My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 179 The decisive battle begins (44/54)

Chapter 179 The decisive battle begins (4454)

Due to emergency situation.

Yamamin gave up the idea of ​​entertaining Daigo and Genji. As soon as he learned that Erjin's troops were leaving, he took the convoy to Huangtie Town.

At this time, it’s all about racing against time.

The sooner we return to Huangtie Town, the sooner the two great weapons of the Champion and the Four Heavenly Kings can come into play.

On the way.

He did not forget to call Baimu who was far away in Huangtie Town and tried to tell him the good news. But the moment he found that the signal was not smooth, he knew that Ergin's troops might have arrived in Huangtie Town.

The deal was done, and he who was a little impatient suddenly calmed down.

Even if the champion and the Four Heavenly Kings were not included in the original plan, the strategy with Leo as the main core still had a high probability of winning.

Furthermore, the core desire of Liuge and others is to delay Erjin's troops in Huangtie Town, not to achieve complete victory.

In the end, it was still up to Dinis and other locals in Ole from Silberyllium City to launch a crucial coup plan, and then take the opportunity to completely eliminate Erjin's entire interest group from top to bottom.

However, there is an additional champion in this operation, which may ensure that all Erjin troops in Huangtie Town are retained.

Shanmin has great trust in Daigo's power.

Daigo and Genji were inevitably a little curious about his irritable yet soothing demeanor.

"Before the enemy arrives, I hope to return to Huangtie Town as soon as possible. Now that the enemy has arrived, I have no choice but to trust my companions."

Shanmin forced a smile and explained in a low voice: "Based on my understanding of that person, this small problem cannot defeat him."

The establishment of the Rainbow Team also led to Kashiwagi being pushed to the forefront to a certain extent.

After the Erjin troops arrive at Huangtie Town, they will inevitably find trouble with Kashiwagi, the leader. Even if it only takes a very short time, it will be a severe test for the latter.

But Shanmin has confidence in him.

"Who is this person you are talking about? Can you introduce him to me?" Dawu couldn't help but become interested after hearing this.


Huangtie Town.

Just as Shanmin thought.

The Ergin Force - or the original Shadow Force has successfully arrived in Yellow Iron Town, blocking the station and other major transportation routes, and blocking the entire town's external communications.

At the same time, they did not rush into it immediately, but separated into several teams and went to the most popular forces in Huangtie Town.

Team Rainbow is also among them.

"Where is your leader! Let him come out!"

The former Shadow Team members arrived at the Rainbow Team office building.

Kashiwagi appeared in front of the other party as envisaged in the plan, "I am."

The man glanced at his face and couldn't help but sneer.

"Bah. Not a single hairy brat. Let me tell you the truth. In an hour, we are going to see all the Pokémon from the top of your Rainbow Team, plus the rest of the people below, at least 5,000 Pokémon. Dream."

The Shadow Team member said an impossible number, "If there are less than five thousand, there will be no need for our Rainbow Team to exist."

"Five thousand...isn't it too much?"

Kashiwagi frowned slightly and asked knowingly: "And give you our Pokémon? This is simply impossible!"

"Don't agree? It doesn't matter if you don't agree, just wait obediently."

The shadow team member originally wanted to step forward and pat his face, but after being dodged by Kashiwagi, he gave up and just sneered: "Huang Tiezhen lacks everything except obedient slaves. In short, I won't see you in an hour." Those Pokémon, you have to weigh the consequences yourself."

God knows what kind of brain the commander of the Shadow Team has.

Asking Kashiwagi to hand over his and even the entire high-level Pokémon, everyone knew that this was simply impossible.

As if begging them to have a conflict.

"They just want to use this method to test so-called loyalty. You must understand that not everyone is as spineless as you." Liu Ge, standing behind Kashiwagi, said softly.

The shadow team member's face turned cold, "Who allowed you to speak!"

"Will many forces surrender?"

Kashiwagi ignored him at all and turned to ask Liu Ge.

"Definitely, but not too many. After all, many forces got together in a hurry, and there are actually many internal conflicts. When the top management hands over Pokémon, they will worry about leaving one to each other, so they won't hand it over in the end." Liu Ge shook his head.

"It seems that there must be a battle."

Kashiwagi nodded.

The arrogant performance made the Shadow team members furious. He immediately took out the Poke Ball, released a Pokémon, and shouted: "Dark Charge!"

Several team members following him also followed suit.

However, everyone on Team Rainbow remained unmoved. They looked at the shadow players as if they were idiots and commented on the Pokémon they released.

"Is this the Dark Pokémon?"

"Yes, they are normally invisible to the naked eye and require the use of special instruments. Moreover, they possess a magical power that does not belong to any attribute and is very difficult to deal with."

Liuge continued.

And those dark Pokémon were already covered in black energy and rushed toward everyone.


A pink light wave rolled up.

The powerful mental power was like a wall, and like a heavy hammer, it knocked all the dark Pokémon away, causing them to smash into walls, desks and chairs.

The enchanting Sun Eevee swung his tail and walked out from behind everyone.

But when the shadow team members saw their dark Pokémon being knocked away, they were completely unmoved and said with a sullen face: "Ha! Do you think you can defeat them this way? Stand up! Keep charging with darkness!"

The dark Pokémon that was knocked away immediately got up from the ground after hearing this, howling again and trying to rush towards Kashiwagi and the others.

The attack just now didn't seem to cause much damage to them at all.

The shadow players thought that Kashiwagi and others would be shocked, but unexpectedly a young man with an afro came out from behind them, "You are thinking too much, I just want them to stand up and throw the ball easily!"

The words fell.

The capture balls flew out one after another and hit the dark Pokémon respectively. The dark Pokémon were immediately sucked in.

The Poke Ball clattered to the floor.

The faces of the shadow team members changed wildly, "This is impossible!"

"No! This is to seize the ball! You are Leo!" There seemed to be an old-school shadow player among this group of people, who recognized Leo.

There was only one capture device in the capture team that could make a capture ball. After this machine was snatched away by Leo, the capture team's work almost came to a halt, and they had to hunt down Leo, the traitor.

Therefore, even if you have not seen Leo with your own eyes, as long as you see the ball captured, you can basically confirm the identity of the person in front of you.

"You know now? It's too late!"

Kashiwagi and others swarmed forward and quickly pushed the shadow players to the ground.

Flobo, who was next to him, twisted his throat and made a voice similar to that of the leading shadow team member. "This person has a very hoarse voice, which is difficult to learn."

Then, a Variety Monster clung to his face, quickly transforming him into the same person as before.

"It's not easy to be an undercover agent."

Under the stunned expression of the shadow team member, Flobo made a sound of regret.

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