My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 309 High fives and alliances

Maybe there are enough contestants and there are many people with outstanding scores.

This time, a total of eight people advanced to the second review.

For Kashiwagi, this means one more game than the previous Kanaz Conference, and it also adds more uncertainty.

on the screen.

The eight avatars began to rotate, shuffling the cards to determine each other's next opponent and the order in which they would play.

Xiaoguang became serious for a rare moment, hugging Bogaman and staring closely at the big screen. The latter also rarely looked at Big Mouth Baby with all his energy. Obviously, beauty is more important than the ribbon medal of the Gorgeous Contest. a little.

After all, this is the dream it shares with Xiaoguang and other Pokémon partners.

There should be no relaxation and no compromise allowed.


A soft sound.

The playing order and opponents have been assigned.

Xiaoguang did not meet Kashiwagi. The two were not even on the same side. If they wanted to fight, they would have to wait until the finals. And the trainer who uses Menas is very likely to be the latter's opponent after the first battle.

The first one to appear was Xiaoguang.

"It looks like I'm going to take the lead." She put down Pogaman and lifted up her skirt, and confidently said to Kashiwagi: "Let's meet in the finals. After so many days of practice, it seems like we have never reached the end. One second."


Bogaman's eyes were also filled with the desire to fight.

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Kashiwagi returned the smile with a relaxed smile. When he saw the opponent raising his right hand, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and patted it, "See you in the finals!"


High fives are an oath, symbolizing friendship.

"See you in the finals!"

Xiaoguang strode toward the contestants' tunnel.

The appearance of the two people who were appointed to be promoted also aroused the unhappiness of other people in the preparation room. They all cast their eyes on Kashiwagi who stayed where he was, but when the latter moved his eyes away, they suddenly turned around and pretended to be doing something wrong. None of it happened.

Oh my god!

Why does this man look so fierce?

Kashiwagi ignored them. After the aura he cultivated in Huangtie Town was fully activated, he found a place and took out his cell phone to chat with Lucia, who kept sending him messages.

This person is really paying attention to his performance all the time. Even if he hasn't told him in advance, he can still find news about his game.

Amid a series of encouragement and emoticons, Kashiwagi also received news that she had successfully reconciled with her agency, and that the latter would fully support her participation in the glamor contest.

The contract was not terminated?

Although this is a bit strange, it is probably her own choice.

What's more important is that Lucia has embarked on the journey again, which means that they will be competitors in the future, and they might meet again in the next game.

Kashiwagi replied to her: "Congratulations!" Looking forward to the battle between master and apprentice! 』


The phone vibrated instantly, and suddenly it was Lucia who replied.

"Well! Did the disciple actually challenge the master? I will never lose to you as a teacher! Looking forward to the battle between master and apprentice! 』

This guy hilariously posted several emoticons of Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds wearing headbands and working hard.

Kashiwagi smiled back and turned off his phone to look at the big screen.

Xiaoguang's game has begun.

The Pokémon used by the opponent is Hunting Papilio. This beautiful and cute Pokémon has always been a frequent visitor to the gorgeous contest.

It's a pity that Xiaoguang chose Patchlitz, who appeared in the first review.

Electric attribute versus flying plus insect attribute.

The attribute advantage in one-on-one singles is particularly popular, not to mention that the average combat power of one of the Pokémon is comparable to that of the younger generation of gym leaders.


Thanks to the experienced moves performed by Xiaoguang and Pachlitz, the score was not even deducted by a quarter before the opponent was defeated by the end of the countdown.

The latter's body was filled with electric light, turning all the moves he used to hunt swallowtail butterflies into fireworks.

When Kashiwagi saw this, he immediately understood that Xiaoguang had learned this from Urala's positive and negative electric pats. The two best moves at the time were to use electric light to turn all the enemy's moves into fireworks.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoguang learned it from Ulala, which is the same as the Foam Light Counterattack Shield.

"They are all a bunch of academics."

He couldn't help but smile, because he was also a scholar, and he specifically asked others for advice to learn. The various memories of the simulator were also a way for him to learn.

Xiaoguang, who quickly won, exited the game, and the second game started accordingly.

Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye, so Kashiwagi had to prepare for the entrance.

"come on!"

The two met in the player tunnel, and Xiaoguang waved to cheer him up.


"time up!"

"The second battle is over and the semi-finalists have been decided!"

Vivian's shout announced the result of the game.

Turn around.

She extended her hands to the contestant channels on both sides, "Then the third game! Let's invite Mr. Kashiwagi and Miss Iroha!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire arena suddenly started to boil. There was no doubt that they had been waiting for someone to enter for a long time.

Kashiwagi and his opponent each came to the designated location and watched each other from a distance.

"The time limit is five minutes!"

Vivian raised her hands and shouted: "The third battle of the first round! Begin!"


The countdown begins on the big screen.

Players on both sides threw Poke Balls forward.

Bang bang!

Countless illusory feathers fluttered, a clear cry suddenly emerged from the white light, and the Tanabata bluebird with wings like clouds rotated and danced!


the other side.

The dark mist shrouded the surroundings, and the dark young dragon howled and suddenly broke through it, showing the audience a childish but upright figure.

"Cui Yao!"

The appearance of the single-headed dragon made the judges' eyes light up. As we all know, appearance is also an extremely important part of coordinating a trainer.

Like the Big Mouth Baby, the hair and temperament of the single-headed dragon gave them a sense of Kashiwagi's talent in nurturing.

Of course, this does not mean that the Qixi bluebird cannot be cultivated well.

It's just that in the eyes of those who are experienced in cultivation, the shining point of the former is too obvious, and it is the kind that can be understood at a glance.

"The voice of enchantment!"

The opponent took the lead in attacking, the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird sang a moving song, and countless pink hearts appeared and flew towards the single dragon!


The beautiful tune made the audience and judges look ecstatic.

Vivian couldn't help but said: "Wonderful performance! Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird fully demonstrated its own strengths——"

"Cui Yao!"

Before he finished speaking, the single-headed dragon had already launched a counterattack under the command of Kashiwagi. He saw it suddenly rushing towards the Tanabata Blue Bird, nimbly dodging the love while letting out a fierce roar, and the shadow under him suddenly emerged. An extremely terrifying grimace!


Qixi Blue Bird was immediately frightened by the grimace, and the high pitch that was raised to the extreme was broken!

In an instant.

The score roulette below the two people's heads on the big screen moved, but it was obviously the Qixi Blue Bird's team that scored more points!

Kashiwagi smiled. He would be bold enough to choose a single-headed dragon to play. He must be relying on it.

"Dragon Wave!"

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