My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 202 Mobile Phone Illustrated Book

The Love Goddess Menas is anchored in a sea area fifteen nautical miles away from the Port of Viola.

Although I don’t know why it is so far away, it is worthy of being the fourth largest luxury liner in the Pokémon world. Just approach it and you will be shocked by its pure white huge hull.

At first glance, it looks like a moving water city.

The information Kashiwagi checked showed that there are twenty-two floors in this thing, and twenty of them are open to tourists, and he can go there at will. There is everything from the Pokémon Center to theaters and cinemas, and there is even an extremely beautiful plant ecological garden.

Not only that.

Taking care of trainers and passengers, it specially built one floor as a Pokémon battle arena, and set up the latest protective devices to allow trainers to fight as much as they want, as long as the energy level is within the tolerance of the protective device, no matter how hard it is It doesn't matter.

This is good news for trainers.

After the speedboat brought Kashiwagi to the ship, the Love God Menas arranged for a waiter to receive him and took him to the superior guest room on the 18th floor through his ticket.

The three-meter-high floor contains hundreds of square meters of space, with a small balcony and two deck chairs.

"This is your room card. If you have any questions or needs, you can call the hotline on the wall. I wish you a pleasant journey."

The waiter bowed and excused himself.

Kashiwagi glanced at the environment in the guest room, exhaled, and released his Pokémon.

When Boscodora landed, he came to the balcony immediately. When he looked down, he saw that the dark land was not the land but the sea and quickly retracted his head.


A little unhappy.

Also unhappy was the big-mouthed baby who hadn't seen the princess bed. It decisively occupied the soft sofa and patted the coffee table, "Boom!"

Obviously it needs a cup of black tea to soothe its heart.

The Geely Egg and the Single-headed Dragon didn't have so many needs. The former didn't notice the existence of the kitchen and was a little disappointed, but when he heard the cry of the big-mouthed baby, he took the initiative to help make tea.

Single-headed dragon...

The single-headed dragon eats the hand.

"You guy." Kashiwagi looked at it helplessly, wondering if it was necessary to correct its habit.

During the battle, there has never been a situation where he turned around and grabbed his hand while fighting. If that's the case, forget it.

There is no doubt that the Pokémon released does not include Big Steel Snake.

Its size is too exaggerated, and there is little space inside the cruise ship for it to move freely, especially in this small guest room. It is probably difficult to come out and breathe before arriving at the destination.

Therefore, in order to ensure its physical and mental health, Kashiwagi used the black technology of [Pokémon Box] to transport it back to Huangtie Town anytime and anywhere, and temporarily handed it over to N to take care of it until it came back to Hoenn.

And because of its flexibility in traveling between Cypress and Huangtie Town, the Big Steel Snake was also entrusted with an important task by Boss Kedola - to look after the field and [cultivated land].

The [Farmland] skill can be used in conjunction with fertilizers to quickly increase the fertility of a piece of land, which is of great help to the growth of crops. In Shanmin's five-year plan, the self-sufficiency of food production depends on Pokémon. [cultivated land] to achieve.

The big steel snake was natural, and although it was quite comfortable to stay in the Poké Ball, it was still not as good as flying in the sky or crawling underground.

It took a while to adapt to the new environment.

"It's getting late. Let's all rest first. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Kashiwagi looked at the time on his phone and said to the Pokémon.

"嘁哚~" "Roar~"

Big Mouth Baby and Boss Cordora raised their hands together. One of them felt that there was no need to lie down on a bed that was not a princess bed, and the other, although he could swim, had no fondness for the salty sea water, and both expressed that they wanted to go back to the Poké Ball. sleep.

Kashiwagi had no choice but to obey them, wash briefly and then fell asleep holding the auspicious egg and the single-headed dragon.


The next day.

Kashiwagi pushed away the single-headed dragon lying on his chest, and the life-threatening suffocation in his sleep was gone.

But then there was a slight dizziness.

Kashiwagi didn't expect to get seasick in the Pokémon world. Fortunately, it wasn't particularly serious and it didn't matter as long as he diverted his attention.

In comparison, the Pokémon's condition was not bad. Even Boscodora, who hated the sea, didn't feel much of it. It seemed that only Kashiwagi showed signs of being attacked.


Gilly Egg rubbed his eyes and looked at him.

"It's okay, just go back to sleep. I'll have breakfast brought in." Kashiwagi touched its head, picked up the bedside phone, ordered breakfast, and asked about the fishing competition.

Customer service said that you can participate in the fishing competition by registering at the front desk on the eighth floor. The event will be held in three days, when Menas, the God of Love, will dock in a sea area near the Lantier area.

Lantier area?

Kashiwagi didn't realize where this place was for a moment. He looked at the map of the Pokémon world and searched again to learn that the Lantier area is an undeveloped island group, consisting of many islands with different natural features. ——

It's the background stage of "Pokémon Tap"!

Because it was a game released after Sword and Shield, this area even has Pokémon from the eighth generation.

There may be some unexpected gains from holding a fishing conference near it.

Could it be that I really caught my ghost-type Pokémon?

With doubts in his mind, Kashiwagi came to the eighth floor to register after breakfast. One of the benefits of the liberation of the Ourei area is that he has a reasonable and legal identity.

No longer a stowaway who escaped privately.

"I see that you are registered as a new trainer. I suggest you go to the Pokémon Center on the tenth floor to get your Pokédex."

The receptionist in charge of registration handed back his trainer card.

"Me? New trainer?"

Kashiwagi pointed at himself, a little confused.

"Yes, this is how it is registered on the computer. If the registration is wrong, please go to the Pokémon Center to change the registration information." The front desk said with a smile on his face.

He nodded, "Okay...thank you."

"I wish you a pleasant journey."

Saying goodbye to the front desk with perfect service with a smile, Kashiwagi took the elevator to the Pokémon Center, but did not see Miss Joy.

It seems that Miss Joy is not so abundant that she can be found everywhere.

He thought to himself, chatted with the staff at the front desk, and soon got a black-looking mobile phone.

There are many popular illustrated books on the market. The most popular one is a square card style illustrated book, that is, the xy version. The mobile phone illustrated book is a trial work. According to the staff, an inventor in Miare City is developing an illustrated book that allows Rotom to reside.

Even the Rotom illustrated book is still in the development stage...

Kashiwagi searched for news about Vladali and saw that his reputation was intact and had not been ruined. He then checked the result list of last year's Unova Regional Conference.

He guessed that the current timeline should be when Ash had just arrived in the Kalos area, or not long after setting off.


This is not a very important thing. He doesn't go to Kalos to hang out with Xiaozhi. He cares about himself and doesn't bother anyone.

"It's quite interesting."

He played with the mobile phone illustrated book for a while and felt that this thing was much more interesting than imagined, but the operation difficulty was a little complicated, especially for novice trainers. It was normal for them to eventually lose to the more intelligent mobile phone Rotom.

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