My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 262 The Fall of Sanghu


In front of the huge iron plate, a bright red round-mouthed giant octopus used its six tentacles to make teppanyaki with great enthusiasm, and waved the shovel like a flower in the sky.

Fortunately, it didn't make the scary move of shoveling down the tentacles and blending in.


People in the animation world basically don’t eat octopus tentacles. Normally, octopus balls are flour balls made from octopus barrels.

There are four or five hard-working octopus barrels in the huge restaurant.

Kashiwagi sat in front of an octopus barrel, admiring its cooking techniques and tasting the delicious food of this restaurant.

"Your signature Octopus Bucket Furious Fried Rice is ready."


A large mountain-like plate of fried rice suddenly appeared in front of Kashiwagi, and the young lady in cool clothes smiled charmingly at him.

He: "...Isn't this amount a bit wrong?"

"No, this is the normal amount~"

"All right."

Kashiwagi nodded silently amidst the wide-eyed and astonished gazes of the people around him. He never expected that when he went out to have a meal, he would meet a fan of the gorgeous contest who was a fan of Big Mouth Baby.

With his ability, he would definitely be unable to finish such a large amount, but the Galar Sun Coral was there.

This guy is a hidden big eater. No matter how much food is given to him, he can eat it in one sitting without any hesitation.


He first put the Galar Sun Coral aside.

The latter was awakened by the aroma of fried rice and was about to extend his tentacles when he saw the food in front of him, but stopped silently when he found Kashiwagi holding a spoon.

Why are you calling me for dinner?

Galar Sun Coral looked at him sadly. She was already a little depressed due to being exposed to the sun, but she was even more depressed watching others eat.

"Let's share. Have you never had a bowl of rice with anyone else?" Kashiwagi raised his eyebrows.


Galar Sun Coral's brain, which had been frozen for who knows how many years, really didn't understand what he said.

Kashiwagi didn't continue talking, scooped up a spoonful of fried rice and put it in his mouth.

In an instant.

The irresistible sweetness spreads from the tip of the tongue all the way down. The salty rice is mixed with the crisp vegetables. The various flavors form an extremely beautiful waltz.

But the next second, an extremely exciting smell hit.

It was as if the octopus barrel was standing in front of him and suddenly fired an octopus barrel cannon into his mouth.

The rapidly rising temperature and tingling sensation in his mouth made Kashiwagi's hands and feet numb, and he couldn't help but open his mouth to take in air to reduce the spicy taste in his mouth——


He was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it spicy?"

The stimulating taste comes and goes quickly. It doesn't seem to be the terrifying spiciness brought by tomato tomatoes, but a more complex and complex taste.

Kashiwagi scooped up another spoonful and tasted it carefully, "Zhili fruit?"

As soon as he said this, Octopus Bucket, who was concentrating on dancing with the shovel in front of him, suddenly raised his head and glanced at him in surprise, as if he didn't expect that his skills could be seen through so easily.

"It's well-deserved... the comments are really correct, why don't you try it?"

He couldn't help but admire the commentator's comment. He scooped up a spoonful and brought it to the "mouth" of the Galar Sun Coral. It took five or six seconds for the latter to extend its tentacles tremblingly and cover the spoon.

When the tentacles retracted, the rice on them was gone.

"What do you think? If it tastes good, just extend one of your tentacles."

Kashiwagi asked in a low voice about Galar Sun Coral.

It seemed to be tasting it, keeping the corners of its mouth downward. Suddenly, its face froze as if it felt the spicy taste, and then returned to its original state.


It's okay.

It silently stretched out a tentacle——

Um! ?

Galar Sun Coral was stunned. Why was he suddenly so used to communicating with trainers?

It was surprised to find that without knowing it, it could actually respond to the trainer's words subconsciously. It did not maintain a resisting posture as it used to do before, and ignored any words of the trainer.

Speaking of which, how long have you been with him?

Galar Sun Coral, who had no concept of time, fell into deep doubts.

"If it tastes good, just eat more."

Kashiwagi didn't notice the complicated emotions of Galar Sun Coral, so he scooped up another spoonful and sent it over.

The latter ate it subconsciously.


Why is the body acting on its own again?

Galar Sun Coral sadly found that her body had been tamed by the man in front of her.

This won't work.

Sooner or later you will have to work harder if this continues.

It cannot imagine the day when it becomes industrious, it is as terrifying as a nightmare.

After thinking about it, Galar Sun Coral watched Kashiwagi eating spoonful by spoonful, and decided not to pay attention to him...


Wait until the meal is over.

Galar Sun Coral looked at the rice placed in front of her and decided to put it aside for the second time.

The portion was so big that Kashiwagi was full in no time, and basically fed the rest to the sun coral next to him.

Just as he was about to pay, the waitress brought another cup of parfait - ice cream stuffed with various nuts, fruits and cream.

Kashiwagi asked: "I don't think I ordered this?"

"This is a treat from our chef. He appreciates guests like you who know how to eat." The female receptionist smiled and pointed to the octopus bucket in front of the iron plate.


Octopus Bucket smiled and waved the shovel at him.

"Uh, thank you for the hospitality." Kashiwagi was a little flattered, and then took the notebook that the female receptionist quietly extended, with a note on it that she hoped he could sign.

How could this small request not be met?

He quickly signed his name, and after thinking about it, he drew a simple big-mouthed baby through sketch. Tutu Dog's sketch memory was rarely used.


When the female receptionist took the book back, she looked at the big-mouthed kid on it with surprise and was so happy.

Kashiwagi ate parfait and fed Galar Sun Coral a bite from time to time.

The Galar Sun Coral humiliated itself by eating Parfait, so why do unexpected things always interrupt its plans?

damn it!


Full of wine and food.

Had a small dessert by the way.

Kashiwagi walked contentedly along the coast, looking at the people and Pokémon playing on the beach in the distance.

Although both Weibai Town and Kanaz City are coastal cities, there are really no beautiful beaches like Wudou Town for people to play on. He decided to come here to relax after finding a place to stay and booking a gym challenge.

It is also extremely important to learn to enjoy life.

I followed the road signs to the Martial Arts Gym. The door was closed as expected. It said that the weather was great today and the Gym Leader went out for surfing.

no doubt.

Compared to people in big cities surfing the Internet, the martial arts gym leader Fujiki is more accustomed to surfing in real life. Sometimes when a good wave comes, he doesn't even care about challengers coming.

This is also the point where he is most criticized in online reviews.

However, now that the gym basically operates a reservation system, I think Teng Shu will not be like before.


Reservation successful.

Kashiwagi looked at the time on it - eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and then looked at the number of challengers waiting in front - zero.

I don’t quite understand their love for surfing.

Don't you go to work in the afternoon?

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