My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 161 Promotion to Cadre

The three major blocks on the surface have basically been solved.

As for the collapsed underground city, the Quicksand team worked overnight and successfully cleared the surrounding area, rescuing piles of Quicksand team members.

Liu Ge and others were among them.

When we see the light of day again.

With gray faces and ragged clothes, they looked back at the dilapidated neighborhoods, and then turned to look at the underground city buried in countless rubbles and sandstones. There was no joy at achieving their goal on their faces, only a deep sense of powerlessness.

Liuge's originally bright burgundy hair color now became dull.

All reasons for having to use tactics stem from lack of strength.

Since you choose a strategy, you must accept surprises when things are beyond your control. The world will not revolve around any one person, at least not around them.

"As expected, we all died together..."

Kashiwagi stood aside and learned what happened after entering the dungeon through the descriptions of Liuge and others.

Under the pressure of the three-group quicksand team, the cadres and members of Luo Qi's team were no match for the quicksand team. They could not even bring the situation to a stalemate. Within a few hours, they retreated in succession, abandoning area after area.

Wait until they shrink to the last small area.

The Quicksand Team immediately chose to persuade Luo Qi to surrender to avoid wasting unnecessary power. Unexpectedly, the latter ignored the wishes of his subordinates and chose to die together, detonating the naughty mine bombs buried in various supporting points in the underground city in advance.

Then the entire underground city began to collapse, and the Quicksand Team's army was trapped underground and unable to get out immediately, so they had to look for ways to protect themselves, which in turn affected the ground and further expanded the man-made disaster.

This was completely unexpected by Liu Ge.

He originally planned to take advantage of the opportunity to divide the stolen goods while the three top cadres were sitting in their lairs and had not come out, so as to instigate the relationship between the three groups present and let them fight underground in advance.

Instead, he seduced the Kojero group to invade the Akira group's neighborhood, making the scene even more chaotic.

Who would have thought that Luo Qi had such a strong temperament.

From the perspective of Liu Ge and others, the results of this operation showed that they had won - the three major groups of the Liusha team suffered heavy losses, and they had just swallowed such a large piece of meat, and were suspected of being strangled to death.

He also lost - his analysis of Luo Qi's character was not comprehensive enough, he failed to know all of Luo Qi's movements, and he allowed this man-made disaster to happen.

Liu Ge knew that such a mistake could not happen again.

And to this point.

This time the Liusha Team's operation to occupy the Luo Qi Group's territory has come to an end.

But the situation in Huangtie Town has not become clear.

Even more chaotic because of it.

The Quicksand Team deliberately downplayed the casualties during the operation and made a big deal about the harvest, making the other forces in Huangtie Town aware of how rich other people's territory was.


Several forces in Huangtie Town declared war on other forces, completely dragging Huangtie Town into the quagmire of chaos.


on the other hand.

Since the conditions of the dungeon were not suitable for disclosure to the outside world, and Kashiwagi performed particularly well in surface combat, his reputation was further publicized.

Shanmin tells him that this is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that when they really start to implement their big plans in the future, Kashiwagi's reputation will make them much smoother in many aspects.

In the current chaotic environment of Huangtie Town, bad things are too eye-catching and can easily attract some lunatics.

"With the implementation of Liu Ge's plan, the following days will be very difficult. You must find a way to improve your strength as soon as possible. Maybe Liu Ge and I will count on you in the future."

Shanmin said seriously.

Hearing this, Kashiwagi felt that the other party was a bit exaggerated.

We have to wait a long time to expect him to do anything, but in Huang Tiezhen's situation, it would be nice to be able to develop a little.

Since the turmoil began in Huangtie Town, many shops in the neutral dungeon have shown signs of closing, for fear that some organization will take the opportunity to come and make a big fortune.

To a certain extent, the underground city represents the "abnormal" prosperity of Huangtie Town. They closed down, which shows how difficult this place is to live in Huangtie Town.

The operation ended within two days.

The underground city of the Luo Qi Group has not yet been cleared, but within the Quicksand Team, the Luo Qi Group's heritage has already begun to be divided, from personnel, sites to minerals, etc.

As the "hero" of this operation, Kashiwagi also had a share.

But what he didn't expect was that he was actually assigned to the large block where the suppression was first carried out. Giving his subordinates an entire large block was simply unbelievable in the eyes of others.

This also means that the superiors have officially appointed him as a cadre of the Sarawak Group and he can enjoy the rights of a cadre.

But let's be honest.

Kashiwagi didn't care about that big block. The three big blocks in Luo Qi's group had been reduced to ruins, and what needed to be searched had already been searched. Secondly, getting that block means that a large part of his team will have to choose from the original Vicious Dog members.

This will make it easier for him to manage the new territory.

Soshiro told him the same thing.

Due to the loss of the Quicksand Team in the dungeon, they must replenish a large amount of new blood as soon as possible. As a viable force, the original members of the Evil Dog Team can be used as soon as they are obtained.

It's much better than being a peripheral member who just started to interact with Pokémon after being promoted to a full member.


Kashiwagi only has naked discrimination against the members of the Dog Team. He despises these scum from a personality point of view. Accepting the previous few more honest ones as agreed is the limit.

Asking him to place nearly half of the Vicious Dog members in the team... is really unacceptable.

But Kashiwagi knew that these people must be accepted.

Just like Liu Ge told him.

"You must understand that there are so many bad guys in Huang Tiezhen. It is impossible to kill them all. Even if the crimes are settled, it will take a long time. Rather than letting them go, during this period, if we can reform their minds and let them realize that they are Previous mistakes will be very helpful for our next actions.”

What the good brother said is very realistic. There are countless people in Huangtie Town who have done bad things. Even if the dark clouds are cleared, they can't deal with these people by killing them.


On his first day as a cadre, Kashiwagi, with Soshiro's approval, promoted a group of peripheral members from Qingyi Street through a simple assessment, and through Flobo's hint, he absorbed many members of the rescue organization.

Just like the person Kashiwagi knew from the beginning.

On the other hand, Kashiwagi came to Magnet Street, which was being rebuilt at an extremely slow speed, and accepted a large number of former Vicious Dog members.

After struggling for nearly two days, he successfully recruited nearly 500 people into his team.

And there are only two squad leaders——

Otsuka and Narihiro.

The former is almost as strong as a squad leader, and the weakest squad leader is also a squad leader. The latter is far behind, but at this time, there is no other way but to catch the duck.

To Kashiwagi's delight, the rescue organization's lurkers were all of good quality, and they quickly tamed the newly acquired Pokémon.

It's a pity that promotion without merit will make them unable to convince the public.

Moreover, Kashiwagi had to take care of the emotions of the group of people who were with him at the beginning. This group of people was actually quite upbeat and would do whatever they were asked to do.

It’s just that illiteracy has led to their lack of knowledge in all aspects, so improvements in many places have been slow.

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