My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 265 Battle of Martial Arts

The next day.

Kashiwagi opened the curtains and found that there were dark clouds outside, and the beautiful blue sea became a bit scary.

"With this weather... I don't think Teng Shu can surf, right?"

Yesterday, he read up on the reviews of Fujishu on the Internet and found that the interesting thing about the martial arts gym is that it basically gets five-star reviews in autumn, winter and spring, but not even one star in summer, so it is strongly not recommended.

Because the summer environment is good, this guy goes to the beach to surf every two days. He will not go back to fight until someone catches him on the spot.

However, the vines in the other three seasons are still more conscientious and only go to the secret base for special training.

"After all these years, it's strange that I haven't been taught how to be a good person by Miss Joy."

Kashiwagi was curious whether Joey, the Pokémon inspector holding Latias, had ever been to the fighting gym.

Come to the martial arts gym.

The door was indeed open.

Teng Shu was sitting at the door, looking at the dark clouds in the sky and feeling depressed.

After all, summer is getting shorter and longer every day. If it is cloudy, there will be one less chance to surf. As a passionate surfing enthusiast, he can't be sad.

But when he saw a challenger coming, he still forcibly cheered up and stood up to say hello.

"Welcome to the martial arts gym. Is your name Kashiwagi?"


Kashiwagi was not surprised that the other party knew about him. After making an appointment, relevant records would naturally be generated in the gym's computer, and the gym leader would understand at a glance.

"Then come with me."

Fujishu took the lead and walked into the gym. As he walked, he said, "Yesterday I saw your cooperation with Boss Cordora, and I thought it was very good. However, surfing with Pokémon is very dangerous, no matter it is For yourself and others, it’s better to use a surfboard next time.”

He seems to pay special attention to this point. He reminded it once yesterday and couldn't help but remind it again today.

The sentences were also carefully considered.


Kashiwagi heard the seriousness in his tone and nodded again to express understanding.

Go through a door at the end of the walkway.

The semi-enclosed battle arena immediately came into view, but unlike the Karnaz Gym, which had a rocky venue, the martial arts gym's venue was very ordinary.

A girl with a blue ponytail was among them, wearing what looked like a rather clear training uniform.


She ran to the vine tree with many pokeballs.

"Thank you." Teng Shu thanked him, and when he saw Kashiwagi's curious eyes, he said, "This is my disciple, Xiao Ren. He is currently practicing with me and is responsible for being our referee today."


Kashiwagi nodded in greeting.

Xiao Ren responded hurriedly, "Tianhao, please take care of me."

He didn't remember this person's identity at first, but after thinking about it for a while, he recalled that she was also a character who appeared in the animation, and she almost used Masana to have a fake match with the Skin God.

Both sides stood still.

Xiao Ren held the flag and read the rules of the competition loudly.

After reading.

Fujishu took out an elf ball and said with a smile: "Do you mind if I increase the difficulty a little? Mr. Qianli and Miss Du Juan think highly of you.

"If the difficulty is set based on badges, a gym battle that is too easy won't be much exercise for you, right?"

"You are the owner, it's up to you to decide."

Kashiwagi had no objection at all.

Hearing this, Teng Shu immediately threw the elf ball forward, "In that case, Wei Li! Please!"



The four-handed humanoid Pokémon with skin like gray stone and muscular muscles fell to the ground.

Increase the difficulty "slightly".

Kashiwagi complained in his heart, but he threw the elf ball he had prepared in his hand.


Cherry-colored petals were flying all over the sky, and the big-mouthed baby slowly landed on the ground.

When Shinobu saw those illusory cherry blossoms, he looked at Kashiwagi with a strange look. He might not have expected that such a tall man could be so girlish.

The Pokémon entered the scene, but Fujiki didn't give any instructions, as if he was deliberately giving a chance.

Kashiwagi knew that he was probably going to use the force-cutting technique he had used against Xiaozhi before, so he became silently vigilant and said to the big-mouthed kid who had already electromagnetically levitated off the ground:

"Rush over!"


The big-mouthed baby responded in a low voice. After returning to the ground, he kicked his right foot back violently and immediately rushed forward like an arrow from a string!

"So fast! Use your weird strength to build your body!"

Teng Shu seemed to be unable to get detailed information from Du Juan, and was surprised when he suddenly saw the big-mouthed baby turned into an afterimage, and immediately did not dare to ask Da to use his moves.


Guai Li clenched his four fists and tensed his muscles like twisted steel cables.

But just when it gathered a momentum, the big-mouthed baby had already arrived in front of it, and hooked its little finger with contemptuous eyes.

In an instant, Guai Li's skin turned red in a trend visible to the naked eye, and a red light surged on his forehead.


It let out an angry roar, raised its four arms and swung down at the big-mouthed baby!

Teng Shu, whose sight was blocked, thought that the use of Jian Mei was successful at first. When he discovered that the strange power was attacking without his instructions, he suddenly looked at Kashiwagi who was smiling across from him.

"Strange power, wake up! Don't fall for its provocation!"

"Iron wall!"

The shouts were accompanied by movements, and Guai Li felt his eyes blurred as a dark thing with yellow dots appeared in front of it instead of the big-mouthed baby.

When the hand knife fell, the dark things suddenly became silvery.


A cloud of smoke exploded.

Then the big-mouthed baby jumped out from inside and spun around very nimbly.


It shouted slightly seriously.

"Nonsense, one hit from its four hands is equal to four hits from others!" Kashiwagi responded to what it said, "Anyway, it's a profit if you don't strengthen it! Fairy Wind!"

Before the smoke completely dispersed, the big-mouthed baby spun forward and the pink wind turned it into a tornado, which hit Wei Li's chest hard!

"Push it up! Don't let it touch the ground!" Kashiwagi shouted.

Not to be outdone, Teng Shu said, "Grab it! Use your strength to throw it!"


Wei Li, who was hit head-on by the fairy wind, let out a muffled roar, frowning and trying to catch the spinning Big Mouth Child, but the latter could not be touched so easily.

I saw that its speed suddenly accelerated, and the wind power of the fairy wind also increased instantly. Under its intentional control, it lifted up the strange power and rushed to the ceiling!

"What a violent fairy wind!" Teng Shu couldn't help but marvel. He had rarely seen a Pokémon that could make the wind of the fairy wind become as powerful as a storm. Now it was an eye-opener.

"Have fun!" Kashiwagi shouted.


The pained monster still didn't forget to catch the big-mouthed kid, who happened to end the fairy wind and was caught very smoothly.

But soon it discovered something very embarrassing -

He couldn't land on his own, so if he used the force to throw it, he could only throw it away.

However, just when it was about to make a move, the big-mouthed baby found that he had been caught. Instead of being surprised, he jumped directly into his arms and punched his face twice!

Bang bang!

Guai Li was beaten until stars appeared in his eyes and he was dizzy.

"Explosive punch!"

Fujishu was a little panicked when he saw that the strength could not fall down. Fighting emphasizes that the strength starts from the ground. If the strength cannot be fully exerted from the bottom up, the strength will not be able to reach the highest level.

Therefore, facing the red fist of Wei Li, Da Zui Wa was not afraid at all. Not only did he eat it forcefully, he also started to spin with the force of the explosion, shaking Wei Li like a windmill.

It kept hitting the ceiling with strange force in a playful manner, one after another.

When it was almost done, he threw it to the ground with all his strength!


The strange force hit the ground, and dust and smoke rolled up.

Two seconds later, the smoke dissipated, revealing Wei Li's fainted appearance.

"The monster loses its ability to fight, and the big-mouthed kid wins!"

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