My doppelganger drama

Chapter 476 Company Dilemma

At night, in another place in the Golden Circle, in an ordinary office building.

Lin Hao looked tiredly at the company's recent income and expenditure, his brows furrowed from time to time, but he soon relaxed helplessly.

He is a refugee in the United Silver and Gold Circle.

Of course, this identity has not been mentioned for a long time. After all, he has already become a regular employee.

Moreover, in the Golden Circle, when the identity of a refugee is really mentioned, it often contains contempt. People living in the core area of ​​the Golden Circle will be more or less exposed to similar discrimination.

Even if we really want to say it, the number of refugees in the Golden Circle will definitely not be small, but everyone chooses to blend in with the environment and will not violate this customary custom.

Lin Hao knew how much he had sacrificed to get rid of his refugee status in the Golden Circle.

But perhaps it was precisely because he had given so much that he could not forget his past misery.

Back to the present, the ecology of the Golden Circle is biased towards commercialization. The management here hopes to build the Golden Circle into a social situation that is as complete as possible and as close as possible to the world when the world is complete, and has made long-term efforts to this end.

The Golden Circle has also become such a huge cyber city circle.

Here, business and entertainment are very important, and consumption can make people's lives rich and happy.

Lin Hao knew it must be nonsense, but this was all a banner from above.

If you want to move and develop freely here, you must set up your own studio team or company, so that you can move towards a larger platform.

In other words, here, the company is like a unit of power.

Lin Hao doesn't like it here.

His memory has not completely faded, and he remembers similar urban settings in many fantasy works.

To describe the city in a slightly similar way, he could coolly add: The city is sick.

But there is no doubt that this environment is quite good for the ruling class.

It doesn’t matter if you are sick, there is no one to treat you anyway.

Besides, in this fragmented world, does anyone really need to heal this small urban area? There are many more sick places than this broken urban area.

Lin Hao felt choked.

Some time ago, the well-known terrorist organization Bai Cang Cult caused many major events.

Then another troupe popped up.

Terrible forces sprung up one after another, and the troupe even directly destroyed an empty island.

Lin Hao shuddered just thinking about it.

This world is very abnormal, but Lin Hao has always lived in the Golden Circle, and has stayed away from most excessive abnormalities. But every time he learns about what is happening in the outside world through news broadcasts, etc., he wakes up again.

I am no longer in my original world and society.

Things about terrorist organizations are not important. Compared with those far away, Lin Hao is suffering from the operating conditions of the company he founded.

Excluding those behemoths in the circle, the overall scale of his company is actually not small and can be considered considerable.

Initially, he and his friends gathered together to establish an entertainment company. However, as Lin Hao and his friends developed in the Golden Circle, the company also grew.

The main project is the most common type of Golden Circle Entertainment, boundary live broadcast interaction.

A silver-gold joint launch. Although it is not promoted, it is a popular entertainment activity in the silver-gold joint gold-level islands.

However, this kind of activity can determine the acquisition and allocation of resources at the middle and lower levels, which is quite strange.

They have been developing steadily for a while and have become somewhat famous.

It has attracted the attention of some big companies.

Due to various problems, their company received funding from large enterprises. Although it did not directly become a subsidiary of the other party, it was basically manipulated enough.

He and his friends still have some backbone, but this backbone may not be necessary here.

It even seems a bit redundant.

When the company's development reached a bottleneck, many problems arose in the company's internal operations. There were bugs and insiders. Newcomers were unable to get resources. They were not even able to get admission tickets within the boundaries of the Golden Circle, and there was no room for development. , naturally unwilling to stay.

There are fewer and fewer people.

By the time Lin Hao was busy rectifying the situation and removing the parasites and evil spirits, it was already a bit late.

The company's operations were in tatters.

Many people I knew dispersed one after another. After all, everyone had to live their own lives.

Only a few people were left.

Now, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and he is also carrying a lot of debt.

The boundary belt has begun to disintegrate, causing many companies in the Golden Circle that rely on boundary live broadcasting as a means of profit to suffer a huge blow recently. There are not many low-depth boundary belts left, and fixed admission quotas cannot be grabbed by small companies.

Lin Hao sighed regretfully again.

Ah Hao! Ah Hao! At this moment, a man trotted into the office and saw Lin Hao distressed under the lamp.

Feizi, what's wrong? Lin Hao raised his head, took a deep breath and said.

The person who came had a thin face. He was obviously about the same age as Lin Hao, but his complexion was a little sallow, and he looked like he was middle-aged.

His name is Ye Zifei, and his friends call him Feizi, which is a bit of a joke among friends.

When the two met in this world, they were only in their early twenties, and they are not yet thirty now.

But they have all become like this because of the current situation.

You're not here to collect debts again, are you? Alas, the underworld's debts are too difficult to pay off. This is loan sharking! That stinky bitch Phyllis! Lin Hao said, thinking of the debt first.

Among the debts owed by the company, some bank debts are relatively good. Originally, due to the company's size and credit problems, there were not many borrowings. Lin Hao and Ye Zifei have gradually paid them off during this period of operation.

But back then, a person named Phyllis in the company stabbed everyone in the back and borrowed money from the nearest gangster in the name of the company.

When he came across this article when checking the accounts, Lin Hao almost blacked out.

No, if they come to collect debts, I will send you a text message and tell you to run away. Ye Zifei smiled, wiped the sweat from his head, calmed down a little, and seemed to know that he had acted too hastily just now.

Ha, if they were really the ones, they would have blocked the area around this building. With my little ability, I can't get out. If you weren't here to collect debts, why are you in such a hurry? Lin Hao shook his head and smiled helplessly, and then asked doubtfully.

A few people just contacted me and said they wanted to cooperate with our company. If the talks are satisfactory, they can bear part of our debt! Ye Zifei said quickly.

Then he saw Lin Hao's suspicious eyes: Feizi, have you been cheated? There are a lot of scammers in the Golden Circle.

I thought they were liars at first. After all, I had never seen that group of people before. I couldn't get a business card from any of them. They all looked like gangsters. I guess they had a lot of lives on their hands.

Then you return it?

But they have acquired several companies and teams similar to ours behind the scenes. They are basically acquaintances nearby, including Yuanzhou Company.

You put pressure on me very early on and tried to break the circle for us for a long time? I remember that its size can be regarded as a mid-to-upper-class company. Although its operating conditions have been deteriorating in recent years, it unexpectedly changed hands secretly. Already? Lin Hao was surprised.

Really. Ye Zifei's shock has not yet subsided.

Lin Hao frowned and thought: Did the second generation come from somewhere and want to have fun? Or is someone above planning to do something? It always feels like pie in the sky...

Too unreliable.

Ah Hao, our situation is not good. We are the only living people in the company, and the underworld is already clamoring to arrest us for underground transformation wrestling. Ye Zifei frowned.

This sentence deepened the deep frown on Lin Hao's brow.

If you are really taken to a place like that, whether you can come back alive depends on your fate.

Well, after all, the other party also said that they want to talk, right? Let's meet first.

Although it sounded unreliable, Lin Hao knew that they didn't have much choice now.

All we can do is fight.

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