My doppelganger drama

Chapter 548 Super Stowaway

San Wan also continued on his way with Ruoshi.

The barrage still seems to be unfinished.

[As a result, the anchor only picked the one with the best fight among the three most powerful ones. The one with the dog tattoo and the white-haired guy ended up not being able to touch each other]

[The anchor is willing to be on it, which is already great, right?]

[Aren’t the people in C all the big logistics guys? By the way, the logistics guy was swallowed up and he didn’t expect to come back! 】

【Fate is really big】

[But the host’s fox is really outrageous. It was just an ordinary beast a few days ago, but now it’s completely unrecognizable from its original appearance]

[Their company accounts for so much of the herd boundary zone, so I guess they are also doing corresponding research]

[Does the anchor of the quick method of mastering beasts sell it? 】

I ignored some unimportant requests, and after all, I seemed to be confused.

He didn't know why his beast became like that. He thought the three support staff must have done something to his fox, but he couldn't feel anything wrong.

Anyway, the beneficiary of the beast master becoming stronger must be him as the beast master, so he has no dissatisfaction.

As for the beast's disobedience, it seems that if we stay together forever, we should always be at peace with each other!

I guess so.

For Logistics Wan Yi, the one who was swallowed by the Pelican Master before is naturally dead.

The real way to die was not to be eaten by the Pelican. He entered the Pelican's body just to maximize the benefits of compatibility.

Then give it to Hu Wanyi to eat.

So he was actually eaten by Fox Wanyi along with the Pelican Master.

This is the real cause of death.

Fox Wanyi has nothing to resist. After all, its belly has been touched. So isn't it a normal part of Wanyi's ecology that you sacrifice your life to help me?

The Pelican Master is the first Beast Master that Hu Wanyi has eaten. Even if you put aside the things that the Pelican stores in its big mouth, its own power reserve is not weak at all.

The abilities I wanted to obtain were successfully obtained through compatibility.

Even more powerful than it thought.

The pelican's accommodating capacity makes the actual space reserve in its body extremely large. Although Wan Yi now uses a huge shadow world to transport things on weekdays, there are always parts of the shadow that are difficult to reach.

When eating and absorbing the pelican, Hu Wanyi also experienced knowledge about a number of in-depth information operations such as accommodation, storage, and transfer.

In terms of information manipulation in this area, it may now be more sophisticated than the Pelican itself.

As long as it has some homogeneous information about the target, it can actively help the other party transfer it into its own body, whereas the Pelican has to passively rely on others to transfer it on its own.

This ability is of little use in combat.

But when it comes to homogeneous information, everything can be said to be true.

In the past, when Wan Yi had to carry out a large-scale clone transfer, he could only go to the scene in person and separate a large number of clones, and then exchange the new clones with the old clones who wanted to participate in the operation to achieve the purpose of strategic transfer.

Now, Hu Wan can also do this alone, bypassing the main body.

It's just a bit heavy on the stomach.

A very good ability.

Fox Wanyi was chatting with other Wanyis in the group about how to play this ability. Many clones expressed their desire to experience the feeling in the fox's belly in advance.

At this time, Wan Yi, who was leading the way, suddenly said: We seem to have reached the border city of the next country.

It seems to lift the spirits together with the barrage.

He almost felt like he was losing his mind after talking to the three Wanyi and Danmu all the time. Let's get some other people to interact with him!

He accelerated his pace excitedly and caught up with the logistics staff in front, and then his eyes suddenly opened up...


There is indeed a city in front of us, but it is a dilapidated city.

The city itself is relatively backward, with no high-rise buildings, but this also makes the sight wider. They stood on a higher slope and had a panoramic view of the general situation of the city.

This article is filled with smoke in the city and has lost all popularity.

It looks like a bombed area during the war.

He seemed to be stunned: What is going on?

No one could answer him. After being stunned, they walked directly towards the city.

There was no expected danger, no man, no beast.

It reminded Wan Yi and others of a civilized world that the anchor SR once visited and was invaded by the spirit world. This place is just like there.

