My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 291 Villain’s Help

"What I want to know is why the New Water Fleet is looking for Lugia."

Kashiwagi said calmly: "And since that seabed exploration, has the New Water Fleet searched for Lugia again, or even captured it?"

Dr. Akihabara heard this, but instead of answering his question, he asked a question.

"Are you a member of Team Lava?"


"International police? Ranger?"


"Then why are you asking about this?"

"I said it was out of some strong sense of justice. Do you believe me?"

"I see."

Dr. Akihabara nodded without thinking, but before Kashiwagi could judge whether he believed it or not, he picked up the phone again and tried to dial out.

The latter frowned, "What are you..."

"Call Miss Aquan in and let her explain to you. My explanation may make things more complicated."

Dr. Akihabara seems to have a strong trust in Aquan.

However, Kashiwagi didn't want to confront the leader of the New Water Fleet so soon. Even if he subconsciously felt that there was no problem with the New Water Fleet, escaping would be troublesome if something unexpected happened.

He wanted to press the hang-up button again, but footsteps suddenly came from outside the office.

Knock knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

"Can I come in, please?"

The person who spoke out was Aquan, which made Kashiwagi embarrassed for a second. Do the officials of the New Water Fleet have nothing serious to do? Too busy.

Or is there a bug in Dr. Akihabara's office?

Isn't it?


Dr. Akihabara responded straightforwardly. Aquan opened the door and came in with a smile on his face. As soon as he saw Kashiwagi, he said, "Brother Kashiwagi heard that you came this morning. It's really my dereliction of duty for not letting my subordinates entertain you properly."

The latter's heart skipped a beat.

what's the situation? Why are you so enthusiastic!

He smiled back calmly, "No, you're too enthusiastic."

"No, we, the New Water Fleet, have always respected excellent coordination trainers like you." When Aquan said this, Kashiwagi suddenly understood the reason for her enthusiasm.

Dr. Akihabara looked left and right, then interrupted: "Miss Aquan, look at what this is!"

Aquan took advantage of the situation and saw the black box with bumps on the surface.

"Ah! Data recorder! Where did you find it?" She walked over in surprise, which also gave Kashiwagi the opportunity to quietly retreat.

It's a pity that Dr. Akihabara is too straightforward.

"It was brought by Kashiwagi. He is also curious about why the New Water Fleet is looking for Lugia, and he is worried that you will use Lugia to do bad things."

Hearing this, Aquan immediately turned his head and looked at Kashiwagi who had half of his body out.

The latter will subconsciously run away.

"Wait! Give us a chance to sit down and talk!"

The shout from Quan's undoped Poké Ball made him stop.

Kashiwagi turned around and looked at Aquan, who was holding a black box with a helpless and slightly sad expression, and asked, "Can we really talk?"

"We can really talk about it."

Aquan nodded vigorously and added: "And even in the past, we would not excessively harm the personal safety of others. We are idealists, not murderers."

"The villains all say the same thing when describing themselves."

Kashiwagi replied casually, but did not continue running out.

Aquan felt relieved a little and did not answer the question. He put a smile on his face again and said, "Come, let's sit down and talk. It will be easier for everyone."

He glanced at Dr. Akihabara, who gave him a look that reassured him.

Out of trust in this world-famous doctor and some previous judgments, Kashiwagi returned to the office and faced Aquan.

The latter spoke first.

"Now that you know we are looking for Lugia, you have already read the contents of the black box, right?"

"Well, I've seen the video data..."

Kashiwagi tilted his head in embarrassment.

"Then it's much simpler to say it this way." Aquan didn't care at all that the organization's privacy was being spied on, "Do you think that a legendary Pokémon like Lugia is a Pokémon that has left a mythical history in the Johto area? , does it exist independently? Doesn’t it have any similar kind?”

"I think there should be similar ones."

he replied.

"Very good." Aquan nodded, and then said: "Then what do you think is the probability that there is a native Lugia in the Hoenn region, but it has never left any historical traces?"

"This...shouldn't be big?"

"Yes, Lugia does exist in plural form, but for the Hoenn region where Lugia has not left any myths and legends, there should be no Lugia inhabited."

Aquan continued: "Assuming that this Lugia is an outsider, why did it migrate to the Hoenn area? What happened to its original place? We are looking for Lugia to understand these questions."

"……only this?"

"'Only this'? Brother Kashiwagi, I must remind you that this matter is very serious!"

Faced with Kashiwagi's slightly strange expression, Aquan suddenly became a little serious, "Ordinary Pokémon will not change their residence at will, and this is especially true for legendary Pokémon like Lugia. Leaving the nest is harmful to any Pokémon." It’s a big deal for Kemeng!

"Their movements contain profound meanings! Lugia's migration may mean that it has this habit, but what if there is a problem with its original habitat? This kind of fluke mentality should not appear in the ambition to protect the sea , you know the sea breeds..."

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. I will reflect on my mistake."

Kashiwagi quickly apologized to prevent Aquan from getting more angry.

However, after hearing these words, he almost had eight points of faith in Bingqing Yujie of the New Water Fleet, and the remaining two points were suspicions for the sake of safety.

"In short, we may have done some stupid things in order to expand the sea. But now we have understood that some powers should not be controlled by humans. Rather than controlling them, it is better to let them develop naturally and peacefully under protection."

Aquan seemed a little tired and went to the water dispenser next to him to pour two glasses of water.

"It's a pity that since the last explosion of the mini-submarine, the underwater cave where Lugia lived has completely disappeared. Perhaps it has migrated to other places?"

"Have you left already?"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but show a bit of regret when he heard this.

Seeing this, Aquan was surprised and said: "Why... you didn't also see that short video and came to Wudou Town to look for Lugia and try to capture it, right?"

"That's not true."

He shook his head, abridged his reasons for pursuing Lugia, and selected part of the situation to tell Aquan.

The other party was quite surprised after hearing this, "Lugia from the Orei region?"

"I'm not sure." Kashiwagi shook his head, "Before I see it with my own eyes or communicate with it, there is no conclusion on all this."

"What you said makes sense...but if you want Lugia to return to Ourei and continue to protect you...with all due respect, this may be difficult to achieve."

Aquan sighed: "It's too difficult to get the recognition of a legendary Pokémon."

Turn around.

Without waiting for Kashiwagi to respond to her words, Aquan took the initiative and said: "In that case, why not let the New Water Fleet help you?"


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