My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 168 Giant Snake Crosses the Sky

Three large bowls were finished.

The giant steel snake opened and closed its mouth up and down, making a gesture similar to smacking its lips, with a face full of unfinished thoughts.

"Today is the first day, so I'd better give you something to eat."

Kashiwagi clapped his hands, and Boss Cordora pulled out a trailer of ore from the warehouse and dumped it all on the ground. "In fact, adding too many metal elements will make your body too bloated and make your movements extremely inconvenient."


The big steel snake let out a low roar of excitement, not hearing what Kashiwagi was saying at all. It just used its chin to scoop up the ores and stuffed them into its mouth with skill.


It made a strange, piercing sound like a Bosch Dora chewing steel.

While eating, it also rotated the top two horizontal steel ribs.

Kashiwagi didn't notice anything at first, but then he took a closer look and saw fine sand and soil leaking out from the connection between the horizontal steel frame and the next section, as if it was decomposing the ores he had eaten.

But he understood that this was the soil and some fine particles left over from the big steel snake's previous meal, or the previous meal, which was not needed by the body.

To put it nicely, these are the "sweat" of the big steel snake, but to put it worse, it is "shit".


Essentially it is still soil.

Kashiwagi once again realized the special features of different Pokémon, and he couldn't help but feel happy. He patted the big steel snake on the head and let it continue to eat.

The latter responded with a low hum.

If you start raising big steel snakes in person, you will find many differences from the information on the Internet.

For example, a big steel snake will lift two-thirds of its body length, leaving only one-third to support the body - which is actually not rigorous. For a big steel snake, usually one-half of its body parts It is most comfortable when it is on the ground, and when it is raised two-thirds, it is in a warning or attack posture.

When necessary, it can lift its entire body, relying only on its tail for support.

But that posture requires rotating four steel bones to maintain balance, and it looks a bit like a whirlwind potato.

Even more interesting is the movement of the big steel snake.

Its upper body will lean back slightly and then thrust forward suddenly to pull itself. At the same time, the part that landed on the ground will twist left and right like a snake, and the two horizontal steel bones that landed on the ground will also help to do the work.

It's usually quite slow, but when it explodes it's terrifyingly fast, and it rushes forward in a whoosh.

No wonder its degenerated form can always chase Xiaozhi and his friends around.

As for the movement performance of the Big Steel Snake, Kashiwagi has only one comment:

"What is missing is an electromagnetic levitation."


"Big Mouth Boy, help with electromagnetic levitation! Take over!"

he shouted to the tool man.

Under the eaves, the big-mouthed kid lying on the chair took a leisurely sip of the cold drink. Electric current began to crackle on the surface of his body, and the electric current turned into a white light and poured into the body of the big steel snake.

"Hoar? Roar!"

The big steel snake was puzzled at first, and then realized that he had flown up from the ground. He was a little panicked for a while, and kept spinning around.

Almost hit the roof several times.

Moreover, the 18-meter-long behemoth twisting around in the sky was a bit scary, which made Kashiwagi have to shout to calm down.

However, the two had just met and it was not easy for them to work together.

"You come!"

Kashiwagi patted Boscodora's arm.


Boscodora raised his head and roared without hesitation.

next moment.

The body of the big steel snake in the sky stiffened slightly, its movements quickly returned to calmness, and it slowly began to sway in the sky.

"Yes, that's it. Slow down a little. Try twisting your body to control the direction, or swinging your crossbones!" Kashiwagi shouted at the top of his lungs.

He was very lucky that he had not stood on top of the big steel snake just now and successfully avoided a terrifying game that could be called a super roller coaster.

After the big steel snake in the sky slowly adapted, it gradually became more playful and began to expand its roaming range, climbing higher than the house and flying to the front yard.

Kashiwagi quickly chased after him, constantly disturbing the big steel snake with words to prevent this guy from playing too selflessly.

He was surprised that the big steel snake was not afraid of heights. When Boss Cordora used electromagnetic levitation, it was insensitive to heightening. It could only stay one to two meters above the ground, which was its limit.

In this regard, Kashiwagi often fooled it.

"You can't do this. When you occupy the land of a mountain in the future, wouldn't it scare you to death if you stand on the top of the mountain and look down? You must overcome it!"

When Boscadola heard it, he thought it made sense.

But it’s still hard to accept the panic that comes with being too far from the ground.

In comparison, the Big Steel Snake is particularly capable of flying. Although its second attribute is the ground system, it does not have that much fear of the sky.

Not long after.

"Okay! Come down quickly! It's over!"

Seeing the electric light on the big steel snake begin to flash, Kashiwagi quickly let it down.

Unexpectedly, the latter seems to be unable to lower the height smoothly, and has no idea how to let himself down. He can only control the magnetic force to climb and not descend.

It was tossing and flying, and soon it was over the bushes that Boscodora took good care of.

"Goo ho!"

Boss Cordora was immediately frightened out of his wits, and he rushed over to catch the guy to avoid crushing the bushes, but as soon as he reached the edge of the lawn, he slowed down again to prevent his claws from plowing the turf.

Such a delay directly caused the big steel snake to fall towards the lawn.


Boscodora let out a miserable wail.

Fortunately, before the big steel snake was about to hit the bush, a sudden blue light lifted it up and forced it to freeze in mid-air.

It is the [Thought Transferring] of Lucky Egg.


"Why are you panicking? I've always had the lucky egg follow me." Kashiwagi smiled at Boscodora who was almost in tears.


They returned to the backyard.

The big steel snake lowered his head slightly in fear, not daring to look at Boscodora.

The latter was so angry that he originally wanted to pull its tail and hit it with a windmill, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it and generously forgave the former.

On the lounge chair.

The big-mouthed boy looked at all this and sneered "boringly".



Due to the strong addition of the giant steel snake.

After many days, Kashiwagi once again felt the smallness of the battle environment. In the 30-meter-long and 15-meter-wide arena, only Big Steel Snake was okay, but it was a bit crowded when other Pokémon were included.

Whether it is basic training or move training, it feels a bit difficult to perform well.

"Ash is lucky to have Dr. Oak in his backyard as a strong backer. Otherwise, there is no way he can fit so many Pokémon in his single-family house."

After being slightly entangled, Kashiwagi decided to think of other ways.

However, as the cadre residence is the core area of ​​the Sarawak Group, the land has been utilized to the extreme to ensure private space. Where is there any extra space for him?

——Other people’s homes have land.

There is no doubt that Kashiwagi is eyeing the ruka next door. Because the good brother rarely comes back, and he leaves soon after he comes once in a while. Although it is not clear where he usually lives, the large vacant land is really eye-catching.

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