My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 230 Insect Repellent Spray

early morning.

Cypress wakes up amidst the sounds of thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping, thumping.

"You guys got up so early?" He opened his eyes slightly and suddenly saw the big-mouthed baby and the single-headed dragon having a fight in the tent, one chasing the other, pushing and biting.

Quite friendly.

When he saw that he was awake, the single-headed dragon immediately rushed over and grabbed his hand, while the big-mouthed boy showed a happy face that he had finally waited for you.


"Cui Yao!"

"Good morning."

Kashiwagi detached himself from the sleeping bag and unzipped the tent. The slightly dazzling sunlight forced him to reach out to cover it. It took him half a second to see clearly what was happening outside - Gilly Egg was preparing ingredients for breakfast.

Boscodora was carrying a wooden stake and thinking back and forth, while the big steel snake curled up into a ball and did not wake up.

Since the two big guys slept outside the tent last night, even if nocturnal Pokémon were active in the second half of the night, most of the items in the camp were still well preserved, even the insect repellent spray was omitted.

"Good morning, everyone."

He yawned, eliciting responses from all the Pokémon.

After a brief wash, they made breakfast together with the Geely eggs. After eating quickly and resting for half an hour, they started their basic morning exercises.


Considering that they had to set off next, they didn't waste much energy, and they just sweated a little and it was over.

The big steel snake also returned to Huangtie Town as he wished and continued his very promising land reclamation work.

"Today's goal is to arrive at Mu Shou Gong Forest before noon and Linxin Town before the sun sets. The burden is not too big and we can walk slowly."

Kashiwagi looked at the map on his phone and asked Boscodora, who was traveling with him today, for advice.

The latter is completely arbitrary.

The Forest of Mu Shou Gong, as a good place to obtain the Gosan Family in the animation background, was originally located in the relatively hidden depths of the Orange Flower Forest.

However, because the old Cangtian tree withered, the Wood Guards worked together to breed a new Cangtian tree, which led to the herb collectors who discovered the habitat and spread the news.

As a result, many poachers heard the news and came to conquer the wood geckos in a destructive manner. Their peaceful life was completely disrupted, and the towering trees that had finally been bred were almost burned down. Fortunately, with the help of many trainers, poachers were frequently caught and the big tree was saved.

But in order to better protect the environment and wild Pokémon here, the alliance connected that area with the Pokémon Sanctuary to the north, directly prohibiting anyone from taking over the Pokémon here.

Although Kashiwagi has no interest in the Lizard King, he can't help but feel regretful when hearing such news.

Poachers are simply a cancer.

"Calm down your aura and act a little more naive, you know?" He patted Boscodora on the shoulder.

Although the main reason why we didn't see a single wild Pokémon after camping yesterday was due to Steel Snake, it also has something to do with Boscodora.

This guy's aura is too fierce. Just standing there gives people a feeling that he is not easy to mess with. The weak wild Pokémon on the outskirts of the Orange Forest dare not get close. It would be nice to be able to take a look at him from a distance without running away.

Insect repellent spray may not be as effective as it.

Kashiwagi didn't want to become an insulator of wild Pokémon. Even if he didn't play with wild Pokémon, it would be great to watch them live quietly from a distance.


Boscodora tilted his head in confusion, pretending to be more naive? How to pretend?

"Just put on the expression you usually use to water flowers and plant trees." Kashiwagi reminded him, and made some moves along the way.


Boscodora thought for a moment, then faced the leafy tree next to it, stretched out his paws and stroked it for a while, and his temperament was indeed different.

If it was like a general who had just come off the battlefield and was full of evil spirit, now it has become an honest farmer with his face facing the loess and his back to the sky.

Seeing the forest is as joyful as seeing the crops harvested in your own land.

"Very silly, yes, the young man has talent!"

Kashiwagi was also surprised that Boscodora was able to reveal it at once. It was just a casual comment at first, and he didn't expect it to learn to restrain its momentum immediately.


The big monster scratched its head innocently, and there was no longer any ferocious look on his body.


have to say.

There are pros and cons to restraining your momentum.

On the one hand, it did bring a lot more wild Pokémon around him, and on the other hand, it also made many guys become very bold.

"Block it! Don't let it escape!"


"Goo ho!"

Along with the continuous shouting, a hurried figure fled crazily, followed by groups of large, medium and small people chasing after them.

Do you think you are hunting down a Pokémon you want to tame?


This was just a simple act of revenge.

Kashiwagi and Boscodora worked hard to get the nectar from the giant needle bee's nest through a not-so-smart unicorn beetle. They originally wanted to mix it with fruits as mentioned in the online guide to make handicrafts. Honey.

As a result, all the long nose leaves were completely destroyed by a proboscis that suddenly appeared and damaged it.

The long-awaited Big Mouth Baby broke out on the spot, and Kashiwagi and Boscodora's fury could no longer be contained.

The three began to chase and intercept it, and the big monster stopped pretending. It raised its head and roared and began to clear the area, which scared the wild Pokémon who were watching and ran away.

"Good opportunity! Rock blockade!"

Seeing the opponent running towards the hole under the curved tree trunk, Boscodora picked up a mossy boulder on the side of the road and smashed it over.


The giant moss rock fell in front of the curved tree trunk, directly blocking Long Nose Leaf's escape route.

The latter bumped headlong into it, jumped out with stars in his eyes, and tried to change the way to run away, but the big-mouthed kid had already flown there, his soul-stirring cold eyes quickly magnified in front of him, and his fists wrapped in icy air hit him hard. Come over.


Smoke and dust billowed up all over the sky.


The proboscis leaf let out a shrill scream.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, they could see it lying on the ground, twitching twice and becoming motionless.

Seeing this, Baimu picked up a dead branch and threw it at it, "Pretend to be dead! Did I hit you?"


The dead branches broke into pieces, and Long Nose Leaf jumped up to the big tree and ran away. During this period, he didn't forget to look back and saw that Boss Cordora and Big Mouth Baby didn't catch up, so he ran faster. .


Big Mouth Boy looked at the ice-covered ground angrily, regretting why the punch didn't land.

"Okay, okay, that's all. You've been taught a lesson."

Kashiwagi comforted it. It had an extremely terrifying obsession with sweets. If the sweets were destroyed, it would become a ghost like Xiaoyao whose food was stolen.

"And it's not without gain." He picked up an orange-red leaf from the ground and smelled it gently. This thing fell from the long-nosed monster. "Powerful vanilla, this thing may be sold. money."

Many consumable props in the game are collectibles in the animation. They are sought after because of their special effects. The better the quality, the higher the price.

"Hey?" Big Mouth Boy came over curiously and asked him how much he could sell it for.

"Maybe... ten thousand?"

Kashiwagi said casually that he would only know how much money it was after it was appraised. What concerned him was that Boscodora seemed to be studying the moss-covered rock.

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