My doppelganger drama

Chapter 552 Battle of Antarctica

The Antarctic of this world.

Several figures came to an ice field.

At this time, the windy and snowy ice field was not calm, or it was very lively. There were traces of beasts running around everywhere. However, the beasts here were a little restless because there were too few people here in Antarctica. After they had just finished eating, most of them no longer wanted to keep any more.

It was only because of the pressure from these beast owners that he did not leave immediately.

This environment is a bit exciting for the entities that want to seize the body. I really envy these active low-level beasts around me. A person hugged himself tightly with his hands and said with a forced smile. The pattern on his face was that of a vulture.

It's your fault for snatching a useless body. A tall blond man with a bear totem next to him said coldly in a windbreaker.

Aren't human bodies all the same to us? Speaking of which, is it really okay for the leader to use a temporarily snatched body? The vulture looked at the tall figure at the front and said.

Although our existences are similar in most aspects, there are occasionally some people with extraordinary talents. They are such anomalies, Xiong said.

Yeah. The vulture was still convinced, and then said: Let's get closer to him. It's warm around him.

If you don't control the distance well, you may get burned. The bear didn't care. He was not afraid of the cold.

The vulture slowly came forward, and suddenly felt a heat wave coming from the front, and the surrounding wind and snow made it difficult to get close to the area around it.

After walking for a while, the figure in front suddenly stopped.

We're here. A dull voice came.

The vultures and bears cheered up and stepped forward.

However, the vulture still carefully looked at the profile of the person in front of him.

It has an ordinary face, an oriental face, a straight nose, a rigid and serious temperament, and the pattern on its face is a red oriental dragon.

The open space ahead looked normal, but in the eyes of the three beast owners, it was an extremely large high-energy information node.

As long as it is destroyed, the information pouring out can quickly expand the opening of the singularity and accelerate its fixation.

Long raised his chin slightly to signal, and the vulture and bear began to operate one after another.

The power of purple and brown rises, and a large amount of information flow condenses and then impacts the nodes.


Cracks appeared in the space instantly, and fine black cracks spread out layer by layer and then shattered.

In an instant, a singular point is formed.

Nais! Let's finish the work easily, let's hurry up...

As soon as the vulture said his delighted words, the dragon and the bear's eyes suddenly froze and they quickly moved away.

The vulture slowed down a bit, but it also felt something strange coming out of the newly opened singularity!

Generally, the first thing that is attracted after the singularity is opened is a large number of lower-level beasts, but the aura felt at this time is far beyond the comparison of lower-level beasts!

The black void exploded from the opening of the singularity, covering everything it touched. The vulture that was unable to retreat was also swallowed up, and the left half of the bear's body that was slower was also eliminated.

Only the dragon retreated unscathed.

This level of information it him? Xiong quickly filled in half of his body, his eyes serious.

Long looked quietly at the huge pit in the ice field that suddenly appeared in front of him.

The rats began to run around the polar regions. They scratched at the newly opened borders of the singularity and slowly filled and repaired it.

In front of the singularity, a young man with gray hair walked slowly among the rats.

In one hand, he held the half-remaining head of the vulture body, breathing white from his mouth, and with the other hand, he took off the blindfold from his left eye.

I originally wanted to find a suitable high-energy node to drill out, but in the end I accepted your wishes. The candlelight in Shang Yang's left eye swayed in the wind and snow, watching the dragon and bear in front of him.

Mouse... The bear was about to say something when he was stopped by the dragon.

He killed the dog and the pelican. Our positions have been divided. There is nothing to say. Long said calmly, and then took steps towards Shang Yang.

Huh? Dragon? Only then did Shang Yang notice the dragon pattern on Duo She's body in front of him.

Interesting, when did you find a new master? He asked curiously.

You seem to be from the same country as my previous host. I am indeed quite famous in that country. Long said casually.

Well, there are all kinds of reputations, but they are all for Dragon Master Mr. Ye Xingya and have nothing to do with you, a greedy evil dragon. Shang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

What humans think really has nothing to do with me. I gave Ye Xingya what he wanted, and even allowed him to remain free for many years when he reached his peak, and then took back everything when he reached the end of his peak. It was a battle full of kindness. trade.

After saying that, Long paused and added: I found this body randomly. I have tasted the taste of a human being. I have no intention of looking for a host again. It is just for temporary use to cooperate with the operation.

Normally speaking, if a beast owner wants to seize a human, he needs to first become a human's master beast, combine with the master's animal nature, and then spend a lot of time cultivating and adjusting, so as to create a perfect body-receiving entity.

