My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 120 Alternate Cadres

The day the big team returns.

Kashiwagi rushed to greet him, found Flobo and tried to ask about the specific situation of the stalemate in Mine No. 2.

Although the latter shook his head silently, from his tired and slightly regretful eyes, it was not difficult to see that Sunagami also paid a considerable price for this.

Fortunately, the team leader unit under the roving singers has not been reduced in number. The ordinary members are not clear. Kashiwagi really can't recognize all their faces, so he can only rely on memory to slowly compare them.

But it can’t match a few pictures.

However, just because Flobo didn't say it didn't mean that others wouldn't say it. The well-informed Otsuka quickly informed Kashiwagi of the number of casualties in this battle.

After hearing the details, Kashiwagi inevitably fell silent.

Looking at the injured alone, hundreds of members of the Sarawak team were seriously injured and forced to retire this time, including several squad leaders and a cadre. Although the number of dead is not large, it symbolizes fresh lives.

For the sake of the two mines, the sand team's vitality was severely damaged.

If the crystal group comes to trouble the sand group again at this time, will they still be able to maintain their usual dominant position?

Kashiwagi didn't know, he only knew that things were developing in a special direction.

The miners of the Bad Dog Team returned to their original mines to continue working. The elderly and children with insufficient labor were decisively eliminated. The Quicksand Team looked down upon their labor force and temporarily arranged them in shacks near the mine.

The captured Vicious Dog members and several high-level officials were placed under house arrest. The fact that they were not thrown directly into the underground mine made him think of some possibility.

Some possibility of expanding the Quicksand Team as quickly as possible.

The next morning.

He received a message from Soshiro and was a little surprised for a moment. The boss should have a lot of things to do. How could he have time to see him?

Only when he arrived at the designated location did Kashiwagi understand the general reason——

Soshiro was injured, and the injury was not serious. A thick bandage could be clearly seen on his waist and abdomen.

Judging from the blood that spilled from the front and back of the bandage when he got up, it appeared to be a penetrating injury.

Obviously this was left over from the confrontation with Luo Qi of the Dog Team, but the latter should not have had a hard time, otherwise he wouldn't have been unable to attack for a long time, and he would have surrendered so easily.

"You surprised me."

Sangshirou, who smelled of medicine, looked a little pale, but he still spoke with a strong sense of authority.

"To be honest, it was not my original intention to fight against the cadres. It was purely a last resort. But fortunately, I survived." Kashiwagi understood that the boss did not want to listen to those lies, and he also knew what he wanted to hear. ——"What's in my heart".

Just go with his wishes.


Faced with such straightforward words, Soshiro not only did not get angry, but nodded with satisfaction and said: "You defeated the cadre, and you barely have the strength of a cadre. But you are still junior and do not have enough prestige in the team. Direct promotion to the cadre is It hurts you.

"So you are still a candidate cadre for the time being. In the future, you will accumulate more reputation in the team and make more friends to increase the number of people who support you. Then you will be able to become a cadre - of course, before that, I allow you to enjoy some of the benefits of a cadre."

"How are cadres treated?"

"You can go to the headquarters building to find out more about it. I've already said hello, go ahead." Soshiro said concisely, and after handing over the pie he had drawn earlier, he began to chase people away.

Kashiwagi had no choice but to leave.

Cadre treatment? What benefits do cadres receive?

As the class next to the highest cadres, cadres are already considered to be the upper echelons of the quicksand team. Presumably the treatment is not just as simple as moving up one floor, but at least several floors.

Turn around.

He came to the headquarters office building and learned about part of the cadre treatment arranged for him by Soshiro through the administrative staff.

First of all, the minimum salary increased from 5 million to 30 million per year, and secondly, the scope of the territory was greatly increased - basically from the cadre who was forced to retire, who took the initiative to retire after receiving a pension.

The decisiveness of the choice is astonishing.

Of course, since Kashiwagi is an alternate cadre, he doesn't have that many team captains to manage the territory, so it is still managed by the original quicksand team members, and he is only responsible for collecting money.

That is to say, they only take money but cannot expand their power to the cadre level. This is the so-called treatment of some cadres.

A range of potential gains, such as treatment for children, were put aside.

The most important thing is that Kashiwagi can make use of the various resources and connections of the Quicksand Team, such as cutting-edge combat uniforms and extraordinary high-tech materials sent by the superior company. As long as the conditions are right, he can obtain them at a small price.

