My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 288 Ducks Can Fly

Kashiwagi hopes that Porygon will learn many moves.

Among them [Magic Space], this is undoubtedly a very important skill, which can effectively make up for the shortcomings of his team's generally low speed.

But to be honest, there are far less cases where magic space is used in singles than doubles in the game. Because it takes time to open up space, let space players off the court, and even replace attackers to launch attacks, the entire process is too slow in the fast-paced singles six-select-three.

If your opponent anticipates what you are going to do, this period of time is enough to complete the enhancement that will flatten your team.

Another point is that preemptive moves take precedence over speed, which results in you sometimes opening up space before you have the right to make a move, and your opponent still attacks faster than you.

To sum up, the Magic Space team is a relatively difficult routine to use in singles three-out-of-six games.

But the above is the situation in the game.

There are so many things to consider in the context of animation. For example, there is no longer a skill limit of four grids. For example, the gym challenges and league competitions in the Hoenn region also include doubles matches, and there are six full members on the field. Singles battle.

Giving magic room to play is wider than in a singles pick-and-six game.

Porygon can also learn more attack moves to switch back and forth between the space hand and the attacker. Porygon II's attack is not particularly high, but it is not low either.

"Understood after destroying the light and evolving... Then there is no trick to trick space, mental power, one hundred thousand volts, freezing beam, awakening power? It seems that there is no way to learn Porygon and Porygon Phase II."

Kashiwagi flipped through the information on Porygon's learnable moves, and couldn't wait to command it in a Pokémon battle.

The opponent is undoubtedly the lucky egg.

When it comes to durability and battery life, Xiaodan ranks first and no one dares to call it second. It is the most suitable Pokémon to be used as a training partner.

"Phantom light!"

Kashiwagi stood to the side of Porygon so that he could be seen, and waved his hand at the lucky egg.


The polygon swayed its leg components, and its entire body lit up with circles of blue light waves, which eventually converged to its tail to form a light spot. As it lifted its tail, it shot toward the auspicious egg!

The colorful and colorful light streaked through the air, but failed to hit the nimble auspicious egg. A slight step to the side caused the phantom light to fall to the ground.


The mental power blew up a thin layer of dust.

Porygon was obviously stunned.

"No need to be surprised, Geely Egg is quite experienced in dodging. This is its specialty." Kashiwagi patted its head to reassure it.


Porygon responded softly.

The most gratifying thing is that the actual posture of this guy is not as weird and monotonous as Kashiwagi feared. The illustrated book describes it as being able to only perform basic actions according to programs, and all actions are artificial.

It looks very cold and mechanical like a computer system.

After actually coming into contact with Porygon, I found that it is basically no different from a normal Pokémon. At least for now, it seems that both emotions of joy and surprise are quite natural.

"Come again, use the signal beam!"

Kashiwagi ordered again.

The polygon still raised its tail and shot a bright green beam of light towards the auspicious egg.

Whoosh - whoosh!

The beam failed to hit again and was easily dodged by the latter.

Porygon was stunned again.

Turn around.

It didn't wait for the trainer to give the order, and fired a signal beam at the auspicious egg again, as if it was aroused by some kind of fighting mentality that I didn't believe it would miss.

Kashiwagi silently recorded this naturally occurring emotion and stopped it in time.

"It's normal for a shot to miss from a distance of more than ten meters. The opponent has been prepared for a long time and will look at the direction of your tail to dodge. It's normal for the target to miss."

He opened the face of the polygon, looked at the dull eyes and said: "What should I do if I want to hit such a flexible opponent? It's easy to be more flexible than it. Move around until it can't react." Shoot again."


Porygon nodded as if he suddenly understood.

As a man-made Pokémon, one of its great advantages is that it can understand human language far better than other Pokémon. Unlike when Kashiwagi and Kokodora first met, the most they did all day long was guess what each other wanted to express.

It's really a headache.

"Rush towards it! Move at high speed!" Kashiwagi gave the order.


The polygon swung its leg components and suddenly rushed towards the auspicious egg at a very fast speed.

This guy can levitate even without electromagnetic levitation. When moving, it relies on the [magnetic levitation system] released unconsciously. Dr. Akihabara said that the source of this function added when making Porygon came from the little magnet monster.


Flying back can fly, but the energy of the ground attribute cannot be neutralized. If you really want to avoid the ground attribute, you have to rely on electromagnetic levitation.


Gilly Egg was not surprised by the speed displayed by the polygon, but his expression was still quite serious. His eyes were fixed on the polygon approaching it, patiently observing the opponent's movements and the swing of the opponent's tail.

"Go around the front of it!"

Kashiwagi's shout came suddenly.

The polygonal beast paused slightly, then walked around the front of the auspicious egg, trying to get behind it in an arc.

Unexpectedly, the Geely Egg's dynamic vision and reaction ability were extremely strong. No matter how it circled, it could not successfully turn its back to itself, and the speed of flying close to the ground subconsciously became a little faster.


Another emotion that comes naturally.

Unfortunately, even so, the face of the auspicious egg is still in front of Porygon.


Kashiwagi's shout caused the polygon to stop abruptly, but just like a car on the highway braking suddenly, it took half a circle to stop due to inertia.

At this time, something interesting happened.

Hearing his voice, the auspicious egg stopped spinning almost at the same moment, but the polygonal beast circled half a circle longer due to inertia, so that it finally saw the auspicious egg's back.

"Now! Phantom light!"


The polygon raised its tail and shot a colorful light forward!


A harsh sound sounded.

But just when it was about to hit the lucky egg, a translucent glass barrier appeared on the latter's back, and the power of the light was reduced by more than half when it penetrated the lucky egg. It was no longer painful or itchy when it hit the lucky egg.

【Light Wall】.

A magical wall that effectively slows down special attacks.

The system in Porygon quickly collected this data from the database and gave it the answer.

"The response is so fast. It's indeed your lucky egg."

Kashiwagi came over and praised the lucky egg for its quick reaction. Even if this little egg was tricked by the trainer, he could react immediately and formulate a good strategy.

There is no doubt that these are things brought about by accumulated efforts over time.


Gilly Egg was a little embarrassed and rubbed his little hands, and when he looked at Porygon, his eyes were a little apologetic.

Personally, it prefers to let its new friends loose and let it hit itself a few times to boost its confidence, but unfortunately the trainer firmly disagrees.

That’s all.

The polygon looked at the auspicious egg blankly, and then a look of admiration appeared in its eyes.

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