My doppelganger drama

Chapter 593 Mysteries abound

Wan Yi found the Green Goblin who had been having a great time here recently.

I have always dreamed of having my own base camp and arsenal. The experience of simulated management is simply overwhelming, and the Green Goblin is in a great mood.

Although the place has not had time to be further renovated and looks very simple, Wan Yi and others who share the same hobbies as the Green Devil are very enthusiastic.

This is what a kid who just got a new toy looks like.

And Wan Yi drew a lottery today to check the current golden circle and deal with it afterwards. It's enough to be happy and don't let down the business.

The acceptance of Yijia is only one aspect. Wan Yi has obtained the skins of a group of the strongest scientific research madmen in the world. The memories of these people are treasures, and many of their ideas have benefited Wan Yi a lot.

Then it’s about agreeing to other people’s various arrangements.

Although old Miller was still in his prime, Wan Yi sent him to the location of the refugee movement based on Sha Qiu's thoughts.

Under Shen Yuezhi's management and the help from all parties, the refugee movement was going very well. Even because of the accident of the Silver and Gold Union, the oppression they had been facing was suddenly gone. On the other hand, they also got the opportunity to develop.

Countless people were displaced during the war. The open banner of the refugee movement and the resources accumulated gave them full confidence to accept these poor people.

In this process, education issues were put on the agenda despite the busy schedule.

Only proper education can speed up the digestion of a large and burdensome population. In this regard, Shen Yuezhi gained experience from Dawn United.

Old Miller went to work as a teacher in a lower class and take care of the children. When we made a deal with Miller before, we also sent our children to the refugee movement.

Now that he can stay away from disputes and take care of these children himself, it should be a very comfortable retirement life for the elderly.

Apart from that, the rest is mostly Wan Yi's own business.

The troupe was in the limelight, and in the eyes of many was the culprit behind the chaos in the Golden Circle.

Although Wan Yi originally didn't want to take the blame, he insisted that he just wanted to fire a salute, but the brothers behind him used him as a starting gun and rushed at him harder and harder.

However, this matter actually has no harm to the outside world. Even if the attention even surpassed Baicang for a while, the troupe had already been closely followed by many people after Wanyi destroyed the island.

The Golden Circle thing just added fuel to the fire.

How can Baijia not be famous? Now that Wan Yi's routine is known, these people can't prevent it.

Not to mention that Wan Yi didn't bother to focus on places like the Silver and Gold Alliance.

Wan Yi is more concerned about what Gui Yiyi thinks.

Although they are secretly friendly with each other, and no matter how non-stick the troupe is during the Golden Circle Incident, the live broadcast of the massacre will not be fake.

Wan Yi is more concerned about whether those aspiring people in Guiyi will change their policy of contacting the theater group because of this.

However, even if I say I care, I don’t really care.

After all, the Book of Disaster is still in Wan Yi's hand. Gui Yiyi should not let Wan Yi run around with this thing.

As for Guiyiyi, Wan Yi received a contact from Suer, the acting chief of Guiyiyi, although he had obtained the contact information very early, but had never used it.

Su'er's representative Gui Yi was not here to hold him to account. He just asked Wan Yi about the general situation and then made no comment.

What they were more concerned about seemed to be the giant red shadow The One that appeared briefly.

Shang Yang was too ruthless, and the one and only was eaten to pieces by the rats, making it difficult for Wan Yi to trace his origins.

However, after Gui Yiyi revealed such an intention, Wan Yi made a tentative inquiry, but unexpectedly received a reply from Su'er without hesitation.

The reason why The Only One is not recorded in the archives is not very complicated, it is just because it is too long ago.

However, this reason can also give Wan Yi a lot of daydreams.

The One knows the complete body of the genealogy family, and the hatred value is so high that it can even be suspected that it was severely beaten by the genealogy family when it was the whole body.

Perhaps what Sand Dune said to Sand Dune in its memory was not just lies to fool others into believing it.

But this has created new problems.

Since The Only One has not been recorded for a long time, why does Guiyi pay attention to his whereabouts?

Suer came to ask directly, ruling out the possibility that those genealogists might have reacted, and it could basically represent Guiyi itself.

It can only be said that the secret behind Guiyi is probably no less than that of the fake leader of Baicang. The main answer should focus on the Guiyi leader who Wan Yi has never come into contact with at present.

Then think about it again, in this incident, the Fallen Brotherhood is actually the primary conflict with The One. The boss of the Fallen Brotherhood also knew the Genealogy family and even insisted on keeping her.

This aspect is quite different from the attitude of the fake leader.

The fake leader completely indulges the genealogy family, neither helping nor harming them.

Although there should be some hidden protection in taking the music score under his command, it is not as big as the brotherhood.

The Fallen Brotherhood became interested in the contact between Sand Dune and The One, and directly sent three three-stage disasters. As far as elites are concerned, the hidden power of the Fallen Brotherhood cannot be underestimated.

The axis of all this lies in the genealogy family, and the current axis of the genealogy family is the little waste chromatogram.

Just thinking about it makes me feel uneasy.

Wan Yi even came up with the idea that since the genealogy family was so popular, he should kill him first.

Of course, I'm just thinking about it for the time being. The relationship with the Brotherhood is currently tepid. With Jeffrey and Mouse Rost, it can even be said to be pretty good. There is no reason for the inexplicable stalemate.

He is now very curious about what exactly the genealogist was back then.

So important.

He is suspected to be related to Gui Yiyi, to the leader of Bai Cang, and to the boss of the Fallen Brotherhood. He is also described as the only being who once truly pushed the world to a desperate situation.

In my mind, I recall the appearance of the poor loser under the cardboard box where the chromatogram was covered by myself. It is really difficult to think of it.

After that, in addition to the mystery of the genealogy that has come to Wan Yi's head, there is another doubt.

After the Deep Aether Research Center, the Deep Aether Furnace Aristotle was demolished, what was taken from it, and the person who killed Sledger.

Wan Yi made Sledge's body into a skin bag.

The attacker's technique was very gentle, so gentle that Sledge's body was not damaged at all.

The production of skin bags went smoothly as a result.

Wan Yi knew at that time that the fake leader with poor clothing had come to the Golden Circle without anyone noticing through the convenience of Little Robben.

The real purpose of the transaction between Baicang Cult and Xiao Luo Ben was not to expand their influence, but to become a deep ether research center.

The mystery carried by Sledge also appeared in front of Wan Yi along with his memory.

The thing that the fake leader took away was an important item that he had asked Sledger to cooperate with and gave to him out of trust.

That, another book.

It is very similar to the Book of Disaster, but it is a dark book with a black cover.

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