My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 240 Rock Skills

Du Juan seemed to notice that her Pokémon was a little nervous, and Du Juan immediately spoke to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid! Use the roll to rush forward!"


When Rumblestone heard the trainer's voice, it suddenly became braver. The confidence of being the gym leader Pokémon also returned to it. Two pairs of arms leaned against the body and rolled forward amidst the rumble. .

at the same time.

The big steel snake in the sky twisted its body, its copper-like eyes glanced at the rolling rumbling sound, and its tail lit up with shining silver light.

"Iron Tail!"


The sound of the friction between the tail and the air when it was waving was almost a roar, and it was like a whip that was extremely fast, leaving only an afterimage, chasing straight towards the rolling rumbling stone.

"Jump up with rocks!"

Du Juan shouted, and saw the rolling rumbling stone hit a huge rock without hesitation, but did not smash it into pieces, but used its arc to rush directly into the sky!

boom! !

The rugged rocks were shattered by the chasing iron tail, and countless debris flew around while creating a cloud of smoke.

"Heavy impact!"

"Fire Fist!"

Baimu and Du Juan gave orders simultaneously.

The big steel snake roared and twisted its body, and a silver halo suddenly appeared, rolling and flowing like a metallic flame.


It let out a thunderous roar and collided with the rumble stone that flew higher by rolling. The four huge horizontal steel frames rotated like windmills. The sudden propulsion made it roar like a car when it exploded. The passing train.

Faced with the ferocious attack of the big steel snake, Longlong Stone stopped rolling in mid-air incredibly incredibly, raised its stronger pair of arms high and clasped each other, and fiercely charged towards the collision as raging flames ignited from above. The big steel snake slammed down!

The two collided!

Bang! !

There was a thunderous noise, and the flames and smoke mixed with the sky quickly spread out in all directions!

The two trainers immediately covered their faces with their arms to prevent the dust from getting into their eyes. They waited until the dust stabilized slightly before taking off and looking into the field.

Suddenly, he saw that in the field, the rumble stone had fallen to the ground, surrounded by rocks, and he was supporting his body with some difficulty.

The big steel snake looked down at the rumble stone in mid-air. There was a burning scorch mark on its forehead, but its expression remained calm and its breathing showed no signs of getting heavier.

It can be seen that even the restraint attribute moves cannot cause much damage to it.

Du Juan understood at a glance that this was caused by the level gap. This big steel snake had far more strength than the second badge. Could it be that Kashiwagi was a trainer from other regions?

She began to speculate in her mind, and knew that the rumble stone only persisted through its strong properties, so she shouted: "Get closer to it! Use a big explosion!"


Longlong Stone shouted in response and rolled towards the big steel snake without any hesitation. Its body surface lit up with bright and dazzling white light, and frightening energy fluctuations were brewing.

Kashiwagi's face was solemn but not nervous. He even understood Du Juan's plan and said loudly: "Use the one you went back to practice with! Quicksand Hell!"


The big steel snake roared deeply, and the four horizontal steel bones began to rotate. The quicksand on the ground continued to fly up into the sky as if attracted by it, surrounding it as the steel bones roared and rotated.

In an instant.

The rumbling sand tornado took shape, and when the blazing white light exploded on the surface of the rumbling stone, it suddenly shrank, forming a shield-like appearance of sand and earth!

The dazzling light illuminated the entire battlefield as the ground shook, and the terrifying air waves stirred up gravel and dust smoke, turning into a wall of air visible to the naked eye and spreading in all directions.

Fortunately, the level of the rumble stone was not very high, so the power of the air wave was not particularly strong. It only shook the corners of Kashiwagi's clothes.

Thick smoke covered the entire battlefield, and was blown away by a strong wind.

Baimu and Du Juan looked inside, and at first sight they saw the undamaged big steel snake twisting its horizontal steel bones. Under its body were rumbling stones with its eyes turning into circles and green smoke coming out of its body.

Obviously the Quicksand Hell Shield was used successfully. The key point of this trick was from Xiaozhi. After Xiaogang learned it from Xiaozhi, he taught the key points of its use to Kashiwagi.

It has been nearly a week since the day it received the secret message. After the unremitting efforts of Kashiwagi and Big Steel Snake, as well as the diligent practice back to Huangtie Town in the past two days, it finally learned it.

"Rumblestone loses its fighting ability, and the Big Steel Snake wins!" Rotom flew out from the air to confirm the result.

"Nice move skills!"

Du Juan praised loudly and raised her hand to take back the Longlong Stone, "It can perfectly defend against the big explosion of the Longlong Stone. Your big steel snake is very powerful in terms of control power."

"The same goes for your Rumble Stone. It's usually difficult to stop casually with this rolling move, right?" Kashiwagi hurriedly exchanged business blows to brush up his favor.


Du Juan smiled slightly after hearing this, "Thank you for your hard work, Longlong Stone. Then for the last Pokémon, please show me your strength!"

She threw the Poké Ball.


There was a flash of white light.

A boulder Pokémon that looks like an Easter stone statue - a north-facing nose - appears in the field.

Kashiwagi quickly replaced the big steel snake and released the long-awaited Big Mouth Baby.

"Be careful! It can turn freely!"

He shouted that the north-facing nose cultivated by Du Juan has the freedom to control its own magnetism. It can face other directions without rotating and is not bound by the law of always facing north.

When the words fell, the whole body of the big-mouthed baby naturally flashed with electric light, and his feet gradually lifted off the ground.

Du Juan, who was opposite her, couldn't help but look brilliant.

Electromagnetic levitation again? This move is not that easy to learn.

"Rock closure!"

She raised her hand slightly, raised her right foot toward the north and suddenly stomped on the ground. Many stone pillars suddenly popped up around the big-mouthed baby!

Fortunately, Kashiwagi was already familiar with Du Juan's basic routines through many videos, and the reminder was timely enough. When Du Juan spoke, he said, "Get away!"

Big Mouth Baby quickly climbed up, causing the rock seal to fail successfully.

There is no doubt that the usage and release speed of North Nose are completely different from Boscodora. It is a usage technique that Kashiwagi is more coveted and hopes to learn.

"Use those rocks as pedals! Ironhead!"


The big-mouthed baby responded with a sweet voice, and when Du Juan looked at her with puzzled eyes, she kicked her back toward the north nose!


The uplifted rock exploded, and the instantaneous burst of force turned the Big Mouth Baby into a blurry afterimage, making it impossible for Xiangbei Nozhi to capture where it was.


Du Juan could see it clearly, but she had no choice but to share her vision, so she could only let Chao Beibi defend herself first.

Unexpectedly, Big Mouth Baby didn't intend to attack from the front at all, and flew directly from the side of Xiang Beibi and rushed towards Du Juan who was sitting in the chairman's seat!

The latter was startled by it, and it wasn't until she twisted her body and kicked the rock not far in front of her, causing it to explode and scattered rubble, that she realized that Big Mouth Baby was preparing to attack from the back. !

"Iron wall!"

Du Juan reminded loudly, but Chaobeibi didn't react at all. Even if he used the magnet on the tip of his nose to lock the position of the big-mouthed baby, he couldn't successfully use the iron wall.


A dull sound like a bell.

It was the sound of Big Mouth Boy swinging his jaws and smashing Chaobei Nose into the ground!

"Frozen teeth—eh? Aren't they strong?"

Kashiwagi wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but he was confused when he saw the circle on his nose facing north.

Aerial Rotom broadcast the results.

"Chao Bei Bi loses the ability to fight, Big Mouth Baby wins. The winner of this gym challenge is Kashiwagi!"

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