My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 268 Silver Light Exploding Cloud

Fight against the Iron Palm warrior with a fighting body that is four times weaker.

Even though it may be superior in terms of level, it is still not a good choice.

But Kashiwagi had his own plans.



Boscodora looked at the Iron Palm warrior eagerly, let out a muffled roar, and black mist rose from his body.

[Curse] will produce unique effects when used by non-ghost-type Pokémon. Galar Sun Coral uses its own physical strength to continuously deduct the opponent's physical strength, and Boss Cordora uses it to reduce the speed and increase the speed. Attack and defend.

The reason for this effect is its Japanese neta reference, [のろい] can be read as either a curse or a slowness. It exactly corresponds to its two different effects.

at the same time.


Fujiki clenched his fists and shouted.

The Iron Palm warrior took heavy steps and approached Boscodora with trembling steps. His big palm-like hands showed a bright brown-red light.

But how could Kashiwagi be willing to let the other party get so close to him?

"Get back! Use Quicksand Hell!"


Boscodora, who was surrounded by black energy, took a few steps back, trying to distance himself from the Iron Palm warrior. His shining silver claws slammed the ground, and with a crisp sound, a crack appeared and quickly moved toward the Iron Palm. The force spreads beneath its feet.

"Get away to the right!" Teng Shu shouted quickly.

The Iron Palm warrior suddenly rolled to the side, and the ground where he was originally standing suddenly collapsed, forming a terrifying sand pit like a funnel.

If it gets stuck, it will probably be difficult to get out with the weight of the Iron Palm Warrior.

Vine Tree knows this very well, so he must not let Boscodora continue to create more sand traps and destroy the standing place under his feet.

"Use Fajin continuously!"


The Iron Palm warrior roared loudly, raised his hands and slammed forward. A palm-shaped shock wave immediately flew forward, followed closely by the second and third wave!

Under its continuous flapping, countless shock waves followed one after another!

However, Kashiwagi and Boscodora had already anticipated its plan. When the Iron Palm warrior raised his hand, he dug into the ground and avoided the shock waves.

The shock wave hit the ground, and the smoke and dust raised by the explosion formed a natural interference, affecting Vine Tree's visual judgment of the range of Boss Cordola.

"Don't panic, close your eyes and feel it with your feet, and listen carefully with your ears! It's like listening to the waves!"


The Iron Palm warrior responded while closing his eyes to feel the direction of the vibrations on the ground and listening to the sound to explore the location of Boscodora.

And Teng Shu actually closed his eyes as he spoke.

One person and one Pokémon seemed to be in a state of intense concentration.

Unfortunately, Kashiwagi was already familiar with their routines.

"Rock closure!"


Boscodora emerged from the sand pit, and the Iron Palm warrior took advantage of the situation to open his eyes and strike boldly in the direction he heard!

"That's it!" Teng Shu's excited voice sounded.


A brown-red shock wave rushed forward, and at the same time, countless huge rocks rose from the ground, but instead of trapping the Iron Palm Warrior in them as usual, they specifically hit the soles of his feet!

Boom! Boom!

Two explosions.

They were the crisp sound of the shock wave grazing the horns of Boscodora's head, causing it to fall into the air, and the trembling sound of the Iron Palm warrior being pressed against his soles and collapsing involuntarily.


Teng Shu's face was full of disbelief after being deceived. He looked at Boscodora in the sand pit and his breathing became a little unsmooth.

Although Kashiwagi knew very well that Fujishu closed his eyes in order to achieve spiritual resonance with the iron palm warrior, he had no choice but to give up observing with his eyes, and he had to pay a price.

"Dig a hole!"

Boscodora dug into the ground again, broke the ground under its feet when the Iron Palm Warrior stood up, and suddenly got out!


Fujishu quickly shouted: "Catch it!"


With a weight of more than 200 kilograms, Iron Palm Rikishi was almost lifted to the sky by Boscodora. Fortunately, it endured the pain and grabbed the sharp corners of Boscodora immediately. Return your feet to the ground.

Possessing excellent fighting ability, it wrapped its arms around Boss Cordora's head without thinking.

"Leverage your strength to throw!"

Fujishu's order came quickly, and it was a rare opportunity. Iron Palm Warrior finally touched Boscodora.

Unexpectedly, Kashiwagi's instructions were also very fast, shouting: "Hold still! It can't exert its power! Kick it down!"


Boscodora roared and stood up as if he was rooted to the ground, and a flash of pain suddenly flashed across the face of the Iron Palm warrior, just as he said, he failed to knock him down smoothly.

There is no doubt that this is the stinging pain left after the foot socket was pushed, preventing the latter from exerting normal force.

For a Pokémon as big and heavy as Ironpaw, its relatively small feet are 100% its weakness, as they have to be used as support points to support all of its weight.

And since the Iron Palm warriors couldn't attack smoothly, it was Boscodora's turn.

I saw its tail suddenly curling up, wrapping around the former's ankle, and exerting force together with the latter's unshakable thigh like a rock!


The huge body of the Iron Palm warrior suddenly collapsed and fell to pieces.


The pain prompted it to cry out.

Originally [Kick Kashiwagi] was intended to be reserved for future Fighting-type Pokémon, but after specifying the battle plan and finding out that it could be used in the gym challenge, he gave it to Boss Cordora without hesitation, which happened to be used at this moment. Of great use.

"Cheer up! It's not the last minute yet! We must survive this huge wave smoothly! Chi bombs!"

How could Teng Shu just give up? The Iron Palm warrior was not willing to lose to Boscodora. He didn't even stand up in a hurry. His big palm-like hands gathered in front of him and condensed into a bright blue ball of energy.

"Crash it over! Metal explosion!"

Kashiwagi responded immediately.

With such a close distance, it is basically difficult to avoid Boscodora due to the speed reduced by the curse, so using moves to counteract it is the best way.

What's more, with the tactics developed to this point, even if Kashiwagi can avoid it, he won't let him avoid it!

"Goo ho!"

Boscodora maintained 100% trust in the trainer, with a metallic luster all over his body, and took the initiative to bump into him without waiting for the Qi bomb to be launched!

boom--! !

With a deafening explosion, the qi bomb was detonated like an unstable bomb, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept away the dust on the ground and swayed in all directions.

The cypress and vine trees raised their hands to resist the invasion of dust, sand and wind. After a few seconds, when the smoke and dust quietly filled the air, they looked into the field.

The latter thought that Boscodora would find it difficult to withstand the attack of the Qi bombs at such a close range, but when he saw the smile on the former's face, he was not sure.

The events of the Galar Sun Coral were still fresh in his mind, but he still dared to be sure.

It seemed to confirm his guess.

The smoke dispersed, and Boscodora suppressed the Iron Palm warrior tightly. His originally shining silver head was blown black by the explosion, but his blue eyes were surprisingly bright.

In its huge mouth full of sharp teeth, a bright silver projectile has been condensed and formed.


"Wrong! It persisted with willpower! Launch!"

Kashiwagi loudly rejected Fujiki's guess and launched the final blow to take away the iron palm warrior.

Boscodora roared!


The bright light of the metal explosion, the frightened expression of the Iron Palm warrior, and the admiration of the Fuji tree were all frozen at this moment, rising with the silver mushroom cloud, and reflected in Xiao Shinobu's eyes.

Her body trembled slightly, feeling trembling and excited for this battle.


When the dust settles.

"The Iron Palm warrior loses the ability to fight, and Boss Cordora wins!! The winner is Kashiwagi's challenger!!"

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