My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 117 Terry asks for help

The sudden change frightened Hei Lujia and Guhunyan.

They stared blankly at the trainer who fell to the ground, as well as the enemy's Pokémon and enemy who also fell and hit the double bomb gas respectively, and their minds suddenly became extremely chaotic.

what's the situation?

Where did the enemy come from?

"Ouch!" "Yummy!"

Fear made the two Pokémon choose to support the trainer without hesitation, but when they were confronting the enemy, doing so was equivalent to giving the opponent a chance.

All of a sudden.

The big-mouthed kid who landed on the ground ignored the sly Tengu who was slowly growing in size and tried to break away from the giant jaws. He clenched his small fist shrouded in brown-red light and gave Heiluga a vicious blow to the side from top to bottom!

Strengthen the punch!



Heiluga woke up from a dream, screamed and flew backwards. After rolling on the ground several times, he couldn't stand up for a while.

It couldn't help but smile, and blazing flames rose up from between the lips and teeth of its giant jaws, striking the growing cunning Tengu again.


The cunning tengu roared in pain.

The big-mouthed boy turned a deaf ear and walked straight towards Heiluga.

I remember Kashiwagi once told it that all canine Pokémon have one characteristic - [Copper-Headed Iron-Bone Tofu Waist], just like hitting a snake seven inches, as long as they hit their waist joints hard, ordinary dogs The Pokémon couldn't bear it at all.

This is the so-called understanding and critical attack.

Now it seems that what Kashiwagi said is indeed correct.

the other side.

Boscodora's huge jet-black tail, which was as thick as one person could embrace it, was shrouded in a silver halo, tearing the air like a long whip, and smashed hard on the body of the eye!


The metal energy exploded like thunder. The enchanting eye could not withstand such a ferocious attack. It was directly smashed into a pile of rocks not far away and became motionless.


Boscodora roared in the sky, and the depression caused by the provocation was instantly swept away.

Seeing that all three Pokémon were taken away, Gilad, who had finally regained his breath with Kashiwagi holding him down with one knee, looked in disbelief.

He never imagined that he would capsize in the ditch and be captured by such a young boy.

If only I had known to look above my head?

If I had known...

"big Bang!"

Gilad shouted hysterically, and the double-bomb gas next to him suddenly lit up with a blazing white light, and the terrifying energy throbbed endlessly, and it was about to explode completely in an instant.

But before the big explosion of the double bomb gas was successfully used, a blue light suddenly enveloped it, and then it flew away involuntarily like a grenade!

On the other side, many Dog members who heard the explosion happened to try to support them.

Boom——! !

A miniature mushroom cloud slowly rose, and the members of the Vicious Dogs and their Pokémon screamed and were blown away in all directions. This also made Gilad completely despair, and he rolled his eyes and fainted.

He was already seriously injured after falling from a height, and now his energy and blood were attacking his heart, and he could no longer hold on.

Kashiwagi took off the Poké Ball from him, took back the Pokémon such as Kuruga one by one, and breathed a sigh of relief in the bright firelight under the dark night sky.

"Finally got it."

He twisted his arm while dripping with sweat, and smiled at the lucky egg next to him, "You can really resist now."


The lucky egg, which transformed into a super hard egg through the evolution stone, screamed happily and ran happily to restore the strength of Big Mouth Baby and Boss Cordora.

After falling from such a high place, even with double-bomb gas and auspicious eggs as cushions, the force of the rebound made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, my physical fitness is very good, so I'll be fine after resting for a while.

In comparison, Gillard is much more miserable.

Fractures were inevitable, but I didn't know how many. Kashiwagi opened his eyes and mouth, and then opened his clothes. After confirming that there should be no internal bleeding points, he nodded with satisfaction.

Living cadres are always more useful than dead ones, but now it is completely different from the charity meeting and the healthy confrontation with the enemy.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Kashiwagi looked at the three Pokémon surrounding him, handed Gilad to Boss Cordora to carry, and was about to look for Narihiro and others who were unknown where they were.

More than two hundred people from the Bad Dog Team came. Although the big explosion just knocked down a lot of people, it also caused even greater commotion.

The next cadre is on the way, so he must hurry up——

Boom——! !

A far more terrifying explosion rose from the sky. The huge mushroom cloud and the sky-high flames made the night brighter, and made Kashiwagi look stunned.

He remembered that there were many large confiscated machines stored there. Were those things blown up?


This probably is--

Kashiwagi frowned. The strong and pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and the lingering light of the fire, coupled with the louder noises around him, made him realize that the explosion should be caused by some kind of explosive.

The purpose of the Dog Team was actually to destroy the confiscated items and directly destroy their jobs.

What a crazy bunch of guys.

He ran quickly in the direction of a security post, and Boscodora, who was carrying Gilad, followed him like a loyal guard.

Never thought about it.

I thought I would encounter one or two vicious dog members on the way, and was forced to fight a few more times. As a result, I arrived at the first guard post very smoothly.

And there happened to be Cheng Hong and others he was looking for at the outpost.

When he got closer, Cheng Hong suddenly jerked his head back.

It took a full two or three seconds for Boscodora to realize that it was their captain, and he quickly ran out, shouting as he ran.

"Kashiwagi! Don't attack! It's me!"

"You kid——"

Kashiwagi looked around, "What are you shouting for? I'm afraid you won't attract the enemy, right?"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Chenghong apologized quickly, and then saw Gilad being carried by Boscodora, "Who is this?"

"I don't know what I call the cadre of the Bad Dog Team. Although I only have half a breath left, in this situation, I can not only blame him, but also take credit."

He patted Chenghong on the shoulder, "Is everyone okay?"

"It's okay. Sister Terry is super strong. Those vicious dog members are no match for her. They were defeated one by one." Cheng Hong said excitedly.


Kashiwagi saw a dozen vicious dog members tied up in the post, including two team captains.


He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the other people in the post. In addition to his team members, there were also a few unfamiliar Quicksand team members, "Where's Terry?"

"Sister Terry has gone to support Lady Ayana. We learned from the prisoners that three cadres from the Dog Team came this time. Sister Terry is worried that Lady Ayana will be killed by three... ah no, two A cadre besieged them."

Chenghong chuckled.

"I see."

Kashiwagi nodded and said: "In that case...then you guys, come with me now, I have a task for you."


Chenghong and others responded in unison, but the other Liusha team members stepped forward and said: "Captain Kashiwagi, Captain Terry ordered us to stay at the post. I'm afraid we can't go with you."

Several other quicksand players nodded.

"...Okay." Kashiwagi saw that they were resolute and did not force it.

If possible, he actually wanted to save these people and take advantage of the situation.

Unexpectedly, the other party still chose to stay behind... You can't just say that you plan to run away, right? In that case, forget it.

In order to avoid extraneous branches, cypress trees no longer talk much.

Rescue Chenghong and others first and then decide whether to support Ayana or rescue all the people who should be rescued, and let everyone abandon the mine and run away.

Thinking like this.

Suddenly, a strong evil aura came from behind.

Kashiwagi's heart tightened and he quickly turned his head. Suddenly, Terry, covered in blood, was standing at the door, breathing heavily.

Next to her was a Pokémon that looked a little strange, resembling a shrub trunk that had lost its roots and grown legs. It was holding three green balls in each of its left and right hands——

Trees are weird.

"Kashiwagi, why are you back?" Terry seemed very confused. His tall body was supported by the tree monster next to him.

Through the weak firelight, Cypress could see the scars on the Shucai Monster's body. It must have been a fierce battle.

"But you came just in time. I need you to help me check on Lady Ayana, Kashiwagi."

She said in a heavy tone.

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