My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 237 Dragon Traitor

In the hotel.

"Do you know how worried I am? How could you sneak out without making a sound? And you're still at work!"

The woman in professional attire angrily yelled at Lucia, "There are so many reporters at the door just in public, God knows how many cameras there are in private!"

"But I have finished filming today's scene, and I also got rid of them well."

Lucia felt a little aggrieved. She just missed the stage of the gorgeous competition so much that she sneaked over to take a look.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst!"

The agent was so angry that when he saw the girl in front of him looking like he was about to cry, he had no choice but to soften his voice and said, "After we finish filming this movie, we will take a good rest for a while and go to various places around the world to participate in glamorous competitions." OK?"


Lucia nodded slightly and covered her mouth, feeling extremely sad.

Seeing her like this, her manager had a terrible headache and could only comfort her: "Okay, go and wash up quickly. After washing, go back and rest. Your eyes will be swollen from crying and you won't be able to put on makeup tomorrow."


Lucia turned around and left. Instead of going to the bathroom, she disguised herself again and took a detour in the park behind the hotel. She found Kashiwagi who was sitting with Big Mouth Boy watching a video. "It's solved!"

"Solved...really solved?"

The latter raised his head slightly and was startled by her red eyes and nose. The big-mouthed boy couldn't help but look at her worriedly.

"Of course, crying scenes are just the basic skills of an actress." Lucia replied with a smile: "It's trivial!"

It was difficult for Kashiwagi to tell whether the tears were real or fake, so he could only nod to show his understanding.

After his escape was revealed, he persuaded Lucia to go back as soon as possible so as not to worry her manager or family, and said that they would most likely call the police if she left so quietly.

When the time comes to find out that Lucia is staying with a stranger, he might be arrested as a robber.

When the other party heard this, he felt that it was quite possible, so he quietly returned to the hotel where he was staying.

Kashiwagi originally didn't want to follow, but Rukia insisted on teaching him the skills of the gorgeous competition, so he couldn't resist her kindness and had no choice but to come with him.

I didn't expect to encounter such a drama.

However, he took it seriously, but the big-mouthed boy didn't take it seriously, and his face was still full of worry.

Perhaps after staying with the considerate Geely Egg for a long time, it became much more sensitive to changes in human emotions, so it felt like Lucia was not just superficially sad as she said.


The Big Mouth boy came to the girl and tried to comfort her with his voice.

Both Lucia and Kashiwagi were a little stunned. The latter was surprised by the big-mouthed baby's reaction. He had rarely seen such a move from it. It wasn't that the big-mouthed baby was cut off from love, but that it didn't know what to do. How to comfort others.

I didn’t expect that it had changed so much in just half a month.

And Lucia looked at the big-mouthed baby's eyes full of pity and worry, as if she was being stabbed in her heart, her smile became a little stiff, and then slowly converged.

She put on a melancholy expression, knelt down and hugged the big-mouthed baby.

"...Thank you for being so considerate of me."

Lucia is really young, but her slightly weathered demeanor doesn't feel out of place on her at all.

She stood up and said, "When this play is finished, I may retire."


"End your acting career and concentrate on being a coordination trainer!"

Facing Kashiwagi's doubts, Lucia smiled, "Maybe my decision seems stupid to others, because I am very popular now and very popular. But this kind of life is not what I want."

She sat aside and slowly talked about her past.

Lucia has always regarded her uncle Mikoli as her idol since she was a child, so when she was ten years old, she decided to become a coordination trainer and began to participate in the gorgeous competition.

Due to Mikri's usual teachings to her and her sweet and cute appearance, Lucia and Tanabata Blue Bird gained a lot of popularity in their debut battle.

It was also at this time that a brokerage company approached her, hoping to train her and Tanabata Blue Bird into glamor contest superstars and glamor contest idols in the Hoenn region.

The other party was really sincere and the plan was very interesting, so Lucia agreed. In these years, the brokerage company has not harmed her, and has continued to use various resources to increase her popularity.

But unfortunately, the glamor contest is only part of the agency's follow-up packaging plan. They are trying to make Kaluni, the Carlos female champion, Lucia's future goal.

This also caused Lucia's life to be gradually occupied by her acting career.

After playing this one, she will star in the next one. The number of times she participates in glamor competitions is getting less and less, and the number of Qixi Blue Bird appearances is also getting less and less. As of now, she is not even a top coordination trainer and has not won any glamor contests. Big celebration.

I went through this process over and over again for a long time.

After communicating with Tanabata Blue Bird, Lucia finally realized that this kind of life was not what she wanted, so she decided to retire from the entertainment industry and pay liquidated damages to become a free agent.

Start again and focus on challenging the gorgeous contest with Qixi Blue Bird.

The words she had told Kashiwagi before had actually been in her mind for a long time.

Everyone is a genius. If others have more time to prepare, you can only hope for good luck. But expecting luck is the most unreliable thing. You shouldn't expect it to happen when you are obviously sure of it.

"Do you think I'm right?"

Lucia turned around and asked.

"If you think you should do that, then it is right." Kashiwagi cannot answer this subjective question, what is right?

Is it right to become famous? Is nobody a mistake?

He believes that in the final analysis, it depends on the other party's own choice. If everything fails in the end but you are still happy with it, how can you straightforwardly say that this is wrong?

"I think so."

Lucia smiled, showing eight white teeth, and her smile was more sincere than before.

The big-mouthed kid couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw this smile.


One thing about Lucia is that she does what she says.

For example, if she said she would teach Kashiwagi the skills of the gorgeous contest, she would continue to teach her no matter what happened during the period.

In a relatively secluded open space.

She asked, "How much do you know about the glamor contest?"

"Processes, rules, etc. For example, the first review will score the Pokémon's appearance and the moves they use. Trainers with higher scores can advance to the next stage. The second review is the gorgeous battle competition. The more gorgeous the The more moves can reduce the opponent's points, or you can win by knocking them down directly."

Kashiwagi explained everything he knew.


Lucia smiled and said: "It seems that you have understood it well, that way we can save a lot of effort."

She raised her hand and opened a Poké Ball.



Amidst the crisp chirping of birds, a long-necked blue-feathered giant bird that seemed to be wrapped in clouds appeared in the venue.

Kashiwagi opened the illustrated book and logged in the Tanabata Blue Bird.

"This is my partner Tanabata Blue Bird. Next, it will show you some skills in the gorgeous contest."

Lucia suddenly raised her hand and made a handsome-looking pose. Her temperament suddenly changed, and she looked confident and dazzling.

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