My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 247 The doctor is invincible

In Kaina City, Sister Xiangxiang welcomed her fourth Pokémon.

Water Eevee.

To be precise, this Water Eevee was abandoned by its trainer. At that time, Sister Xiangxiang was treating a male trainer's Pokémon for heat stroke, and for some reason a female trainer came and mistakenly thought they were having an affair.

You will have to fight with him later.

Although Sister Xiangxiang explained the real situation, the other party didn't listen at all, so she had to agree.

In the battle, Roseredo won easily.

Unexpectedly, the female trainer immediately released Shuiyibu, who had failed in the competition, and turned around and ran away with the male trainer. Her heartless look was simply terrifying.

Sister Xiangxiang couldn't stand this, so she immediately took in this ignorant little pitiful creature and healed the latter's injuries caused by Rose Leiduo's petal dance.

[You got Water Eevee, and you have more companions on the journey]

"What the hell, another guy like Shinji in the early stage." Kashiwagi cursed in a low voice, and he was so angry after watching the simulation.

Thanks to Sister Xiangxiang who loves Pokémon as much as Xiaozhi and took in Water Eevee, otherwise there would be another Pokémon in the world that is hostile and hateful towards humans.

Being so disturbed by the other party, Sister Xiangxiang was not in a good mood. Fortunately, Xiangjian could relax her.

Instead of staying in Kaina City, she headed towards the city where the third gym was located.

The process is no different.

Treat illnesses and save Pokémon, and work hard to improve your battle awareness.

Not long after, she arrived at the location of the third gym. This time it was a place that Kashiwagi didn't even know about the city. It should belong to a small town that only existed in the background of the animation. The gym leader was naturally a stranger.

They were still using grass-type Pokémon, and they were able to successfully defeat them with Rainwing Moth and Roseredo alone.

And in this town where there are flowerbeds and trees everywhere, Sister Xiangxiang got her fifth Poké egg?

She rescued a Pokémon that was allergic to pollen in a flower shop and gave the shop owner a fragrance that could relieve allergy symptoms. In return, the shop owner entrusted her with a Pokémon egg.

It was said that it was the egg of Kikusoha who was planned to be one of the novice trainer Pokémon in the Johto area. She thought that a trainer like her who was kind and kind-hearted should be able to take good care of Kikusoha.

Kashiwagi: "!"

Are you so willful because of your good looks?

There are two flowers at the beginning, and the Pokémon is all on your own to come to or deliver them. Sister Fragrance has had a comfortable journey.

The fourth gym after that is located in Luyin Town. When I checked it on my mobile phone, it was also a time-honored brand that closed down more than ten years ago. However, correspondingly, Luyin Town has a "new" gym with a history of 20 years. It seems that it is The time-honored brand is dead.

Sister Xiangxiang successfully won and obtained the fourth badge, which satisfied the foundation for challenging the Fuyan Gym.

The Pokémon egg also successfully hatched into a chrysanthemum leaf.

[You got chrysanthemum leaves, and you have more companions on the journey]


Although Luyin Town is very close to Fuyan Town, Sister Xiangxiang did not go there immediately. Instead, she changed her route to the west of the Fengyuan region and arrived at Kanaz City, which symbolizes the high technology of Fengyuan.

Obviously Sister Xiangxiang has not forgotten her goal of traveling - to see more Pokémon and challenge the gym to participate in the tournament is just one of the ways, not the purpose of her travel.

[You have arrived in Kanaz City. The modern style is very different from most towns. The high-rise buildings everywhere, the trams running through the city, etc. all make you amazed. The many strange Pokémon also make you feel that your trip is worthwhile]

Thanks to her status as a trainer, Sister Xiangxiang quickly integrated into the circle of trainers in Karnaz City, and became famous with her accumulated training experience and her fragrances with truly outstanding effects.

It even attracted a television interview.

In order to promote the fragrance she developed herself, Fragrance Sister decisively accepted it.

[Your interview has been sought after by the people of Kanaz City. Your name is spreading to the entire Hoenn region. In order to learn more about you and your essence, the TV station chose to conduct an exclusive interview with you]

It seems that the fragrance sister really came to the right place. As her reputation spreads, many perfume companies have invited her to be a consultant, and many factories hope to mass-produce the fragrance she developed.

But she knows that the fragrance she developed is not yet mature enough to be mass-produced, and she doesn’t have that much energy to focus on mass production and sales for the time being.

Although she can completely entrust it to others, she is smart enough to understand that without her own care, it may be difficult to guarantee the quality.

The fragrance sister stopped at the first step of producing the product. She was very satisfied that the effectiveness of the fragrance had been verified. She did not want to rush into the next step.

So, in order to avoid the endless stream of people, Sister Xiangxiang took a boat to Wudou Town.

At this time, Wudou Town, as an island town, had a very small population and lacked medical resources. Sister Xiangxiang arrived as a Pokémon doctor and was greatly welcomed by them.

Sister Xiangxiang also stayed here for nearly a month before leaving. During this period, she treated many sick Pokémon every day.

Her Pokémon are also busy running around as her nurses, and the recently born Chrysanthemum Leaf has even evolved.

[Your chrysanthemum leaves evolve into bay leaves]

"Isn't this really the medical record of a barefoot doctor?"

Kashiwagi complained secretly, but he knew that Sister Xiangxiang had the relevant certificate as a Pokémon doctor. The narrator had explained it during the previous interview in Kanaz City.

The scene changes.

Sister Xiangxiang finally returned to Fuyan Town.

Her friends have been waiting for a long time.

[Your friend told you that your name and essence can be seen even in Fuyan Town, which makes you very happy. But she also brought bad news. There are only three months left before the opening of the conference. You must hurry up and get the remaining four badges]

Sister Xiangxiang spent too much time in Karnaz City and Martial Town, which made her time to challenge the gym become a little tight.

As a person who likes to have a beginning and an end, Sister Xiangxiang naturally did not stop participating and immediately came to the Fuyan Gym to challenge.

And this was also a relatively difficult time for her to win. Fire-type Pokémon were more restrained by her team, and only Water Eevee had the advantage.

But under the fierce sunny weather, Shuiyibu's condition also became precarious.

Fortunately, over the past few days, Shuiyibu has learned how to deal with patients from his predecessors. As Sister Xiangxiang had an idea and shouted "Prepare for treatment", Shuiyibu immediately regarded the lava snail opposite as a patient.

Acting coquettishly dulled its spirit, pretending to cry made it paralyzed, and ending with a yawn, the lava snail fell asleep on the spot and was slaughtered by Water Eevee and Sister Xiangxiang.

The master of the cauldron hall was stunned - how can you be so skilled!

The fifth badge was successfully obtained.

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