My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 125 Dragon Taming Clan

Kashiwagi reached out to grab it, "This is what my father left for me."


The man was stunned for a moment when he heard his response. The wooden sign in his hand was quickly snatched away, without even having time to look through it carefully.

In fact, as long as he carefully touches the texture and distinguishes it carefully, it is not difficult to find that this thing has just been made not long ago, and it does not look like an old thing that is played with all the time.

Even if the cypress wood is deliberately aged, it has not yet reached the point where one month is ten years old. After all, Huangtie Town is not a town that specializes in selling antiques, and there is no related technology tree.

Enough of the bluffing.

The man looked at Kashiwagi again, his expression becoming a little complicated, "Your father..."

"He has been dead as long as I can remember." The latter responded extremely calmly, and then asked: "Can you tell me what this thing is? I have always been curious."

The man exhaled, "This..."


A voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

Kashiwagi's heart skipped a beat, and he concealed the annoyance in his heart. He turned around and suddenly saw Shanmin, who had just disappeared.

What's interesting is that Shanmin's face was full of surprise at this time, and his eyes wandered between him and the man behind him.

"You know each other!?"

The man opened his mouth, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"Do you know each other?" Kashiwagi was also shocked. He took a step back and glanced at the man and Shanmin. He had no idea that the existence pointed to by this clue was actually related to the latter.

The three people looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"... Before the auction starts, let's find a place to have a good chat." Shanmin took the initiative.

The other two naturally had no objections.

At the same time, Kashiwagi was extremely glad that he did not pretend to be a dragon as the man said, but gave an ambiguous response. If we leave the problem to the previous generation or even the previous generation, there will be more room for manipulation.


Kashiwagi originally thought that Shanmin would borrow a small room from the organizer.

As a result, the three of them, like thieves, walked around to the parking lot through an unguarded door and got into the SUV that was driving away.

"Who says it first?"

Shanmin turned to look at Kashiwagi and the other person, and asked softly.

In the end, the person raised his hand first, "Let me go first. Do you two know each other?"

"I know him, I brought him here." Shanmin said very honestly, but this sentence seemed to arouse the man's anger, and he slammed the car seat cushion.

"What are you thinking? How can you bring someone in such a dangerous place? Someone who doesn't know anything!"

"I have my own considerations." Shanmin seemed not to notice his anger and went on to introduce himself, exposing Kashiwagi's general condition.

When the man heard this, the anger on his face quickly dissipated and he calmed down a lot.

"Are you here to buy Pokémon?" He looked at Kashiwagi and asked in a calm tone.

Kashiwagi was shocked, "I don't know if the Pokémon here come from the wrong way, really! If I had known about it in advance, I wouldn't have come!"

Although there is no need to be afraid of others, it is better to explain clearly what you do not plan to do to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.


As soon as he said this, the man's hand holding the cushion slowly relaxed.

Shanmin also said: "I prove that I tricked him into coming here, and he didn't know about it."


The man's anger that had just subsided suddenly rose again.

"Okay, okay." Shanmin pressed his hand to signal him to calm down. Facing Kashiwagi's puzzled eyes, he smiled and said: "You must have many questions, so let me explain them one by one.

"This is Awu, a dragon trainer from the Land of Dragons. He came to Huangtie Town to track down the stolen single dragon. We happened to have met several times in the Carlos area, so we agreed to help him find these dragons. Pokémon.”

After hearing this, Kashiwagi immediately looked at Awu, and found that although the latter had a strange expression, he still nodded in agreement, and he immediately understood something.

"You may be curious, since we are going to do something so important and hidden, why would I invite you here..." Shanmin said calmly: "On the one hand, I want to know your reaction to the stolen goods, and on the other hand, I want to know your reaction to the stolen goods. I’ll take the opportunity of sending you away to create an opportunity to lay a trap and provide an alibi.”


Ah Wu's expression changed, "Don't involve irrelevant people!"

"Let me finish, Wu." Shanmin shook his head and suddenly lowered his head to apologize, "I'm sorry, I took advantage of you. But please believe that I had absolutely no intention of putting you in danger.

"Whether you are willing to buy those Pokémon or not, I will find a reason to send you back, and you will never be harmed in any way. I am also willing to compensate for your losses and agree to any of your conditions."

Upon seeing this, Awu quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, this idiot Shanmin did such a thing. I will ask him to send you away as soon as possible. There is really no need for you to get involved in such a dangerous thing."

The apology was sincere.

Kashiwagi's little anger dissipated immediately. After all, he owed Shanmin a favor, whether it was the comforting bell or the popularity of the store.

The key is that the other party didn't intend to trick him, but just used the opportunity of picking him up to create some alibi. It didn't cost him much, and it was even equivalent to coming to see the world.

If there really won't be any involvement in the follow-up, there is absolutely no need for compensation.

And to be honest, there was no need to tell him these things, and keeping him in the dark wouldn't do much in the end.

But Shanmin still said it.


Because he showed disgust towards those stolen goods?

Kashiwagi was silent for a while and said, "I still have a question."

"You ask."

Shanmin looked like he knew everything and could talk about everything.

"What is this thing?"

He raised the wooden sign and looked at Awu aside, "I just didn't get the answer just now."

"This is the dragon card, which is a symbol of the dragon trainer's identity. Every mature dragon trainer will be awarded the dragon card." Awu met Shanmin's surprised gaze and said: "You have such a thing, as long as This can explain two problems.

"First, your parents or ancestors are dragon tamers; second, your parents or ancestors know dragon tamers. I personally think you should be a descendant of the dragon people."

"Ah? Why?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment.

"Your eyes and eyebrows are very characteristic of dragon people!" Awu said a reason that made him very speechless.

Shanmin couldn't help but interjected: "Your ancestor was a dragon tamer?"

"I do not know!"

"If your ancestors were dragon trainers, your abilities as a trainer and other talents may be proven."

Shan Min nodded with seriousness, "I see. No wonder I always thought you were incompatible with this place. It turns out you are not an aborigine of Huangtie Town at all!"

What the hell...

Kashiwagi was speechless. His original intention was not to recognize him as an ancestor, but both Awu and Shanmin looked like they had decided to do so.

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