My doppelganger drama

Chapter 496 Compatible Performance

After hearing the shouts, the masked man in front continued to attack without hesitation.

Wan Yi also turned around and pulled the person behind him in front of the opponent's attack as a backing.


The person behind him received a punch, the data stream on Wan Yi's chest disappeared, the compatibility was completed, and the part of the opponent's arm that reached into Wan Yi's chest was cut off on the spot.

Ah! He screamed, his arm was broken for no reason, and he was knocked aside by his own family's attack.

The arms on the chest were blended into Wan Yi's body.

It's just an ordinary arm. It's both human flesh and blood, so it won't cause any special changes if it's compatible with it.

Slightly adjusting the flesh and blood obtained from this part can make the arm muscles a little stronger.

The masked man briefly glanced at the teammate next to him, but didn't pay much attention to his injury. He took out something from his waist with both hands, and then flicked it at Wan Yi.

Wan Yi didn't see clearly for a moment and subconsciously stretched out his hand to resist.


The first moment was as if a nail had been pierced into the arm, and before the severe pain could spread, the arm exploded.

Blood and flesh spattered, Wan Yi's eyes widened slightly, but this was the biggest reaction.

He and the masked man looked at each other, and the masked man touched his waist again, and quickly threw out several invisible white jade needles.

Wan Yi moved sideways and tried his best to dodge. When he was almost hit, he grabbed the person next to him with a severed hand and blocked it in front of him.


The white jade needle is very penetrating and has a high degree of penetrating power against barriers formed by various energies. After entering the human body, the nature of the internal force will change and then explode.

This convenient transformation ability is achieved by qualitative change, if the other party does not have any skills.

The person who was used as a human shield was blown to pieces. Wan Yi grabbed a piece of mutilated flesh in his hand and took a look. A scarlet data stream flashed from his severed arm. He removed the irregular piece of flesh and blood. Placed on the broken arm.


The flesh and blood were changed, followed by the sound of a printer operating, and an arm with completely wrong skin color and a large amount of exposed red muscles appeared.

Clenching his fist and loosening it, Wan Yi said: It's not bad, there's nothing wrong with it.

There was cold sweat on the masked man's forehead.

Was that a qualitative change just now? A little too weird. Qualitative changes can easily lead to misalignment between body and spirit. How could anyone choose such a qualitative change that further increases the burden on the body?

Is this person really just a security guard at this theater?

Fortunately, the other people who were stunned at the beginning also recovered at this time and surrounded Wan Yi one after another.

Why do you seem to have more confidence when there are more people? Wan Yi said after looking around.

As soon as the masked man raised his hand, the people around him immediately rushed toward Wan Yi.

Wan Yi leaned forward, clapped his hands, and black waves swept out around him.

After being swept away by the wave, these people suddenly began to feel a little weak inside. They had already done this kind of killer attack countless times, but now they just encountered a more difficult opponent.

But after only a few rounds of fighting, and one person died, they all suddenly felt a little...scared?

This fear is not only reflected in their hearts. In fact, due to the drag of their emotions, their moves are indeed not so flexible and fierce.

The originally neat array suddenly became lax.

This is not something you can resist by firming up your heart.

The fear of being forced in, the fear of pulling the entity, is a negative idealism in a sense.

Wan Yi, who only parried normally when facing the siege, was a little embarrassed, but he quickly caught the opponent's flaw and launched a counterattack.

The masked man wanted to cover his teammates, but he couldn't find a chance. He occupied the perimeter and did not directly participate in the siege. He also saw even more terrifying things happen.

He didn't see clearly what Wan Yi did, but he saw that after his teammates suddenly fell down one by one, his body, which had obviously become a little sluggish, did not let him continue to move forward.

The body fell, but a deformed monster remained.

The monster's body was sewn with a large amount of mixed flesh and blood, most of its limbs, and a small part of its organs.

Looking at the fallen people, their bodies were more or less dug out with large pieces of flesh and blood.

Then, on the face that no longer looked human, the only remaining eye that had changed from horizontal to vertical looked at the masked man.

Fear can drag people down, but sometimes it can also catalyze people to inspire unprecedented strength.

The moment the masked man's fear exploded, he quickly made several consecutive gestures with his hands in front of him, alternating fists and palms, and the nature of his internal force underwent no less than four changes in a short period of time!

According to what I have seen before, this person is a character who has undergone qualitative changes more than five times.

A large number of qualitative changes are superimposed, and with the operation of a certain skill, the opponent's aura expands to dozens of times than before!

Wan Yi, who was already a flesh and blood monster, was stunned for a moment, and then pounced directly on him.

All the arms that were attached to the body were opened, and the bloody hands grabbed towards the opponent.

The masked man also struggled to hit the highest level of his life.


The stone tiles on the floor exploded, sending smoke and dust everywhere, and then scattered again.

The man maintained his final exertion posture and gasped violently. In front of him, Wan Yi had turned into a ball of rotten flesh and was still squirming on the ground. seems like it's gone. The human body's flesh and blood are too compatible and it just adds to the burden. Hmm. On the ground, a tattered mouth held by both hands spoke.

The man looked at the mouth, stretched out his hand, and the white jade needle shot out, breaking it into pieces.

Then he took a look at the minced meat around him, then used the needle again, crushing all the pieces of meat that looked a little big into minced meat before giving up.

After doing this, he relaxed a little.

After paying a huge price, he finally defeated such a powerful enemy.

This kind of character is guarding the theater. In addition to their goals, there may be some kind of secret hidden in the theater. They need to report it quickly...

Suddenly, a figure rose from the shadow behind a street lamp, and then walked slowly towards him.

The masked man quickly looked warily.

I’ve never seen a man before, but if he comes out at this time, he’s coming with bad intentions!

He directly shot out a white jade needle as a test.

The visitor raised his hand casually again, and the white jade needle was completely driven into his arm.

But nothing happened...

How is that possible? The masked man was frightened.

Are there any experts?

Thanks for participating in today's off-field farce, but it's time for this drama to end.


The familiar sound of a printer sounded again, and the scarlet data stream flashed on the opponent's arm. Then, the arm gradually became colored like white jade.


The masked man's pupils shrank sharply.

The same ability as the person just now? ! It turns out it can only absorb flesh and blood!

Now it’s the needle that absorbs him!

Such a terrifying qualitative change would be unimaginable if this behind-the-scenes organization could steadily produce multiple elite soldiers who could be put to good use!

But now, what the masked man needs to think about is evacuating from here.

He had a premonition that his actions tonight would be a disaster.

Suddenly, the other party removed the arm that had transformed into white jade directly in front of him, and then swung it toward him forcefully.

It seemed to be open and closed, but the force-generating technique made the masked man feel familiar.

In the blink of an eye, the arm had flown to his eyes.

He reacted to the limit and stretched out his hand to block it, but the more familiar penetrating force exploded, and the white jade hand pierced his shoulder.

The masked man's pupils trembled violently, and he felt familiar internal forces and familiar changes.

This is what he is good at!

Then the next development is...

Thank you. The other party smiled, picked up a few pieces of meat from the ground, reattached it to the broken arm, and then waved with the newly attached arm.


The masked man exploded from his shoulders, directly affecting his head. Finally, the upper part of his chest was blown apart, and the rest of his body fell down weakly.

Wan Yi glanced at the corpse and said in his mind: The door is settled.

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