My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 232 Lucky Scales

Daigo looked at it very carefully.

Although there was a screen across the screen, he picked up the monocular magnifying glass. It was only when he found that it was difficult to see the details clearly after magnification that he put it away with a little embarrassment.

After a long time.

"Hmm... Kashiwagi, I'd like to take the liberty to ask."

He said: "Do you have any intention to take action on this entire rock?"

"A whole piece means including the outer rock shell?" Kashiwagi asked cautiously.


Dawu nodded, "Personally, I rarely buy stones from others because I like the process of searching. But your piece really appeals to me, so I am willing to buy it from you at a reasonable price."


He agreed. In fact, seeing that Daigo liked him so much, he actually wanted to give it to him directly, but when he heard the other party put an accent on the word "purchase", he immediately understood that the other party was determined to spend money to buy it.

"Then how should I give the thing to you?" Kashiwagi asked again.

"Although I really want to receive this stone in person, unfortunately I have other things to do now. I may need you to help me deliver the stone to the Devon Company headquarters in Kanaz City."

Daigo gave him a series of phone calls, "When you get to the place, please contact this number. Professional people will come to price them. Oh, by the way, if possible, please don't let my father see them."


"My father, like me, is an avid stone lover. I'm worried that he will get involved if he sees it." Dawu seemed to be telling a joke.

But Kashiwagi somehow felt that he was serious.

What is the situation between father and son? Will they still snatch stones?

I don’t understand the stone collector.

"I understand." Kashiwagi nodded.

Dawu paused for a moment and then said: "By the way, I told you before that I will give you a gift next time we meet again."


He suddenly became energetic. Is Dawu-san going to mail the key stone to him?

The latter said helplessly: "But this gift seems to conflict with the arrangements made by the people of Meteor for you... I only learned about this news not long ago."

"Arrangement?" Kashiwagi was stunned, "What did they arrange?"

"Huh? Don't you know yet?"

Daigo seemed a little surprised, and then said awkwardly: "It seems that I made a mistake and said something I shouldn't have said. In short, considering the problems with the people of Meteor, I exchanged the gift for you and deposited it on the card The Pokémon Center in Natsu City.

"When you get to the place, Miss Joy will hand over the things to you... Then here we go."

After that, the video call was hung up.

I seem to have heard something extraordinary...

Kashiwagi rubbed his chin. According to the information provided by Daigo, his identity as a descendant of the Dragon Tamer seemed to have been confirmed, and the people of Meteor began to make arrangements for him.

What to arrange? The challenge of being a legacy person? The kind like Korni?

But since there was an arrangement, why didn't he call himself? He remembered that he had the numbers of the dragon trainers.

It's complicated enough.

Moreover, the fact that he is truly a descendant of the dragon tamer makes people wonder what to say. Originally, he was just making a fake name to hide it from the public, but by chance, he recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, but it was okay.

"Let's put it aside for now, what's more important is this side."

Kashiwagi turned to look at Boscodora and Dazuiwa, and said with a smile: "It seems like we are going to get rich? It just might be a little harder."

I originally planned to make it smaller because I didn’t want to move something so heavy, but now I still have to move it entirely.

The two Pokémon responded softly, and then began to think about how to move the two rocks.

It's not easy to move as a whole piece, but it's even harder to move if it's split into two pieces.

He tried stuffing it into his backpack, but it was still too big after it split into two halves. The opening of the space backpack was not wide enough... Whether it could be lifted or not was also a problem.


Boscodora tried to put the two cracked stones together and carry them on his shoulders, but he was still not very flexible.


It was Kashiwagi who took out the nylon rope and made a net bag according to the online tutorial, and put the rocks in it and tied it up, which made it much easier for Boss Cordora to move it.

"Go to Linxin Town and take the shuttle bus to Kanaz City. You should be able to get there before dark."

He looked at the map and confirmed the direction he wanted to go.

But just as they were about to leave, a strange scream suddenly came from deep in the jungle, moving very fast from far to near.

"...Cunning Tengu?"

Kashiwagi had fought a life-and-death battle with this Pokémon, and was deeply impressed by its voice.

The next moment.

Sure enough, a white figure appeared on the big tree not far away. It was wearing clogs on its feet and three leaves in its hands. It had a long pointed nose, triangular eyes and big white teeth, and it looked more sinister.

Next to the cunning Tengu was Long Nose Leaf, who had been almost punched by Big Mouth Boy earlier.

"Good guy, I'm letting you off the hook and you brought an adult back to see him off?" Kashiwagi, who was about to get rich, was in a good mood and decided that if this guy took the initiative to attack, then just give him a good beating.

Wait until the other party persists in making trouble before considering sending him to Huangtie Town for "re-education through labor" to accompany the Gyarados that almost drowned Xiao Sheng.


The cunning tengu glanced at Boscodora and Dazuiwa, then looked at Kashiwagi. Surprisingly, he did not attack, but shouted.

"What is it saying?"

Kashiwagi turned around to ask, but saw the big-mouthed boy suddenly flying up with electromagnetic levitation, getting close to the cunning tengu and then flying back again without knowing what he did.


It handed over what was in its hand.

"...What's going on?" Kashiwagi looked at the orange-red rock like the sun, his expression a little numb, "Chenghua Forest is rich in evolutionary stones?"

After handing the things to him, the cunning tengu left with the long nose leaf.

Big Mouth Boy gestured with his hands and told the trainer that the Cunning Tengu was here to "apologise" for dropping the nectar and would give him an evolution stone in exchange for it.

This is a good deal.

"Is it really an evil Pokémon?"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, thinking that it might be an individual that lived a long time. This kind of Pokémon would become more intelligent and rational as it grew older.

There was a lot of dealing with trainers in Chenghua Forest.


"I must be very lucky today." He couldn't help but murmur to himself. He received a windfall from the sky, got inside information, and obtained a new evolution stone.

You never know when it will come in handy.

"Is your effect too exaggerated?" Kashiwagi took out the beautiful scales and inevitably attributed all the credit to this thing.

But if he was so stubborn, why couldn't he help Junshu solve the problem of no one coming to the gym?

……God knows.

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