My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 174 Utopia (41/52)

Chapter 174 Utopia (4152)

After some conversation.

Babina and Helena fell into silence.

Kashiwagi looked at the two of them with some anxiety. Although these two were not as radical as N, they were also determined Pokémon rescuers and had protected countless injured Pokémon.

"I see, this area also has similar technology..."

The pink-haired Babena sighed.

"There is nothing new about people with evil intentions trying to take away the power of Pokémon."

Helena, who has bunny ears hair style, is much calmer, "But in this world, there are also many people who truly love Pokémon and value relationships."

She lowered her head slightly and expressed her gratitude to Kashiwagi, "Thank you very much for telling us this matter. However, it is more effective for you to tell N personally than for us to tell you."

"Yes, please." Babina also lowered her head.


Kashiwagi scratched the big-mouthed baby's head and said while it was twisting impatiently: "Okay, then I'll go."

He stood up neatly and put the big-mouthed baby back in place.


Big Mouth Baby frowned. Although it wanted to continue learning from Babena and the others, it was really concerned about the trainer's situation.

Think again and again.


It bowed to say goodbye to Babena, the others, and the Pokémon, and chased after Kashiwagi.

As Babena and the two looked at this scene, they couldn't help but smile on their faces. What made them insist on building an ideal country for humans and Pokémon?

It's right in front of you.

People and Pokémon rely on each other and understand each other. Is there anything more beautiful than this?


N is communicating with many Pokémon.

It wasn't Kashiwagi, Takeru, or his own Pokémon, but the ones he spent money to rescue from the dungeon yesterday.

In principle, N did not want to conclude a monetary transaction using Pokémon as goods, but in order to avoid causing trouble to Kashiwagi, he had no choice but to spend money to purchase them.

He has no shortage of money.

After the destruction of Team Plasma, many properties were confiscated by the police, but more properties were left to N, the adopted son of the boss.

N used this part of the funds as the starting capital to launch the Pokémon rescue operation. The money earned from Pokémon was spent on Pokémon, which can be regarded as returning to a correct path.

As a man who can understand Pokémon's language and understand their hearts, N only needs a few short sentences to achieve a good relationship with them.

Fortunately, Kashiwagi got more keys to the houses of Suna-gumi cadres from Ruka, so the house did not become crowded.


N was not stupid enough to keep buying Pokémon. He stopped when they bought the most Pokémon they could currently take care of, and told Kashiwagi that they would become the force that makes Ole better.


Kashiwagi interrupted N's communication with the Pokémon.

Seeing his arrival, those Pokémon rushed towards him with smiles on their faces. Under N's ​​explanation, they figured out where the delicious food they ate came from.

So when he saw Kashiwagi coming home, he couldn't wait to act coquettishly and ask for food from him.

“It’s not even dinner time yet, it’s not even dinner time yet!”

Kashiwagi was pinned down by several fluffy big tails for a long time and couldn't get up. His hands and feet were also occupied by other Pokémon. He asked Boscodor for help, dumbfounded, "My good big brother! Help me!"


Boss Cordora, who was watching, heard Kashiwagi calling his nickname, and immediately left the Pokémon and rescued Kashiwagi who was overwhelmed by a group of rice-making machines.

The big-mouthed kid who was about to take action saw this, puffed up his face, curled his lips and jumped onto Boscodora's shoulder.

This position and now is its exclusive throne, thanks to the big monster's size.

"Hahahaha, it seems that everyone likes you very much." N was very happy to see this scene, because he could feel the kindness from Pokémon.

"Ahem, it's not good to be too enthusiastic."

Kashiwagi brushed off the hair on his body, "What, I have something serious to tell you, go over there."

He pointed to two chairs under the eaves.

The two of them moved here.

"Shanmin may have told you who our enemy is, but he may not have paid close attention to the technology he mastered..." Kashiwagi took a deep breath and told N about the dark Pokémon.

N started frowning when he heard about the use of technological means to seal off Pokémon's hearts and turn them into soulless fighting machines, and he never stopped after that.

And, when he heard that dark Pokémon technology had appeared on this land for the third time, he clenched his fists hard.

"...That's just the way it is."

Kashiwagi looked at N carefully.

The latter's expression gradually changed, ranging from hatred, hostility, to pain. Finally, he sighed melancholy, turned his head and stared at the sky blankly, "Humans can always come up with various ways to persecute Pokémon. means."


Kashiwagi must admit that even in the world of Pokémon animation, there are many people who love to mess with Pokémon.

They often appear in various areas as Ash's enemies.

"You said that an ideal country where humans and Pokémon coexist harmoniously can really be formed?" N held his chin with his right hand. He didn't know if it was due to his bloodline. His skin was very white, and his whole body was glowing and dazzling.

"Of course."

Kashiwagi thought about this without thinking, "Because this ideal country does not include the existence of scum, and there is no need for them to join."


N smiled and said: "It seems that you are much more determined than me in this regard."

"That's because I don't have as big a burden as you. My wish is for Ole to move towards a better future, so that I can travel without any worries."

He suddenly saw the lucky egg coming over with two glasses of drink in his hands, and hurriedly caught it to prevent a coconut egg tree from knocking it away. "The world is big and vast, and it is said on the Internet that human beings have basically walked all over this egg." Planet, I don’t believe it.”

"Indeed, the world is big and vast."

N took the drink from Kashiwagi and thanked him, then touched the head of Gilly Egg, "Thank you."


The auspicious eggs chirped happily.

N took a slight sip of the drink. He was not a glutton, but he just didn't want to disappoint the Pokémon who was looking forward to feedback. "Hmm~ It tastes good."


Gilly Dan's smile became even hotter, and when he looked at Kashiwagi, he felt the familiar head-rubbing skill.

Although N's technique is gentle, it only feels special when it is rubbed by my own trainer!

The happy egg turned around and ran away, followed by a group of Pokémon, because in their memories, the egg was also responsible for feeding.

"Don't feed them!"

Kashiwagi yelled to prevent Geely Egg, who had mastered the poison, from being unable to resist the entanglement of those Pokémon and began to feed.

And this shout also attracted the attention of the single-headed dragon. This little Erha ran thousands of miles away and jumped into Kashiwagi's arms, then bit his palm and started licking it.

A smile appeared on N's face at some point and he said:

"Why don't we start with Ole."


Kashiwagi turned around in confusion.

"The ideal country where humans and Pokémon coexist begins in this land where there are no native Pokémon."

N said softly: "Although this place is deserted, it is sparsely populated. There are large tracts of land that we can build on, so that Pokémon who have been persecuted by humans can rest and recuperate here."

Kashiwagi asked cautiously: "Is it true or false?"

"of course it's true."

N responded: "How to properly place the rescued Pokémon has always been a problem. The nature reserves established in many areas are already saturated, and we cannot release them casually.

"Olei is very good. He can also give those rescued Pokémon a home. They... can't go back anymore."

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