My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 300 Freezing Effect

Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa discussed it over the sketchbook.


The big-mouthed baby looked at the pages of patterns on it, thought about it for a few seconds and then nodded, indicating that he understood.

Xiaoguang and Bogaman looked at the sketch and couldn't help but said: "The drawing is really good. Do you always draw the performance process on paper first and then perform it according to the appearance on it?"


Kashiwagi shook his head and said with a smile: "This is just a rough configuration."

"Rough configuration?"

"It's just a process that I drew based on my wishful thinking without any experiments. The actual picture performed by Big Mouth Baby will be more complicated than this, and it may not be what it looks like above. To put it simply, it is the first version of the design."

"The first version of the design..."

Xiaoguang held his chin thoughtfully.

To a certain extent, she is very similar to Xiaozhi. She is the type of reckless person who does whatever she says. All designs are done in her mind and changed according to practical conditions.

This process tests the tacit understanding between the coordinator and the Pokémon.

But for now, Xiaoguang is very suitable for this model.

"Let's try it out."

Kashiwagi took out two small fans from his pocket and handed them to the big mouth boy.

As long as the auxiliary props for performances like this are not too flashy, the competition officials will not care about them. Which ones are excessive? For example, the rainbow making machine that Musashi once used.

Her poisonous pink moth can turn into a rainbow every time she uses a move, but in fact the rainbow is not derived from the move at all, but actually comes from the machine on it.

Therefore, Musashi's participation record was directly cancelled.

The big-mouthed boy took the fan in his hand, opened it with a snap, and closed it with a snap.

This is not the first time it has used this thing. It was what it wanted to buy at first because it was too obsessed with the kimono girl dancing in the Enzhu Dance Hall.

It's a pity that I didn't use it in the last game.


It caught a glimpse of Bogaman looking at him with "admiration" on his face. His expression was slightly reserved, but he couldn't help but feel proud.

"Pogaman! Make room for them!"

Xiaoguang took the heart-eyed Bogaman away so that the big-mouthed baby could have room to play.

The first performance officially begins.

"One, two, three...start!"

Kashiwagi signaled the start of the dance by snapping his fingers.

The big-mouthed baby holds two fans and dances without leaving a trace, with a nimble but slightly solemn posture. The red silk ribbon behind the head flutters with the sea breeze, and the soothing bell rings.

Ding bell~ding bell~

Every time it takes a step, every time it turns around, it will bring a sense of relaxation and joy to Xiaoguang.

Obviously he didn't use any moves.

"It smells so good..."

She keenly smelled a scent blowing on her face with the sea breeze. Just when she was about to ask the reason for the cypress, she saw the big-mouth baby tap his feet, and light blue mist floated out.

And as its movements on the ground increased, the mist became more and more abundant.

In a blink of an eye.

The surroundings of the big-mouthed baby were already filled with smoke.

The hazy light blue light illuminated its body, but it was not completely enveloped by the smoke.

As the clouds and mist drifted away, the figure of the big-mouthed baby loomed, its fan swayed gently, and the mist surrounded it like a living thing.

From time to time, a wall of white smoke is gathered up, covering it while creating a hazy beauty.

Sometimes the wall of fog dispersed, and the big-mouthed baby danced like a deer in the forest in the early morning. The bell rang softly and looked back at Xiaoguang and Bogaman with a smile.

The innocence of a girl and her charming agility.

They were all performed by Big Mouth Baby!

But before Xiaoguang and Pogaman could take a second look, the big-mouthed baby got into the smoke and disappeared again. There were shadows in the light blue light, which brought the sense of mystery to the extreme and made it very appetizing.

This dance comes from Yuanzhu Dance Hall.

Big Mouth Boy started learning it a long time ago and is very good at it. And with the dual blessing of aromatherapy and soothing bells, it is enough to be called moving.

to be honest.

It's over here.

There are performances that score points based solely on their dancing.

But there is no doubt that both Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa are trying to move towards higher scores, and 29.5 points is far from satisfying them.

"Come on, Freeze Fist!"

He gave the order.


The big-mouthed baby in the misty field responded, and then saw a little ice blue star shining——

There is no more content.

Xiaoguang and Bogaman planned to continue admiring it, but after a long time they couldn't help but tilt their heads, and question marks were drawn on their foreheads.



"It failed."

Kashiwagi didn't feel surprised at all, he dispersed the smoke and walked to the side of the big mouth boy.

The latter looked at the fan that was covered with white frost and stiff from the cold, and was in a daze.

Is this considered a frozen state? Am I not forcing characteristics? Why can the fan be frozen?

"Idiot, the forced characteristic is the derivative effect of sacrificing the destructive power of attribute energy in pursuit of the ultimate. It does not mean that the laws of nature have been blocked by you. When you reduce the power to a certain range, there is nothing you can do To shield these natural phenomena.”

Kashiwagi touched its face and said, "I should have discovered it when I was frozen in the river water. I should have tried my best to do something about it just now."

Characteristics in the animation world do not always maintain strict rules like in the game.

For example, many characteristics that take effect in weather, venues, and even upon entry can be controlled according to the Pokémon's autonomous consciousness. For example, Hoenn is everywhere but there are almost no big-billed gulls with dark clouds above their heads at all times;

Furthermore, some kind of mutation will occur due to individual differences. For example, Xiaozhi's Flame Monkey has far more fire than other Pokémon with this characteristic.

Based on Kashiwagi's practical results, it is not difficult to conclude that as long as the power of the moves is reduced, the attribute energy will still bring about similar natural laws.

For example, the Flame Fang burns wood, the Thunder Fang freezes the hands and feet of a person, and the Ice Fang creates a freezing effect.


The big-mouthed kid seems to understand.

Xiaoguang and Bogaman ran over and asked worriedly: "What happened?"


"It's okay, it's just that the first test failed."

Kashiwagi said: "I originally planned to let the freezing fist extend to the fan and then spread out, but the actual test is much more difficult than I thought."

When Xiaoguang heard this, he couldn't help but look at the fan in Dazui's hand, "Ah, it's all frozen!"

"Yes, the cold air is locked on the fan blades and cannot get out."

He nodded and took the fan from the big mouth boy.

I don’t know if it can be restored to its original state after melting ice and drying in the sun...

I actually bought a lot of similar fans because Big Mouth Baby likes so many patterns. This fan is one that he doesn’t like very much, otherwise he wouldn’t take it out casually.

But it would be a pity to destroy it.

"It's best to find something else to replace it before you fail." He said to Big Mouth Boy.


The big-mouthed boy also nodded, falling into a thoughtful state.

Please give me a monthly ticket~

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