My doppelganger drama

Chapter 491 Underground Transformation Fight

The permissions of Lucas' temporary worker card have been upgraded. Although he is still a temporary worker, his permissions are several levels higher than before, and he can go to most areas in the research center.

These include high-risk restricted areas that he could not enter as a general temporary worker before.

Karenina had said it more vaguely before, but it was actually a place where people used for research purposes were imprisoned.

As long as it is a research institute that studies etheric energy and disasters, this kind of place is basically the standard.

After the conversation, Sledge invited Lucas and Karenina to have a meal, during which they chatted about their respective affairs.

Sledger shared his previous study experience and the difficulties he encountered in setting up a research institute.

Most of the time it was the old man talking, and Lucas and Karenina basically just listened.

But from Wan Yi's perspective, the old man's few words revealed a magnificent life experience.

After dinner, it was getting late, so Karenina and Lucas left first.

The two of them walked on the street illuminated by street lights, and no one spoke for a while.

After thinking about it, Lucas asked: Senior sister, why did you transfer to the Second Research Institute in the first place?

Karenina smiled, looked at him and said, Do you doubt your own impression because of Sledge's words?

Lucas nodded feigning uncertainty.

Seeing this, Karenina shook her head and said: The teacher didn't treat me very much, but when my ability reached a certain level, I naturally realized something and then talked to the teacher.

Lucas listened quietly.

Both of us confessed, but we couldn't reach a deal in the end, so I helped him complete two projects in return and left. I couldn't really get ahead in the Third Research Institute, Karenina said calmly. .

Lucas said: So Old Dong...teacher, he is indeed what Sledge said?

The teacher is a sour lemon, and very insecure. I heard that he was originally able to enter Sky Island Zero, but was robbed of his spot by a conspiracy. After that, the sourness skyrocketed. Karenina said in a joking tone.

Lucas nodded slowly.

That old guy is really nice to you. Compared to me, who is too ambitious, and Robben, who has many ideas, you are obviously much simpler. Although it sounds ironic, you can give him a sense of security. . If everything develops step by step, maybe when you wait for him to retire and you grow up smoothly with him, the Third Research Institute will be yours in the future.

Karenina looked at him with inexplicable meaning.

Lucas' pace slowed slightly, from being ahead of Karenina to being slightly behind her.

Who knows, the Third Research Institute is gone. Lucas said with some indifference.

Karenina glanced at him in surprise, then nodded: That's right, there's no need to think so much.

Speaking of this, senior sister, since you switched to the Second Research Institute to get ahead, what is this now...? Lucas became curious about another thing.

Karenina smiled sarcastically and said vaguely: Just act like a fool and recognize the reality after hitting the wall one after another.

After that, the two said nothing more, and Lucas helped Karenina to her apartment and separated.

Things here are settled. Looking back, Lucas said in his mind.

We saw it, please.

What are you saying to yourself to thank you? Alas, I kind of miss Bishop Jumping Spider.

Haha, why, are you disgusted by the golden circle?

A little bit. I don't really want to mingle in the crowd. Maybe spiders are more suitable for me. Lucas also admitted decisively.

After staying with spiders or half-spider people for a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable with too serious interpersonal relationships.

Not to mention it is still in a high-intensity research environment.

Wan Yi still has some strong resistance there.

So I think a verbal thank you is still necessary, it can make people feel better after a busy day. Green Devil said with a smile.

When it comes to the intensity of work in this area, you are probably the most tired.

Well, haha, I still enjoy it. By the way, if you want to vent, there is a suitable activity here in the Golden Circle, which should be more suitable for you.

Oh, I saw it, I'll go over and have a look. Lucas responded directly.

He moved straight forward, but a car passed by behind him, its headlights flashed brightly, and then disappeared.

Underground transformation wrestling.

If boundary live streaming is the most popular entertainment activity on the surface of the Golden Circle, then on the dark side of the Golden Circle, it is full of blood, madness and cruelty, and an entertainment activity that allows people to vent their stress during the day is underground transformation. Wrestling.

