My doppelganger drama

Chapter 478 Pay off the debt

The four of them had a brief discussion.

Lin Hao tentatively gave some of his requirements.

He has feelings for the company, otherwise he would have run away long ago when he could get out, and why would he have waited until now and almost got himself involved.

Even if these conditions are likely to be rejected and reduced one by one, they must be boldly put forward.

Lin Hao, who originally just wanted to ask for a price, was surprised to receive many positive replies.

The other party does not seem to intend to directly occupy their company.

Of course, the most valuable thing about this company now is the qualification for the last live broadcast room. Even if the others are eaten, there will only be a batch of debt.

Very good, then the preliminary vision has been achieved. Ziye Company will join the Phantom Group and become our subsidiary. However, we will not interfere with the business details, but we need to act in accordance with the general policy of the headquarters. Green Devil clapped his hands and looked. Feels quite satisfied.

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei are still a little dreamy.

However, he quickly reacted and said cautiously: Sir, then our debt...

Oh, the group will bear all the debts for you. What you have to do is to end the mess here and restart the business as soon as possible. Green Devil said nonchalantly.

But our debt recipient... Lin Hao was still a little reluctant to accept it quickly.

This is a loan shark from a nearby gangster, and it can be said to be a matter of who pays back the money.

Not to mention taking over everything.

You don't have to worry about this, everyone is doing their own thing, you know? Brother Modern smiled and lifted his sunglasses a little, looking at each other with dark eyes.

This confident aura made the two of them feel a little more at ease.

Then the contract will be sent tomorrow. I wish everyone a happy cooperation in advance.

The Green Goblin stood up and stretched out his hand.

Lin Hao also quickly stood up and held his hand.

Speaking of which, are there any employees in your company who don't go through the main entrance? Brother Modern suddenly looked behind the two and said.

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei were stunned: There are only two of us left in the company now, and usually no one else will come to the company.

And what do you mean by not taking the main entrance?

Lin Hao was the first to react and turned around to see an uninvited guest standing on the window sill.

A middle-aged man saw Lin Hao looking at him and said with a smile: Haha, I haven't seen you guys finish chatting after waiting for a long time. We got a little impatient waiting, so we came right up.

Isn't this month's deadline not yet reached? You actually broke in illegally... Forget it, it's useless to tell you. Lin Hao gritted his teeth.

It's hard to say this. Although the deadline has not yet expired, we have to keep an eye on you at all times to prevent you from running away. You two are in good health. Someone at the underground transformation arena has booked you two with us. The man He said with a sneer.

While Lin Hao was confronting the man, Ye Zifei nervously approached Modern Brother and Green Devil Brother.

The Green Goblin was looking at the terminal and seemed to be completely absent from the scene.

And Hyundai took out a lollipop from nowhere, opened the package and put it in his mouth.

Well, he is the member of the nearby underworld who gave us the loan, the Japanese Che Gang. Ye Zifei could only explain in a low voice.

Brother Modern nodded.

Our company is about to be acquired, and the debt will be paid off soon. We don't care about your illegal intrusion. Get out of here quickly! Lin Hao said sharply.

Hearing that the company was going to be acquired, the man from the Japanese car gang was a little surprised and turned to look at the two Green Devil brothers.

Then he quickly smiled and ignored Lin Hao. Instead, he walked towards Brother Green Devil and Brother Modern, and said at the same time: I don't know where this master came from, why can't he think of acquiring this crappy company like theirs? You have nothing, and you still have to pay for it. Do they pay off the debt?”

Brother Modern looked at Brother Green Goblin, who was still looking at the terminal.

Seeing that neither of them responded, the man continued: Our Japanese Che Gang also has several studios and two companies. Instead of cooperating with this kind of garbage, why not consider us?

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei stood aside. Hearing this, Ye Zifei immediately wanted to say something, but was stopped by Lin Hao.

Although the previous chat was quite pleasant, Lin Hao knew that it was just a cooperation of interests. They and the Phantom Group were not good partners. There was no reason for them to intervene in this situation.

If it is exceeded, it may leave a bad impression on others.

Although he was also nervous.

The Japanese Che Gang is a well-known big gang. The two companies are the best proof. Although it has also been affected by the recent industry impact, it can be regarded as stable with various management measures. At least there are still a few live broadcast rooms. Normal operations and revenue can be maintained.

If we really want to talk about cooperation, it is obvious that the Japanese car gang is more suitable.

Oh, then can you sell your company to us? Green Goblin replied casually without raising his head.

Haha, sir, if you can really give me enough money, that's not impossible. The man said with a hearty smile.

But it was obvious that he didn't take this seriously.

What's the name of your company? Green Goblin raised his head and asked.

'Rixing' and 'Xunche'! The man proudly said the name of the company.

I haven't heard of it, but I remember it. Put the cooperation aside for now and let's pay off the debt first. The Green Devil said calmly.

Oh? The man grinned, about to say something.


Neither Lin Hao nor Ye Zifei realized what happened.

