My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 140 The mystery of moves

The third day after the mayor left.

The atmosphere in Huangtie Town seemed to become heavy.

Kashiwagi got some rumors from the restaurant about the mayor's men taking the opportunity to make money. They set up checkpoints at necessary transportation hubs. No matter which force they come from, anyone who wants to leave Huangtie Town must pay a high fee.

If you don't hand it over, you will be suspected of stealing and you will have to take it back and interrogate it carefully.

Most people choose to endure it, but there are also those who cannot bear it. Such a tough guy was released after the interrogation was over and the "suspect" was cleared, and he basically softened.

Not only that, tolls these days are getting more expensive every time, and different prices are set according to different people.

Over the past few days, almost everyone complained, and looked at the mayor's forces with increasingly unkind eyes.

Kashiwagi is inevitably a little strange. The mayor's power usually does not accept bribes, but it has never been as "high-profile" as it is now. The ugly appearance of making money wantonly can be called crazy. Don't they know what they are doing?

It wasn't until he asked Shanmin that he understood the reason.

Someone spread the news among the mayor's forces that the mayor was about to step down, causing internal panic. The mayor's confidants who stayed in Huangtie Town thought he would return to Silica City and couldn't wait to start harvesting the last wave of leeks.

The middle class is not sure that they can follow suit, but there is no way to miss the money-making opportunity in front of them, and they can pass the blame to their superiors, so they gradually become crazy.

As for the lower-level people... although they make money, they will also be the first to suffer the wrath of others.

Take the least money and take the biggest blame.

But Kashiwagi has doubts about this - this kind of lie should be easy to expose. Couldn't the mayor's confidants contact the mayor?

Of course, they can be contacted. The key is that the mayor himself also thinks that he may be removed from the black hat.

"He has been treated coldly for two days. His immediate superior has not summoned him yet. He must be extremely panicked." Shanmin's tone was full of gloating.

"Is your father working hard?"

"Of course, from the time he was summoned to the time he sat on the bench for two consecutive days, it was all arranged by Silicon Beryllium City."

Shan Min said: "Tell Awu that the time to leave is coming soon and let him prepare. You too, the next plan of the Quicksand Team will not be too far away."


Kashiwagi nodded in agreement and conveyed the news to Wu.

"I see!"

Awu nodded vigorously and then said: "You guys wait for me, I will be back after I deliver the single-headed dragons!"

Kashiwagi was surprised: "You are coming back?"

"Definitely! I've seen what's going on here, how can I sit idly by and ignore it? Not only that, I want to call on more dragon trainers!"

There is fire in the eyes of the young man with an exaggerated hairstyle like a lion. It is obvious that these days of hiding have made him accumulate a lot of anger, and it seems that he has reached the extreme limit of endurance.

However, Kashiwagi was inevitably worried. After all, saving Ou Lei was an internal act. Will the addition of external forces make the situation more complicated——

I got distracted. I got distracted.

All aspects of the previous life are very different from the Pokémon animated world. At least there is no clear sense of distance between regions like countries. Otherwise, how could Ash, a person from Kanto, be the champion of Alola?

The Four Heavenly Kings in each region are not necessarily from the local area.

What's more, when the international police lend a helping hand, the problems in the Ouray region are no longer just internal problems, but problems for the whole world.

Kashiwagi looked at Awu's excitement and had a feeling that the situation would become more complicated.


The dark forces in the Ourei region only have to face a group of internal resisters who refuse to kneel down.

But when outsiders join, the situation becomes difficult to predict.


These days there is turmoil outside.

Kashiwagi has made more efforts on how to get close to the single-headed dragon.

Despite the troubles caused by its brothers, the single-headed dragon gradually understood the differences between itself and other single-headed dragons, such as the strictly controlled amount of food in a single meal.

For example, they would be secretly called out for a snack in the middle of the night, or they would play catch in the yard in the dark, and finally fall asleep hugging each other in the living room.

Of course the hand must be in the mouth.

Each one of these seems to indicate something.

Although the single-headed dragon has a relatively young mind, it has a certain understanding of certain things. After all, since it was born, someone has been whispering in its ears:

"Sooner or later, you will find a trainer to spend the rest of your life with."


The single-headed dragon in the past could not understand it and only thought it was something delicious or fun.

But after seeing Kashiwagi and getting to know him further, this vague vocabulary suddenly became a lot clearer, and I felt joy from the bottom of my heart.

And after experiencing such a complicated emotional change for the single-headed dragon.

Kashiwagi soon discovered that this little guy was more obedient, and there was a feeling of a sudden increase in intimacy.

It's just that his temper is still the kind that can't stand agitation. If he is provoked by Boss Cordora and Big Mouth Baby, he will easily get angry and rush over to bite him.

It's a pity that this kind of attack is just incompetent rage and has no effect. The latter two either have extremely strong physical defense, or they can levitate into the air by electromagnetism.

But through the subconscious behavior of the single-headed dragon when it is angry, it is not difficult for Kashiwagi to find that this little guy obviously uses biting and collision as its first means of attack.

In his future vision for the single-headed dragon, the long-range special attack turret occupies the first place, which can maximize the advantages of the three-headed dragon.

Physical attack is to increase the means of attack, in case someone gets close or something.

After all, there are already enough players in the team who focus on physical attack. Wouldn't it be a chopper team if they attack all-in?

Therefore, its subconscious attack must be reversed.

When can you subconsciously release waves of evil towards Boscodora instead of blindly rushing over to bite them, it will be considered a success.

What makes Kashiwagi feel dramatic is that the big-mouthed baby actually learned to provoke.

Tomorrow, I tried to learn the sword dance and play, but in the end, I learned this move first.

I don’t know whether to say it’s a coincidence or that the big-mouthed kid is talented in this area.

Boscodora's electromagnetic levitation has not made any progress. What he likes to do recently is fight the double-axe dragon. He is proud of the new slash scars on his body and has become more durable in all aspects.

Geely Egg’s double wall didn’t go very well either.

In terms of learning moves, they seem to have entered some kind of stagnation zone and are not as smooth as in other directions.

Is it because there are too many moves?

Kashiwagi couldn't help but speculate, and took out his mobile phone to search for Dr. Kukui.

This young doctor is located in the Alola region and is famous for specializing in Pokémon moves. His research project not only includes Alola's special Z moves, but also ordinary moves.

After all, Z moves are derived from ordinary moves, and the connection between the two is also the focus of the research.

Thought for a while.

He asked Dr. Kukui from the Poké Blog.

In addition, at this stage, Boscodora and the others spend a considerable part of their time just practicing and familiarizing themselves with old moves every day. Should he hold off on learning new moves and devote all of his energy to familiarizing himself with old moves?

Considering what was gradually happening in Huangtie Town, he felt it was necessary.

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