There are hundreds of arenas in the entire Golden Circle. Some arenas even look like stadiums in the complete world. They were built openly and honestly. In the city circle of Sky Island No. 3, one arena has even become a landmark building.

This is not exactly a black enterprise, more accurately, it is a very pure gray.

If we were joking, this might be considered a national movement in the Golden Circle.

Lucas came to a gladiatorial arena where the Green Goblin showed him the way.

This is the nearest relatively large underground renovated arena. As soon as Lucas entered, he felt the atmosphere of people coming and going even though it was late at night.

There are many people active in the Golden Circle at night, and their proportion in the entire Golden Circle is not low.

There are many people involved in this kind of activity.

The hall is a bit dirty, but it is not cramped. It is even spacious. Various events are constantly updated on the big screen, and the approximate odds of different people in different events are very considerately marked.

Sure enough, gambling is inevitable in a place like this.

There are all kinds of people here, but most of them are well-dressed and domineering.

The appearance of Lucas, a fair and frail image, inevitably attracted some prying eyes.

He stood in the hall for a while, and after a while, the noise monster came.

With the completion of Wanyi's initial layout, the division of labor between different clones has gradually become clearer.

The Green Goblin who leads the overall situation and runs the company group, the Philosophical Brother who is responsible for the management of theaters and troupes, and the Modern Brother who is a nimble thug and leader of the dystopian underworld. Brother Supervisor and Brother Duomu are responsible for traveling around and filling in manpower.

Lucas was put in charge of the institute, and Rowdy was sent to a place where he could thrive.

This is it, the underground transformation arena.

Hey, you can't stay idle either?

I'll forget it. Why do you come here to beg for work after following Modern Brother to eat people every day? Lucas said, looking at the handsome and strong man in front of him with sinister eyes.

The noisy monster scratched the back of his neck with one hand, moved his neck and said, I still want to move myself more, otherwise my mind will be very confused.

Hearing this, Lucas also understood: Thank you for your hard work.

Hey, why don't you follow what the Green Goblin does? Anyway, if you want to have fun, come over here. The Noisy Monster led Lucas to the other side.

There is no charming and charming girl at the front desk.

That kind of role doesn't have regular working hours here. Most of the work arrangements are still in someone's bed, so there is no time to waste visiting the front desk.

So the receptionist here is just a rough guy.

Free man, arrange a game to play, it's all random. Noisy Monster pointed at Lucas and said.

The man opened his sleepy eyes, looked at Lucas with some surprise and said, It's all random?

Stop talking nonsense. The noisy monster scolded him rudely.

Lucas kept his shy smile.

The man shrugged, quickly operated the machine in front, then picked up a metal sign with a chain next to it and threw it to Lucas.

Lucas took a look at it and saw that it only had a number and processing time, and the overall image was like a dog tag.

After hearing the number call, just go to the designated venue. It will take a while for it to be completely random.

Noisy Monster nodded and took Lucas away from the front desk, and at the same time began to introduce the place.

Originally, he was too lazy to say anything and let Lucas look through his memories.

But Lucas laughed and asked him to be a bit of a tour guide, so he did it anyway.

The activities here are mainly about transformation and wrestling. As the name suggests, transformation first and then fighting. Of course, this condition is not necessary. Sometimes you just look weird and many people will pay for it.

The Noisy Monster looked at some of the people walking around. These people's bodies had obvious signs of transformation.

The most common ones are mechanical prostheses, and occasionally some biological modifications can be seen.

The original transformation of gladiatorial combat was just for the bad taste of the Golden Circle gangsters in dealing with ordinary people. But fighting between ordinary people was too light for them. In order to make the scene more beautiful, they were willing to spend a trivial cost to give nothing. Ordinary people who are capable can transform them, give them a certain amount of power and then let them start fighting.”

This kind of evil activity has developed to this day. Among the participants, ordinary people who have been transformed for various reasons are still the mainstream. Some large-scale arenas even offer free preliminary transformation services, where ordinary people can easily There are probably very few people who can get the minimum amount of power and then pour their blood into this quagmire and finally come out.

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