My doppelganger drama

Chapter 489 Maybe softer rice tastes better

The death of a member of the Bureau's patrol brigade is actually nothing.

The casualty rate for this job is actually not low. Even though the patrol brigade is only responsible for operating in the Golden Circle area, this is the fact. It is rumored that in a certain year, the casualty rate of the patrol brigade was even higher than that of actual external investigative agents.

There is no basis for saying this, but many people are willing to believe it.

The patrol brigade of the Golden Circle often collides with the underworld and the dark side of certain companies for various reasons.

As an almost free-range department in the Investigation Bureau, it goes without saying that there are countless cases of people from the patrol brigade getting into trouble on the first day and disappearing the next.

So let alone one or two people who died, and one or two teams were gone, the most they could do was investigate who did it, talk to the other branch once or twice, and then call it a day.

Therefore, if a mere Gasby is dead, no one in the Golden Circle except his grandfather and father will care about his life or death.

But even if he died quietly, in the end he died so violently.

At the entrance of the branch, in public.

Even in the middle of the night, there are still a lot of people wandering around in the Golden Circle at night, and people who are active at night are often the most difficult to deal with.

There are countless witnesses, and there are even surveillance records. Those in the newspapers and media have been immersed in the chaotic place of the Golden Circle for many years. If the official response is too slow, they will have to be prepared to spend energy to suppress public opinion.

Although the attacker is unknown, there is no doubt that this method of death was a provocation to Golden Circle officials.

Not to mention in such a sensitive situation.

A group of underworld gangs did not think it was a big deal and came forward to claim it.

Those who dare to speak at this time are all the leaders of the dark forces. It is impossible for the Investigation Bureau to mobilize all its forces just for a dead member who no one cares about.

The dead people are insignificant, but with the help of the situation and environment of the Golden Circle, it caused quite a splash.

This is the biggest headache for the Bureau of Investigation.

Therefore, the Bureau of Investigation chose the most effective method.


As we all know, the official credibility of the Silver and Gold Alliance is approximately zero, and the Bureau of Investigation, as the official hawk, is inherently unpopular.

Therefore, they have a magical skill that no outsider can do anything about - pretending to be dead.

No matter what the outside world says, they just don't respond, and life goes on like this. When the limelight passes, this matter will be over, as for the mastermind behind it.

Just kidding, it’s just Gasby, right?

In the past two weeks, the renovation of the Pendulum Grand Theater has been basically completed. It has been completely transformed. It can be said that apart from the outline, the interior of the new theater has completely changed.

The recruitment of Huayue Theater Company also ushered in a bumper harvest in the second week.

The old troupe members who assisted in recruiting new members were all surprised.

The new members at the back really have their own unique skills.

Although there are many people who honestly want to learn backend technology.

But the front desk staff suddenly went from being a handful to being filled with talented people.

Actors from all kinds of dramas came alive at once.

Although most of them are newcomers who have never heard of it, everyone doesn't pay much attention to it. After all, there are not many things in this world these days, only refugees are the most common.

The Golden Circle has digested the refugees very quickly, but it is inevitable that there is still some stagnation. Many refugees are still wandering aimlessly in the city. Now, it is a very reasonable thing for talented refugees to join the theater troupe through selection.

Looking at the brand new Pendulum Theater, countless old members could not help but tremble slightly even though their hearts were close to numbness.

Maybe they can really let the afterglow of the drama of a broken world bloom in this theater's theater?

There was an interlude in the middle, where people from the Bureau of Investigation came again when the theater was nearing completion, and asked about Gasby's incident last time.

In the end, no questions were asked, and the actions were not as rough as last time. In other words, the wave of inspectors came and went in a hurry, and there was no time to do anything.

All in all, this week went very smoothly.

At the same time, deep in the Pendulum Theater...

Hmph, it's very good. It's a wide enough space and a completely hidden place. This way, no matter what we do, we won't attract other people's attention so easily.

Wan Yi also moved here.

The stronghold of the Pendulum Grand Theater, Green Devil has designated this place as the base camp for Wan Yi's operations in the Golden Circle.

Wan Yi, who was lurking in the decoration team, spent a lot of effort, modified many internal structures of the theater, made full use of some free space, and completed this huge stronghold without anyone knowing.

The theater itself seemed to have a more compact space, and Wan Yi also got a favorite base.

It's a win-win.

Then without further ado, let's have a party first! Hyundai Brother didn't know when he moved the disc player.

Yeah, let's have a party! Didn't I say that the soundproofing here is very good? Noisy Monster also said with a smile.

Don't worry, I've also arranged the concealment from a metaphysical point of view. The supervisor also took his own luggage, which was not much, and was all placed in a rainbow pony-shaped suitcase.

Although it feels like he just wants to show off his suitcase.

It's a bit abstract to see a sinister man in a black robe dragging such a suitcase.

But everyone is used to it.

As soon as the party was mentioned, a large number of Wan Yi started to boo.

Okay, now everyone has their own things to do. Let's wait for the party. Don't talk about it and do something big before we can have a party and celebrate, right? Brother Green Devil is still relatively calm.

Everyone just ignored it.

Lucas glanced around and said, It's not bad, but it's a pity that I can't stay there more than once.

He has been arranged by Karenina to join the Deep Aether Research Center, and he has a lot of things to argue with the people there.

The Silver and Gold Alliance is a well-known Kongdao Group that has profound research on etheric energy. Among the nine major research institutes, five of them study etheric energy and disaster-related projects.

Oh, it's the Eighth National Congress now.

The Deep Ether Research Center is a rising star. The current director, Mr. Sledge, initially opened this institute at his own expense. The results were only officially recognized a few years ago and then accepted.

But after all, he is a latecomer and is still largely isolated within the circle.

Lucas didn't have much impression of this research center in his memory, but Karenina gave him a lot of valuable reference information in order to reassure him.

It can be said that except for the fact that it was not founded as long as other research institutes and has a slightly lower accumulation of achievements and foundation, the number of talents and scientific research capabilities within it are not worse than those of the fourth and subsequent research institutes.

From all aspects, it is a very suitable place for Lucas to perform.

Karenina is considerate enough.

Lucas suspected that if he really wanted to be taken care of by a rich woman, Karenina might not agree verbally, but she probably wouldn't refuse in reality.

Recalling that after Lucas was ridiculed by Robben, he left alone in silence, ignoring the dissuasion of such a good senior sister.

Wan Yi felt that this boy was somewhat ignorant.

But it doesn't matter, the new Lucas is very good.

Not only did he join the Deep Ether Research Center, he also got a position at Hells Medical Group.

What Karenina meant was to leave some way for herself to escape.

This rice is indeed soft and fragrant.

Lucas has not encountered any major difficulties these days. Compared to Green Goblin and his team who spend most of their time working in gangsters, running companies and competing in the industry, he is really comfortable.

So when Lucas said this.

As a matter of course, he got the response from the Green Devil with a kind smile: Even if you want to stay here, I will kick you out.

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