For example, he can directly enjoy VIP treatment at any large underground store that has good relations with the Quicksand Team; he can get discounts at a certain Pokémon massage shop; he can have a professional Pokémon breeder help configure the equipment that is most suitable for his Pokémon. Dream food.

Even if he wants to find something, he can just mention it internally, whether it's a Pokémon or something else, and someone will help him find it, etc.

These are only on the surface, but behind the scenes, as long as Kashiwagi is willing to be greedy, Soshiro allows him to be greedy, buy and sell, borrow chickens to lay eggs, even if the expenditure is huge, it is still easy to save over 100 million.

Other material welfare——

As usual, it’s the latest model of a suspended motorcycle. This time there’s a suspended off-road vehicle, a newly developed high-intensity combat suit, a super large flat-floor mansion located in the core area of ​​the sand group, an independent office building located in the underground city, and More credentials for opening an industry.

Finally, there is a Pokémon worth less than 10 million yuan. The team does not provide it. You can buy it elsewhere. You can go to the team for reimbursement after issuing an invoice.

Generally speaking, except for Kashiwagi, who has no actual power, he has everything that a cadre can enjoy. But for most cadres, it is obviously actual power that makes them crazier.

One cadre controls a squad of 100 people, covering nearly half of a city block. Tens of thousands of people under his command are counting on him for food. Anyone who sees him must nod and bow down, and they dare not say much even if they are flattened by him.

Even if you look at the entire Huangtie Town, they are definitely the upper class.

The rank of squad leader itself is already a category that civilians look up to, and cadres have only dreamed of being an emperor, just like dreaming of being an emperor.

After receiving the relevant benefits of cadres.

Kashiwagi received another bonus for missions and meritorious services - a full year's salary, which is 30 million.

Such a high-level reward made him deeply realize that although the environment in Huang Tiezhen was a bit bad, he could still make a lot of money in a short time by working hard. Presumably many people must have followed suit in his previous life.


Kashiwagi spent half a day moving to his new home.

The main things that took time were the Boscodora shrubs and the two trees. Transplanting them was quite laborious, and finding a suitable planting site was equally laborious——

Because the greening of the new house has been done in advance.

Most people don’t understand the benefits that plants can bring, and the upper floors of the quicksand team certainly don’t. Therefore, the super large flat floor not only brings a wider internal space to Cypress, but also includes a green front yard, a super large area of ​​several hundred square meters. Battlefield backyard.

Needless to say, the decoration is top-notch even from Kashiwagi's perspective in his previous life.

The standard of living has risen to a new level.

There are even several maids assigned in advance inside the house to take care of Kashiwagi and Boss Cordora's daily life, cleaning, etc.

Unfortunately, the latter didn't want strangers to intrude into his personal space, so he only let the maids occasionally come over to do cleaning work and then sent those people away.

The keys to the old house are still there, and the title is still in Kashiwagi's name.

I couldn't find a suitable way to deal with it for a while. Neither Narihiro nor Otsuka felt that it was necessary and would easily cause trouble for them, so they simply put it aside.

After moving to a new home, Boscodora was the most excited.

Because the new house is a large flat floor with only one floor, the floor height is not limited, so it is very satisfying regardless of the height of the door or ceiling.

The vast backyard allows it to move freely without having to be tied down like in the past.

Of course, what attracts it the most is the green plants in the front yard. Seeing the green lawn and clumps of vibrant shrubs, it suddenly feels excited that its life is worth it.

Boscodora's performance also made Kashiwagi particularly embarrassed.

Although he always wanted to give his Pokémon the best, due to various conditions, he had to let Boscado pull them to temporarily compromise.

It feels like I'm painting a Pokémon cake myself, but I still haven't fulfilled my promise.

Not even Aoshiro.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel another sense of urgency - he had to find a way to make a lot of money, otherwise even if he escaped, he wouldn't be able to fulfill Boscodora's wish for a mountain.

Unless you go to an inaccessible remote mountain and old forest to occupy a seat, but I don’t know if such an environment exists.

He learned from the Internet that people in other areas have reached the extreme utilization rate of environmental development, and there is basically no place that they have not set foot on.

Many wild areas are left undeveloped to allow wild Pokémon to achieve a balance between wild Pokémon and humans.

If he, an outsider, rashly takes over the mountain and becomes the king, big trouble may happen.

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