My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 217 The boy in shorts

Route 101.

The trail that symbolizes the starting point.

Xiaoyao contributed her bicycle here and then joined Xiaozhi's tour group.

Kashiwagi originally thought that there would be no wild Pokémon left in this path that most novice trainers would take, but it turned out that he was overthinking it.

There may not be anything else, but spinytails are definitely enough. Look carefully for shield cocoons and carapace cocoons on the trees.

If you dig deeper into the forest, you might even be able to see the hunting swallowtail butterfly and poisonous pink moth.

After all, this is one of the migration places for hunting swallowtail butterflies to rest and recuperate.

"In order to find a more suitable living environment, I travel long distances with my companions, up to thousands of kilometers..."

Kashiwagi sat on a big rock by the side of the road, reading an introduction about hunting swallowtail butterflies, "We only see them once a year. It seems we are not very lucky."

He said regretfully, but did not hear Geely Egg's response.

He turned his head in confusion, only to see that it was lying on its back, with a snake bear holding it down on each side, and another larger snake bear trying to steal... no, snatch the eggs from its abdomen.

Kashiwagi: "..."

The three snake-patterned bears noticed that they were looking back: "..."

Lucky Egg: ", lucky?"

"Control objects with thoughts!"

He shouted, and the three snake bears suddenly jumped up and ran away. The auspicious eggs also surged out with spiritual power, immediately trapping and suspending them.

"You three are so brave that you dare to offend anyone?"

Kashiwagi stepped forward and sneered at the three panicked snake bear bears. Then he looked at the lucky egg and said helplessly: "Why don't you speak up when others bully you?"


Gilly Egg smiled awkwardly.

The Snake Bears just want eggs, and they don't want to hurt their trainers. It doesn't really matter. They just give them nutritional eggs.

"Remind me next time, this is very dangerous." Kashiwagi knew that Gilly Egg took care of Pokémon a lot, so his vigilance towards wild Pokémon dropped.

But wild Pokémon are actually a major source of danger when traveling. From the ferocious ones to the pranksters, they are not particularly friendly to trainers.

"lucky~" Geely Dan rubbed his little hands and nodded to express understanding.


Kashiwagi began to deal with the three snake bears. In view of their shameful banditry, he decided to give these fluffy guys the punishment of rubbing.

Start with the largest one.

"It's different when it's more hairy. It's soft." He happily "ravaged" the snake bear.

Since arriving in the Hoenn area, the days that have been peaceful enough have made Kashiwagi feel more relaxed. During these days of training and learning at the Pokémon Center, he also regained his love for Pokémon when he was playing games.

Among them is a fondness for cute and fluffy Pokémon.

In the past, he didn't feel even if he was besieged by the Taiwei Li in Huangtie Town. He was focused on accumulating strength. Now that he thinks about it, he really regrets it.

If I had known earlier, I should have touched it a few more times before leaving.

After touching one, replace it with another, then after touching it again, replace it with another.

When the three snake bears stared at him with their eyes widened and trembling, they looked like they were wondering how long they were going to touch them.

Kashiwagi was initially satisfied and dropped three Poké Cubes as reward.

"Let's go, Geely Egg."

He patted his butt and turned away.

Geely Egg glanced at the three snake bears hesitantly and released their restraints.

The three snake bears that had regained their freedom quickly slipped away. For fear of being caught and touched again if they were too slow, they disappeared directly into the nearby woods.

A few minutes later.

Swish, swish, swish.

The three snake-patterned bears poked their heads out of the bushes one after another, looking around warily. Their furry ears swung to listen in all directions. When they saw that the Poké Cube on the ground was still there, they couldn't help but get out.



The three snake bears chirped and chirped with great energy. Although it was a bit of a loss to have three Poké Cubes after being ravaged for so long, it was still better than none at all.

Soon the three Poké Cubes were eaten.

They began to curse Cypress again in their hearts.

That human is a real dog. It took him so long to touch them before giving them three!

far away.

Kashiwagi was looking around for a stream.

He said to the lucky egg: "The disadvantage of playing with wild Pokémon is that it smells too bad. At best, it has a wild smell, at worst..."


Gilly Egg obviously didn't understand the metaphor in his words and was actively helping him find a place where he could wash his hands.

Fortunately, after just a few rounds, he successfully discovered a shallow stream nearby. After washing his hands there, Kashiwagi looked at the map.

"Huh? Is this the time?"

He took the lucky egg across the stream, pushed aside a bush, and suddenly saw Gumei Town at the bottom of the hillside.

It only took just over twenty minutes from departure to arrival.

It is different from Weibai Town, which is extremely modern and full of high-rise buildings. The buildings in Gumei Town are very sparse, and there is an extremely wide space between each house. You can't see many people at a glance.

Not far from Gumei Town, Baimu discovered a huge natural park with eight extremely iconic stone formations surrounding some abandoned ruins.

【Ancient Rose Ruins】.

He remembered that there was a large lake underneath the ruins. There were many Pokémon in the lake, the Ancient Coelacanth, which were once thought to be extinct. Of course, this Pokémon is also very rare now.

It's a pity not to mention that he has no interest in selling Pokémon. If you want to come here, there will definitely be someone guarding it. It is basically impossible to go in and gain knowledge.

"Let's walk to Chenghua City in one go."

Kashiwagi asked Gili Dan for advice.


The Geely Egg is indispensable, and such a short journey will not make it tired enough to need a rest.


Route 102.

As the first path in the game where you can fight against trainers.

Kashiwagi was no exception and started a battle with a boy in shorts who suddenly jumped out of the bushes.

"Coyote bite!"

The boy in shorts shouted excitedly, and the coyote in front of him became even more excited, roaring and rushing towards the lucky egg.

"Get away, poisonous."

He waved.

Gilly Egg immediately turned around and dodged the coyote's forward attack, raised its little paw, bent down and poked it gently on the back.

The lavender venom immediately entered his body.

"Ouch? Ouch!"

The coyote didn't respond at first, but soon began to scream as the toxin took effect. Before taking two steps, it whined and lay on the ground and blew out purple bubbles.

Kashiwagi, Lucky Egg: "?"


The boy in shorts rushed forward and picked up the coyote with a look of regret on his face. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just poisoned."

Kashiwagi leaned over, took out the antidote from his pocket, opened the hyena's mouth with two fingers and sprayed it, "It will be fine soon."

The words fell.

The purple bubbles at the corners of the coyote's mouth disappeared immediately, and it quickly became energetic.

"Thank you! Big brother! You are so awesome!" The boy in shorts looked at him and the Gilly Egg with admiration.

"Uh, okay, you can do it too."

Kashiwagi smiled at him, inexplicably thinking of the person he was imitating for the second time.

I remember that the other party is also a boy in shorts.


Almost as weak.

I miss it a little~

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