My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 225 Beautiful Scales

Because I have been playing with the single-headed dragon.

Kashiwagi didn't even eavesdrop on the conversation between Toshiki and Qianli. When he saw the two walking out one after another, he asked, "Is there any way?"


Toshiki nodded vigorously and said with curious eyes, "I decided to close the gym!"


Kashiwagi was dumbfounded and couldn't help but look at Qianli who was calm and calm, then looked away and said: "What's going on?"

To be honest, shouldn't it be that Toshiki was greatly inspired by this conversation and has since then changed his mind as a gym leader?

Why did you just turn on the gate and close the gym?

"The conversation with Master Qianli made me realize that in fact, the strength I have is far from enough. If I am strong enough, fame will come rolling in, and challengers will want to challenge me when they hear my name. Then there is no need to Worry about this kind of thing."

Toshiki said proudly.

It seems that Qianli passed on his path to success to him.

Although the method of making yourself stronger to increase your reputation and thus deny the gym is very reliable, there is also an example like Qianli in front of you.

But it may not be suitable for Toshiki, and whether it can be reproduced is also a question.

But since he is happy with it himself, what can Kashiwagi say as a bystander? It's impossible to make a decision for him.


"So I plan to participate in various competitions, challenge various powerful trainers, and conquer more powerful Pokémon to improve myself." Junshu said with confidence: "Continue to practice until I am as famous as Master Qianli. Hoenn!”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but thank the two of them, and walked excitedly outside the gym.

Kashiwagi didn't know what to say for a moment, so he turned to ask Qianli, "Qianli-san, have you ever mentioned to him that there are serious imitation marks in the gym?"

"It was mentioned...but obviously he didn't listen."

Qianli smiled helplessly, and then said: "However, as long as he continues to become stronger and is so strong that no one can ignore it, I believe that even if there are imitation factors, Toshiki will be able to welcome challengers who are specifically looking for him, isn't it? "

"...That's the truth."

Kashiwagi couldn't help but agree.

Due to the popularity of Pokémon battles around the world, the cult of personality in the Pokémon world is very serious. From regional champions to gym leaders, everyone has admirers everywhere.

Not only Pokémon battles, but also glamor contests, Pokémon training, etc. As long as there is a certain relationship with Pokémon, there will be outstanding people here who are admired by others. In theory, they are very similar to celebrities and idols. Spend.

In this case, Toshiki enhances his reputation by becoming stronger, which can be regarded as a royal path.

Including himself, with the operation of Shanmin in the future, he will also attract attention due to his strength.

"I hope he can get his wish."

He sincerely wishes Junshu.

"As long as you keep working hard, you will definitely get what you want." Qianli always looked confident.

Outside the gym.

Kashiwagi suddenly realized that Toshishu had not left, but was leaning against the car waiting for him.

"Anything else?"

"Ah ha ha ha... I almost forgot, I'll give this to you." Toshi Shu scratched his head awkwardly and handed over a box.

He took it and opened it, and found a beautiful shiny scale inside, with a gradient color from blue on the outer ring to pink on the inner ring, "Beautiful scales?"

"Thank you for your help. I have nothing to repay you with, so I will give you my lucky scales."

Toshiki smiled and said: "Take it, believe me it can really bring good luck."


Kashiwagi originally wanted to give it back, but he could only nod his head when he saw it. Regardless of whether the beautiful scales have such an effect, this is Toshiki's heart. "Then I'd rather obey his orders."


"By the way, remember to take your brother with you when you go on a trip. He has a lot of clever ideas. God knows what he will do if you leave him alone."

"I see."

Speaking of Hideki, Toshiki suddenly became a lot more mature and steady.

Suddenly, Kashiwagi seemed to have remembered something and said: "There is also a very big Malili on Route 102. If you are interested, you can tame it. Large Pokémon will not let you go." Disappointed."

"Mariluri...sounds like a good Pokémon."

Toshiki showed an interested expression and said, "Speaking of which, I've known you for so long and I haven't played against you yet. Do you want to have a fight?"

"I don't mind as long as it lasts."

Kashiwagi didn't refuse. He knew very well that getting stronger was accumulated through battles one after another.

What's more, the cooling of the simulator also requires him to actively fight.


The two found a spacious space outside the Chenghua Gym.

After each stood at the trainer's seat, the two did not immediately release the Pokémon to start fighting, but started chatting.

"I heard from your brother that you also like Pokémon with normal attributes?"

"It's not that I like it, it's mainly because I want to learn from Master Qianli."

"It's not necessary to have the same attributes to learn from him. Since you don't particularly like him, you might as well change back to the attributes you like to designate a gym. This will make it easier for others to remember you."

Kashiwagi took out a fairy ball and said, "Fairy attributes, what do you think of fairy attributes? Of course, I will give you a small opinion, and you can make your own decision."

"Fairy attributes..."

Junshu thought for a moment and said, "Maybe!"

He said, taking the initiative to throw the elf ball.


There was a flash of white light.

A cream-colored kitten with purple ears and a shawl landed on the ground, raised its head in an enchanting manner, and licked its paws.

Kashiwagi's illustrated book sounded.

"Elegant Cat, a noble Pokémon, likes to live a free life. If another Pokémon takes over its nest, it will not fight, but will find another place to sleep."

"Sorry to take up so much of your time, let's go one-on-one." Toshiki said with a smile.


Kashiwagi released the big-mouthed baby who had been waiting for a long time without thinking.


The big-mouthed boy showed up, calmly placing his hands on his hips.

Since this guy had a tantrum last night for not being able to play, Kashiwagi had to promise to let him play next time he had a chance - much more difficult to deal with than the big steel snake, which only hoped to be able to challenge the gym. Appearance, it usually has to.

There is no referee.

The two have a very tacit understanding of using moves as the starting signal.



Both Pokémon start with change moves.

I saw Elegant Cat raising its paws to its mouth, blinking its right eye at the big-mouthed baby in an enchanting manner. Even Kashiwagi couldn't help but shudder in such a charming manner.

A series of pink love light waves flew out.

The big-mouthed kid was completely indifferent to this, and even showed an expression like "There's something wrong with you." Then he raised his head slightly, showing an expression of extreme contempt.

A black ripple-like energy surged from his body, rushing into and offsetting the pink love light wave——


The big-mouthed baby's provocation in turn suppressed Charming. The black ripples successfully enveloped the elegant cat's body, making it unable to help but feel a surge of anger.

"Huh? Isn't your big-mouthed baby female?"

Toshiki seemed unable to believe that Charming didn't succeed, "Resisted?"

"Is this elegant cat of yours a male?" Kashiwagi was also surprised that such a charming and elegant cat was actually a male!

As for the big-mouthed baby who is obviously female, why is it not affected at all...

If you bring out a cute pillow, it might be tricked. A coquettish bitch with only appearance is not worthy of getting close to it!

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