My doppelganger drama

Chapter 473 Taking shelter from the limelight

Wan Yi felt at ease again.

Although it is impossible to truly feel leisurely, he must make himself appear leisurely.

Body, I picked up a good thing, can I keep it?

Is it useful if I don't agree?

It's useless~.

Brother Grudge has gained a little bit from Coffin's world.

A small, dark blue, palm-sized squid.

It's obviously a super mini skeleton dragon that hasn't even given birth to a carapace yet!

The skeleton dragon is not dead.

It seems that it also inherited the great serpent Orochi from which it originated.

Although the big snake Orochi died of Wan Yi's curse, its body mysteriously disappeared soon after. According to the supervisor, it would probably turn into an egg and be reborn at a random and suitable place in the world.

However, if it is unlucky enough to be found before it is born, captured and properly stored and managed, so that it cannot absorb enough energy, then it will always be just an egg.

Shortly after the death of the Skeleton Dragon, just like the Orochi Orochi, the soft body tissues quickly liquefied and disappeared.

Then he reincarnated into a little squid.

Judging from the mood swings, it should be another individual. It is very ignorant and not very emotional, but it is still very edible.

Brother Curse intends to raise it.

I don't know how much energy and time it will take to really raise it back to the Guardian of the Bones when everyone encountered it. Anyway, just let Brother Grudge make trouble on his own.

After that, Wan Yi turned his attention slightly to Duomu Ge and Lucas, the clones in the Worship Sect.

These two haven't been very busy lately.

Brother Duomu is recruiting new people. He has no guilt about coaxing refugees to join his eye-catching lunatic organization. Although he will explain to people what the Hundred Eyes Sect is from the beginning, and then if he wants to join, he will A series of practical operations are required on the spot.

He will even kindly lead Mengxin to find trouble with other creatures with eyeballs.

If the refugee movement hadn't prohibited them from attacking the humans on the empty island, they would have even been able to recruit talents locally.

In short, there is such a large refugee base, and even slight restrictions cannot prevent a diverse group of humans from joining the cult under such circumstances.

The situation with the Spider God Cult is similar.

However, the focus of the Spider God Cult itself is still on the joint development of silver and gold. Lucas and Bishop Jumping Spider rarely come to personally inspect the refugee movement.

The Spider Man, basically a clone of Wan Yi, is responsible for the daily activities of the Spider God Cult in this area.

A big busy point for Lucas is that although the Spider God Sect is developing rapidly in the Silver-Gold Alliance, it has also bumped into the Silver-Gold Alliance, which has recently been tightening control.

They won't give up until they catch a little bit of the troupe's tail.

And in this process, if they catch Baicang's tail, they will not let it go easily.

After all, much of the blame for the tragedy on the three bronze-level islands was placed on Baicang.

Bronze Level 006 Sky Island.

This empty island is still in chaos. After all, the official institutions here are almost paralyzed, and the people sent from above are too busy to take care of them at the moment. It may take several years to restore this empty island. Change back to almost the same as before.

At this time, the place is already full of shadows of the Spider God Sect.

Lucas pulled his spider legs out of a JIS agent.

There were many people in uniforms lying around him, all the same.

Bishop Jumping Spider arrived late with his people.

I heard that you were captured and surrounded from head to tail, and then you killed them all in less than five minutes? Bishop Jumping Spider rubbed his forefoot and asked in surprise.

Lucas seems to have become stronger. How suitable is he for the qualitative change blessed by the Eight-Eyed Bishop?

Bishop Jumping Spider is increasingly worried that Lucas will give birth to a realm.

Find the people who may leak the secrets and kill them all. But you can guess which ones by just using your toes. We are a bit rampant. Recently, agents from the Bureau of Investigation have appeared in large numbers. Next, we will narrow the scope a little. It is not necessary Every little detail has been cut away.”

Lucas squatted next to the corpse in front of him, picked up the other party's blood-stained ID and looked at it, wiped his hands on the corpse's shirt and stood up.