When the gunshots were heard, the tall figure of the man fell suddenly.

The bloody hole on his temple was so glaring.

Modern Brother's gun barrel turned back into his arm with a flick.

The Green Goblin stood up and said: Pull him away, this guy is not dead yet.

The disaster of the adaptive system is trouble. Brother Xiandai had no objection.

The man in front of me is a troublemaker. He has a considerable concentration of etheric energy. He is probably an adaptive troublemaker in the first stage approaching the second stage.

At first glance, it's hard to tell that he's such a powerful nuisance, but etheric energy doesn't lie.

It seems that the ecology here in the Golden Circle also has a great influence on people.

Every madman is crazy in his own way.

Brother Modern grabbed the man by the back of his collar and carried him to the window where he came from.

Shouts could be heard downstairs outside.

Obviously, he is not here to collect debts alone. Although Brother Modern can also silence his own gun, he just likes the loud and crisp sound of gunfire.

He will never silence it if it is not necessary.

So the loud gunshots directly alerted people outside.

He grabbed the unconscious man and threw him out of the bed.


Soon, a heavy landing sound came from below.

Brother Modern leaned against the window and turned to look at Brother Green Goblin.

I'll take the elevator. Green Goblin waved his hand.

I'll pay off your debt when you get to the elevator. Brother Modern rolled his eyes.

It shouldn't be so soon. We have just added two more companies to discuss 'cooperation' on our itinerary. It will most likely be a little more difficult to discuss than this one.

Oh, that's it. Then take your time. Brother Modern shrugged.

After saying that, he leaned back, crossed his arms on his chest, fell backwards, and jumped from the window in this manner.

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei were stunned.

They already knew how the two men wanted to help them with their debt.

I have always said that these two people are not good people and look like gangsters, but is it true? !

Don't take it too seriously. It's getting late. Go back and have a rest. You'll have to come to the company headquarters for an all-hands meeting in a while. It'll get busy. The Green Devil smiled gently as he passed by the two of them. .

Uh... Ye Zi stopped talking.

Lin Hao hurriedly said: The Japanese Che Gang is not easy to mess with. They have many connections. These large-scale gangsters are often the hands and eyes of the big groups above...

Well, how do you know we don't have our own hands and eyes?

After the Green Goblin finished speaking, the two of them were left stunned and pressed the elevator button.


The door opens, you walk in, the door closes, the elevator goes down...

Something fell!

It's a corpse! Alonso's corpse!

What a fart corpse. He was just shot in the head and fell from the fifth floor! Alonso is very lucky, he is not dead yet!

Then take him away quickly and help!

The people at the door are searching for you. Just go up. It seems that our debtor is a bit temperamental.

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei shouldn't be that courageous. They may be the two people who came up before. I don't know where they came from.

The members of the Japanese car gang below said something in a flurry, and immediately separated into several groups to work on their own tasks.

The person who was going to treat the man was approaching.

Wait a minute, something else came down by the window!



A figure fell directly to the ground and made another heavy sound.

Then, they saw a man in a black suit with a scar on his back and sunglasses. He stepped on Alonso's body and crouched down, looking unruly.

But there was still a lollipop in his mouth.

And Alonso underneath him was vomiting blood. Even if he was the one causing trouble, the continuous accumulation of injuries was a bit irritating at once.

Not to mention that he still hasn't recovered from the shot that Modern Brother shot him in the head.

Who is it? someone asked sharply.

Short~, here comes the shooter! Brother Modern stuck out his tongue and made a face, the suit suddenly bulged from behind, gun barrels grew out, and his hands turned into a pair of gun barrels.

Gunfire broke out.


The elevator has arrived.

The Green Goblin comes out.


Okay. Brother Modern put on his spare suit.

There were corpses all around, and the head of the troublemaker exploded like a watermelon. This time he used a little more force than before, and his head exploded like a watermelon. It looked very fresh.

A black limousine came from the intersection and stopped in front of the two of them. The supervisor in the driver's seat was eating fried chicken.

Let's go and continue to pay off the debt. Green Goblin said, and the two got in the car.

The engine started and the car sped away.

Lin Hao and Ye Zifei looked at the corpses downstairs from the upstairs window and fell into silence.

After a long while, Ye Zifei said: Ah Hao, have we boarded a pirate ship?

Fart. Lin Hao cursed.

Ye Zifei looked at it strangely.

Lin Hao looked melancholy: What the hell, we are just boarding a pirate ship!

They have been struggling in the Golden Circle for so many years, but in the end they still seem to be unable to avoid being involved in gangs.

However, it seems that I don't have any particularly violent reactions, and it seems that I am not a good person who always sets a benchmark for myself.

Let's clean it up. He chose not to think too much, closed the window and drew the curtains. The night breeze is a bit cold tonight.

Oh, okay...wait a minute, are you cleaning upstairs or downstairs? Zi Fei asked.

Of course we'll clean up the upstairs and downstairs together.

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