My doppelganger drama

Chapter 464 Play: Wolf and Dog

In the darkness, Coffin felt something approaching him.


A familiar purring sound.

It's... mother.

A huge wolf walked slowly to Coffin, who was lying on the ground, and touched him gently with a kiss, as if comforting him and urging him to get up.

Coffin shook his head without strength.

The wolf raised his head and looked at the incarnation of the Dog of the End that was entangled with the enhanced skeleton dragon in the distance. He yawned, then lay down next to Coffin and moved Coffin under his warm belly.

Then he waited quietly for Coffin to stand up again.

Looking at everything now in a daze, its eyes were also a little blurry.

No matter good or bad, today is probably the end.

The Hound of Doom is a legendary monster.

But it was originally just a dog.

I don’t know what breed it is, but it’s probably a hybrid and looks a lot like a wolf.

It has eaten more since childhood, and even after reaching a certain period, its body size has accelerated, its muscles have become stronger, and its claws have become sharper.

It became a monster and was forced to leave the village where it lived with humans day and night and live in the wilderness.

The beginning of the legend of the Dog of the End can probably be traced back to the fact that it accidentally came into contact with a small gap in time and space, which led to the alienation of its own form.

It lost its original normal biological form and transformed into an alien monster.

On the contrary, it has also gained great strength and can compete with powerful monsters that it once did not dare to approach.

However, he still misses the days of being an ordinary dog.

You can run around freely in such a large village, with human and other livestock friends, and you don't have to worry about finding food or even hunting it yourself.

It is precisely because power comes so easily that it does not have the heart to match this power.

It has no ambition to become stronger, and even when it comes to the choice of survival, it would rather go back to the past.

However, just as the times have changed, the will of the boundary zone is about to awaken, which has intensified the evolutionary struggle in the entire world.

It was also forced to suffer.

The strong get stronger.

This is the rule of this world.

It is not a law of development, but a basic law.

It was also forced to embark on the path of hunting and evolution.

Countless bloody battles have created the Doomsday Dog in people's eyes, but the Doomsday Dog's mind runs counter to the path of evolution.

Until the end when Mu Ran looked back, he had already picked the last fruit of evolution.

Got the opportunity to combine with Boundary Will and complete the ultimate sublimation.

No boundary creature can refuse this opportunity.

It takes this final step, but in the process causes its own fragmentation.

The tendency of boundary will is divided into two parts, one part is obsessed with endless evolution, and the other part is immersed in the peaceful past.

The sentimental wolf and the aggressive dog are separated in this case.

The wolf is not obsessed with the symbol of his own will, and is even happy to give it completely to the dog, but the dog can no longer absorb this symbol of forcibly changing its foundation.

Unless the wolf voluntarily dies as an avatar.

The dog went to the extreme, but only half way.

The wolf chooses to return to the wilderness and live the life of an ordinary monster. After death, the dog takes back the symbol of his will.

This process should take a long time. After all, it is a part that was stripped away from the Dog of the End. Even if it is stripped away as an incarnation that symbolizes ordinary commemoration, there is still a lot of power left. This power will take a long time to be consumed.

I don’t know how long it will take until it dies.

During this period, dogs began to come into contact with some outside humans, and seemed to have a way to recover the other half's symbols earlier.

The wolf doesn't matter.

However, Wolf also found a turning point in his ordinary life in the days that followed.

A human baby who was abandoned to the wilderness from nowhere.

At that time, all nearby humans had perished, and it had no idea where the baby came from.

Perhaps it was remembering the time it had spent with humans, so it took it away by mistake.

It's not about eating him. After all, he's so small, has such a small amount of meat, and has no special energy. He'd feel uncomfortable eating it.

It raises this human child.

The milk was obtained from other wolf-type monsters during the breeding period, knocking them unconscious and then carrying their own cubs up to suck the milk.

It followed the way humans took care of babies that it saw when it stayed in a human village, and carefully lived a life of raising children.

As time went by, the child gradually grew up, probably because he had been eating high-quality monster flesh and blood, and he grew very healthy, and his body was far from comparable to that of a normal human being.

Because of the difference in body structure, it took a lot of effort to teach him to hunt on his own. The wolf obviously didn't understand how humans teach children to hunt, so he could only study it himself and help him adjust his movements.

The child grows well and gradually becomes able to kill various small prey on his own, gaining the ability to survive independently.

The only thing that makes the wolf helpless is that it often barks in front of children because it follows its habit.

The child's last cry was exactly like a dog's bark.

Although the child has grown up, the wolf does not intend to let the child become independent directly.

There are still many powerful monsters around. Even if a human has a strange growth experience, he still has his limits. It is easy for him to get into trouble when encountering difficult monsters.

Either he will die of old age, or this child will break through the boundaries of evolution and become a humanoid monster, otherwise the wolf intends to carry him along forever.

However, after a long time, the wolf realized that this was a bad move.

When one day, the wolf found that his body's reaction began to slow down, he did not relax as he imagined, but panicked.

The child has not yet reached the point of evolution. If it leaves like this, who will take care of the child?

This worry is deepening as the wolf's condition declines.

Until one day, the dog found it.

After letting the wolf live its own life, the dog did not interfere with its life for a long time, but it came at that time.

It proposed a deal.

Let the child raised by the wolf become the canine god's descending vessel and exist as a half-body, so that the child can forcefully break through the evolutionary node and step into the ranks of monsters.

The dog wants to restart the evolutionary struggle, re-launch a symbol of infinite evolution, and then complete itself.

It was very difficult to cultivate the divine vessel, and the humans who came into contact with it had made no progress, but at this time it remembered that the child raised by wolves seemed to be an excellent choice.

After becoming a divine vessel, until the beginning of the struggle, that child can have a long life to enjoy, which is far better than what he can live as an ordinary person.

All you have to pay is to be swallowed by a dog at the end of the road of struggle one day in the distant future.

A sincere transaction.

After hesitating, the wolf still did not refuse.

However, it makes modifications to the canine divine descending ritual.

What came into that child's body could not be the incarnation of the power of the Dog of the End, but an ordinary wolf.

The dog also won't refuse the offer.

The remaining power of the wolf is not much, but it is completely enough for mortal things, enough to support the container until the end of the struggle. In this way, it can not only cultivate new symbols of evolution to complete itself, but even more Furthermore, the container is used as a medium to absorb back the alien symbol of the wolf, which is better than nothing.

So the group of humans, who were accompanied by dogs, took the child away, and the wolf let them go in the process.

Finally, at the moment when the child's descent ceremony begins, it becomes one with the child as the incarnation of the dog.

In this way, it and him can spend the rest of their lives together.

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