My doppelganger drama

Chapter 481 Invisible Differences

Lucas carried several boxes of pizza back to the office building where the base was located.

Entering the door, I saw the evil four lying dead.

This is not what I thought.

Hearing his words, he lay down on the sofa with his face buried in the noisy monster's neck and opened his mouth and said: There are still too few people. Even if the Golden Circle is very chaotic and the underworld has developed, we don't dare to expand too much all at once. There are too many people. If you fight hard, you will win, but you will be exhausted.

I'm exhausted. I'm going back to District 13 to find Xiao Ma to replenish my energy. The supervisor said hello, and then exchanged words, turning into Wan Yi who seemed to have just started eating with a fork in his hand.

? The clone was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized what happened: Fuck! Damn supervisor!

Then he immediately left in exchange. Fortunately, the newly exchanged Wan Yi at least still held the dinner plate.

After looking around, the clone calmly sat down on the table next to him, took out the disposable tableware from his pocket and started eating.

Seeing how calm the clone was, everyone had no intention of complaining.

Have all the debts been repaid?

I originally said to take it slow over a few days, but Green Devil Brother said to avoid long nights and dreams, so we did it all in one trip. And as you can see, he also regretted it. Brother Modern slumped on the small sofa and lifted it weakly He raised his hand and pointed at the Green Goblin who was lying on the experimental table next to him.

You mean you blame me? came the Green Devil's faint voice.

Don't dare. After all, I'm too lazy to control the overall situation, but I don't dare to piss you off, one of the few among us who is willing to do this job. Brother Modern quickly spread his hands.

The Green Goblin raised his head, his handsome bangs rising up: Our schedule is not as full as you thought. In the past, we could just rely on other clones to do odd jobs for such small things. Our efficiency is unquestionable... But it is indeed I misjudged.

He still admitted his mistake very simply, but before that he stated that he had reasons for doing so.

I bought pizza, do you want it? Lucas saw this and motioned to the boxes of pizza in his hand.

Yes! The Noisy Monster opened several mouths at once.

Shut up. Noisy Monster's usually vigorous shut up became much weaker under this consumption.


Everyone sat up straight and started eating pizza.

Except for us and a few scattered informants, the number of people we need to fight a tough battle is really small. Most of the brothers have gone to various companies to lurk. We have to let the main body come over and give birth to a few quickly. Brother Green Goblin continued to talk about the number of people. matter.

But the main body has recently experienced several waves of high-intensity activities, and now it is also in a state of ruin.

He understands very well. If he came here in person, he would be dragged here unknowingly, and he would not be able to go back until the results come out. Brother Modern said with a smile.

Forget it, we won't bother him with such trivial matters. We will find a way to recruit a few people who are reliable and have been free recently. The Green Goblin took a vicious bite of the pizza.

...a moment later.

...I just heard that there is pizza here. Domage sat on the sofa with a cold face, holding a piece of pizza in his hand.

As long as things are done well, let alone pizza! We'll treat you to a big meal every day! Brother Modern put his arm around Brother Duomu's shoulders and smiled.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if I come over to help when I'm free. I'm afraid I'll get rusty if I haven't done anything for too long. However, Brother Duomu looks very cold, but he is actually very talkative.

As he said that, Dome looked at Lucas with his trademark overlapping pupils.

Lucas smiled shyly.

It was Lucas who called Brother Duomu to come over.

Some clones are eager to fish until the time is right for them to die, but there are also clones who are always a little self-motivated due to various needs.

For example, Brother Dome, he now has a little competitive mentality towards Lucas.

It's not anything special, just in terms of the field.

Brother Domoku is a clone who has seen a lot with his own eyes. He has seen the fields that Ricardo and Meta displayed under the qualitative transformation given by the Eye of All Things.

There is no doubt about the strength.

It would be a lie to say that under the influence of these two people, he did not want to master the field.

But after all, he is Wan Yi, and Brother Duomu is not too persistent. He feels that whatever he does will come naturally.

As a result, the person who was the first to succeed appeared. Lucas, who was also a clone and was also on the path of being blessed with a qualitative change, was suddenly strengthened by the Spider God and took control of the field before him.

Duomuge has a bit of a snack taste.

This is not the first time he has complained in the group chat.

Yes, it seems that Brother Duomu, who maintains a cold persona on the outside, often complains to other avatars in the group about why his field has not been paid yet.

So you can’t tell what the clone’s face looks like, the real face still depends on how you behave in the group chat.

Recently, Brother Duomu has been leading new members of the sect, and he is indeed relatively free, so he is happy to come here often to make his presence felt.

Maybe he got into the field?

Lucas, I've been listening to you for a while. Is everything going well? The Green Goblin asked Lucas again.

Well, although it doesn't matter which research institute, you have to consider the personality, and the Deep Ether Research Center seems to be a good place to go. In Lucas's memory, it was a relatively independent research center that did not communicate much with the outside world. Place.

Character, are you a little influenced by Lucas's brain? Brother Modern said thoughtfully after thinking for a while.

Really? Lucas was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to deny it.

There should be. Brother Duomu said seriously.

Lucas tilted his head and thought: Maybe it is true. I found that my love for jumping spiders is deeper than yours.


That's not what we meant.

Actually, this is indeed an angle. Green Goblin said.

Actually, it's true. Modern Brother also agreed with a playful expression.

Everyone was thoughtful.

Among the components of personality, different experiences potentially constitute different people. We and the ontology were originally a completely overlapping line, but since the ontology separated us, the line has also separated. At this time, I was eating quietly next to me. Wan Yi spoke.

Everyone looked at it.

Wan Yi took out a napkin to wipe his mouth. It turned out that he had already finished eating.

It's as if people in the play have a lot of differences just because they have experienced different lives as 'blank sheets'. We ordinary avatars have experienced some profound enough nodes, or been affected by some subtle influences, and the messy lines gradually It will become further and further away from the original body.”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wan Yi continued to speak in a calm tone.

For example, the supervisor's love for ponies was just a meme at the beginning, and of course it is still a meme now, but he has obviously gradually become unable to tell whether he really loves ponies very much, or whether he is just acting out his character with a little enthusiasm. , and this is what Lucas does with jumping spiders.”

I like 'simulation management' too? Green Goblin thought deeply.

Brother Dome couldn't help but think of Meta, who picked up the guitar again not long ago, and the back of that man.

Experiences and interactions will magnify different details in Wan Yi's heart. Although because we are still Wan Yi, our basic thinking logic will not change, some preferences and feelings will inevitably differ.

In fact, this has been something that has always been shown, very early on.

But everyone is used to having fun, and Wan Yi can see it, so he doesn't bother to point it out.

It's better to play a few more jokes and spread rumors in the group.

This is good. When we are arguing in our heads, we can argue in a more layered manner. Brother Modern said suddenly.

The inexplicable atmosphere was immediately broken, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Then I'll take my leave. You can continue. After finishing his meal, Wan Yi stood up and walked out silently.

He didn't bother to exchange back to District 13, so he started a new working career here in Golden Circle.

The most convenient part of Wanyijian's work scheduling is here. Except for the clones with special skills, most of the clones are plug-and-play.

However, everyone suddenly lost interest in chatting. After gathering their mood, it was almost time to continue doing their own things.

Lucas looked at Brother Modern with some curiosity: By the way, as the first 'famous' clone, you should have the deepest feeling in this regard.

But there was a rare peaceful smile on Brother Modern's unruly face: Who knows?

But everyone has already known the leaked thoughts.

Everyone understood it tacitly.

Brother Xiandai has known this for a long time and has noticed it a long time ago.

When the bullet pierced the woman's eyebrow.

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