My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 166 Bullying the leader (37/50)

Chapter 166 Bullying the Leader (3750)

Considering the size of the big steel snake.

Kashiwagi chose the largest battle venue.

"Are you sure its bearing capacity is the best here?" He asked the boss many times.

The boss also responded many times, "Don't worry! With this iron wall, even a level 70 Pokémon can't break it! If it breaks, not only will you not have to pay for it, but I will also compensate you for it!"

Hear this.

Kashiwagi was almost half relieved.

Even if the boss is bragging about it, it shouldn't be a problem to restrain the level 60 steel snake, and the structure at the bottom can prevent it from digging holes to escape.

Close the door.

He took a deep breath and released Boscodora and Geely Eggs in the semi-enclosed battle arena.

The former is the main output of this taming work, and the latter is used to save his life. If the big steel snake hits him in the front, not to mention the attribute energy, the potential energy brought by the weight of one and a half tons will be enough. It was enough to make him belch.

After all, it is equivalent to the level of a car.

"Come and meet our new partner!"

Kashiwagi shouted lowly, and the two Pokémon stood ready.


The white light flew out from the elf ball, fell to the ground and instantly transformed into a huge creature that must make Boscodora look up to.

The steel-like body reflects the cold light, and the air currents stirred up by every move are terrifying, and its deep roar is as loud as a ship's whistle.

It's like those scary monsters in science fiction works.

Seeing this guy with his own eyes, Kashiwagi was surprised to find that it was not only big in size. Ordinary large steel snakes only have three horizontal metal joints, but this guy has four.

The length and diameter increase from bottom to top, and the root of the transverse joint at the top is almost as thick as others.

Its huge head blocked the light like a dark cloud, casting a huge shadow.

With a height of twelve meters, it almost touched the ceiling of the battle arena.


The leader, Big Steel Snake, looked around, then lowered his head as if aware of something, and discovered the toy-like Boss Cordora, the figurine-like cypress wood, and the egg-like auspicious egg.

An evil look quickly appeared in its dark eyes, and it was obvious that the strange environment and the intimidating strange Pokémon aroused its anger.


The leader, Big Steel Snake, roared angrily at Boscodora.


Boscodora roared back even louder. Although the size of the big steel snake was exaggerated to a certain extent, it was not enough to make it want to retreat.

What's wrong?

It's so big that sometimes it can't beat a big-mouthed baby that's only taller than its knees!

The two giant beasts stared at each other, neither of them willing to look away.

As expected, he has a strong temper as Soshiro said.

"Strike first is the strongest! Quicksand hell!"

Kashiwagi saw that the tail of the big steel snake was actively attacking, and he couldn't wait to give the order.

When Boscodora heard this, he immediately clenched his fists and punched the ground hard. Countless terrifying cracks opened in the ground, and a huge sand pit immediately formed under the feet of the big steel snake!


The big steel snake didn't seem to expect that Boss Cordora would dare to attack. He suddenly lost weight and fell directly into the sand pit.

At the same time, because of its exaggerated weight and fishbone-like body shape, it sank faster, and soon only half of it was still outside.

And this half is already at the bottom, and the rotating quicksand hell cannot move it at all.

"Quicksand hell!"

When Kashiwagi saw the angry big steel snake opening its huge black mouth and starting to inhale, he immediately gave the second command.

Boscodora stepped hard on the ground, and countless quicksands quickly rotated and turned into huge sandstorm vortices that swept towards the big steel snake. At this time, the latter also spit out a mouthful of blue storm!


Quicksand Hell and Dragon's Breath clash!

The two exploded with a bang, and the aftermath of the strong attribute energy blew like a strong wind, blowing Kashiwagi's hair and clothes.

But soon the quicksand hells gathered together and swept towards the big steel snake again.

Obviously, although the dragon breath of the big steel snake is fierce, it is not enough to compete with the quicksand hell of Boss Cordora.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted again: "Surf!"


Boscodora raised his right hand, and a blue water ball enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye. When it bombarded the ground, it caused a huge wave to press towards the big steel snake!

Seeing this, the big steel snake quickly rotated its second lateral joint, causing the quicksand under its body to gather into sharp rocks shrouded in white light, and shot towards the huge waves like bullets.

Bang bang bang!

The sharp rocks smashed the huge waves again and again, successfully breaking them up.

However, Kashiwagi's main purpose of using surfing was not to cause damage, but to further trap the big steel snake trapped in the quicksand hell.

The water mixes with the sand, creating large areas of mud.

The big steel snake stirred its lateral joints in an attempt to break free from the quicksand hell, but it accelerated the mixing of water and gravel like a blender.


A huge mud pit is completed.

The churning speed of the big steel snake is also becoming slower and slower, the bunker is gradually becoming more difficult, and it must exert more force.

At this moment, it suddenly discovered that the width of the quicksand hell was actually very limited, enough for it to stick its head out of the pit and use its head as a point of strength to pull out its tail!

Realizing this method of escape, the big steel snake immediately smashed his head off.

Kashiwagi smiled when he saw this.

"It's hooked! Stomp!"


The moment the big steel snake's head hit the ground, Boss Cordora jumped up suddenly, raised its big foot and kicked its bucket-like head hard!

The regret of surfing's failure to hit the Big Steel Snake turned into the power of Boscodora's attack. Even though he was as defensive as the Big Steel Snake, he was stunned by the attack and swayed left and right. .

But Boscodora's attack was not over yet.

"Brute force!"

I saw it grabbing the chin of the big steel snake, roaring with anger, and suddenly exerting force, with a brown-red glow all over its body, and it pulled out the eighteen-meter giant steel snake from the mud!


Boscodora swung hard and smashed the big steel snake towards the wall!


The ground and walls made terrifying explosions and trembled continuously.

Boss Cordora continued to approach the big steel snake, grabbing its tail and spinning it like a windmill in a playground. Its head still collided with the ground and walls again and again, making a terrifying muffled sound.

The big steel snake's originally confident roar now turned into a low hum.

"Okay, stop!"

Kashiwagi, who was lying down, shouted stop in time.

Boss Cordora immediately released his claws, causing the big steel snake to collide passionately with the hard wall again.


The latter lay prone on the ground and whined like a train whistle.

"You are really getting more and more fierce."

Kashiwagi first praised Boscodora. After level 60, this guy was much stronger than he thought.

The confidence brought by his strength also makes this guy so crazy now.


Boss Cordora proudly raised his paws and roared to the sky as if flexing his muscles.

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