My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 255 Master’s “Sharp” Comments

Colorful ribbons were flying over the venue.

The audience and judges got out of their seats to give warm applause to the two coordination trainers present and thank them for their wonderful performance.

"Well done."

Kashiwagi patted Boscodora's strong arm.


Boss Cordora let out a low roar of joy, happy that the trainer could give him this final opportunity.

However, after this battle, it finally realized that it was not suitable for the gorgeous competition.

Unable to roar heartily, unable to release moves to the limit, we have to consider various tricks and techniques that look beautiful enough...

Not to mention anything else, just the metal explosion just now.

It endured the combination of two fire-type moves, but endured the pain and guided the flames into the ball of light in order to create silver fireworks. In the end, it only used three points of force to be considered successful.

If it were a serious battle, just hit him with a metal explosion and add five rock blasts to give Fire Eevee three lives. There would be no need to work hard to crack the moves to gain points.

Kashiwagi also knew that Boscodora was not playing well enough, so he touched its sharp corners to comfort him and put it back into the ball.

However, before he could look for Ulala, Ulala took the initiative to greet him.


"Thank you, your Fire Eevee is very good at performing, I am amazed." Kashiwagi shook hands with her.

His evaluation of Fire Ibrahimovic was sincere. Maybe he was a little inferior in terms of combat effectiveness, but in terms of performance skills, he was definitely much better than Boscodora.

What's more, as far as he knew, Fire Ibu and Shui Ibu, who had previously performed the leaping dragon gate, were a doubles team. In addition, Urala also had a pair of positive and negative electric beats.

In other words, doubles combat may be her strength.

"Thank you for the compliment, but next time we meet, I will definitely not lose to you again!" Ulala said extremely seriously.

"I look forward to it."

The cypress trees responded.

But it’s hard to say when we will meet next time. Compared with the past, there are more and more venues for gorgeous competitions. If the travel route is not consistent, it is possible to miss even the gorgeous large-scale celebrations.

the other side.

Three judges took the stage to present awards.

"Congratulations!" The gray-haired Patstein smiled and handed the red ribbon to Kashiwagi.

"Thank you." Kashiwagi took it respectfully.

Yanase smiled and said: "There are not many excellent coordination trainers like you. I hope you can continue your efforts in the future!"

Um? Did he actually speak normal words?

Kashiwagi was startled, and then realized that he was being funny, how could others not say it.

"Thank you for the compliment, and thank you too, Miss Joy." He thanked the remaining two people and raised the ribbon in his hand to the audience, which immediately attracted bursts of cheers.

At this point, his debut battle has come to an end.


competition is over.

The judges and the audience left the stage one after another, and some viewers who were interested in Kashiwagi blocked the door and wanted to get up close and personal with him. But the latter had already guessed that such a scene might occur and deliberately stayed in the lounge.

He released the Big Mouth Baby and handed over the ribbon.

"See, we won!"


The big-mouthed boy held the ribbon, his watery eyes full of excitement.

Although it didn't win the final round, overall it was right that this ribbon belonged to it, and it was a symbol of its hard work over the past few days.


It ran to Kashiwagi, hoping to make the ribbon into a tie and place it together with the peace bell.

"That's not possible. How will you participate in the gorgeous and large-scale celebrations after the transformation?" Kashiwagi took the ribbon with a smile and used the clip on the back to clamp the hair on the big-mouthed baby's chest. "Normally, this is how it is worn. Do you understand the badge? ?”

The big-mouthed boy looked down and swayed twice.


After all, most of its body surface is short-haired, and only the surface of its large jaws, which are transformed from horns, is smooth.


It's a little unsatisfying.

"Of course, you can tie it directly into the headband." Kashiwagi picked it up and tied it directly to its red headband. "Look, it looks very beautiful like this."


The big-mouthed baby jumped in front of the floor-length mirror and swayed around, raising his hands, spinning in circles, and jumping around, like a nimble deer.

Something that you particularly want is definitely the rarest when you first get it. Pokémon also strictly abides by this law. When the mood cools down, out of cherishment of the ribbon, Big Mouth will ask Kashiwagi to keep it properly.

And when it's ugly.

Ulala, who had already left long ago, walked in.

Kashiwagi thought she had left something behind, but she suddenly said:

"I just drove outside and took a look. There were at least thirty or forty people squatting on you."

"...Squat over me? Reporter?"

His eyes widened.

"Some are reporters, and some should be brokerage companies. Anyway, the number of people will be more or less." Ulala took out her mobile phone and showed Kashiwagi the picture she took.

A brief look at the heads wearing various uniforms revealed that there were indeed as many as she said.

"You have to be careful not to be deceived by the agency, and don't talk nonsense in front of reporters."

Ulala, who looks quite young, seems to be very experienced in this area.

"Thank are such a good person, and you even came back to remind me."

Kashiwagi was also impressed by her. Not only did she not hold grudges or be harsh after losing the game, but she would sincerely praise her opponent, and she also specifically provided him with such important information.

Ulala's face turned red when she heard this, "I, I just don't want you to go astray in this regard!"

She turned and ran away.

But just when Kashiwagi thought she had really left, she suddenly poked her head out from behind the door and warned her very seriously: "Don't agree to any brokerage company's conditions casually!"


Seeing Kashiwagi nodding, Ulala retracted her head.

Now she is really gone.

"Unexpectedly cute, this little girl." Kashiwagi couldn't help but smile at the big-mouthed kid, "Do you think so?"


Big Mouth Boy thought he was talking about Ulala's strength. He recalled the fish leaping over the dragon gate and nodded arrogantly.

Having just received his results, Dazui's self-confidence was inevitably a little inflated.

Nothing to do.

Kashiwagi turned on his mobile phone and took a look at the Poké blog. He followed many gorgeous contest bloggers and gorgeous contest officials, and sure enough, big data pushed the video of his game.

The number of likes surprised him.

"Two hundred thousand likes?" Kashiwagi clicked in to look at the comment area. The first comment was actually Mikri's, and it was pinned to the top.

Mikri: "It's a very interesting dance. Although it is weak in fire, it uses rotation skills to slow down the problem of flames. Its control of electromagnetic levitation is also superb. The connection between the moves is very smooth, which is quite good." Moreover, this big-mouthed baby is extremely well-bred and has a hazy feeling like a girl! Looking forward to this coordination trainer coming to participate in the Michaeli Cup! 』

Miccoli cup.

It is a special Pokémon gorgeous contest organized by him, and performances will be found all over the world. The water column medals obtained by the winners can be used in gorgeous large-scale celebrations in any region, so it will gather coordinated trainers from all over the world.

It was here that Xiaoguang defeated Xiaoyao with "home advantage" and won the medal.

No wonder so many people are waiting outside.

Opening PokéChat, Lucia had already sent nearly fifty messages. Even though Kashiwagi didn't reply to any of them, her enthusiasm remained undiminished.

Kashiwagi: "Sorry, I just opened the communication." 』

Lucia: "It's okay, it's okay. If you don't mind me making a noise, I would like to thank you and congratulate you~!" 』

Rukia: "You got a ribbon in your debut battle, you are so awesome!" 』

She posted five or six gifs of Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds spraying fireworks.

Kashiwagi: "Thank you for the compliment. I hope you taught me well before and the master brought me in~"

Lucia: "Huh?" Am I your teacher? Hahaha! I see! 』

Kashiwagi smiled silently. Although he said it in a joking tone, technically speaking, Lucia was indeed his teacher.

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