Although he was the one who was attacked, Lucas had no fluctuations in his heart.

Your behavior is really outrageous. If you continue like this, you have to avoid the limelight. Bishop Jumping Spider asked his subordinates behind to clean up the scene and jumped on Lucas' head and said.

Sheltering from the limelight is indeed somewhat necessary. I have been in the public eye too much recently in order to accelerate development, and I have become a clear target. Lucas agreed.

It's okay. You have laid a deep foundation for my teaching, so you can feel free to go.

I always feel like you're saying it doesn't matter if I die now.

Haha, how could that happen? Bishop Jumping Spider ruffled Lucas' hair with his front feet.

Lucas watched the subordinates around him carrying away the corpses one by one. A pack of cigarettes was exposed in the chest pocket of a corpse that happened to be passing by. Lucas smoked a cigarette and held it in his mouth.

But I just bit it and didn't smoke it.

Wan Yi generally can't smoke, but he feels that he is quite cool with a stick in his mouth.

So he developed the habit of holding lollipops in his mouth, but he didn't really like to consume a lot of sugar in a short period of time.

In short, it is a strange hobby.

Want fire?

I'm already pumping.

I knew there was something wrong with your brain, but I didn't expect the problem to be much bigger than expected.

Thank you for the compliment.

The two of them talked quickly and quarreled, which was part of daily communication.

You can go to several of our overseas strongholds. By the way, you can also develop the overseas strongholds I teach.

Is this your true intention?

No way, but idle time is idle, you can just stop by when you are in the mood! Bishop Jumping Spider became more and more rude after getting to know Lucas better.

Lucas gently scratched Bishop Jumping Spider's butt, and Bishop Jumping Spider shook his abdomen, but he didn't refuse.

In this regard, I am becoming less and less able to refuse.

I want to go to the Golden Circle.

Uh, huh?

After hearing what Lucas said, Bishop Jumping Spider was stunned: Why are you going to the 'Golden Circle'? Go directly to their headquarters. It's impossible to play under the lights with the Silver and Gold Alliance!

Sorry, it's something else. Lucas explained vaguely.

Bishop Jumping Spider was silent for a moment, but he accepted it quickly.

Lucas wasn't exactly a Spider God, and it always remembered that.

There is no need for him to always be worried about this kid. His future achievements will definitely not be something he can control.

In this case, then you can also help develop the doctrine. After adjusting his mentality, Bishop Jumping Spider said relaxedly and naturally.

You don't have a stronghold to build your own stronghold, right? You just don't want me to be idle anyway.

By the way~. The jumping spider bishop's eight eyes curved into eight crescents.

Lucas nodded and agreed.

Bishop Jumping Spider looked at Lucas beneath him, sighed, jumped down, and drove away all the subordinates around him. Before that, his feet suddenly became sharp and pierced into the flesh of a corpse, drawing out blood.

After all the subordinates avoided suspicion, it drew two talismans, one on its own back and one on Lucas's forehead.

Lucas didn't resist, but he didn't feel any impact.

What's wrong? he asked after Bishop Jumping Spider finished performing the method.

The Jumping Spider Bishop said: In this way, the Spider God will not be able to see us in a short period of time. Let's keep the story short.

Lucas nodded.

You know the field, right? Either you have mastered it recently, or you had it when the eight-eye qualitative transformation was completed.

Lucas looked at it without changing his expression and said nothing.

That's a good answer. Bishop Jumping Spider's tone was somewhat gratifying, and then he said seriously: Spider God is not a benevolent existence, and it does not allow the existence of realms under God. You can just use realms occasionally, absolutely. Don’t do it too often, especially not in front of other Spider God followers.”

Lucas still didn't respond.

But you should be able to force the Spider God away from you. I'll make it clear to you. The rest is up to you.

Lucas smiled shyly, stretched out his spider legs from behind and pointed towards the Jumping Spider Bishop.

The Jumping Spider Bishop was stunned for a moment, and then he also stretched out his front foot to tap Lucas's spider foot.

I wish you good luck in what you are going to do.


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