My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 134 Saving Ole (21/46)

Chapter 134 Saving Ole (2146)

The almost unscrupulous attitude of Frobo and others in talking about things made Kashiwagi feel uneasy.

He had a hunch that he might have gained the true trust of these people, and some secrets would soon be revealed to him.


After Liu Ge thought deeply, he brought him into the office.

The two sat down facing each other.

"To be honest, I don't want to tell you something so early. The best case scenario is that we solve everything and you can do what you want to do without any burden."

There was regret in Liu Ge's tone, "Unfortunately, I have only discovered now that it is impossible for you to completely stay out of the matter. The day I took you under my command, I lost the possibility of hiding it. But fortunately, you It didn’t disappoint me, being swallowed up by this town.”

Kashiwagi didn't reply, just listened to him quietly.

"I have a question, what do you think of Huangtie Town and even Oulei as a whole?"

Liu Ge crossed his fingers on his chin and looked at him expectantly.

"I don't know... about the whole Olei, because I have never been to other places except Huangtie Town. Regarding Huangtie Town alone, when I learned about the situation in other areas from the Internet, I think it should be erase."

Kashiwagi said bluntly.

The animated world of Pokémon is not without its dark side.

Kanto's Team Rocket, Sinnoh's Team Galaxy, Unova's Team Plasma, and Carlos's Team Flare. These villain organizations either have ambitions to dominate the world, or they have already done some major things that could subvert the world.

If nothing else, isn't Team Plasma from Unova disgusting? While robbing other people's Pokémon and releasing them into the wild, he is also using the power of Pokémon crazily. Among them, Quechis, as the commander-in-chief, is even more worthy of being despised.

But Huang Tiezhen is even worse than these guys. Although there is no super-large villain organization here, the oppression of the people is more terrifying than any villain organization.

What is even more chilling is the social climate.

After generations of influence, many people here have been completely alienated by power and money, and turned into monsters wearing human skin.

But after hearing what Kashiwagi said, Liu Ge not only didn't get angry, but actually laughed.

"Then how do you think we can wipe out Huang Tiezhen? Use the power of Pokémon to kill everyone here?"

"No, I mean erasure on a conscious level."

He shook his head, "If you want Huangtie Town to truly disappear, you must make the people here realize what is right and wrong, realize that they are being persecuted, and realize that they should not persecute others. What the people of Huangtie Town need is a soul-level war." The great purge!”

Without the Quicksand Team, there will still be the Flying Sand Team and the Wild Sand Team. Unless the social atmosphere is reversed and people don't know what they really should do, Huang Tiezhen will never disappear.

Even if this town disappears, it will be resurrected somewhere else in the future.

Listening to his words, Liu Ge's eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally couldn't help but applaud!

"Very good! Very good! I really didn't expect that I still underestimated you, and you still have this kind of thinking! No wonder you can persist until now!"

After all, he came from a world that had wiped out everything.

Kashiwagi was cursing in his heart, but on the surface he said: "This is just a paper talk I came up with after learning about it through the Internet. It will make you laugh."

"No, no, no, talking on paper is much better than knowing nothing. What's more, you have personally proven what you said." Liu Ge shook his head crazily, "Return the money you gained to the poor people, and do not be exposed to dirty and low-level entertainment. Alienation, no bullying of any innocent person.

"We've all seen what you did. If everyone in Huangtie Town was like you, we wouldn't have to endure it until now."

Kashiwagi's heart moved, "You guys?"

"Yes, us." Liu Ge grinned, "Who do you think we are?"


Faced with this question, he considered it for a few seconds and then asked cautiously: "International police?"

Hearing this, Liu Ge was surprised, then smiled and said, "You are really surprising me more and more, but this answer is neither correct nor incorrect."

Without waiting for Kashiwagi to question, the good brother continued: "Why do you say it is correct? Because Flobo and I do have the status of international police and we act according to this status.

"And saying it is incorrect is because of our ultimate goal - to save Ole!"

Liu Ge suddenly stood up, raising his hands in the air, "The times are changing, and the wheel of history is rolling forward. Although the technological level of the Ourei region is not low, the system is too dark and backward. If we continue like this, sooner or later we will be abandoned by the whole world! Become a The trash can of the whole world!”

The other party became more and more excited as he talked, "Now in the outside world, all well-known thieves, vicious poaching groups and even criminals will run to the Ourei area in order to sell their stolen goods and hide themselves. Why? Because they will not be punished here! Here, It’s a paradise for criminals!”

He said with heartache: "I never want my hometown to be such a sad and hateful place, so for all innocent people and for our next generation, the Ole region must be reborn! There is absolutely no way compromise!"

Liuge lowered his head and said to Kashiwagi: "We can't delay it any longer. The mayor of Silica City is applying to establish an alliance. When they take the opportunity to wash away the fishy smell on their bodies, it will be difficult to catch them again. Do you understand? ?”

The latter looked at his extremely serious expression and nodded with difficulty, "I understand...but what are you going to do? Can the international police rescue Ou Lei?"


Liu Ge shook his head categorically, "The international police can't save Ourei. The only ones who can save Oulei are the Oulei people themselves. There's nothing we can do about it."

He sat down and said, "You may think that we are short of manpower, but in fact, our preparations have taken longer than you expected. We have been working hard for more than ten years to usher in tomorrow."

"Over ten years!?"

"Yes, saving Ourei cannot be accomplished in a year or two. In order to confront the entire society and to cultivate more knowledgeable people, the efforts and sacrifices we have to make must be measured in years."

Liu Ge exhaled, pointed at himself and said: "You may think that I am the leader and big shot in this plan. You are wrong. I am just one of many gears, leading everyone forward. That’s all.”

Kashiwagi pondered for a few seconds and said: "In other words, there are many people like you and Flobo in the entire Huangtie Town?"

"Yes, most of them are lurking everywhere, just waiting for the right opportunity. And not only in Huangtie Town, but also in Silicon Beryllium City and even the entire Ourei region, there are people with the same ambitions as us."

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