My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 215 Xiaogang’s secret biography

"Quicksand hell!"

With Kashiwagi giving an order.

The overwhelming quicksand emerged with the spitting of the super giant steel snake, and turned into a cold sandstorm tornado in the rotation of the horizontal steel frame, roaring towards Xiaogang's big steel snake.

rumble--! !

The sandstorm rolled violently and rubbed the air, making a muffled sound.

Although Big Steel Snake is a ground-type Pokémon, since it also has the steel type, ground-type attacks are also very effective against it.

Faced with the coming gravel storm, Xiaogang was not too impatient and calmly let the big steel snake use the spiral ball.


The big steel snake roared, and the two erected horizontal steel bones rotated wildly, making a violent scream like the blades of a blender, setting off waves of painting and quickly forming two bright silver haloes.

At the same time, a sandstorm tornado hits!


The silver halo of the gyro ball collided with the quicksand hell. The seemingly ferocious gravel could not pass through the wind circle formed by the gyro ball. After the collision between the wind and the wind, it slowly dissipated into nothingness.

"Dig a hole!"

Xiaogang waved his hand, and the big steel snake suddenly leaped forward, then fell into the ground and disappeared with a thud.

The ground was shaking endlessly, as if it was a sign that the big steel snake was moving underground.


Kashiwagi had long expected that Xiaogang would come up with such a set of combos. When the quicksand hell was cut off, he asked the super giant steel snake to use electromagnetic levitation.

The huge figure immediately turned the super-giant steel snake into an aerial ship, overlooking the bottom with cold eyes.

"Watch the ground!"

"Hey... electromagnetic levitation."

Xiaogang was a little surprised, but there was no regret on his face that his plan had failed. Instead, he smiled.

The next moment.


The big shining silver steel snake broke out of the ground, with sand and gravel flying and dust flying in the air. The rotation of the two horizontal steel bones actually gave it an exaggerated jumping range!

"Hit it on the head with the iron tail!"

"Tie it tight!"

Kashiwagi and Xiaogang's orders sounded at the same time, and the super-giant steel snake that had the upper hand in the air and sky immediately swung its hammer-like tail towards the big steel snake!


The iron tail hit accurately, but it failed to hit the big steel snake's head as expected, but hit its mouth that opened on its own initiative.

The terrifying hum of metal clashing caused both parties to cover their ears. Then there was a roar, and two large steel snakes, one big and one small, all fell to the ground, causing large amounts of dust and smoke to rise.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Bomu suddenly saw Xiaogang's big steel snake biting the tail of the super giant steel snake, and his body climbed up with great flexibility and became entangled with it.

Although the body is relatively petite, Xiaogang's big steel snake relies on his understanding of the joint structure to make it difficult for the super giant steel snake to move.

The latter's strength was not as strong as the other's, so much so that his joints made a clicking sound with even the slightest resistance. The big steel snake slowly tightened its grip as if it had found the prey's weakness, causing it to show a more painful expression.


"Hahaha, binding the enemy with the body is the nature of the Big Rock Snake and the Big Steel Snake. It is a move that has been used continuously since its birth. Don't underestimate it just because it doesn't look powerful!" Xiaogang laughed.

"Spray it with dragon's breath!"

Kashiwagi looked for a place to counterattack, but unfortunately, although the super-giant steel snake had physical advantages, its combat experience was far inferior to Xiaogang's steel snake.

Not only that but also the hardness of the steel on the body surface.

Just for this tightly tied section, Xiaogang exerted a little force on the big steel snake, and the surface of the super giant steel snake suddenly dented slightly. The latter was sunken with force, but it was still the latter.


The super giant steel snake turned its head with difficulty. Fortunately, it was long enough so that it was not locked by the enemy. It raised its head towards the big steel snake and sprayed out a blue breath.

"We also use Dragon Breath here!" Xiaogang was still unhurried.

The big steel snake let go of the tail of the super giant steel snake, and then blew out a stream of blue air.

boom--! !

The two air currents merge and collide, and you come and I don't give in to each other.

The Big Steel Snake was obviously attacking from behind, but it suppressed the former, causing the super-giant Big Steel Snake's dragon breath to continuously retreat, and was finally sprayed directly!



The super giant steel snake once again let out a dull cry of pain——

"That's it!"

Xiaogang called a stop in time and did not let the game continue.

The Big Steel Snake slowly let go of the super-giant Big Steel Snake, took a few steps back to keep a certain distance from it, and looked calm and calm. It was neither proud of suppressing the opponent nor regretful that it could not completely defeat the guy bigger than it.

The Pokémon who heads the hall is so arrogant.

The freed super giant steel snake looked at it with fear and slowly retreated behind the trainer.

"I lost."

Kashiwagi shook hands with Xiaogang in admiration.

As the opponent's first Pokémon, Steel Snake has experienced countless battles, and the super giant Steel Snake is far different.


There is also a gap between trainers. His understanding of Pokémon like Big Steel Snake is far inferior to Xiaogang's, and he is not able to make good use of Big Steel Snake's physical characteristics and fight with precision.

"Winning or losing is a trivial matter." Xiaogang smiled lightly, "It seems that your cooperation with the big steel snake is still relatively immature. You have not been cultivating it for long, right?"

"Well, a little over a month."

Kashiwagi counted the time.

"More than a month..."

Xiaogang walked up to the super giant steel snake and observed its condition, "Well, there is still a lot of room to be developed, whether it is between the two of you or the big steel snake itself."


The difference between the two big steel snakes is reflected in all aspects.

As far as the breeder can make up for it, the maintenance of the connection between the metal on the body surface and the joints of the big steel snake is the top priority.

"The strength of the big steel snake's body lies in these joints. If you don't take good care of it, even if it originally has ten tons of strength, it may only have one ton when used."

Xiaogang took the brush and kept poking at the joints of the super giant steel snake. The maintenance liquid on it moistened its body, making it roar like a groan.

"Come here and take a look. The uneven spots at this joint are caused by the improper posture of digging holes and the accumulation of dust friction. This is just like the human hunchback and the internal and external eight. You must pay attention to it."


Kashiwagi nodded wildly. The health management chapter of Uncle Rancher is certainly effective, but as a whole, it is not detailed for each Pokémon.

If you want to know these "secrets", you have to ask and learn from more professional people.

Kashiwagi was really moved by people like Xiaogang who knew everything and talked about it, and even taught it themselves.

"As for the strength of the steel on the body surface, please let me see its recipe... Ah, it turns out that the amount of alloy supplement is insufficient. Your iron ore ratio is too high. You can adjust it appropriately. The ratio of chromium, molybdenum, and nickel can be used. Increase."


"Ah! Why don't you feed tungsten?"

"Well, I saw on the Internet that you don't need to... you will get sick if you eat too much."

"Just reduce the weight. It is very important for the big steel snake to correctly supplement the metal elements. Any imbalance in the proportion will lead to a decrease in the hardness of its body."

"Been taught a lesson!"

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