My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 111 Departure of Destiny (10/44)

Chapter 111 Departure of Destiny (1044)

When the large army left in a grand manner, they took the "property" accumulated by the Dog Team over the years.

This force that had been kept in the dark finally reacted.

I heard that they were gathering people and rushing to the two mines outside the town as quickly as possible. There seemed to be a lot of people.

But let's be honest.

Kashiwagi looked at the large mine that was gradually being emptied, and felt that those who were dawdling had no time at all. When they arrived, what would be left in the mine?

Not a hair is left.

I just don’t know if other mines are as smooth as theirs.

"Kashiwagi! Get ready to go!"

Flobo's shout brought him back to his senses, "The main force has basically been gone, and only those of us at the rear are left. The blasting team is ready to blow up all the mine entrances and houses."


"We want the other party to truly realize that this mine will only bring them a drag. This is something we must do, even if it will be troublesome for us to clean up later."

Flobo shrugged.

As he finished speaking, there was a rumble of explosions from the other side of the mine.

Kashiwagi thought of the hundred or so miners, and once again felt the kindness of Liu Ge that was completely different from other cadres.

As the last wave of people evacuated.

The next "battlefield" will be transferred to the Quicksand Team's own mine, and it will be a defensive battle.

The Vicious Dog Team will definitely attack once or twice. If they don't do anything, they will never be able to raise their heads in Huangtie Town in this life. Whether they split the family or bring in a new boss, the loss to reputation and wealth will be immeasurable.

And as long as all the miners are completely transferred to the Quicksand Team's territory in the town through the secret passage, it is almost equivalent to winning.

Even if they don't want to retreat, the members of the Dog Team who were instigated by Akatsuki to rebel will try their best to get them to retreat.

The next process is negotiation.


The Evil Dog Team can do anything under the desperate situation, and it would not be surprising to launch an attack on the other three mines of the Quicksand Team. Therefore, Soshiro sent the remaining teams to the other three mines early.

Even he himself is sitting in one of the mines.

With all the insurance in place, the Bad Dogs can only suffer the loss of being dumb——

In theory.

But there are unforeseen circumstances.

Although fate is on their side, it only has half a foot on it and can take it back at any time.

When Kashiwagi successfully arrived at the mine that needed to be guarded, not-so-good news came from Huangtie Town - a top cadre of the Evil Dog Team was dispatched with seven teams!

Excluding the teams that rushed to the other three mines, this part of them was all out.

Moreover, they did not divide their forces into two groups to block the teams from the two mines, but concentrated their efforts to attack one of them.

at the same time.

Due to various situations, the operations team of another mine did not implement the clean-up tactics smoothly, and it was very likely that they would collide with the large force coming from the Dog Team.

The most important thing is the dispatch of the top cadre of the Dog Team.

It seems that the incident at the mine has angered the other party. They would rather leave the chaotic Dog Team alone, or be jointly targeted by the other two top cadres later, but give the Quicksand Team a counterattack as soon as possible.

This impulsive move really surprised many people.

Did Akatsuki make any efforts to prevent him from dispatching?

God knows.

"It's really too much to attack two mines."

There was a hint of sigh in Flobo's tone, "Brother doesn't agree with taking two at a time. It is easy for three detachments to take one mine, but it is difficult to defend it."

Kashiwagi asked: "So is it the decision of the top cadres to take two mines at once?"

"Of course, the goals are set by the bosses in meetings with the boss. The subordinates like us can only agree and make plans."

Flobo shook his head, "The credit of the subordinates belongs to the superiors, but the responsibility of the superiors is the faults of the subordinates. This is the reality of the current middle and upper levels of the Quicksand Team."

Kashiwagi remained silent.

He suddenly realized that although Frobo referred to himself as "boss" and "boss", he actually didn't have much respect for either of them. He was not as sincere as when he called Liu Ge Big Brother.

"Then what's the next direction of the war?"

"The direction? Of course they separated the people from us and rushed to another mine for rescue. Is it possible to sit back and let the other party successfully defeat the other team, or even 'change'?"

Flobo was a little sad, "Maybe the other party has recaptured one mine and another, and will come towards us again, advancing with great success."

Two seats were taken down by the Dogs in reverse?

If such a thing happened, some forces in Huangtie Town would probably laugh out loud.

"You should have predicted this kind of scenario before the war, right?" Kashiwagi was curious about how to deal with this kind of thing in the original plan.

Frobo smiled, "Chester, the leader of the crystal group, said that if this happens, he will solve it, but do you think he will be the one behind it if the other party's top cadres are dispatched?"

"...Uh, pardon me, but I feel like you're a bit gloating..."

"Of course I'm gloating. This raid is over. From now on, the Suna Group and the Crystal Group will no longer fight as they did before. The unrealistic fantasies of some people are finally over."

It was clear that the crisis was right in front of him, but at this moment Frobo felt as if he had foreseen it in advance and expected it to happen.

At first glance.

It seemed that he and Liu Ge were the ones who were really behind the scenes and asking the top cadres of the Dog Team to take action.

Thinking of a certain guess in his mind about the two of them, Kashiwagi felt more and more that this idea had a certain degree of authenticity.


ten minutes later.

The tune for flowing songs has arrived.

Almost everyone under him rushed to another mine to support them, and there were also some people from the Sanghe team, but Kashiwagi and his team were not among them.

"Although you are staying behind, it does not mean that you are in the safe rear. No one knows whether the Dog Team will launch a surprise attack. Your mission is also very heavy."

Before Flobo left, he warned him sincerely: "But remember to keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. If the mine is gone, you can still find a way to get it back, but if your life is gone, you are really gone. You have to run when you have to." Don’t worry about anyone or anything.”


Kashiwagi nodded, and said worriedly: "Will Boss Soshiro go to support another mine?"

"Of course, when the king meets the king, he will meet the general. This is the most basic rule of Huangtie Town." After Flobo finished speaking, he left with the large army.

The temporary command of Kashiwagi and his team was given to Ayana, an old acquaintance.

"Lady Ayana!"

He quickly ran to report.

Ayana still has rice hair and brown skin, and is 1.8 meters tall. When she saw him coming to say hello, she was neither enthusiastic nor cold, "What kind of bad luck did you have, so that Liu Ge can take the credit for you?" Hey, why aren’t you allowed to go to the battlefield? Are you his illegitimate son? Or maybe your half-brother?”

"Uh... I don't think so."

Kashiwagi laughed twice, it was true that both Liuge and Flobo took care of him a little too much and didn't care when sharing the credit.


Ayana shook her head casually, "I have already set the duty schedule. Your team is responsible for the evening. Is there any problem?"

Kashiwagi saluted and shouted, "No! Thank you for taking care of me, sister-in-law!"

"Don't come here. I hate that your team members are useless. Late night and the second half of the night are key times for the enemy's attack. Where can I leave it to your team? If you are willing, I don't care if you are on duty longer... "

"It's not impossible..."

"Just say it casually, don't take it seriously."


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