My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 278 Computer Warrior

to be honest.

When Kashiwagi first saw this man, he subconsciously thought he was a liar.

For some reason, the Rocket trio are tired of this street-stall-style Pokémon guessing and delivery trick, but fools often fall for it.

But when he took a second look, he felt something was wrong.

This person did not answer questions directly to a person in public, but put something similar to VR glasses on him and asked him to answer the questions in a virtual environment.

What's more important is that there is no registration fee, and there is no need to hand in Pokémon. Just put on VR glasses and answer the questions.

The person who failed to answer the question did not show any signs of being hypnotized. He was still talking and laughing with his familiar partners, mumbling words such as pity.

What really made Kashiwagi realize that the other party might not be a liar was the appearance of the prize-betting organizer.

"Dr. Akihabara?"

He compared the photos on his phone and confirmed that the other person was the inventor of the Pokémon teleportation system, if it wasn't someone else pretending to be him.

The animated version is different from the game and the special episode. In order to introduce Pokémon like Porygon, a new doctor was specially set up to replace the original developer Zhenghui.

Who would have thought that the scene in the episode where Porygon appeared was not done well, and the [Polygon Incident] occurred, which made this Pokémon permanently offline together with Dr. Akihabara, completely becoming the tears of the times, and it has never been officially released since. Appeared in the series.

Just why did the doctor from Kanto appear here?

Kashiwagi hesitated a little, and then his heart suddenly moved. Could it be that the rare Pokémon the other party mentioned was Porygon?

He silently began to search for Porygon on the Internet, and found that there were very few entries about it, and almost every time it appeared, it was related to Dr. Akihabara.


Because Dr. Akihabara is the creator of Porygon in the anime, which is the same as the Pokémon teleportation system.

In most of the entries, Dr. Akihabara is promoting polygons and lists a lot of their benefits. It's a pity that as a man-made Pokémon, it was affected by its quantity and could not be successfully promoted.

In addition, many trainers expressed in interviews that they are not very interested in this suspicious Pokémon. Not only does it not look cute, but it is unclear what moves it can learn, and people cannot accept this.

Basically, it seems that only Pokémon collectors would choose to collect this rare Pokémon.

Kashiwagi was somewhat dissatisfied when he saw this.

Is the Brick Duck ugly? Although the pair of dead fish eyes do look more eye-catching, the evolved dead duck Porygon II is obviously very cute!

He searched for Porygon II's entries again and found that there were even fewer. Dr. Akihabara once mentioned that it was unfortunate that even Porygon could not be successfully promoted, let alone Porygon II...

From this point of view, if the other party is not pretending, there is a high probability that the prize will be a Porygon.

It’s just that after so long, why doesn’t anyone seem to be able to pass the Q\u0026A?

Kashiwagi looked inside and found that in a short period of time many people had gone up and many had been defeated. At the beginning, everyone was still very excited, thinking that others could not do it but I could.

But as time went by, dozens of people failed to pass after going up to answer the questions, making the crowd more and more restless.


A rather fierce-looking young man took off his VR glasses and cursed: "What a stupid question! It's impossible to finish it! You liar!"

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and many people who failed to answer the questions responded.

"That's right! He's a liar!"

"Waste of our time!"

Most of the crowd quickly left, with only a few remaining in place. But they all seemed to be a bunch of people, and they seemed to be curious about how the other party would end up.

Dr. Akihabara looked at this scene, stretched out his hand to say something to save the crowd, and finally lowered his head helplessly and sighed.

Then, he raised his head again and said:

"Who else is going to attend?"


Seeing that the people around him had no intention of responding, Kashiwagi decided to go up and give it a try himself. Judging from the current situation, it was unlikely that this person was an impostor.

Dr. Akihabara was very surprised to see that there were still people willing to participate, "Come on, come on! The question is actually very simple!"

"Okay, are you Dr. Akihabara?"

Kashiwagi stepped forward, walked around the other party and asked in a low voice.

Dr. Akihabara was startled, "Do you know me?"

"How could I not recognize the inventor of the Pokémon teleportation system? But why are you here? Or are you here for a prize-winning guessing game?"

He asked the question directly and looked into the other person's eyes.

Dr. Akihabara didn't expect that the young man in front of him was testing him, and he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Oh, oh, oh, this is a long story. I'm cooperating with the New Water Fleet now."


Kashiwagi was surprised, "Are you cooperating with the New Water Fleet? What are you cooperating with? Marine garbage transmission device?"

"This is very complicated to talk about! Okay! You answer the question first. If you have any questions, we will talk about it after you answer the question!" Dr. Akihabara urged frantically.

When he saw this, he looked at Jilidan, who nodded slightly to reassure him.

There is security.

Kashiwagi put on VR glasses.

In an instant.

His eyes suddenly dimmed and brightened again, and a polygonal beast that looked like a building block appeared in front of him.

It pulled a huge dialog box from the side with a title on it.

[As a trainer, you must know that there are many insect-type Pokémon in every region. So what is the evolution of this shadow Pokémon on the screen? Please write your answers on the answer board. 】

A black shadow suddenly appeared from the left, assuming various postures extremely flexibly.

Kashiwagi looked carefully and found that the upper part of this guy was round and the lower part was like a cloth bag. Many small burrs could be seen on the edges, which seemed to be some kind of fluff.

Very simple.

Just send sub-questions.

He raised his hand and wrote the three words "Colorful Pink Butterfly" on the answer column at the bottom of the dialog box. This guy looked like a white butterfly chrysalis from the outside. If he asked who it evolved from, it was not the Colorful Pink Butterfly.


A large green circle suddenly appeared on the square frame, and the polygon was swinging its legs happily on the edge, and the black shadow disappeared.

Followed by the second question.

[It’s still related to the insect-type Pokémon. As a Pokémon that likes to wrap leaves into coir raincoats, Knob has a variety of evolutions. Please write down all the attributes it may add after evolving. 】

Knotweed, the Clothesworm Pokémon. Evolution can be divided into male and female. The female will evolve into a grass lady and change according to the different coir raincoats before evolution. In terms of attributes, there will be three more attributes: grass, ground and steel.

The male evolved into a gentleman moth, which had more flying attributes than before it evolved.

So these four.

Kashiwagi quickly wrote down the answer.


[Congratulations to you for passing the second question! 】

A huge green circle filled Kashiwagi's field of vision.

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