What the beasts want is the entity life of higher intelligence. Of course, the lower the level, the less picky the beasts are about food. Most of them will even eat bugs.

The violent beasts are very terrifying when they form a beast tide, and they will definitely pursue high-quality food like humans.

And after the humans in an area are eaten clean, and there is nothing worth remembering, they will leave without stopping and go to the next feeding point. The few lowest-level beasts left behind will eat up most of the insects and the like here, and then leave.

The last thing left is the world in front of us.

Greed is unbridled.

It seems that I have never seen this kind of scene with my own eyes, but I have only heard some descriptions when I communicated with SR in private before.

It was difficult for him to understand the inexplicable loneliness in SR's tone at that time.

But now I feel something.

Although it is not a world, watching the human beings who created the magnificent scene die without any trace left, and the beasts who were the instigators paid no attention to the remaining traces of human civilization, and only frantically chased the fragile human beings themselves.

A sense of absurd humiliation arose spontaneously.

Everything the people here do seems worthless.

Just then, the sound of wheels crushing earth and rocks was heard.

It seemed that I suddenly felt a little energetic.

Several tens of thousands of people also looked over.

Coming out of the corner was an armored fighting vehicle.

It’s not quite what I expected, but it fits the situation here.

The armored vehicle stopped in front of the four people. Several soldiers with weapons quickly got out of the vehicle. At the same time, they also called out several beasts, and then they seemed to be approaching them.

Who are you? Refugees? a soldier asked.

The accent was a bit strange, it was in another language, but it was translated naturally to Wan Yihe's ears.

We crossed the border and came from a big country in the northeast. Wan Yi said bluntly.

Several soldiers were stunned.

Good guy, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a stowaway!

As if he thought they didn't understand, he explained kindly: That is to say, we put a lot of effort into sneaking here.

Just after he finished speaking, he himself was stunned for a moment. When did he become so promiscuous?

Normally, when he saw someone pointing a gun at him, his legs would have started to tremble, but now he was not only relaxed but even had the heart to talk dirty.

Rather, he understood that if a few people who came here as smugglers collided with what seemed to be the official army here, the result would definitely not be good.

So saying dirty words at this time may be to comfort yourself in advance and show off.

You are lying. At this time, a soldier said.

Huh? He seemed confused.

A large-scale beast tide occurred in the northeast. This city was engulfed by the beast tide. How could the four of you come from there?

The three Wan Yihe seemed to have finished listening and looked at each other.

Surprised, he is actually very smart!

You must be local refugees, so you are scared. I didn't expect that there would be survivors after just a casual search and rescue.'s nothing. In short, it will be fine once we are here. We will send you to a safe place. Come on Get in the car. Another soldier responded quickly and said to the four of them.

The four people were invited into the car, and the soldiers reported to the radio that they had found four survivors, and then drove around the city before preparing to leave.

He seemed to understand something when he looked at the soldiers sitting in front of him.

Although the four of them looked a little embarrassed after just walking through the mountains and forests, they had no injuries at all and their equipment was complete.

No matter how you think about it, you can't be a refugee.

However, if they are stowaways, they are stowaways who came from the mountains and forests of Northeast China.

Combined with the beast tide in the mountains and forests, and the tragic situation of the city.

In this case, who can be smuggled in from over there, can their team easily deal with it?

Really smart.

After thinking about it, I seemed a little uneasy again.

Just because this team can't handle them doesn't mean that no one can handle them when they are brought to the rear.

Wouldn't it be dangerous for them to follow?

Thinking of this, he planned to wink at the three support staff.

As a result, as soon as they turned around, the three of them leaned on each other's shoulders and dozed off.

Damn it? As a result, he turned out to be the peak IQ in the team this time! ?

He seemed stunned and looked at the barrage.

There were also people who understood in the barrage and seemed to issue a reminder.

As if with a bitter look on his face, he pointed the camera towards the three people who had slept to death.

The reminder on the barrage suddenly turned into [Send] filling the screen.

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