My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 275 New Water Fleet

5 p.m.

Kashiwagi finished learning Dragon's Dive.

He looked at the elf ball of the single-headed dragon with a somewhat complicated expression.

Is the gap between Pokémon so big? It is obviously planned to teach Boscodora first, and then Boscodora will feed the single-headed dragon.

As a result, the single-headed dragon accompanied the wild Boss Cordora to practice dragon dives again and again. In just a few hours, it had progressed to the point where it could concentrate the dragon attribute energy on its head.

It’s just one step away from complete release.

Although it is a dragon-type Pokémon, it does have an advantage in learning dragon-type moves, but it can't be that fast, right?

It was clear that I wasn't getting anywhere fast when I learned the moves before, so how come I suddenly made progress?

Makes people wonder.

Not to mention that classmate Boss Kedora is a little unbalanced towards this transfer student. As a trainer, Kashiwagi is a little jealous of its talent. It's just a little dragon that takes advantage of him——

But the single-headed dragon was his cub after all, and similar thoughts flashed across his mind.

It's still dark.

The beach is already bustling with people, various stages and fireworks are being set up, large barbecue grills are neatly stacked, and fresh ingredients are being transported to the beach one by one.

There were even many vendors who came to set up their stalls.

However, the tourists who attended the beach bonfire party the most were the tourists who stood in groups on the beach and looked around, waiting for the interior to open before entering to enjoy themselves.

"Hey! I've been watching you for a long time! Come to Pokémon Battle!"

"What I wish for!"

Such conversations often occur among trainers who have nothing to do.

Kashiwagi was no exception. He was fighting against a girl who looked a little nervous, but still had the courage to ask him for an invitation.

Judging from the Pokémon she used, Strong Chicken, she was probably a trainer who had just started traveling.

Faced with such a trainer, Kashiwagi would not use Boscodora to bully her.

"Dragon Wave!"

A ball of indigo blue flames was stored in the mouth of the single dragon, and then it was sprayed out violently, turning it into an energy dragon with teeth and claws and rushing towards the strong chicken!

The new moves I learned not long ago can come in handy right now.

"Get away from it!"

The girl gave the order in a hurry, and the strong chicken hurriedly dodged to the side, narrowly missing the dragon flame, "Charge over and use two consecutive kicks!"


The strong chicken adjusted its posture and quickly rushed towards the single-headed dragon.

But as it approached, the aura belonging to the fire-type Pokémon immediately made the single-headed dragon catch its movements, "Hey!"

"The power of the earth!"

Following Kashiwagi's timely instructions, the single-headed dragon's claws stepped heavily on the ground, and the land in front of him suddenly lit up with yellow light.

"Get away!" the girl shouted nervously.

The powerful sprinter couldn't stop the car in time, so he stood above the blazing yellow light as if he was actively trying to get a move.

The next moment.


The surging ground attribute energy rose up, bursting out into a ball of fire and smoke, blasting the strong chicken into the sky!

When the smoke dissipated, the latter fell to the ground spinning with one claw, revealing a pair of circle eyes.

"Strong Chicken!"

The girl quickly stepped forward and hugged the strong chicken.

However, the single-headed dragon deliberately withdrew its strength when it launched its moves, so after being shaken by the trainer, the fainted strong chicken came to life, and looked at the girl with some guilt, "Dumb~"

"It's okay, you're already great."

The girl shook her head.

the other side.

Kashiwagi was being licked by the single-headed dragon. The little guy was extremely excited when he realized that he had won. "Okay, okay, don't be so excited. I know you are great, it's okay."

He picked it up and walked to the girl's side, "Is the strong chicken okay?"


The girl stood up with Strong Chicken. There were some burn marks on the feathers on the latter's body, but overall his condition was really good. She sighed in admiration: "Your single-headed dragon is so powerful, we are no match for it."

"It's just the accumulated experience, you can do it too."

The two shook hands and ended the roadside war on the beach.

Seeing them finish the fight, the onlookers immediately challenged the two of them. The girl agreed, as she had other Pokémon that could participate in the battle, but Kashiwagi refused.

"Sorry, I need to use the bathroom."

A group of excited trainers could only give up.


Physical problems solved.

Kashiwagi wiped his hands with a tissue while looking at the crowded beach in the distance.

With so many people, I don’t know how many will participate in the Pokémon Exchange Tournament.

Maybe he could meet his favorite Pokémon in the swap meet... But he had no one to swap with, which was very helpless.


"It would be great if I could grab all the Pokémon."


Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the small woods not far away. The words he just said were not his words, but the voices of other people.

He quietly went over and parted the bushes to take a look, and saw two guys wearing sea soul shirts, tattered long shorts, and black turbans with skull-like patterns printed on them.

...water fleet?

This villain organization hasn't been disbanded yet.

In the animation plot, the Water Fleet and the Lava Fleet awakened Kyogre and Groudon, causing a war between them. However, with the intervention of Adu, Xiaozhi and his team, the long-term antagonism between the two organizations has been resolved. .

The two bosses should have been taken away too, right? How come not only did they not disband, but they also seemed to engage in petty theft like Team Rocket?

Kashiwagi listened calmly and turned on the recording function of his mobile phone. He then discovered that these two guys were not actually members of the Water Fleet, but a group of thieves who wanted to use the name of the Water Fleet to do bad things.

Because I heard rumors that the water fleet happened to be on Martial Island, doing some unknown things.

I decided to take advantage of it.

Their method of deceiving Pokémon is also very low-level. It is the Pokémon exchange machine that Kojiro and the others once used, and they exchanged empty Pokémon balls for Pokémon balls with Pokémon inside.

This kind of trick can only be played on children, right?

Kashiwagi twitched his lips, turned off the recording on his phone and released the lucky egg.


The sound of the elf ball opening made the two people quickly turn around, "Who!"

"Who is there?"

"Red scarf. Use singing."

Kashiwagi waved his hand, and then the Geely Egg released a hypnotic sound wave to the two thieves in their shocked eyes, "La la la~ la la la~"

Unprepared, they fell asleep immediately.

"We are discussing the strategy behind the toilet. I don't know how to keep a Pokémon by my side. The plan is also retarded..." He picked up the two people like chickens and sighed, "Go and explain it to Miss Junsha." , talented people.”

I never thought that he was just about to leave.

Two more guys wearing navy uniforms and accompanied by large wolfhounds appeared in front of them.

Kashiwagi quickly dropped the two of them and shouted: "Move objects with your mind——"

"Etc., etc!"

The two members of the water fleet raised their hands and shouted, but they were not as fast as the auspicious eggs. Even the two big wolf dogs that rushed towards them were suspended into the air.

"You misunderstood. We are here to catch thieves. Even though we dress like them, we are not the same group!" One of them frowned, but still explained in a good voice.

Hearing this, Kashiwagi's expression relaxed, "Are you the rightful owner?"

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