But Long actually said that he found him randomly...

Are you pretending, or are you really confident?

Shang Yang, who had heard the reputation of Dragon Beast Master, was more willing to believe it was the latter.

And he immediately said a little irritably: That's all, I'm tired of hearing the condescending rhetoric from you high-level beasts.

He tilted his head slightly, and the fire in his left eye swelled slightly: Do you have any last words?

I don't want to die yet. Xiong sweatdropped.

No. Long replied straightforwardly.

That's good.

Shang Yang just finished speaking.

Don't keep grabbing my head and moaning! Suddenly there was a sharp roar above the head, and a huge vulture fell from the sky and directly covered Shang Yang.

Long frowned slightly.

The bear hurriedly shouted at the same time: Don't use the main body!


But it's still too late.

The black sphere directly engulfed the vulture's body. The eyes on its remaining head were wide open, and it fell helplessly into the group of rats, which quickly ate up the remaining parts.

Idiot, you don't deserve it. Don't you understand why I picked up your head in my hand first? The head in his hand suddenly lost its vitality as the body died. Shang Yang threw it away with an expressionless face but a full tone. It's contempt.

As soon as I finished doing this, a heat wave hit me, and the gray sky was instantly dyed orange.



The flames brought a huge explosion...

The favorite development direction of most beast owners is high-intensity attacks, which are essentially information destruction.

There are many ways to destroy information.

The shapes are different, but the speeds are different.

This is the mainstream among beast owners.

But precisely because of the mainstream, there are countless researchers, and the gap between high and low will become more obvious.

Shang Yang has seen countless types of information destruction, but the fire in front of him is undoubtedly the most powerful one.

It was about to burn away the essence of everything, and the destination of all the information under the flames had been determined - turned into ashes.

A large area of ​​the rat swarm was burned instantly.

The fire light spread out, and the dragon's body was wrapped in explosive flames and bullied it.


The flames on the dragon's body quickly dimmed. His eyes flashed but he did not stop. After leaving a few burning footprints on the ice field with his feet, he speeded up again, and his seemingly small figure rushed away from the huge wind and snow. , the flames on his body also expanded further!

Long's hand grabbed Shang Yang, but as soon as he reached out, a black line crossed his arm, and his arm was cut off smoothly!

Dog cutting!? Xiong originally wanted to take action, but after feeling the dragon's fire, he immediately did not dare to step forward. While watching, he saw Shang Yang's finger sliding movement and was very surprised.

Not really.

It's just that the form is very similar, but the essence is still the use of [Black]. Shang Yang also knows that sometimes [Black] starts very slowly, but he also experienced something new in the battle with the dog.

The dog's cutting function is very fast, and if it is mastered carefully enough, it can be directly turned into a meat grinder. If the output is increased, it can easily open mountains.

What Shang Yang wants to learn is the part of starting speed. The power of compressing and deleting information is more precise. Deleting that is thin enough is also cutting.

Long's movements were chaotic, and Shang Yang punched Long in the face with his right hand.


There was a muffled sound, and Long's body leaned back slightly. Shang Yang was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack. Long quickly adjusted his body, and punched quickly with his remaining intact arm, which collided with Shang Yang's elbow.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the right arms that Shang Yang and Long touched immediately began to burn.

The dragon's severed limbs were quickly replenished.

The two started a dazzling fight in the flames. The flames and the rats continued to cover each other. Over and over again, fiery red and pitch black frequently intertwined. In the blink of an eye, the two figures were reflected in each other's fists and feet again.

The bear stared at the border.

What kind of ultimate battle is this?

It is difficult for beast owners to think highly of anyone. The bear has heard about the reputation that dragons have gained in the physical world. It has its own opinions in its heart, but it will never admit it boldly.

But now, it doesn't matter what it thinks.

This gap in strength is just like the beast master's relationship with the lower-level beasts.

If the bear interferes with this, even if it gets caught in a ball of fire or touches the darkness, it will immediately lose its combat effectiveness and can only survive by hiding its true body.

There is also a gap between genius and mediocrity among beast owners.

There is a hard-working type like a dog who can barely touch the edge of genius through painstaking efforts and interlocking.

There are also idiot types like vultures.

Most of them are unknown beast owners like Xiong. They think that the improvement in strength is enough and do not think that they will encounter any danger. The physical world can be destroyed easily, and the beast owners will not conquer each other and be falsely accused. Dazzled by the sense of security.

And now, this battle between dragon and rat, red and black, made him realize——

The gap is so real and cruel.

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