his ferocious expression.

"Rock Blockade!"

"Get away from..."

Kashiwagi and Huoyan's orders came one after another, but because the Crossed Bat was too fast, even if Boscodora gathered the rocks and projected them first, they could not hit the dexterous Crossed Bat.

The scattered rocks hit the mountain not far away and disintegrated into countless fragments.

"Air Slash..."

"Get to the ground! Quicksand hell!"

This time, Huoyan was the first to give the order, and Boscodora, who chose to accept the move, rushed towards the ground where the magma was flowing without hesitation, and struck the ground with a claw!


The gravel path covered by magma reappeared, and countless gravel was carried into the sky by the sandstorm tornado blown by Boscodora. Even the remaining magma was also wrapped up, forming a shield to block the light shot from the Crossed Bat. White wind blade!

"Expand it!"

Kashiwagi continued to shout, and Boscodora, who was at the center of the sandstorm, suddenly pushed it around.

Although as a ground attribute move, Quicksand Hell cannot cause damage to the flying cross bat in terms of attribute energy, but the hot magma and the solid blinding sand will not turn into nothingness due to the nature of the attributes.

"Hot wind..."

Huoyan issued the order in time, but felt a little aggrieved. The cross-shaped bat had other skills to disperse the sand tornado, but it could not be used due to the provocation.

Do you want to replace the super fire-breathing camel again?


There is still a chance.

Seeing that the quicksand hell was being suppressed by the hot wind, Huoyan decided to let the Crossed Bat hold on a little longer. The provocative state had a time limit. As long as he regained the initiative with a speed that Boss Cordora could not catch up with, it would be easy to handle from now on.

While she was thinking, her eyes suddenly glanced at the ground in front of her.

The gravel trembled and jumped slightly, and her feet could also feel a vibration. She originally thought it was caused by the quicksand hell, but just now the vibration increased slightly.

"Be careful underground!"

She quickly said to the cross-shaped bat in the air.

Under the impatience, Huo Yan suddenly became normal.

But before the Crossed Bat could react, Boscodora, which had burrowed underground and hid in the ground, had already broken through the ground, exploding countless rubble and smoke!

The cross-shaped bat was startled, and saw a light blue electric current flashing between the horns of Boscodora, which was suddenly rushing towards him, and then countless light blue electric circles enveloped it at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. its body!

Although its speed is fast, it is not fast enough to dodge the thunder and lightning that has been released!


The cross-shaped bat's body was paralyzed by the electric current and its two pairs of wings suddenly stopped flapping and fell straight down, just falling into the claws of Boss Cordora.

The latter was not polite to it, turned over directly, put the cross-shaped bat on the head and hit the ground with residual magma!

A bright white light lit up from its head!


The ground shattered, and debris flew everywhere.

Huoyan blocked the flying gravel with her hands, and when she looked into the field, Boscodora grabbed the fainted Crossed Bat and showed a provocative expression to her.


A bit irritating.

Huo Yan silently took the Crossed Bat back into the elf ball. He never thought that such a small mistake of being caught in the opponent's hand could directly lead to the defeat of the Crossed Bat.

"I'm going more serious..."

She took out the next Poké Ball and looked at Kashiwagi and Boss Kedora with sparkles in their eyes.

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